Cityscape 1995-03 ■■o rinn n, ®I®I11® ••� ®■®I� Vol. XIII No. 3 The Official Newsletter of Tigard March 1995 Mayor's Corner 130th Avenue/Winterlake Homeless in Tigard? The water we drink and use daily is often Drive Connection Project On August 23, 1994, the City Council taken for granted. If we consider the proc- Meeting created a Task Force to study issues of ess involved between the time water is hornelessness in the community. Mem- pulled from its source until we open our February 27, 1995 bers of the Task Force included repre- faucets, we can better understand the 7:00 PM sentatives from local churches, the costs involved. Water is taken from a well Chamber of Commerce, downtown or a local river, it is made potable through Conestoga School Commons businesses, the Tigard Police Depart- a treatment facility, and then it travels 20 12250 SW Conestoga Drive ment and City Council. to 100 miles through piping before it Beaverton On November 22, 1994 the Task Force reaches our businesses and homes. The preliminary engineering phase of presented its recommendations to the Historically, the City of Tigard and the sur- the design of the 130th Avenue/Winter- City Council for adoption. The recom- rounding areas served by the Tigard area lake Drive connection has been com- mendations are summarized below: water district have relied on water from pleted. At this meeting the design team will be discussing the alternatives avail- ■ Adopt a severe weather policy to other cities. We have purchased their sur g help provide such shelter on an plus water. Unfortunately, due to 20 years able for the connection and presenting emergency basis. of growth in the metropolitan area as well their recommendations. The meeting is as additional federal regulations for a high- open to the public. ■ Facilitate an effort to educate the er water quality, we are now experiencing public about the problem and what a water shortage in the Portland metro- FamilyS a 'hetti Banquet the community can do to assist the p g q homeless. politan area. 1 ■ Facilitate the formation of an action The City of Tigard must look for and find a oriented task force in eastern Wash- source for its water for the next 20 years. `� ti'" ington County to site and equip a There are numerous options available, all A� permanent shelter. of which have a financial impact on Our '�irk� Jr v ' � < _ Long Range The eastern Washington monthly water bill. The City Council and '° tt �'° county Task Force should facilitate the staff will contribute many hours in an ef- establishment of a detoxification center. fort to locate the most: cost effective March 8, 1995 source of water for the citizens and busi- Dinner served: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. In the next CITYSCAPE —a progress re- nesses of Tigard. As the Council gets closer Tigard High School port on these recommendations. to identifying that source, we will con 9000 SW Durham tinue to communicate with the citizens of Tigard by providing current information Adults$5.00 ��r� ��� Page... Children (under 12) $3.00 • CIT Agendas for March about our decisions. Benefitting Doernbecher Children's • Spring into Books at the X Hospital Library For More Info call 684-6573 . Safety Town! James Nicoli, Mayor . e ® -ki CIT Gracoroote Neighborhood-Based B � SOUTH TIGARD WEST TIGARD RESIDENTS, PROPERTY AND BUSINESS COMMUNITY! OWNERS!! CITIZENS, BUSINESS AND PROPERTY When: Wednesday, March 1, 1995 OWNERS! 7:00 to 9:00 pan When: Tuesday, March 7, 1995 Where: Tigard High School Cafeteria 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. 9000 SW Durham Road Where: Mary Woodward, 12325 SW (Catherine Street m Metro Greenspaces—How is Tigard Affected? ® Wetland Review Mitigation Plans— ® Updates: What would you like to see done in the Summer Creek/Summer Lake area? tt 99W tt Hall Blvd./Sattler Intersection Metro Greenspaces tt Hall Blvd. Speed tt Crosswalk @ 79th & Durham CENTRAL TIGARD EAST TIGARD! PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OWNERS! PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OWNERS! RESIDENTS!! RESIDENTS!! When: Thursday, March 2, 1995 When: Wednesday, March 8, 1995 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Where: Fowler Middle School Where: Tigard City mall 10865 SW Walnut 13125 SW Mall Blvd. ® Yard Debris Recycling— How to ® Metro Greenspaces communicate our feedback. ■ Homeless in Tigard? ® Metro Greenspaces—What are the ® Updates: Plans? ® Updates: tt Tri County Project tt tt Gang activity in Tigard Litigation—Who Pays? ti Neighborhood Watch tt Disaster Planning - Are You Prepared? -2 - Mu5ie at the Library Spring Into Books at the Ubmry Think you might like classical music, but Forn ily 5torytime Toddler Tirne you are put off by snobby radio an- This program closely resembles pre- A book-based, high-interaction program nouncers and friends who know the Li- school storytime and offers the whole for tots (ages 24-36 months) and their brary of Congress spelling of family the opportunity to share the parents. Groups of 15 tots and their ac- Tchaikovsky? (It's Chaikovskii, by the rnagic of books together! Special guests companying grownups meet at the Li- way.)Then TUTTI (Too-tee) magazine is from time to time will add a wonderful brary once a week for seven weeks of for you. Written in the style of PEOPLE variety to the evening. NO SIGN UP IS FUN! We'll share books, songs, finger- Magazine, TUTTI tells you about a com- REQUIRED. Spring program starts plays and exciting activities. REGiSTRA- poser, his life, music, friends, and mod- Wednesday April 5 at 7:00 p.m. and TION IS REQUIRED. SIGN UP BEGINS ern-day performers of his music. Better runs through May 17. Friday, March 3. PROGRAMS START yet, it comes with a CD that contains Wednesday March 15 and run through complete performances of some of the Preschool Croft Doy May 3. Program times will be 9:30 and composer's best works, played by to- Another Craft Time added. Choose the 10:30. day's top performers. best time for you. Preschool Storytin,e NOT FOR CHILDREN! Classical com- Projects will be geared for ages 3 to 6. Our book-based program for children posers were the rock stars of their time, Programs start Tuesday April 4 through ages 3 to 6 includes songs and move- and their lives were as sordid and scan- May 16. Craft Times will be 9:30 to aa est along with some really great story- dal-filled as today's musicians. The first 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. telling! Programs start Wednesday April edition, MOZART, has articles on NO SIGN UP REQUIRED. Grown ups � Mozart's letters, which reveal a fascina- and their kids are invited to come and 5 at 1:00 p.m. and Thursday April 6 at 10:30 a.m. NO SIGN UP REQUIRED. tion with people's backsides. So before get rnessy on Craft Day. Storytirne runs through May 18. you check it out, check it out! Announcing Tigard Safety Town 4i(OUIRE INVITE®! It's tirne to sign up for this year's Tigard phone numbers and insurance policy 9 Safety Town classes. The annual Safety numbers. The registration fee is $35.00 u Town uses speakers, puppets, films, art, per child but when a parent is register- music and hands-on activities to teach ing a second child, the cost is reduced Q safety issues to children. The children to $30.00. Again this year, Safety Town 7Cya�d pcceeic L�c�iaacy we& last a learn about bicycle, pedestrian, home, will be offering a limited number of wd4 Zee & school, boat, fire, car and personal scholarships to those who need assis- safety. Children must be at least four (4) tance. �rc[dta�d°sc-�oale years old by January 1, 1995 to attend Safety Town will be held July 10the two week course. Bicycle helmets through July 21 and July 24 through Au- 2:30 ea e4e Rcce& Raacsc will be required this year to drive the r gust 4 at Mary Woodward Elementary o cars. School. Morning sessions run from 9:15 This year's registration is one day only, and 11:15 a.m. Afternoon sessions run April 8. It will be held at the Tigard City between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. We will Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Registration be relying on parent volunteers this There is music for everyone from this will be open to City of Tigard residents year, so be prepared to sign up for cut- energetic folk duo. Combining guitar, and to those who reside within Tigard ting out fire engines, taking pictures, autoharp and mandolin with vocal har- School District boundaries, starting at etc. Sign up sheets will be available at monies, this couple sings a variety of 8:30 a.m. If space is available, others registration. For more information, con- traditional and contemporary folk may register after 9:15 a.m. tact Shelia at 620-3781 or Heidi at 590_- songs. Parents or legal guardian must be pre- 4113. o You won't want to miss hearing Les and sent to register his/her child(ren). Be STOP Gwen.� prepared to provide proof of address, • Everyone is welcome. We look medical information, doctor and dentist forward to seeing you here. - 3 - A new, regular feature for future Cityscapes will be a summary recap of the previous month's Council meetings. Here is a review of the highlights for January 1995: a Oaths of Office. Mayor Nicoli and would like to meet with the widening of Burnham Street at the Councilors Bob Rohlf and Ken Metzger Park Advisory Board to get Main Street intersection. Scheckla were sworn in to serve acquainted and discuss issues. four-year terms a Tigar�� le. After public hearing E3 Main Street Improvements. Council was conducted, Council approved o Council President. Councilor Paul authorized the City Engineer to a motion TO WITI-IDRAW a Com- Hunt was elected to serve as Coun- proceed with pavement reconstruc- prehensive Plan Amendment and cil President tion on Main Street. Because of this Zone Change. In the future. Coun- action, Main Street can be done as cil will discuss transportation issues a Metzger Park Local Improvement one project from the bridge to and design standards for develop- District Council decided they Scoffins Street. Also included is the ment in the Triangle. Coming up: ■ Speed Bumps - New ■ Joint Meeting with ■ Undergrounding of ■ Customer Service designs have been Tigard-Tualatin School Utilities- Review City's Proposals - Review staff's successfully used in other District Board - Discuss policy that utilities must be recommendation for communities to resolve City's youth services goal, undergrounded or funds changes in utility billing traffic problems; Council legislative matters, funding set aside for future process. will review whether this is issues, pedestrian/traffic Undergrounding for new something Tigard would safety, and other items of construction or major like to test. mutual interest. renovation work. For additional information or if you have any questions about any of the items listed above, please contact City Recorder Cathy Wheatley at 639-4171, X309. A copy of Council packet information can be found at the Library for the last year. Audio tape record- ings of meetings as well as video recordings of most meetings are also available at the Library. CoMMLAv1it� GaIeVAJCkv, All meetings at Tigard City Hall — 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, unless noted. The Tigard City Council meetings City Council: Library Board: Intergovernmental are cablecast live at 7:30 pm on March 19*, 21, 28* 2nd Thurs., 7:00 pm Water Board the second and fourth Tuesday of Aril 11*, 18, 25* 2nd &4th Wed., 5:30 m the month on Channel 27. p Planning Commission: P Replays air at 10:00 am on the - 6:30 pm unless otherwise 1st&3rd Mon. after 1st Tigard Water Bldg. second and fourth Friday and at posted Sun., 7:30 pin 8777 SW Burnham 6:00 pm on the second and *Cableeast Meeting fourth Thursday on Ch. 21. Paid for by: CITY OF TIGARD BULK RATE 13125 SW HALL BLVD. CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT TIGARD, OREGON 97223 U.S. POS'T'AGE PAID CITY OF TIGARD (503) 639-4171 PERMIT 2528 OREGON FAX No. 684-7297 PORTLAND, OR POSTAL CUSTOMER