Cityscape 1995-04 i
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mom MEMO k
Vol.XIII No.4 The Official Newsletter of Tigard April 1995
Mayor's corner Tree task force Triangle plan
Roads to benefit us all After meeting for two months,the The City Council directed staff to
In two months,the residents of Wash- Tree Task Force presented its recom- make the necessary changes to allow
ington County will be asked to con- mendations to the City Council on commercial development in areas in
sider the continuation of the Major February 28.This group proposes a the Triangle designated low density
Streets Transportation Improvement tree protection plan that: residential.Council also requested
Program (MSTIP 3).The MSTIP 1 that staff develop design standards
■ requires a tree removal permit on
and 2-projects upgraded many of our sensitive lands(lands with steep for that area to insure high quality de-
major collectors and arterials in slopes,within a stream corridor, velopment.
Washington County including sev- or within a wetland area); 1 t
This process should be completed in
eral in the City of Tigard. r
■ requires as part of the develop- seven to ten months,depending on
City staff and Council have worked ment process a tree plan with he difficulties that may be encountered.
with the other cities and Washington goal of no net tree loss; Council has suggested joint Coun-
County to select projects to reduce ■ identifies significant trees.These cil/Planning Commission meetings
traffic congestion and make our trees would be protected during to speed up the process.
streets safer.Several of the projects development.At other times,the The first step is to complete a trans-
also include pedestrian and bikepath City would offer incentives for portation study to see if the road sys-
improvements. protection at the discretion of the
property owner. tem can support the land use
For the 28 proposed projects,the tax changes.
rate will be kept at about the same ■ uses the Goal 5 process and acqui-
sition to protect trees in natural This required study should be done
level as the first two MSTIP projects. by the end of April atwhicli time the
This program has greatly benefitted areas;
the community as well as the entire ■ explores the possibility of a Tree Council will review the findings and
county. City USA designation.This staff recommendations.
would require the City to protect For additional information,call Carol
If you have questions regarding any trees on public land. Landsman at 639-4171.
of the projects,please contact the
City staff is drafting code amend-
Planning or Engineering Department
at City Hall.This program deserves ments for task force review.
your attention. The Task Force meetings are open to
the public.The final recommend'a-
+ tions of the Task Force will be consid- Turn t.1'Le page...
ered by City Council at a public CIT Agendas for April
meeting.Your comments are ehcour- . Life's-Little Mysteries
aged.For further information,call
James Nicoli,Mayor
Dick Bewersdorff or Carol Landsman • Spring Cleaning
at 639-4171.
• : 1 . ®1 /
Graoorooto Neighborhood-Based LA
When: Wednesday,April 5, 1995 When: Tuesday,April 4, 1995
7:00 to 9:00 PM 7:00 - 9:00 Prot
Where: Tigard High School Cafeteria Where: Mary Woodward,
9000 SW Durham Road 12325 SW Katherine Street
■ Update: ■ Update:
tt Hall Blvd./Sattler Intersection tt Parks subcommittee
When: Thursday, April 6, 1995 When: Wednesday,April 12, 1995
7:00 to 9:00 PM 7:00 to 9:00 Prot
Where: Fowler Middle School Where: Tigard City Hall
10865 SW Walnut 13125 SW Hall Blvd.
■ Update: ® Townhouses —A proposed amendment
ti Recycling to the Zoning Code
Capital improvement program update Speed bumps on public streets?
At the April meetings,the CIT members will review the The City Council is considering a test program for speed
capital improvement program and may suggest bumps on selected residential streets.The speed bumps
changes or additions to the program. design would be similar to the design used in Portland
and other cities.The bumps are to be installed on three
The City adopted a capital improvement program(CIP) or four streets in 1995 on a trial basis.
showing the tentative schedule for funding of capital
improvements over the next seven years.The CIP in- Each CIT was invited to norninate a street to be consid-
cludes projects for improvements to streets, trails,parks ered for the speed bump test program.Discussion is
and utilities. scheduled on the April CIT agenda. If you would like to
know more about this program,plan to attend our CIT
Is there a project you would like to see funded?If so, meeting in April. P g P y
plan to attend the April meeting of your CIT and par-
ticipate in the discussion of priorities. Background material was provided at the March CIT
Background material was provided at the March CIT
meeting. For a copy,contact the Engineering Depart-
meeting.If you need a copy,contact the Engineering ment at 639-4171.
Department at 639-4171.
- 2- Y
Spring 1995 Classes and Fun Mobile Adventures For All Ages
Sponsored by: Recreation Round-Up, Inc. (503) 685-9613
*Registration begin March 22, 1995. Registration information and form is enclosed.
BA//E Clowning Around
Participants will learn to enhance and develop their
artistic talents. Instructor: Karina Nagl, has many (8-12 years)
years professional training, she performs and This three week class will cover the basic skills in
animals and
choreographs in local theaters and has extensive clowning: face painting, balloon .
juggling. Join your friends in having fun and
teaching experience. clowning around.
G#24 Thurs., 4-5 p.m., April 13-27 (3 sess.),
Instructor: Mary Pat Booth "Empee the Dancing
Clown", Tigard Senior Center, Fee: $15
Pre-Ba//et (4& 5 yrs.)
The perfect class to introduce the younger child to
ballet. Musicality, technique and personal
expression are taught at a pace which children To Busy To Cook
catch on quickly. On a hectic day, when everyone is going in
B#10 Mon., 4-5 p.m., April 3 - May 22, different directions and it is difficult to feed a family
(8 sessions), Tigard Senior Center, Fee: $38 well, what is a cook to do? Here is a class that will
provide you with several ideas for nutritious,
Ba//et- Beginning(6-8 years) economical and easy to prepare meals. Topics will
Emphasis on correct placement of body, musicality included, menu planning, emergency meal planning,
and personal expression are taught. time management and recipe sampling.
B#11 Mon., 5-6 p.m., April 3 - May 22, G#25 Wed., 7-9 p.m., April 26, Tigard Senior
(8 sessions), Tigard Senior Center, Fee: $38 Center, Instructor: Yolanda McVicker, Fee: $8
Jazz Dance (12-16 years) Frugal .Outdoor Fun
This is class is designed for teenagers to exercise, Learn to enjoy the beautiful country in the Pacific
learn dance steps and moves, build friendships and Northwest without spending a lot to get out there.
exhibit personal expression. You will learn about where to go to get supplies,
B#12, Mon., 6-7 p.m., April 3 - May 22, how to make some equipment yourself, basic camp
(8 sessions), Tigard Senior Center, Fee: $38 stove cooking, where to go in the Pacific Northwest
and how to keep it frugal. Basic hits included.
G#26 Thurs., 7-9:30 p.m., May 18, Tigard Senior
Decorative Wall .Painting Center, Instructor: Yolanda McVicker and Al
Put on your old paint clothes and join the class in Hausatter, Fee: $6.50
learning and practicing different wall painting
techniques including: sponge painting, rag rolling Intimate Gardens
and stenciling. Bring to class- rubber gloves, 2 This class will cover the basic principles of planning
paint brush and cardboard boxes (to practice on). a small garden, how to choose plants and create
G#20 Thurs., 7-9 p.m., April 13, Tigard Senior character. Variety, seclusion and how to make a
Center, Instructor: Jeannie Braun, Owner of Color small plot appear larger will also be discussed.
Creations, Fee: $13, includes class supplies. Instructor; debe holland is a Landscape Designer
G#21 Thurs., 7-9 p.m., April 27, Tigard Senior and Consultant.
G#27 Tues, April 25, 7-9 p.m., Tigard Senior
Center, Instructor: Jeannie Braun, Owner of Color Center, Instructor: debe holland & Assoc., Fee: $8
Creations, Fee: $13, includes class supplies.
Air and Sea Museums
(503) 685-9613 Sunday, April 23
If you enjoy nostalgic aircraft and naval vessels, .......
this day is for you! Our first stop will be the Naval
Air Station - WWII Blimp Hangar in Tillamook. After
lunch at Moe's Seafood Restaurant, we will visit
the Columbia River Maritime Museum in Astoria
FM#22 Sun., April 23, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., departs
from the Tigard Library, Fee: $28, includes
transportation and museum admission costs. Lunch
is at your own expense.
Kite Festival
Sat., April 29
Watch, experience and celebrate the freedom of
expression while the kites fly above the Oregon
coast at Cannon Beach. Music, individual and team
O competitive routines are all part of this colorful
festival. Children under 12yrs. of age must be A;1
accompanied by a paying adult.
FM#23 Sat., April 29, 9:30 a.m. 5 p.m., departs
from the Tigard Library, Fee: $16, includes
transportation. Lunch at your own expense.
Flying M Ranch
Friday, April 7
(21 years and-older)
ITS FRIDAY NIGHT: put on your cowboy/cowgirl Z1
hat and boots and join the fun while we all
participate t- - ate in country dance lessons. At 9 p.m. we
will enjoy a delicious western-style meal at the
Flying M Ranch Lodge (select from an assortment
of meals from the menu: chicken, steak or
A seafood e from $10-$15.
Dinner prices rang
FM#20 Fri., April 7, 5:45 p.m.- 12 midnight;
departure from the Tigard Library, Fee: $14,
,& includes transportation. All meal and drink
purchases are on your own!
Carson Hot Springs Mount Hood Scenic Railroad
Tuesday, April 11 Wed., May 3 . ..
(18 and older) (18 and older)
Ladies and gentlemen: treat yourself to a luxurious Take a ride on the scenic Mt. Hood Railroad. Built
day with a mineral bath, body wrap and a relaxing, in 1906, the train is a link between two of the
0 one-hour massage. Carson Hot Springs was first Oregon Trail's most spectacular natural wonders
discovered in 1876 and is located in Carson, WA. the inspiring Columbia River Gorge and the foothills
Men and women have separate bath houses. Bring of dramatic snow-capped Mr. Hood, the state's
. Bring a sack
a book or good hiking shoes and enjoy some highest peaklunch or you may
personal time. Lunch is at your own expense. purchase a lunch at one of the local restaurants
FM#21 Tues., April 11, 9:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; (lunch at your expense). Don't forget your camera!
departs from the Tigard Library, Fee: $55, includes FM#24 Wed., May 3, 8 a.m. 4 p.m., departs
transportation,tion, mineral bath, body wrap and one- from the Tigard Library, Fee: $39
hour massage.
-Camp and
Summer 1995 Mini
Fun Mobile Adventures
(503) 685-9613
Recreation Round-Up, Inc. will be offering
a Summer 1995 Mini-camp program and
.... ......
Fun Mobile Adventure Package at the City
of Tigard Parks. Please watch for detailed
.......... program and registration information in the
May/June 1995 Tigard Cityscape
Tigard /Tualatin School Day Out
Harts Reptile World and Swimming
Build Your Own Bird Feeder
Thursday, May 4
(3 yrs. and older)
(K-6th grade)
Come see and learn about an assortment of Bring your own hammer to class and construct your
reptiles: alligators, turtles, pythons, lizards and
own bird feeder using kits from the Wild Bird
more. After our tour and visit at the Hart's Reptile Center. At the end of class you will leave with a
World we will enjoy our sack lunch at the park, bird feeder and some seed so that you may set up
then off we go to the swimming pool. Don't forget your new bird feeder as soon as you get home,
your swimsuit, towel and a sack lunch and drink. Children 6 yrs. and younger will need assistance
FM#25 Thurs., May 4, 9:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m., from a parent.
departs from Tigard Library, Fee: $23 G#23 Sat., 9:30-10:45 a.m., May 6, Tigard Town
Hall, Fee: $7 per child, includes kit and feed.
Columbia Gorge Hotel
Maryhill Museum Of Art and Stonehenge
Sunday, May 14
Celebrate Mother's Day by enjoying the Famous
Farm Breakfast (five course meal) at the Columbia
Gorge Hotel. The Maryhill Museum of Art serves
y the Pacific Northwest as the major cultural resource
in the Columbia River Gorge. Our group will also
visit Stonehenge, the first monument in our nation
to honor the dead of World War I. The crypt is
located southwest of Stonehenge on a bluff
overlooking the river.
FM#26 Sun., May 14, 8:15 a.m. 5:45 p.m.,
::K\ departs from the Tigard Library, Fee: $53 includes,
transportation, the Famoug Farm Breakfast and *NEW* Visa/Mastercard now accepted! 14-�
;% gratuity and museums admission fees.
-Up, Inc.
Sand Sculptures at Cannon Beach Recreation Round
Sat., June 3 (503) 685-9613
(12 and older)
Watch the creation of magnificent sand sculptures
on the beach. Relax, wander-around, view the
I.-N. judging and maybe, even try creating your own Class Locations
sand sculpture. Lunch at your own expense. Tigard Senior Center
Children under 12 yrs. must be accompanied by a 8815 Omara St.
:-X paying adult.
FM#27 Sat., June 3, 9 a.m. 5 p.m., departs from
Ti & _A/_
Tigard Library Town Hall
Tigard Library, Fee: $16
13125 SW Hall Blvd.
Daytime Book Discussion Evening Book Discussion
Join a group of people who enjoy discussing Enjoy one evening per month discussing a book
selected reading material. The selection of books with fellow readers. The books are set aside at the
are decided upon by the group. Group members circulation desk for the members of the discussion
check out the discussed book from the Tigard groups to check-out.
Library. L#101 Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month,
L#100 Meets the 1st and 3rd Thurs., of each 7-9 p.m., Tigard Senior Center, Facilitator: Trudi
month, 10:30 a.m., Tigard Senior Center, Hueser, FREE.
Facilitator: Aino Kangas, FREE.
*NEW* Visa/Mastercard now accepted! --
HOW TO REGISTER (503) 685-.9613
1. Mail-In Registration:
*Begins Wednesday, March 22, 1995
*Mail your registration form and check to: Recreation Round-Up, Inc., P.O. Box 1268, Tualatin, OR 97062.
Checks are payable to: Recreation Round-Up, Inc.
2. Drop-Off Registrations At Tigard Library Circulation Desk:
*Begins, Wednesday, March 22, 1995
Recreation Round-Up, Inc. has contracted with the City of Tigard to provide a recreation/educational program in the
City of Tigard. Recreation Round-Up, Inc. welcomes Tigard residents and non-residents to register.
1. You will NOT receive a written confirmation. You will be notified if your class is filled or cancelled.
2. Pre-registration is desired; drop-in registrations are accepted if class space is available. Class fees must be paid
prior to class participation. Each class does have a class maximum, so register early. First come, first served!
3. Please plan your schedule carefully; we cannot accept responsibility for changes in your personal schedule.
4. Recreation Round-Up, Inc. reserves the right to cancel a class due to insufficient registrations or causes beyond
our control.
5. Requests for a class credit or refund must be placed in writing and received by the Recreation Round-Up, Inc.
staff five days prior to the first day of your scheduled class No refunds or credits will be granted after the class
begins. A $2 processing fee will be charged against all refunds. A $15 fee will be charged on all returned checks.
(503) 685-9613
Family Last Name: Home Phone:
Parent/Guardian's Name: Work Phone:
Address: Apt. City: Zip:
Personal Release Statement: I understand that the registered activities and services may have an element of hazard or inherent danger
and I take full responsibility for my actions and physical condition. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Recreation Round-Up, Inc. and the
City of Tigard's agents and contractual personnel from any liability, loss, cost of expense (including attorney fees, medical and ambulance costs)
that I may incur while participating in these activities. I hereby give my consent for emergency medical treatment. Participants involved in
Recreation Round-Up, Inc. sponsored programs and classes may be photographed and such photographs may be used in publicity.
Participant Signature (parent or guardian if participant is under 18 yrs.) Date
Visa/Mastercard#. Expiration Date:
Cardholder's Name: Office Use:
Return completed form and payment to: Recreation Round-Up, Inc., P.O. Box 1268, Tualatin, OR 97062
Time for spring cleaningsChange your clock,
Have you wondered where to dis- ❑ Bulky Waste Disposal Dachange your battery
pose of all those items in the garage April 22,1995 —8 AM to 2 Pm , Home fires are a serious threat to
and basement that you no longer Cost$5/vehicle.Located at Pride y6ur and your family.More°than
want? Disposal's Yard-13980 SW/Tu- 6,000 people die and over 300,000 are
Well,there are two collection events alatin/Sherwood Road,Sherwood injured each year by residential fires.
These deaths and injuries are all the
scheduled in the area that will help. The waste collected is a i/Marge, more:tragic because many of the
bulky items from your Dome,such as
❑ Household Hazardous �r could`have been avoided with a
Waste Collection Day— �, working smoke detector.
swing sets,etc.The$5 cash fee will
April 2,1995—9AM to 3 PM be collected to Delpcover the cost of Is your smoke detector on duty?
Cost:None. In the parking lot lo- disposal. ' Y Someday without warning,your life
cated at Washington Square be- and the lives of those you love may l
tween Greenburg Road and J.C. To make unloading faster for you.,
/ i depend on whether your smoke de-
Penney please load appliances tector is working.
first in your trailer or �.
The waste must be pickup since they will This year,start a lifesaving habit...
from homes;not buss- be the last to be un- when you change your cloak,
Pt loaded. change your battery.
include pesticides,c
Questions?Call Wash- If you do not have a smoke detector
tain types of paints and Questions? f
associated products, ington County Solid or your unit is not working,contact
automotive products rlil ' Waste and Recycling Tualatin Valley Fire&Rescue at 649-
and other materials that 1 at 648-8609. 8577.
are ignitable, toxic,corrosive or reac-
Life s little mysteries
(finally, a fun library program
Low interest home repair loans for grown-ups!)
Do you need financing for home re- ment,weatherization,structural re- Do the names Miss Marple,Lord Pe-
pairs,or do you know someone who pairs,exterior painting,and accessi- ter Wimsey,Sherlock Holmes and
does? bility improvements.All work must V.I.Warshawski ring a bell?How
be done by a licensed contractors. about Koko and Yum Yum,Mrs.
The Washington County Office of Murphy and Rowdy the Malamute?
Community Development offers low The program's housing rehabilitation
specialist is available to assist you in Two-legged or four-legged mystery
interest home repair loans to low and detectives come in all shapes,sizes
determining the work to be done,esti-
moderate income Washington mating the cost,arranging for con- and species and sexes.
County homeowners.Payment terms
can be designed to fit your budget, tractor bids and monitoring the work. The Tigard Public Library invites you
with,interest rates of 3%,;.5`Yo or T% The Office of Community Develop- to tackle a few mysteries.Join us at
depending on your income.Very low ment also offers a program called the library on Tuesday,April 11 at 7
income applicants may even receive Home Access and Repair for the Dis- PM for an evening of mystery.We
a deferred payment loan,with no abled and Elderly(HARDE).This will share brief synopses of five to
payment required as long as you con- program offers loans or grants of up ten mysteries,ranging from the clas-
iinue to own and occupy your home. to$2,000 for urgent repairs and acces- sics to contemporary whodunits.Test
The maximum loan amount is sibility improvements for elderly and your PI IQ and win a prize.What is
$15,000. disable homeowners. it?It's a mystery!
These loans can be used to finance For more information,call the Wash- The titles have been selected for adult
many types of necessary repairs in- ington County Office of Community readers.For more information,call
cluding roofing,plumbing,electrical Development Housing Rehabilitation the library and ask for Paula at 684-
and heating system repair or replace- Program at 648-8897. 6537.
- 3 -
Here is a review of the City Council meeting highlights for February 1995:
o Reviewed Tigard Triangle Ac- o Decided the City will not pur- low-up report is expected to be
tion Plan: Consider commercial sue island annexation ready in April
zoning and design standards
E3 Decided to ask Citizen Involve- o Approved resolution to sup-
o Considered holding Farmer's ment Teams to help select port the Major Streets Trans-
Market on City property streets to test a new speed portation Improvement
bump design Program 3 (MSTIP 3)for Wash-
} o Approved a request for a ington County
$5,000 donation to help spon- o Received a report from the
sor the Hot Air Balloon event Tree Task Force which outlined
at Cook Park in June several recommendations; a fol-
Future Review:
■ City Council Goals ■ Joint Meeting with Citizen ■ Policies and potential
Involvement Team Facilitators Municipal Code Amendments:
■ Tree Task Force and Resource Team members reimbursement districts,
recommendations undergrounding of utilities,
■ I-5/217 project planning systems
d s
■ Yard Debris Program anp y
development charges.
For additional information or if you have any questions about any of the items listed above,please contact City Recorder
Cathy Wheatley at 639-4171,X309.A copy of Council packet information can be found at the Library for the last year.
Audio tape recordings of meetings as well as video recordings of most meetings are also available at the Library.
�owlwl�vlif� Gal evlc�av�
All meetings at Tigard City Hall—13125 SW Hall Boulevard, unless noted.
The Tigard Cit/Council meetings City Council: Library Board: Intergovernmental
are eablecast live at 7:30 pin on April 11*,18,25* 2nd Thurs.,7:00 pm Water Board
the second and fourtli Tuesday of
the month on Channel 27. May 9*, 16,23* Planning Commission: 2nd&4th Wed.,5:30 pm
Replays air at 10:00 ain on the -6:30 pm unless otherwise Ist&3rd Mon.after 1st Tigard Water Bldg.
second and fourth Friday and at posted Sun.,7:30 pm 8777 SW Burnham
6:00 pm on the second and fourth *Cablecast Meeting
Thursday on Ch.21.
Paid for by:
(503) 639-4171 PERMIT 2528
OREGON. FAX No. (503) 684-7297 PORTLAND,OR