City Of Portland ~ MU164001 ~ Intellectual Property Crime Enforcement MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING
U.S. Department of Justice,Office ofJustice Programs,Bureau ofJustice Assistance
FY 2014 Intellectual Property Crime Enforcement Program Grant
Award #2015-BE-BX-0005
OAS c -- :9 33a) 1150 COT CVr1JA0+#: Mul6g001
This Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) formally establishes collaboration between the City
of Portland, Oregon Police Bureau (PPB), the Canby Police Department (Canby), Tigard Police
Department (TPD), and the Woodburn Police Department (WPD) for the purposes of the U.S.
Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) FY
2014 Intellectual Property Crime Enforcement Program Grant in order to form the Intellectual
Property Crimes Enforcement Task Force (IPCE TASK FORCE).
Goals and Objectives of IPCE TASK FORCE:
The goals of IPCE TASK FORCE are to continually collaborate to more effectively investigate
Intellectual Property Crime (IPC), prosecute violators, and seize assets.
The objectives of IPCE TASK FORCE are to follow up on leads and referrals from partner
agencies and brand protection representatives; conduct Internet research for infringing product
sale sites; conduct regular inspections of brick and mortar and flea market locations for IPC
violations; and ongoing public outreach and education opportunities to raise awareness regarding
Collaborative Relationships:
The partners named above have a working history of cooperation and coordination. The partners
have worked together on investigations and/or search warrants in their respective jurisdictions.
The partner agencies will attend the Portland area's newly created organized retail crime (ORC)
Participation in Developing the Application:
Since the inception of IPCE TASK FORCE, the partner agencies have been actively involved in
developing the underlying model of response. Specifically for this grant program, PPB met with
partners to review the status of the project and to come to an agreement regarding changes
proposed or instituted since the inception of the IPCE TASK FORCE, the content of this MOU,
and the grant proposal narrative,timeline,and budget.
Representatives Responsible for Developing and Implementing Project Activities:
Organization Representatives as of 1/7/16 Role
Portland Police Bureau Lt. James Dakin, The Lieutenant will supervise the
Detective Division dedicated PPB Sergeant, manage
the necessary administrative
functions, provide consultation
on the implementation of project,
and act as a liaison to other
bureau divisions, police bureaus,
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U.S. Department of Justice,Office of Justice Programs,Bureau of Justice Assistance
F Y 2 014 Intellectual Property Crime Enforcement Program Grant
Award #2015-BE-BX-0005
and PPB Chief of Police.
Manage the overall grant project.
Supervisory Sergeant Lead staff on implementation of
Cheryl Waddell, this project; see specific roles
White Collar Crimes Detail described in the section below.
Canby Police Department Sgt. Frank Schoenfeld Lead staff on implementation of
(CPD) this project; see specific roles
described in the section below.
Tigard Police Department Sgt. Leigh Erickson Lead staff on implementation of
(TPD) this project; see specific roles
described in the section below.
Woodburn Police Captain Jason Alexander Lead staff on implementation of
Department(WPD) this project; see specific roles
described in the section below.
Roles,Responsibilities and Resources Demonstrating Commitment to Work Together to
Achieve Stated Project Goals:
Portland Police Bureau(PPB):
PPB will participate in the IPCE TASK FORCE process and meetings with IPCE TASK
FORCE Team members through its Detective Division White Collar Crimes Detail (WCCD).
One or two WCCD Detectives will work on the IPCE TASK FORCE 25 hours per month each.
This time may be increased or decreased by the WCCD Supervisory Sergeant. The WCCD
Supervisory Sergeant will work on the IPCE TASK FORCE 15 hours per month and supervise
the detectives and administrative support personnel assigned to the IPCE TASK FORCE. The
WCCD Supervisory Sergeant will act as a liaison to other PPB units, including patrol and
detectives, and with other law enforcement agencies as needed. The PPB detectives will host a
Quarterly Intelligence Information Exchange (QIIX), which focuses on target deconfliction,
intelligence investigations,ongoing prosecutions, and best practices.
Resources Contributed: Contribution of the Detective Lieutenant time for supervision of the
IPCE TASK FORCE sergeant, attendance at the QIIX, and consultation and technical assistance.
Contribution of WCCD Supervisory Sergeant time for administrating the grant program,
supervising the WCCD detectives and the overseeing the investigations. Contribution of WCCD
detective time to conduct investigations and public outreach per the grant proposal.
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U.S. Department of Justice,Office of Justice Programs,Bureau of Justice Assistance
FY 2014 Intellectual Property Crime Enforcement Program Grant
Award #2015-BE-BX-0005
Canby Police Department (CPD):
CPD will participate in the IPCE TASK FORCE process and meetings with IPCE TASK
FORCE Team members through its Detective Division. The CPD Detective Sergeant will work
on the IPCE TASK FORCE 10 hours per month. The CPD Officer will work on the IPCE
TASK FORCE 25 hours a month. This time may be increased or decreased by the WCCD
Supervisory Sergeant. The CPD sergeant will act as a liaison to other CPD units including patrol
and detectives and with other law enforcement agencies as needed. The CPD sergeant or their
designate will attend of the QJIX meetings.
Resources Contributed: Contribution of the Canby Sergeant time for supervising the IPCE
TASK FORCE detectives and investigations per the grant proposal.
Tigard Police Department(TPD):
TPD will participate in the IPCE TASK FORCE process and meetings with IPCE TASK FORCE
Team members through its Detective Division. The TPD Detective Sergeant will work on the
IPCE TASK FORCE 10 hours per month. The assigned TPD Detectives will work on the IPCE
TASK FORCE 50 hours collectively per month. This time may be increased or decreased by the
WCCD Supervisory Sergeant. The TPD sergeant will supervise the police officers, detectives,
and administrative personnel assigned to the IPCE Task Force when the PPB WCC is not
available. The TPD sergeant will act as a liaison to other TPD units including patrol and
detectives and with other law enforcement agencies as needed. The TPD detectives and sergeant
will attend of the QJIX meetings.
Resources Contributed: Contribution of the Tigard sergeant time for supervising the IPCE TASK
FORCE detectives and investigations. Contribution of detective time to conduct investigations
and public outreach per the grant proposal.
Woodburn Police Department(WPD):
WPD will participate in the IPCE TASK FORCE process and meetings with IPCE TASK
FORCE team members through its Detective Division. The WPD sergeant will work on the
IPCE TASK FORCE 10 hours per month. The two WPD detectives will work on the IPCE
TASK FORCE 25 hours per month each. This time may be increased or decreased by the PPB
WCCD Supervisory Sergeant. The WPD sergeant will supervise the detectives and
administrative support personnel assigned to the IPCE TASK FORCE when the PPB WCCD is
not available. The WPD sergeant will act as a liaison to other WPD units including patrol and
detectives and with other law enforcement agencies as needed. The WPD sergeant, or their
designate, will attend the QIIX meetings.
Resources Contributed: Contribution of the Woodburn sergeant time for supervising the IPCE
TASK FORCE detectives and investigations. Contribution of detective time to conduct
investigations and public outreach per the grant proposal.
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U.S. Department of Justice,Office ofJusticePrograms,BureauofJusticeAssistanee
FY 2014 Intellectual Property Crime Enforcement Program Grant
COP Contract#33000150
Roles and responsibilities each organization will assume in meeting grant report
'The administrative support personnel will compile the required performance metrics for the
federal and task force reporting requirements. Partners will provide the required metrics to the
iPCE Task Force coordinator:
1. All members of the 1PC:E 'TASK FORCE will provide copies of reports, including
receipts of property seized, to the administrative support personnel in a timely manner for
each quarter.
.. Any activity not resulting in a report, i.e., public outreach and stolen checks, will be
documented in an email and sent to the administrative support personnel in a timely
mamier for each quarter.
I Overtime documentation will be documented in an email and sent to the administrative
support personnel in a timely manner for cacti quarter
No `fhird {part} Rights.
'This MOU establishes a set of aspirations and foals among the partners. It is not legally
enforceable and shall not be construed to create any legal obligation on the part of any party. It
shall not be construed to create a private right, benefit, or cause of action for or by any person
enforceable at law or equity against any partner,their officers,employees;or any other person.
We, the undersigned, as authorizing officials of the agencies listed above,have read and agree to
abide by the terms and conditions of this document and the grant proposal, Our signatures below
indicate our cormnitment on the part of our agency to work together to achieve stated project
Organization _ _ Partner Si-enature and Dare � Primed Yamej7itdei
City of Pod,Oregon
I See page 5 ! Charlie Hales/Mayor
City of Canby.Oregon P.t?z
i City of J igard,Oregon
a--44-4, LU*-e,
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U.S. Department of Justice,Office ofJusticePrograms,BureauofJusticeAssistance
FY 2014 Intellectual Property Crime Enforcement Program Grant
COP Contract#33000150
City of Woodburn,Oregon
By signing this document the City of Canby agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement, as
amended,if and when a Resolution is passed by the Canby governing body.
By signing this document the City of Tigard agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement, as
amended,if and when a Resolution is passed by the Tigard governing body.
By signing this document the City of Woodburn agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement,
as amended,if and when a Resolution is passed by the Woodburn City Council
City of Portland Ordinance#166568 authorizes the Commissioner-in-Charge of the Police
Bureau and the Chief of Police to enter into this MOU with the following addition:
The Portland Police Bureau retains the right to add or reduce law enforcement
staffing of the White Collar Crimes Detail,dependent upon organizational
demands and priorities and funding,as listed on the previous pages,which
details the number of detectives participating in the IPCE TASK FORCE
(two detectives and one sergeant).
By signing this document,the Mayor of Portland and the Portland Chief of Police agree to abide
by the terms T this agreement.
Charlie Hale Mayo � Date
c _
Lawrence P.O'Dea III,Chief of Police Date
x Apprgvedda - r�� �. Approved as to form
Agency: t Agency:
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Approved as tCt.: � �'� Approved as to form
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Date: 1! Z ��f'q Date:
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