08/19/2015 - Minutes FINAL
41 City of Tigard
Neighborhood Involvement Committee-
MEETING DATE/TIME: Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Public Works NMI Room
8777 SW Burnham St.,Tigard OR 97223
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Present: Chair Basil Christopher, Quinton Harold (Area 7), Sue Carver, Cathy Olson,Ed Hobbs
Excused: Connie Ramaekers,Beth Woodard,Jeremy Audritsh
Staff Joanne Bengtson
Visitors: Rudy Owens, Communications Strategist,Roger Gonzalez,Local Govt. Intern-West
Sue motioned to accept the June 3 meeting minutes, Cathy seconded—approved by the committee.
Rudy Owens was introduced to the group and provided a briefing on the Strategic Plan and Council's
goal to foster communication with and between residents using the NIC and the neighborhood
program. Joanne will be moving out of the staff coordinator role to work more directly with the Mayor
and Council.
Rudy asked the group for a separate meeting to get a sense of how they would like the Neighborhood
Program to run, to assess its strengths and weaknesses and gain insight on how he might work with the
NIC to tailor a program that better serves residents. Rudy would like to know what the members would
like to see if they could have a perfect program. He said he would float dates to the members and get
back to them with a meeting time.
Basil asked about the volunteer program in Tigard. Joanne responded that volunteer projects are
handled differently than when we had individual volunteer coordinators in each division. The only
department that has that now is the Library because of the massive volume of volunteer projects and
people that they manage. Volunteer projects are handled by the person needing a volunteer.We no
longer maintain an open bullpen of volunteers, but go out to find them when we need them. Rudy did
say that his list of communication goals includes outreach to everyone to let them know that we
welcome their contributions to the city.
Basil asked if census figures changed our demographic and what outreach do we provide to
demonstrate our desire to engage all demographics. Do we partner with other agencies? Joanne
Neighborhood Involvement Committee MINUTES — 8/19/15
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-718-2476 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 2
mentioned that the city is working to connect with agencies that serve populations we've been unable
to reach until now.
Rudy mentioned his quarterly faith and nonprofit meetings in the community and the good feedback
he's received.We are working at translating our material into Spanish - and Roger shared insight about
outreach methods he's working on to connect Tigard with its diverse cultural community-what types
of services are being consumed and what services they need but can't find in the city.
The city also posts flyers about their ice cream outreach events - these have been very successful in
reaching neighborhood residents and give staff a chance to hear from folks who live in the city.
Basil asked about the possibility of locating a business kiosk in the downtown near the transit center so
that when you get off the bus you have a list of businesses and nearby attractions. Joanne said that
would be a great lighter quicker cheaper program.
Who do you call when you don't know who to talk to?
Joanne said there's a general mailbox for the Webteam to take requests -if you have a question,
consider leaving a message with them or if it's easier,pick up the phone and call her!
Basil asked for a list of Tigard sites on the National Historic Register so that he might work on
planning a bike ride to the sites. Joanne shared that the information and photos are accessible
from the city website in Tigard Maps but would also send Basil a list of the sites.
Tigard Walks program is doing very well. Good number of hits on the website and more and
more people are suggesting routes for consideration.
7. ADjouRN
With no more items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Neighborhood Involvement Committee MINUTES — 8/19/15
Cityof Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-718-2476 1 www.tigard-or.gov IPage2of2