03/04/2015 - Packet Completeness Review for Boards, Commissions ' and Committee Records CITY OF TIGARD TTAC -Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee Name of Board,Commission or Committee March 4, 2015 Date of Meeting I have verified these documents are a complete copy of the official record. Joe Patton,Meeting Secretary Print Name a's P'Vq1 gnature April 2, 2015 Date City of Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee Agenda MEETING DATE/TIME: March 4, 2015 — 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Library, 2nd Floor Conf. Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd. 1. CALL TO ORDER Kevin 6:30 Welcome and Introductions 2. CONSIDER MINUTES Kevin 6:35 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Kevin 6:40 4. CHAIRPERSON'S COMMENTS / Q&A Kevin 6:45 5. TRANSPORTATION FUNDING OVERVIEW Mike, Carissa 7:00 6. PAVING FUNDING UPDATE Mike 7:30 7. SUMMER PAVING PLANS Mike 7:40 8. SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL UPDATE Mark 7:50 9. PROJECT UPDATES Mike 8:00 10. QUESTIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS Mike, Others 8:10 11. OTHER BUSINESS All 8:25 12. ADJOURNMENT Kevin 8:30 Supporting materials/handouts TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA— March 4, 2015 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 1 I:\TraniportationAdvisory Committee\2015\03 March\ttac 150304_agenda.docx CITY OF TIGARD TIGARD TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes March 4, 2015 Members Present: Kevin Watkins (Chair), Karen Hughart (Vice Chair), Benjamin Gooley,Elise Shearer, Erik Halstead,Evelyn Murphy,Mark Bogert, Stephanie McKee, Ravi Nagaraj (alternate), and Timothy Esau (alternate). Members Absent: Don Schmidt,Jennifer Stanfield, and Joseph Vasicek (alternate). Staff Present: Mike McCarthy, Streets and Transportation Sr. Project Engineer; Mark Bernard, Associate Transportation Planner; and Joe Patton, Senior Administrative Specialist. Others Present: None. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Watkins called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. The meeting was held in the Tigard Library, 2nd Floor Conference Room, at 13500 SW Hall Blvd. 2. CONSIDER MINUTES The February 4, 2015 meeting Minutes were approved. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 4. CHAIRPERSON COMMENTS Q&A Kevin distributed a planning calendar along with an article from the University of Indiana on falling federal and state gas tax revenue. It references Oregon's voluntary OReGO road user fee. He encouraged members to submit agenda items to him for incorporation into future meetings. 5. TRANSPORTATION FUNDING OVERVIEW Mike discussed the gas tax (comes from the state highway trust fund), city gas tax, transportation development tax and the street maintenance fee as well as the source, estimated annual revenues, what they are used for and the amount available for projects for each. He gave a brief overview of transportation funding acronyms, their name, allocation source and projects they help fund. 6. PAVING FUNDING UPDATE Mike noted that Council would like recommendations on methods to fund eliminating the backlog of paving projects. He will present TTAC options for a 10-year target goal requiring approximately $1 million additional funding per year. The slurry seals are doing better than anticipated. 7. SUMMER PAVING PLAN Mike presented the FY 2015-16 pavement management program. There are approximately 60 access ramps to be retrofitted at a cost of$5,000 each as part of the paving projects. Page 1 of 2 TIGA D TKANISPORTATION ADVISORY CO2NIMITTER .l. 'W i 15 S. SAFFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL UPDATE IAark Bernard announced rh-.r about 700"44 of the gram Fund rr-quest to Metro had berm approved, Activities a i 'I rd schuals continue and at.Safe }bout-S to Schaal coordima tor will be hared, 9. PROJECT UPDATES A. V,`asb.ngtof C ounry i s hoes excess bond money that can be seem on dw Famio Creek Trail. De='Li w D be provided as more nfott-orlon is mccived. B. The Gaarde/lti cDorald/E Twp lt.'.s :2 for of utility- worla underway with work un a neve waterlinc to take pl2ce wean, A more deta6ed upd2tr. -,Aill take place next monrh, C. Sma]] sidev,-alk impmvemrnus include, Spruce St. along V".eve_ i -dudu m all-way stop, N,urrh Dakom Sr- worked with a property owner for tat-oF w;av dona bon and tSen an 80 foot side%'al€ was built_ 10. QUESTIONS FROM PRMOUS MEETINGS jk. Ravi asked if th.e'1 TAC Ah+-Arid address public trmmpl arta[cln near high-den-aity aa.nes. Mark Bernard wifl MOW Lip to SU it'l'raNCct can attend a 1'utury m&eting to discuss the is$00_ 8. Ravi asked a.bGut the tra[fe.Ught aigo irhm 3t the Gaarde/N1cD0n3ld/1-1Wv 99W inmrs.ect on— Mike expWrked the desiv is canrrolledd by ODOT and that it will improve rtkun s }car_ 1 Ie said TTiaanbiiizclilar issues tr, him including tEMc + irecuots #f uave.1,day, tune and otliedr pert hent info incl he will addlress it with F)(Y '_ . Ravi asRed ahmit moving prL=rry access to side st=crs ra.thcr than 1-ivT 9i9W when possible, I Cke noted tfiar jr, rhr� goal with nrw developtntsnt along roach 5treagi etutlg codes, IL OTHER BUSINESS A, The Sourhwtsr Corrid.or meeting is taking ptare at €ate Tigard 1_,i.brary on Monday. MQrch 9 at 9 a-m. 12. ADJ€ LTRNMENT Chair' atkim.; ad�ournod the meeting at R51 pm. Jo artor4 TTAC h(wrong Semeta n- A�V41 ATTEST'; Kir) Waddns,Chair Ngr of TTAC 2015 oath Date Actions/Main Points Safe Routes to School; Poving Report February 411 o rksh ap elections 'la rc,h 4th Funding overview; project updates ri �`aarde # probe revie May Gth Treffic caIming proposal June Mrd July Ist (Tentatively cancelled) September 2nd October Th November nth December ?11,1 - lx{`1)f.ICY 13riefin x) c hive )w SwicsJods kKp.lc f icir answers to fafd1ng gas tax revenue Pke 1 00 Indiam University Indiana University In-3isris V1n`T.r_q POLICY Br maa_%MLI� V L States, Peds look for ainz; ers to Wfing ,gas f ax sewn tie l @Mh;�e 2o15. Ciomtpeff coin-tem gf1LrATeuxero9m intern Annie Br ckemyre Amm ica's sygtem fGr ft=cing road oonstmetion ai r#)%epair is bivkem Gas tax mveau .is wming La beim target, rtateSq;M brejng for-C. toqpMtj t-beft Ft hwa.y farids to pay dorm debt,-and federal slAsncc Es the onlycushian maintaining a pomtiw caqh tlnw far r@ad.mIAieR in mcm states, The situation has l islabats muss the cutmtry paying clrasc attention as stutcs li'kc:Oregr n attempt to iv�roup falling 'tax revenaes by replacing tr ational gas taxes v ith ncwr methods of baneiit principle taxa-s_ But ra coat Indiana University rupeara sluuwa that*at 1 ,one in tbree Amaritams support thmse bmulit••bascd taxes.Tbe articie'-Demand for Bcn r.Fit'in s:!tan:n F.-0den c m flit. €}pinion on id miner i ng., augube6pni-annfmingruadswitbeneft- gLdKnilo� . The benefit principle,an idea that people shoo-d pay for the goods anid geMaeg they canmiTne fn propwitiuna to thea benefits rizr6ved 5=those goods and amdces,bas fmeled talk-ot uffleage user fee.%which las,=u►+n rs basurl on miles drivam In carni #,the eunwK gas tax systt-m adds an aUtOlhatic Ol rge yet the PUMP, In lndia=-it's 36,4 Cent9 Per Winn, ffidudft the 19,4 oient Feder tI gas tax. States reIy an a mix of lederaL state snd local taxes to fund their trsnsportstion costs_Indi ane iq heavi rehant-on federal fi ding_ovur q-D percent of Indiana's trarspartatim fencing mmeo from fector:fl gas tax jvvenue that is �' tl•'��I�rRiISM�� f17 11,FtiP1 Tf'"'4F_�+Yrr'�'�v'l+}�,�(�� �rn���•a�ttc,tr'�_cr,�a.k�rrirtl _�rtr_.+'Jna•r y:v*r•t_iii_Ifiwar i r�P�, �+����1� POLICY Briefings >) m-hivc 3* Sts<tes,feds Iook for answers to#'an ng gas tax revenue Page 2 of 3 aistributed bnythe Depamnent ofTransport,a6nn's 1691•1L,--;•TrustFund.The ainderoftjhe tee nuc cornea from state and local gas teres, The existing gy%m is fates itj iarrge psrt becam the fedual rate baa not beffa raised 5inm 1W3,S,iftft tHm� politicians ire WAghiVQr1 ori IXAh SidkS Elf the sisle hays tats awwY from mist"the tax. Noir,le;osktion is jet karting to make its,way to tbe.fluor as politicons 9 apple with the reality that. Uttless they W a solution.by June i, the Highway``rust Fund i ill uut Lia t'the MGM--V Gtr t-VUL.-im rsricmziniL.M. T ie Ps tax System was built im the assumption that driver&' ff**g Amerimn rwadways shr u;d pay fur read maintena,n , liwever.tht number of drivers I-n-s decreased ana f4er efficieney.is inLTqrajIg steadily every year...As a reeuJtr the fedeml and static croffmm are alrfwX dry.The ass rsn$i Budget{mice Tr f that kbsc d will e arable to lum an flits obligations in l;2wq.aad wM facea 1':!M tl; LIT shO ro ge Of:43 9(39 billion OVET the flext,10 YMM The fcdoral gmrernment brolLght thu debate to a brink Inst July when it was ford to allocate money frm ti3o general fond to lwp the Highway Trust bund operatimal, ■ At the static levan,many state's ate•kukimg at rajs*t6�r gas tax as an Dptinn instead riC a CoMplete.system mwhsul 6.aL weld favor the l n+dit par nd*stere g taxatiom, lona took thi6 approach-Starting lag S=day,tho gas tax inmeased stAtewids by-to amts. F uDs show that lc wzns are sbarp'y sp]it on their support for thb inctr sc%%itb 50 Peart Sn upPGsition,4S Pe=t in sQpPOrt MOd 2 per0ftt cut sum What is clear is the bfme5t to th. b� inose is t)rojocti3d to bring an additional sv,5 million for dty. wunty and,hate ruads- Iu][inns,the state Cbawber of Cbm neree is ffuggesting a costing mean,"Ate salm tax doElm for roads and i-ndeidng the ate gastart to ilufletiaar meowing it to irtarea&o naturally_The J[ndi General c mmiss or�ed a study due too come out this summer that will lno-kc at altesnatE fuindinJ3 r wines,ilmdud ng the rml r,user fee gy"Tkem' I nal ana University mmarchers who wnduditfd the original bertefit prittcipic study are mrrcntly woriling on new rizeamh that woks specifi lb-at the up-injaaa of tnc lana residents i o.rusponse to milmgo user feeq-Vie mults of that shady%ill mme later this,}*ar. Oregon will hurt the ooutdWs first roaduser feeprogram, ClReGD,ops°n,to VOIWELMM thiq JW , Tithevc]uutew system proveso provesuccess.the aEatre p2aos tis imTilfiment R tnaaclebe system which wi`li tcplam all taxespaid at the pump, ve-113 wM have the option to chome from a Vkri'AY of mile-Milking devices Wuoing smaa-tphone apps, trackers.that plug into the car and manuW r epor ft of the cHiume:w.Parb pants tlsm receive a bhll for their distance driwo which inclu-des an sum-mato fuel tax credit for the fees paid at the pump. Jltl addition to raieiog re 7mup,Oregon's systm will lilJy see the acid d b£nefits-ofpakikip=ts ciriiving less,which dmom S as cungestion and ars ens irunmr-mall}friendly- hf}'++411011MkH-%fa n*V e.9 -4.4+narK-, P4.P,"nn1" nP KW)WhI d1.,+-- P-A- 1 ` r r. POLICY Bricfings)� Archive )� Vi s, fcds look for answers to falling gas tax revenue- Fac 3 -af 3 Abe mad nad00A legislators sreEaWto wtdOrn'sunfold as the consicder alternate fundi4 qption& Ham,as pubicsupport fw mileage user few ne-mairk%lo w and vrganiiotiims like the Amertc2-n CI-01 Lfbet drs Union Moe prGvaey conm ,RnY change gra the nataORA I(-veli L�sure to Lie slow. Charts=fi-ern Pew D-wsfs_ Leave a Reply I-Ulfrl iag tb B!anise 1yC-f,t)Yr'WLt d tr digin n ijraati eNtyr cojl•dght complaints 1't#Mkt'+:d/VicwMiTe ;, v, u D01icv-moi Citi (if Tiprd Funds Used FGr'Transportation ESL1ana t-d Xnnu:xl AvoiUbItIot Revenue-9 IUSMIJ For plo*ts ' E TIgIreq Aare Of gas t2x " ��rlett�{ainter�oe{�e�sT r�stir� �r�� Gas Tax `�,0 cutis lon an¢vehicle nation la��u rr for streetlights �€igwi�ls; st�EC time rnLs p N ion.xrmspc�rtmon i.5.5"g; (?hila abort# 3�1�,� �# w Capiml piojects depguiod tgy TTAC- 'Patfc H-%-f/ rrdc./NIcDonald E ;Iattxsertinn 1_sa�xl]!tcsr,; CitV Gras Tax r ardws ori 3 cears per rllar, star $700 D(lo s 72-nd/D%,rt=uth St- Intersection ] ;000 miFlioat and&bc service pa)wLeisr r)f :01.5.W- annwzV for the pacific Washington CGunty Grdauwe tNuiteN Tran ortadon ,'� develo fiem lo pay 1nsed gra Meir grip a.j?itol prujeots addi.og oaFmi,��v ro ffie Develop e.nt gencf2dvn rD offset pAir of"hear impso on the F,Ot re°aiiaparrarinn syswrn(A pmvimrs vc.mon X000}000 Tax (TDlranspvrtation syat =T'qu i ev cci%W The le-es W23 called TN.) 11�nu1 For a m-rd-oprrrents M-11gard Street Faid by peopetry m:as,part of thcir utibq- - #t intenance hiIlr,$t,.B pc[month per house, � X24 0Stre�ct pm'.RR($1.99) a�td r ghr-orway so t�e-s�v Fee cornd m.aount.fox busiaoemcs ,OC�1 �mainteasace �'$Iwk) Annual Available for CapitaJ 2/91 t 5 F`trr*%fia Abou*$L2 mAtion -Efa",Portation Funding Aipbahct Soap 11/2f%/1 Acrom Nime . Coliccted From ca" By Projects in`Y"6 9.5035—72 /Dartx outh 7i,9atd's shite.of Oregon's s tt=wzde gaa tzx and ()5037—4.Z'.� y-e Side°w�a& was Tax d vebick mvstration Fees C�iI'k of Tur 97003 and.' -4117 —Maim Street Green Street] ,and 11 A'Tactis,rc1's fiwn t per gallon tax .iaf rd — '3it�enurl,. W:LSIi.niton County or#i=ce rerun es i3tvdapers co TOT Transpcartab 1?y basul on their trap 99ocration to offset cart c F their 95033 _- '���{Gaa def McDonald Development Tai art on the tans ti€n s stem;T City of'1' rd �-9n;3; _'77 1�r�r,��C� 1'0� Y r��e��r the Feirs aid for deve[ menta in T and .1.]1: Traffic Impact Fee. Freviolus vm,con oFTDT now heed phased ow C�it�n.f'f a td ')5033 -'�9 � / Mc. 95035 —72"Martmomh Reid by property owners as n our Meir vtil tv WIN; 95001 —Pav eirmnt 1�lana meat greet d� aenteraoe Feet of'Ecga.r� $5.56 3 c e,coraesporxdtr amount far bugm r."M Pro rain AjOt StEeet% 1�•I 'I' P T= parratioll Wiishtngwn County Property Ta ger '+ a� gtnrr 950 —Walnut Stmet ��!Fn" 'Ovemcint Prr atn, County 95433 —99W/C def Mc nal.cslit .t� Federal funding including Surface Transportation95041 —Durham ani] t_`pper Phones Nf'IITP Tran-sportiat on Prograin (STP)find Cungeatlart Wt gation and Air LMetro S m�� IMPEOV'Unent FtOgnM QrvAty (CMA 97003 and 97017—Maiia Strut Green _ uve I anal II Fedcr:0 C,a-nding iitcsudin��;Urfp.0.2.Transportation RPFA Regional l lexible Fuad PrOgram (S' .0nd C ongeall-on Nfitigation and Arr : llocari�,r� 1uull ty C:1��lA Nit=tECI 1'annn Creek Tr . ( } d1�1�1.TEans�az�rt�tion _ AlteMatives T STIP Statrwidc TLAtisportR60n State Funding for impro5rern-cntsF.added caixaciit�F Applilfadoo in-pta} for (;.narirDerrial `,�r ° Enhance Lm rnvcme-at p ram or additions to the trams ❑MTiCItIs stem OD T. under G ' _ I'LP' Fix- Statewide'Ttar portati t� tat pgati In f{ 1 or reF alts End safety fixes ren the — S)',) Beef Bend It Ire vernent i:r+atarCl eX1543 U= 171 C 7' ' Fiscbcrf Irtlham OTA Ozcgon.Transportat[on State bored issiue to finance tmnsporuEcm Proaccts, Inve9lCn rlt}'pct most 0'T IA f4tids have bc�cn spent �IIC?T ��}33 — �!?��G''f��_�rde� I1icl�onal C'Ott Mumaty Applttati-on for 95 dive =d N nrth CD6 Dcvelopmeat Black Fedr� funds to imPfovie lower-laco= ashh ton ries hborl ood Dakota St sidew Iks, C.raor g C:nu-nty Gamtt 5t sidrwa,fks STP SUXEce "l.Mns--Portatiion Feral Winds to 'fie used nen rnap3r roadways Fro m rttrr al or C ollec rorq 01)(-)T or Nf etra 9!5033—99W/ 'raaiaef McDonald CITY OF TIG APD :50V SubmIttai OREGON FY 2015-16 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PR RA,I Pavement Rehabilitation City weds INDEX OF SMEET6 z MnO S MPRr deeds am � � f :s �"'rtw- ,bSnYiif 7r{s tikrr�ia dD MINGWOOD CQIVE 5 L 4 7 0TH AVENUE x.rr rtiar h i5�rJnar.v...t.e�r,.a {J P4�r};a rrnvf.aPM�� rt f2-L7 4A e.? 1%,uyg ra,ar-P.1WAw w Ln 'f} a"rP•C!l FL Wor -4r-Rrkh►Y.Uren 20 rr•vgrf �2r_ G� rwyt-f4is+1•A•r�..� NORTH QAKOTda SAREV It rpk b r.Y"Arn 1 WALNUT STREET GRANT AVINUEA rs ar 5vp4W rjw v•r,KI&W aaWTA M R RV 92F83 .ear...ccs r,++e!P i�+se w�h•Y+ir•ea+r' �',�' lf��$.ia r�'4^�.Yy'}�krY�•yam^ 1�! R� fir•`us'aq iePr�asa�Ewsv Y-ill t]!-�19:�J. y rVo�r,�-ItcJ}-°W 'a �G6. iWq arlaPX SIL LI��1 ` r+Ni+S r•w elf.=p�s+nwr°r pr _ rYOLIC Pwwpmp R IJlai 1[JK.a i14 . It RL d4PPR? U foe xf1MGThDM air-�+■ . A..r���.�' WKT F PL&r"W 7e :aL m F ON 11X6. � r w