City Council Packet - 09/15/2015 • City of Tigard
TIGARD Tigard Business/Workshop Meeting—Agenda
--- -MIMMI
MEETING DATE AND TIME: September 15,2015 - 6:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard-Town Hall- 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223
Times noted are estimated.
Assistive Listening Devices are available for persons with impaired hearing and should be scheduled for
Council meetings by noon on the Monday prior to the Council meeting.Please call 503-718-2419 (voice) or
503-684-2772 (TDD -Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf).
Upon request, the City will also endeavor to arrange for the following services:
• Qualified sign language interpreters for persons with speech or hearing impairments;and
• Qualified bilingual interpreters.
Since these services must be scheduled with outside service providers,it is important to allow as much lead
time as possible. Please notify the City of your need by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the meeting by
calling: 503-639-4171, ext. 2410 (voice) or 503-684-2772 (TDD -Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf).
http://live.tigard-o r.2ov
Workshop meetings are cablecast on Tualatin Valley Community TV as follows:
Replay Schedule for Tigard City Council Workshop Meetings-Channel 28
•Every Sunday at 12 a.m.
•Every Monday at 1 p.m.
•Every Thursday at 12 p.m.
•Every Friday at 10:30 a.m,
City of Tigard
Tigard Business/Workshop Meeting—Agenda
MEETING DATE AND TIME: September 15,2015 - 6:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: City of Tigard-Town Hall- 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223
6:30 PM
•EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council may go into Executive Session. If an Executive
Session is called to order, the appropriate ORS citation will be announced identifying the applicable
statute. All discussions are confidential and those present may disclose nothing from the Session.
Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions, as provided by ORS
192.660(4),but must not disclose any information discussed. No Executive Session may be held for the
purpose of taking any final action or making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the
1. Call to Order- City Council
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items
LEAGUE TEAM 6:35 p.m. estimated time
estimated time
EASEMENT ADJACENT TO ASH AVENUE 7:30 p.m. estimated time
7:40 p.m. estimated time
(Council will attend a demonstration on the automated material handling system at the
Tigard Public Library at this time. The meeting will be adjourned from the Library.)
6. NON AGENDA ITEMS 8:10 p.m. estimated time
7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Council may go into Executive Session. If an Executive
Session is called to order, the appropriate ORS citation will be announced identifying the applicable
statute. All discussions are confidential and those present may disclose nothing from the Session.
Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions, as provided by ORS
192.660(4), but must not disclose any information discussed. No Executive Session may be held for
the purpose of taking any final action or making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to
the public.
8. ADJOURNMENT 8:15 p.m. estimated time
AIS-2345 2.
Workshop Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/15/2015
Length (in minutes): 5 Minutes
Agenda Title: Proclaim Aug/Sept Play Ball Month & Recognize Tigard/Tualatin City Little League
Majors All-Star Softball Team
Prepared For: Joanne Bengtson, City Management
Submitted By: Joanne Bengtson, City Management
Item Type: Update, Discussion, Direct Staff Meeting Type: Proclamation
Public Hearing: No Publication Date:
Should Mayor Cook proclaim August& September as Play Ball Month in Tigard and honor the
Tigard/Tualatin City Little League All-Star Softball Team for their achievements in the Little League Softball
World Series?
The Tigard/Tualatin City Little League Majors all-star softball team (ladies between the ages of 11 and 12), are
a team of 12 athletes from the Tigard and Tualatin Little League Softball teams who earned a spot in the Little
League Softball World Series. These young women played tremendously against teams from around the
world and brought to life the excitement of our national pastime.
1 r
"�I sue' S4
/. ( r��( <(( (.. r (� i ,
I t
') Whereas,Mayor Cook attended the recent United States Conference of Mayors
- (USCM)Conference where the USCM and Major League Baseball came together to
recognize August and September as Play Ball month;and
�' Whereas,during the month of August and September"Play Ball Month,"Mayors
-, across the nation are celebrating baseball with the goal of strengthening bonds l'',-•
• between families and communities with baseball through baseball-related activities; .
-•,,-_ -; and
ti Whereas, in keeping with the enjoyment to be found in our national pastime,the
1' j Tigard/Tualatin City Little League Majors(ages 11-12)All-Star Softball Team displayed �'
w ' valiant sportsmanship and great teamwork in the semi-final round of the Little League
y Softball World Series;and
Whereas,The Tigard City Council and Tigard's residents congratulate the _
,- Tigard/Tualatin City Softball team,representing Oregon District 4 and their coaching
ti�� ' staff for their exemplary play and ability to entertain and unite baseball fans of all ages
w ''.' in their world series-worthy performance!
• Abby Soderquist • Mia Carroll
• Angela Morris • Nicole Box
Ella Hoyle • Riley White
• Elli Dardis • Victoria Vanderburg
• Ellie Hollbrook `
'_w s, • Emily Harms > Steven Dardis, Manager
f • Grace Nelson " Howard Hoyle, Coach
• Jalen Perez • Steve Harms,Coach
jii , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I,John L.Cook, Mayor of the City of
---4 Tigard,Oregon,do hereby proclaim the months of August and September as,
! _;rte,
' ", in Tigard,Oregon and encourage people throughout the city to recognize the
_ influence the sport of baseball has had in teaching life lessons of teamwork, `
' P erseverance, leadership and sportsmanship to people of all ages.
F ` i-
c, - 1
s' Dated this day of ,2015 ''.4,`
'N, IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the
A City of Tigard to be affixed.
:`:lad <.'
John L. Cook, Mayor
�. , City of Tigard t i
Attest: ,t
City Recorder -
` I,t-1 1 ' • lA, }i ..7. "mot 1 ' Mfr, 1} ( ' )r—i y
AIS-2201 3.
Workshop Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/15/2015
Length (in minutes): 50 Minutes
Agenda Title: Continued Discussion on Street Maintenance Fee
Prepared For: Toby LaFrance Submitted By: Norma
Item Type: Update, Discussion, Direct Staff Meeting Type: Council
Public Hearing No
Newspaper Legal Ad Required?:
Public Hearing Publication
Date in Newspaper:
Discussion on Street Maintenance Fee working towards final recommendation.
Staff will present the proposed Street Maintenance Fee (SMF) and changes to TMC based on prior Council
direction. Staff is seeking further Council direction and next steps.
The Street Maintenance Fee (SMF) is a charge that is paid by Tigard residents and businesses on their monthly
utility bill. The fee is used primarily to fund routine maintenance of Tigard's roads through the Pavement
Management Program (PMP). In addition to the PMP, the SMF pays for $100,000 of right-of-way (ROW)
maintenance. The ROW maintenance keeps plantings and grounds around and in the medians of larger roads
in good condition. Lastly, about seven percent of the fee is used to help pay for the cost of billing the fee.
During the Council Study Sessions in January and March 2015, Council provided policy direction on key
aspects of the Street Maintenance Fee. This policy direction was aided by outreach to the community through
surveys and meetings.
Attached to this Agenda Item Summary is:
1.A report that calculates an updated SMF based on Council direction and the proposed list of projects for
the next four years.
2.Proposed changes to TMC 15.20 based upon Council direction. The proposed changes are in both a
"track changes" form and a clean proposed TMC.
Council can choose not to provide direction at this time,resulting in the current SMF being charged on the
utility bills and no increase in the goal Pavement Condition Index for the Pavement Management Program.
January 27,2015 Study Session
March 17, 2015 Workshop
Street Maintenance Fee Calculation Report
TMC 15.20 Track Change
TMC 15.20 Clean Version
Street Maintenance Fee Update — Draft
For Council Workshop September 15, 2015
The Street Maintenance Fee (SMF) is a charge that is paid by Tigard residents and businesses on their
monthly utility bill. The fee is used primarily to fund routine maintenance of Tigard's roads through the
Pavement Management Program (PMP). In addition to the PMP,the SMF pays for$100,000 of right-of-way
(ROW) maintenance. The ROLE/maintenance keeps plantings and grounds around and in the medians of
larger roads in good condition. Lastly,about seven percent of the fee is used to help pay for the cost of
billing the fee.
The SMF was last calculated in 2009 based on the 2010 PMP,once fully implemented,the fee has been
increased by an annual index. Council and staff have held meetings in January and March of 2015 to discuss
policy issues around the PMP and the SMF as well as the results of public outreach regarding the fee. At the
last meeting on March 17,2015,Council provided staff with key policy directions that permitted staff to
recalculate the SMF.
The purpose of this report is to document Council policy directions and show how they will impact the Street
Maintenance Fee.
During the Council Study Sessions in January and March 2015, Council provided policy direction on key
aspects of the Street Maintenance Fee. This policy direction was aided by outreach to the community
through surveys and meetings. The Table 1 summarizes the key decisions.
1 1 Page
Policy Area Issue Council Direction Action/Impact
Pavement The current PCI goal of the Increase the goal Tigard has a backlog of streets that are
Condition Index PMP is 72-75 per Res# 10-01. PCI to be 80-82. in poor condition and are in need of an
(PCI)goal of the The current PCI of Tigard's This is where street overlay. The cost to fix these streets is
PMP system is 70.5 per the 2014 maintenance costs about$11 million. Council directed
Annual Paving Report. are considered to be staff to add these streets on top of the
least expensive, existing program.
once the level is
ADA Sidewalk The ADA requires that Council directed TMC will be amended. The cost of the
Cuts sidewalk corner cuts be installed that TMC be PMP will include this additional
to ADA standards when work clarified to allow the requirement.
is performed on the road use of SMF dollars
adjacent to the sidewalk. TMC for work related to
is ambiguous regarding the use paving,including
of SMF for sidewalks. sidewalk corner cuts
required by federal
Split of Program TMC splits the cost of the Council directed The upcoming workplan will require a
Costs between program based on work done that the splits in larger proportion of work on Arterials
Residential and on road types. For example, TMC remain and local Commercial streets than the
Non-Residential Arterial roads are paid 38% unchanged. prior workplan. Non-Residential
Customers Residential and 62%Non- customers pay the majority of the costs
Residential. When the last for these road types. The impact of
update was performed,the maintaining the splits in TMC will be
planned work resulted in a 2/3rd an increase in the share of the program
Residential and 1/3rd Non- costs for Non-Residential customers
Residential split. and a larger fee increase than
Residential customers will bear.
Right of Way The current SMF pays for Council directed This will have no impact on Residential
Maintenance $100,000 of ROW maintenance that$50,000 be customers. Non-Residential customers
annually. This cost is entirely added annually to will see a modest increase in their SMF.
borne by Residential customers. the ROW
Since the last program was maintenance. This
calculated,Council has agreed additional cost will
to maintain ROW in be paid by Non-
commercial areas around Pacific Residential
Hwy and Main Street. No customers.
funding source has been
identified for this requirement.
Cap on Non- The current TMC caps the Council directed The TMC will need to be amended to
Residential SMF charge on Non-Residential that the cap be remove the cap on required parking
customers to 250 required removed and that spaces charged. Since the removal of
parking spaces. the additional spaces the cap is intended to create additional
charged create revenue,the Non-Residential fee will
additional revenue, be calculated as if the cap is in place.
not a lower fee.
Index The SMF is indexed and can Council agreed to No action is needed. Staff
increase by 2-7%per year. continue to index recommends applying the index to the
the fee. ROW program as well as the PMP.
2 1Pagc
Tigard's streets that are maintained by the Pavement Management Program are divided into four categories.
The cost of maintaining each category is divided between Residential and Non-Residential Customers by
TMC 15.20.050. The allocation is as follows in Table 2
Street Type Residential Share Non-Residential Share
Arterial 38% 62%
-- - -------- -----------------__... - ---- ----------- ------- ----------------
Collector 50% 50%
Local Commercial 0% 100%
Local Residential 100% 0%
Staff has assembled the next four years of the PMP for 2016-2019: The list of projects at the existing
program level is in Appendix A of this report The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) adopted by Council
as part of the FY2016 Budget includes $8,100,000 of PMP projects for 2016-2019. The list of projects in
Appendix A is consistent with the adopted CIP with $8,068,000 in projects for the same four year period.
When the fee was last calculated, the largest category of street work was in the Local Residential. This was
largely responsible for the overall program resulting in Residential customers paying for 67°ro of the PMP
through the fees. The projects in Appendix A reflect the need to work on Tigard's arterial roads. The result
is that the Non-Residential customers will take on a larger share of the program,approximately 42%. Table 3
shows the share of the program by road type and the resulting customer shares for the program calculated in
2010 and the new program starting in 2016. The shift from Local Residential streets to Arterial roads is in
Road Type 2010-%of Cost 2016—%of Cost
Arterial 27% 44% _ _
Collector 24% 23°'o
Local Commercial 1 6"0 5°'0
Local Residential 43% 28°0
Residential Share 67% 580'0
Non-Residential 33°/o 42%
Under the current program,the SMF pays for two other cost centers. First, the fee pays for$100,000 in
ROW maintenance. Second,the fee pays the proportionate share for the cost of billing,which can vary
slightly by year and is about 7%of the cost of the program. Table 4 displays each of the costs centers in the
current program supported by the SMF. Each of the cost centers are allocated to the customer types to
determine the cost share for each customer category. Those costs are then divided by the number of units in
each category: residences for Residential customers and required parking for Non-Residential customers.
3 I P ;<
This is done to derive the Street Maintenance Fee that would be calculated without any change in policy or
Cost Center 4-year Cost % $ S
Arterial 3,512,000 38% 1,334,600 62% 2,177,400
Collector 1,863,000 50% 931,500 50% 931,500
Commercial 424,000 0% - 100% 424,000
Residential 2,269,000 100% 2,269,000 0% -
Current Residential 431,100 100% 431,100 0% -
ROW Maintenance
Billing(7%) 564,800 58% 330,000 42% 234,800
Total 9,063,900 58% 5,296,200 42% 3,767,700
Annual Average 1,324,050 941,925
Units Residences 20,813 Required 39,723
Fee For Current $5.30 $1.98
Pavement Program
The current Street Maintenance Fee is $6.12 per month per residential unit for residential customers and
$1.38 per month per required parking space for non-residential customers. While the cost of the 4-year
program is the same as anticipated under the current fee,the redistribution of the projects needed in the next
four years from residential streets to arterial roads results in a decrease of$0.82 in the residential SMF and an
increase of$0.60 for non-residential SMF.
As stated in Table 1, Council is setting a goal for the PMP to bring the city's PCI up to 80-82. This will be
accomplished by addressing a backlog of streets in need of repair that the current funding level supported by
the SMF cannot address. The plan is to address the approximately$11 million in backlog projects over the
next ten years. Appendix B has the list of all the PMP projects that would be completed as part of the
current service level plus the backlog projects. In Appendix B, the added backlog projects are highlighted.
Table 5 shows the cost of the backlog projects only when allocated to the street classifications. The resulting
SMF calculation is the amount that would need to be added to the fee for the current program calculated in
Table 4.
41 Page
Cost Center 4-year Cost % $ "i S
Arterial - 38°° - 62% -
Collector 203,000 50% 101,500 50% 101,500
Commercial 1,074,000 0% - 100% 1,074,000
Residential 2,254,000 100% 2,254,000 0% -
Billing(7%) 247,100 67% 164,800 33% 82,300
Total 3,778,100 67% 2,520,300 33% 1,257,800
Annual Average 630,075 314,450
Units Residences 20,813 Required 39,723
Fee For Additional $2.52 $0.66
Backlog Projects
As shown in Table 5,the majority of the backlog streets are local streets for commercial and residential areas.
The result is that the share of the costs is 67%paid by residential customers and 33%paid by non-residential
customers. The fees calculated at the end of Table 5 will be in addition to the fees for the current program
level calculated in Table 4.
As stated in Table 1,Council has directed that the ROW maintenance program be expanded. Currently, the
ROW maintenance program is$100,000 annually and is paid entirely by residential customers. Since the
program was implemented in 2010,Tigard has placed an emphasis on beautifying roadways in commercial
areas. This beautification includes requiring ODOT to place planted medians in Pacific Hwy and
improvements along Main Street in Downtown Tigard. At this point,Council is recommending expanding
the ROW maintenance program by$50,000 annually to be paid by non-residential customers. Residential
customers will continue to pay for the current$100,000 annually. Table 6 displays the impact of the
additional ROW maintenance on the calculation of the SMF. Under the new program,it is anticipated that
the ROW maintenance will increase annually by the index with the other cost centers.
Cost Center 4-year Cost % $ %
Proposed Commercial 215,500 0% - 100% 215,500
Billing(7%) 15,200 0% - 100% 15,200
Total 230,700 0% - 100% 230,700
Annual Average - 57,675
Units Residences 20,813.00 Required 39,723.00
Fee For Additional $0.00 $0.12
ROW Maintenance
5 I Page
The prior section calculated the impact of on the Street Maintenance Fee for various components: current
program level,adding backlog projects,and adding right-of-way maintenance in commercial areas. During
the study sessions in January and March,staff informed Council that it was likely that the cost share for the
current program level would likely shift toward the non-residential rate payers based upon the list of
upcoming needed projects,but the extent of the shift was unknown at the time of the study sessions. Staff
advised Council that addressing the backlog of streets to bring the PCI up to the goal area of 80-82 will add
about 50%to the overall program costs and the fee calculation. Lastly,staff stated that the ROW
maintenance would create a modest increase in the fee paid by non-residential customers.
Components of SMF Residential Non-Residential
Fee $ Change % Change Fee $ Change % Change
Current SMF From $6.12 $1.38
2010 PMP
Proposed Fees Based on 2016-2019 PMP and Policy Changes
Current Pavement $5.30 -$0.82 -13% $1.98 $0.60 43%
Program Level
Backlog Pavement $2.52 $2.52 41% $0.66 $0.66 48%
Proposed ROW $0.00 $0.00 0% $0.12 $0.12 9%
Total Proposed Street $7.82 $1.70 28% $2.76 $1.38 100%
Maintenance Fee
Based upon Council policy direction and the work of the PMP shifting from residential streets to arterial
roads,the SMF will increase by 28% for residential customers and 100% for non-residential customers.
6 1 Page
2016 Paving and Maintenance Plan
Pavement overlays unless stated otherwise
Total %of
Street From o Classification Costa Cost Total
Upper Boones
Ferry 72nd Ave I-5 Interchange Arterial $187,000
72nd Ave City Limits Durham Rd Arterial $124,000
72nd Ave Hwy 99W 500'South Arterial $40,000
Bonita Rd 76th Ave I-Tall Blvd Arterial $293,000
Walnut St 116th 122nd Arterial $183,000
Gaarde St Dr Walnut St Arterial $115,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $50,000
Arterial Total $992,000 54.5%
Dartmouth St Atlanta St Hwy 99\X' Collector $49,000
121st Ave Tippitt Ann Collector $133,000
78th Ave Hwy 99W Pfaffle Collector $40,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $30,000
Collector Total $252,000 13.9%
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $15,000
Commercial Local $15,000 0.8%
Slurry Seals on Residential
Streets $360,000
Crack Seals on residential streets $200,000
Residential Total $560,000 30.8%
2016 Total $1,819,000
7II' ;
2017 Paving and Maintenance Plan
Pavement overla s unless stated otherwise
Total % of
Classification Cost Total
Greenburg Rd Hwy 217 Center St Arterial $686,000
Durham Rd Hall Blvd Summerfield Dr Arterial $580,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $50,000
Arterial Total $1,316,000 67%
Tiedeman Ave Rd RR Tracks Collector $54,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $30,000
Collector Total $84,000 4%
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $15,000
Commercial Local Total $15,000 1%
Slurry Seals on Residential
Streets $400,000
Crack Seals on residential streets $150,000
Residential Total $550,000 28%o
2017 Total $1,965,000
8 I Page
2018 Paving and Maintenance Plan
Pavement overla s unless stated otherwise
Total %of
Stre °` ssification•Cost Cost Total
72nd Ave Fir Beveland Arterial $160,000
Gaarde 110th 123rd Terr Arterial $441,000
72nd Ave Baylor 500'South of 99W Arterial $111,000
Upper Boones Ferry
72nd Ave Durham Rd Rd Arterial $150,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $40,000
Arterial Total $902,000 43%
121st Ave Ann Springwood Collector $274,000
121st Ave Gaarde St Whistlers Lp (North) Collector $96,000
Hunziker St 72nd 100'West Collector $64,000
Tiedeman Ave Walnut St Meadow St Collector $157,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $25,000
Collector Total $616,000 30%
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $15,000
Commercial Local Total $15,000 1%
Slurry Seals on Residential
Streets $400,000
Crack Seals on residential streets $150,000
Residential Total $550,000 26%
2018 Total $2,083,000
9 1 Page
2019 Paving and Maintenance Plan
Pavement overla s unless stated otherwise }}
inimiClassificati! Cost
Gaarde St 123rd Terr Greenfield Dr Arterial $262,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $40,000
Arterial Total $302,000 14%
135th Ave Walnut St Scholls Ferry Rd Collector $375,000
68th Pkwy Haines St Hwy 99W Collector $207,000
Locust St Greenburg Hall Collector $304,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $25,000
Collector Total $911,000 41%
Tigard St Main St Tiedeman Ave Commercial $260,000
Royalty Pkwy Hwy 99W Naeve St Commercial $104,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $15,000
Commercial Total $379,000 17%
North Dakota St 121st Ave 115th Ave Residential $109,000
Slurry Seals on Residential
Streets $350,000
Crack Seals on residential streets $150,000
Residential Total $609,000 28%
2019 Total $2,201,000
10I P a g c
Backlog projects are highlighted in Green.
2016 Paving and Maintenance Plan
Pavement overlays unless stated otherwise
I Total %of
Street From To Class Cost Cost Total
Upper Boones
Ferry 72nd Ave I-5 Interchange Arterial $187,000
72nd Ave City Limits Durham Rd Arterial $124,000
72nd Ave Hwy 99W 500'South Arterial $40,000
Bonita Rd 76th Ave Hall Blvd Arterial $293,000
Walnut St 116th 122nd Arterial $183,000
Gaarde St Greenfield Dr Walnut St Arterial $115,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $50,000
Arterial Total $992,000 37.0%
Dartmouth St Atlanta St Hwy 99W Collector $49,000
121st Ave Tippitt Ann Collector $133,000
78th Ave Hwy 99WW/ Pfaffle Collector $40,000
Oak St Hall Blvd 90th Ave Collector $85,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $30,000
Collector Total $337,000 12.6%
Hampton St 72nd Ave 66th Ave Commercial $140,000
Sandburg St 72nd Ave End of Street Commercial $155,000
Garden Place Hwy 99W Hall Blvd (inc CDS) Commercial $160,000
Cardinal Ln Sequoia Pwy End of Street Commercial $30,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $15,000
Commercial Local $500,000 18.6%
Canterbury Ln 103rd Ave Hwy 99W Residential $253,000
79th Ave Leiser Ln Bonita Rd Residential $40,000
Slurry Seals on Residential Streets $360,000
Crack Seals on residential streets $200,000
Residential Total $853,000 31.8%
2016 Total $2,682,000
11 I l a g e
2017 Paving and Maintenance Plan
Pavement overlays unless stated otherwise
Street From To Class Cost Total Total
Greenburg Rd Hwy 217 Center St Arterial $686,000
Durham Rd Hall Blvd Summerfield Dr Arterial $580,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $50,000
Arterial Total $1,316,000 45%
Tiedeman Ave Greenburg Rd RR Tracks Collector $54,000
Scoffins St Main St Ash Ave Collector $87,000
Ash Ave St Scoffins St Collector $31,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $30,000
Collector Total $202,000 7%
1,200'South of
74th Ave Durham Rd Bonita Commercial $219,000
Landmark Ln 72nd Ave End of Road Commercial $74,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $15,000
Commercial Local Total $308,000 10%
130th Ave Hawksbeard Scholls Ferry Residential $74,000
Alderbrook Dr Durham Rd Oakhill Ln Residential $49,000
Summerfield Dr Durham Rd 114th Ct Residential $105,000
Oak St 69th Ave 71st Ave Residential $62,000
71st Ave Oak St(VU) Oak St(E) Residential $10,000
Fanno Creek Dr Bonita Rd Fanno Creek P1 Residential $104,000
Summercrest Dr Tigard Dr 121st Ave Residential $35,000
Kable St 98th Ave 100th Ave Residential $47,000
109th Ave Highland Dr Naeve St Residential $30,000
96th Ave Sattler St Murdock St Residential $56,000
Slurry Seals on Residential Streets $400,000
Crack Seals on residential streets $150,000
Residential Total $1,122,000 38%
2017 Total $2,948,000
2018 Paving and Maintenance Plan
Pavement overlays unless stated otherwise
Total %of
Street From To Class Cost Cost Total
72nd Ave Fir Beveland Arterial $160,000
Gaarde 110th 123rd Terr Arterial $441,000
72nd Ave Baylor 500'South of 99W Arterial $111,000
Upper Boones Ferry
72nd Ave Durham Rd Rd Arterial $150,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $40,000
Arterial Total $902,000 33%
121st Ave Ann Springwood Collector $274,000
121st Ave Gaarde St Whistlers Lp (North) Collector $96,000
Hunziker St 72nd 100'West Collector $64,000
Tiedeman Ave Walnut St Meadow St Collector $157,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $25,000
Collector Total $616,000 22%
Milton Ct Bonita End of Street $126,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $15,000
Commercial Local Total $141,000 5%
Fonner St 115th Walnut Residential $239,000
74th Ave Barbara Ln Taylor's Ferry Rd Residential $175,000
Grant Ave End of Street Walnut Residential $30,000
Grant Ave Park St End Residential $50,000
Commercial St Lincoln 95th Residential $29,000
107th Ct Pathfinder Ct Fonner St Residential $13,000
Slurry Seals on Residential Streets $400,000
Crack Seals on residential streets $150,000
Residential Total $1,086,000 40%
2018 Total $2,745,000
13 ' Page
2019 Paving and Maintenance Plan
Pavement overlays unless stated otherwise
Total % of
Street From To Class Cost Cost Total
Gaarde St 123rd Terr Greenfield Dr Arterial $262,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $40,000
Arterial Total $302,000 9%
135th Ave Walnut St Scholls Ferry Rd Collector $375,000
68th Pkwy Haines St Hwy 99W Collector $207,000
Locust St Greenburg Hall Collector $304,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $25,000
Collector Total $911,000 28%
Tigard St Main St Tiedeman Ave Commercial $260,000
Royalty Pkwy Hwy 99W Naeve St Commercial $104,000
Atlanta St 69th Ave 68th Pkwy Commercial $33,000
69th Ave Atlanta St Baylor St Commercial $26,000
Lincoln St Locust St End of Street Commercial $38,000
71st Ave Hwy 99W Spruce St Commercial $43,000
Kable Ln 72nd Ave End of Street Commercial $30,000
Crack Sealing/Maintenance $15,000
Commercial Total $549,000 17010
North Dakota St 121st Ave 115th Ave Residential $109,000
North Dakota St Tiedeman 114th It'— Residential $287,000
Greenfield Dr Gaarde Benchview Residential $80,000
Benchview Terr Greenfield Clearview Residential $11,000
Royalty Pkwy Naeve 400'S of Murdock Residential $119,000
Johnson St Hwy 99W Grant Ave Residential $51,000
Grant Ave Johnson St Tigard St Residential $88,000
115th Ave Tigard St North Dakota St Residential $64,000
North Dakota
115th Ave St Cottonwood Residential $119,000
71st Ave Spruce Pine Residential $34,000
Slurry Seals on Residential Streets $350,000
Crack Seals on residential streets $150,000
Residential Total $1,462,000 45%
2019 Total $3,224,000
14 I Page
Chapter 15.20 STREET MAINTENANCE B. Developed property or developed use. A
FEE parcel or legal portion of real property, on which
an improvement exists or has been constructed.
Sections: Improvement on developed property includes, but
is not limited to buildings, parking lots,
15.20.010 Creation and Purpose landscaping and outside storage.
15.20.020 Definitions
15.20.030 Administrative Officers C. Finance Director. The finance &
Designated information services director or designee.
15.20.040 Street Maintenance Fees
Allocated to the Street D. Residential Property. Property that is
Maintenance Fee Fund used primarily for personal domestic
15.20.050 Determination of Street accommodation, including single family, multi-
Maintenance Fee family residential property and group homes, but
15.20.060 Determination of Amount, not including hotels and motels.
Billing and Collection of Fee
15.20.070 Waiver of Fees in Case of E. Nonresidential Property. Property that is
Vacancy not primarily used for personal domestic
15.20.080 Administrative Provisions and accommodation. Nonresidential property includes
Appeals industrial, commercial, institutional, hotel and
15.20.090 Administrative Policies motel, and other nonresidential uses.
15.20.100 Penalty
15.20.110 Severability F. Street Functional Classification. Street
classifications as described in the Tigard
15.20.010 Creation and Purpose Transportation System Plan.
A street maintenance fee is created and 1. Arterials are defined as streets
imposed for the purpose of maintenance of city having regional level connectivity. These streets
streets. The street maintenance fee shall be paid link major commercial, residential, industrial and
by the responsible party for each occupied unit of institutional areas.
real property. The purposes of the street
maintenance fee are to charge for the service the 2. Collectors are defined by citywide
city provides in maintaining public streets and to or district wide connectivity. These streets provide
ensure that maintenance occurs in a timely both access and circulation within and between
fashion, thereby reducing increased costs that residential and commercial/industrial areas.
result when maintenance is deferred.
3. Neighborhood routes are defined as
15.20.020 Definitions streets that provide connections within the
neighborhood and between neighborhoods. These
As used in this chapter, the following shall streets provide connectivity to collectors or
mean: arterials.
A. Public Works Director. The public 4. Local commercial/industrial streets
works director or the public works director's are those streets within the city that are not
designee. designated as arterials or collectors and whose
15-20-1 Code Update:8/13
primary function is serving traffic to and from J. Responsible Party. The person or
commercial and/or industrial (i.e., nonresidential) persons who by occupancy or contractual
uses. arrangement are responsible to pay for utility and
other services provided to an occupied unit.
5. Local streets are any streets within Unless another party has agreed in writing to pay
the city that are not designated as arterials, and a copy of the writing is filed with the city,the
collectors, neighborhood routes or identified as person(s) paying the city's water and/or sewer bill
commercial/industrial streets. These streets have for an occupied unit shall be deemed the
the sole function of providing access to responsible party as to that occupied unit. For any
immediately adjacent land. occupied unit not otherwise required to pay a city
utility bill, "responsible party" shall mean the
G. Parking Space Requirement. The person or persons legally entitled to occupancy of
minimum off-street vehicle parking requirement the occupied unit,unless another responsible party
as stated in the minimum and maximum off-street has agreed in writing to pay and a copy of the
vehicle and bicycle parking requirements in the writing is filed with the city. Any person who has
Tigard Community Development Code section agreed in writing to pay is considered the
1 8.765 updated in February, 2014. responsible person if a copy of the writing is filed
with the city.
H. Pavement Management Program (PMP).
An annual program of corrective and preventative K. Street Maintenance. Any action to
maintenance on City of Tigard streets funded by maintain city streets, including repair, renewal,
the street maintenance fee (SMF). The program resurfacing, replacement and reconstruction.
helps to extend the life of the pavement structure Street maintenance does not include the
by various means such as, pavement overlaying, construction of new streets or street lighting.
slurry sealing, or complete removal and Street maintenance shall include resurfacing of
replacement of asphalt. existing streets, repair or replacement of curb and
gutter where they exist, repair or replacement of
I. Occupied Unit. Any structure or any the entire existing street structural section, repair
portion of any structure occupied for residential, or replacement of existing street shoulders,
commercial, industrial, or other purposes. For pavement markers, striping and other street
example, in a multifamily residential develop- markings, repair or replacement of existing
ment, each dwelling unit shall be considered a channelization devices, adjustment of existing
separate occupied unit when occupied, and each utilities to match finish grades, other work that is
retail outlet in a shopping mall shall be considered required by law to be done in conjunction with
a separate occupied unit. An occupied unit may street maintenance (such as curb ramp retrofits in
include more than one structure if all structures accordance with the Americans with Disabilities
are part of the same dwelling unit or commercial Act), and any other related work within the
or industrial operation. For example an industrial existing streets. It includes repair or restoration of
site with several structures that form an integrated existing storm drainage systems within existing
manufacturing process operated by a single streets, but does not include installation of new
manufacturer constitutes one occupied unit. drainage systems. It includes right-of-way
Property that is undeveloped or, if developed, is maintenance on the city's arterial and collector
not in current use is not considered an occupied streets, which covers maintenance and
unit. enhancement of planting strips, medians and areas
between sidewalks and property lines on these
15-20-2 Code Update:8/13
street to prevent the uncontrolled growth of weeds used for street maintenance. Amounts in the street
and other undesirable vegetation in these areas. It maintenance fee fund may be invested by the
does not include repair or replacement of existing finance director in accordance with state law.
sidewalks except where work is required by law to Earnings from such investments shall be dedicated
be done in conjunction with street maintenance. to the street maintenance fee fund.
(Ord. 10-01 § 2)
B. The street maintenance fee fund shall
15.20.030 Administrative Officers not be used for other governmental or proprietary
Designated purposes of the city, except to pay for an equitable
share of the city's overhead costs including
A. Except as provided in subsections B and accounting,management and other costs related to
C of this section, the public works director shall management and operation of the street
be responsible for the administration of this maintenance program. Engineering design,
chapter. The public works director shall be pavement evaluation, construction management,
responsible for developing administrative and other related costs, including project
procedures for the chapter, administration of fees, advertisements for bid, in the implementation of
and for the purposes of establishing the fee for a the street maintenance projects shall also be
specific occupied unit, the consideration and considered as being used for street maintenance.
assignment of categories of use,and parking space (Ord. 10-01 § 2)
requirements subject to appeal in accordance with
this chapter. 15.20.050 Determination of Street
Maintenance Fee
B. The public works director shall be
responsible for developing and maintaining street A. The street maintenance fee shall be
maintenance programs for the maintenance of city established based on the following:
streets and, subject to city budget committee
review and city council approval, allocation and 1. The city's five-year maintenance
expenditure of budget resources for street system and reconstruction plan for corrective and
maintenance in accordance with this chapter. preventative maintenance of the city's street
C. The finance director shall be responsible
for the collection and calculation of fees and the 2. The average annual cost based on
appeals process under this chapter. (Ord. 10-01 § the five-year maintenance and reconstruction plan
2) with costs allocated as follows:
15.20.040 Street Maintenance Fees a. Arterial maintenance costs
Allocated to the Street allocated 62% to nonresidential uses and 38% to
Maintenance Fee Fund residential uses.
A. All street maintenance fees received b. Local commercial/industrial
shall be deposited to the street maintenance fee street maintenance costs allocated 100% to
fund or other fund dedicated to the operation and nonresidential uses.
maintenance of the city street system. The street
maintenance fee fund shall be used for street
maintenance. Other revenue sources may also be
15-20-3 Code Update:8/13
c. Collector maintenance costs
allocated 50% to residential uses and 50% to Pavement Management Program will be
nonresidential uses. implemented in three phases. The second phase
will be effective on April 1, 2011 and the third
d. Neighborhood routes and local will be effective on January 1, 2012. The street
street maintenance costs allocated 100% to surface portion of the PMP will be phased in
residential uses. evenly over all three phases. The right of way
portion of the PMP will be phased in evenly to
3. For residential property, the fee - . . .
shall be charged on a per unit basis.
DC. The street maintenance fee will be
4. For nonresidential property other adjusted according to an annual index.
than gasoline stations, the fee shall be based on
the minimum number of vehicle parking spaces as 1. The index is defined in the city's
stated in the minimum and maximum off-street Master Fees and Charges Schedule.
vehicle and bicycle parking requirements in the
Tigard Community Development Code for each 2. A floor of two percent and a ceiling
occupied unit„ provided, however, that the of seven percent has been established.
of calculating the street maintenance fee shall be ED. The program shall be reviewed annually
2-50 The nonresidential fee will be calculated with as part of the city's budget process.
a cap of 250 spaces for any individual customer,
however, the calculated fee will be charged FE. Following each review of the program,
without a cap to nonresidential customers. the finance director shall review the revenue
received from the new rates after a full year of
a. In that nonresidential property collection to determine if the annual revenues
with fewer than six required spaces shall meet the annual funding level set from the
constitute a tier with a 50% reduction of the total updated five-year street maintenance plan. The
fee amount. finance director shall report the findings of that
review to city council and may make
b. In recognition that religious recommendations on any potential fee increases or
institutions have minimum parking space decreases based on that review. Any unspent
requirements that are relatively large in funds will be placed in a reserve fund. (Ord. 13-06
comparison to the actual use of those spaces, the §1; Ord. 10-01 §2).
total fee for each religious institution shall be
reduced by 50%. 15.20.060 Determination of Amount,
Billing and Collection of Fee
5. The street maintenance fee for
gasoline stations shall be based on the number of A. For the purpose of establishing the fee,
fueling positions. the minimum required number of parking spaces
or the number of fueling positions for each
B. The street maintenance fee rates shall be occupied unit of nonresidential property shall be
established by council resolution. determined by the public works director. For uses
not explicitly listed in the Tigard Development
Code as to required parking, the public works
15-20-4 Code Update: 8/13
director shall assign the use to the similar category including termination of water and/or sanitary
with the most similar impact on the transportation sewer service. (Ord. 10-01 §2).
system, considering relevant information such as:
1. The size of the site and the
2. The number of employees;
3. Other developed sites with similar
B. The public works director shall establish
the amount of street maintenance fee payable for
each unit of nonresidential property and shall
inform the finance director of the amount. The
amount payable shall be re-determined if there is a
change in use or development. All
redeterminations based on a change in use or
development shall be prospective only. The
finance director shall charge the per-unit street
maintenance fee to the responsible party for each
occupied unit of residential property.
C. The street maintenance fee shall be
billed to and collected from the responsible party
for each occupied unit. Billings shall be included
as part of the water and sewer bill for occupied
units utilizing city water and/or sewer, and billed
and collected separately for those occupied units
not utilizing city water and/or sewer. All such
bills shall be rendered regularly by the finance
director and shall become due and payable upon
D. Collections from utility customers will
be applied first to interest and penalties, then
proportionately among the various charges for
utility services and street maintenance.
E. An account is delinquent if the street
maintenance fee is not paid by the due date shown
on the utility bill. The city may follow the
procedures for collection of delinquent accounts
set forth in Sections 12.03.030 and/or 12.03.040,
15-20-5 Code Update:8/13
15.20.070 Waiver of Fees in Case of F. For purposes of this section, a unit of
Vacancy property is vacant when it has been continuously
unoccupied and unused for at least 30 days. Fees
A. When any developed property within the shall be waived in accordance with this section
city becomes vacant as described in subsection F only while the property remains vacant. The
of this section, upon written application and waiver duration is for six months. After six
approval by the finance director, the street months, the responsible party must re-apply for
maintenance fee shall thereafter not be billed and the waiver if the property continues to be
shall not be a charge against the property until unoccupied and unused. The responsible party has
such time as the property is no longer vacant. 30 days to re-apply for the vacancy waiver after
the expiration of the six month waiver. Any
B. The finance director is authorized to occupancy or use of the property terminates the
cause an investigation of any property for which waiver. As a penalty for not reporting a change in
an application for determination of vacancy is property vacancy, the city may charge any
submitted to verify any of the information property two times the appropriate street
contained in the application. The fmance director maintenance fee, that would have been due
is further authorized to develop and use a standard without the vacancy waiver for prior billing
form of application, provided it shall contain a periods,upon determining by whatever means that
space for verification of the information and the the property did not qualify for waiver of charges
person signing such form affirms under penalty during the relevant time. The decision of the
for false swearing the accuracy of the information finance director under subsections A, B and F of
provided therein. this section shall be final. (Ord. 10-08 §1, 2010;
Ord. 10-01 §2)
C. When any developed property within the
city has the utilities shut-off due to vacancy, the 15.20.080 Administrative Provisions and
street maintenance fee shall be waived for the Appeals
duration of the vacancy as described in subsection
F of this section. A. The public works director shall have the
initial authority and responsibility to interpret all
D. When any multi-occupied developed terms, provisions and requirements of this chapter
property within the city has one or more vacancies and to determine the appropriate charges
as described in subsection F of this section, the thereunder. The responsible party for an occupied
responsible party may request, in writing, a unit may request reconsideration of the public
waiver of a portion of the street maintenance fee works director's determination of the amount of
applicable to the vacant units. the fee by submission of a written application to
the public works director. The application shall be
E. When a change of use occurs, a vacancy submitted in sufficient detail to enable the public
has been filled, or a property is developed, it is the works director to render a decision.
responsible party's responsibility to inform the
city of any change so the proper street B. Within 30 days of the submission of a
maintenance fees may be assessed. If the complete application requesting reconsideration of
responsible party does not inform the city of any the amount of the street maintenance fee to be
change, the city shall cancel the vacancy waiver charged to an occupied unit, the public works
and charge the responsible party as per subsection director shall render a decision on the application.
F of this section. The decision shall be written and shall include
15-20-6 Code Update:8/13
findings of fact and conclusions for the particular committee to render a decision. No other appeals
aspects of the decision, based upon applicable shall be permitted.
criteria, which may include a land use decision
that modifies the minimum required vehicle E. The appeal committee shall schedule a
parking for an occupied unit. A copy of the review of each appeal and shall notify the
decision shall be mailed to the person submitting appellant not less than 10 days prior thereto of the
the request. The public works director shall date of such review. The appeal committee shall
maintain a collection of such decisions. Decisions conduct a hearing to determine whether there is
of the public works director, which affect the substantial evidence in the record to support the
amount of fee to be charged to a property, shall be interpretation given by the public works director
forwarded to the finance director. Except as and may continue the hearing for purposes of
provided under subsection D of this section, the gathering additional information bearing on the
decision of the public works director is final. issue. The appeal committee shall render an initial
oral decision and shall adopt a final written
C. For the purpose of reviewing the fee, the decision together with appropriate findings in
public works director may determine that the land support thereof. The decision of the appeal
use category is proper and that the fee charged is committee shall be for the purpose of establishing
appropriate. However, if the decision of the public the fee and limited to whether the appellant has
works director results in a change in the category been assigned to the appropriate use category, or
of land use, the public works director shall, for the whether the appropriate minimum vehicle parking
purpose of establishing the fee, assign a new use space requirement or number of fueling positions
category, determine the appropriate fee for the has been correctly identified. If the appeal
category, and notify the finance director so that committee should determine that for the purpose
the appropriate change may be made in the of establishing the fee, a different use category
applicable fee to be charged in the future.No back should be assigned, or that the minimum parking
charges or refunds are required. The decision of space requirement should be revised, it shall so
the public works director, under this subsection C order, provided no refund of prior street
only, may be appealed. maintenance fees shall be given. Only where the
committee decision results in a change in use
D. Council may form a subcommittee category and/or change in the minimum parking
consisting of two council members, or appoint a space requirement will the filing fee on the appeal
committee of disinterested citizens, hereinafter be refunded. The appeal committee decision shall
known as the appeal committee, to address any be final. (Ord. 10-01 §2)
appeals to the public works director's decisions.A
responsible party who disputes the determination 15.20.090 Administrative Policies
of the public works director as to use category or
number of required parking spaces may file a A. The following policies shall apply to the
written appeal with the appeal committee. All operation and scope of this chapter:
appeals must be submitted within 10 days from
the date of the public works director's decision, 1. Street maintenance fees imposed
together with a filing fee in an amount set by under this chapter shall apply to all occupied
council by resolution. The application for appeal units, occupied units owned and/or occupied by
shall specify the reasons for the appeal and shall local, state and federal governments, as well as
provide sufficient information for the appeal property which may be entitled to exemption from
or deferral of ad valorem property taxation.
15-20-7 Code Update:8/13
2. Publicly owned park land, open consistent with policies expressed herein. Policies
spaces and greenways shall not be subject to the adopted by the council shall be given full force
street maintenance fee unless public off-street and effect, and unless clearly inconsistent with
parking designed to accommodate the use of such this chapter shall apply uniformly throughout the
areas is provided. city.
3. Areas used for commercial farming C. If an occupied unit of nonresidential
or forestry operations shall be billed according to property is used for more than one use with
the use of any structures on the site. Where a site different minimum parking requirements, the
is used exclusively for farming or forestry and not street maintenance fee shall be based on the
for residential or commercial uses, the site shall required parking for the total of the various uses.
not be subject to the street maintenance fee.
Where there are different seasonal uses of D. The determination or assignment of a
structures on farm or forest land, the use category use category and minimum number of parking
shall be determined by examining the use for the spaces under the provisions of this chapter are
longest portion of the year. Where more than one strictly for the purpose of establishing a fee and
use is made of a farming or forestry site,then each are not statutory land use decisions. (Ord. 10-01
use shall be examined separately and combination §2)
of use categories shall be used to determine the
street maintenance fee. 15.20.100 Penalty
4. Areas encompassing railroad and In addition to any other remedy, violation of
public right-of-way shall not be subject to the any provision of this chapter shall be a Class A
street maintenance fee. civil infraction. Each day of delinquency in
paying the street maintenance fee constitutes a
5. Railroad property containing separate violation.
structures, such as maintenance areas, non-rolling
storage areas and areas used for the transfer of rail 15.20.110 Severability
transported goods to non-rail transport shall be
subject to street maintenance fees. A. In the event any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence or phrase of this chapter or
6. For newly developed properties, any administrative policy adopted herein is
the fees imposed under this chapter shall become determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to
due and payable from and after the date when the be invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the
developed property is occupied and connected to remainder of the chapter shall continue to be
the public water or sanitary sewer system. effective. If a court of competent jurisdiction
determines that this chapter imposes a tax or
B. The public works director is authorized charge, which is therefore unlawful as to certain
and directed to review the operation of this but not all affected properties, then as to those
chapter and, where appropriate, recommend certain properties, an exception or exceptions
changes thereto in the form of administrative from the imposition of the street maintenance fee
policies for adoption of the city council by shall thereby be created and the remainder of the
resolution. Administrative policies are intended to chapter and the fees imposed thereunder shall
provide guidance to property owners, subject to continue to apply to the remaining properties
this chapter, as to its meaning or operation, without interruption.
15-20-8 Code Update:8/13
B. Nothing contained herein shall be
construed as limiting the city's authority to levy
special assessments in connection with public
improvements pursuant to applicable law. (Ord.
03-10) •
15-20-9 Code Update:8/13
Chapter 15.20 STREET MAINTENANCE B. Developed property or developed use. A
FEE parcel or legal portion of real property, on which
an improvement exists or has been constructed.
Sections: Improvement on developed property includes, but
is not limited to buildings, parking lots,
15.20.010 Creation and Purpose landscaping and outside storage.
15.20.020 Definitions
15.20.030 Administrative Officers C. Finance Director. The finance &
Designated information services director or designee.
15.20.040 Street Maintenance Fees
Allocated to the Street D. Residential Property. Property that is
Maintenance Fee Fund used primarily for personal domestic
15.20.050 Determination of Street accommodation, including single family, multi-
Maintenance Fee family residential property and group homes, but
15.20.060 Determination of Amount, not including hotels and motels.
Billing and Collection of Fee
15.20.070 Waiver of Fees in Case of E. Nonresidential Property. Property that is
Vacancy not primarily used for personal domestic
15.20.080 Administrative Provisions and accommodation. Nonresidential property includes
Appeals industrial, commercial, institutional, hotel and
15.20.090 Administrative Policies motel, and other nonresidential uses.
15.20.100 Penalty
15.20.110 Severability F. Street Functional Classification. Street
classifications as described in the Tigard
15.20.010 Creation and Purpose Transportation System Plan.
A street maintenance fee is created and 1. Arterials are defined as streets
imposed for the purpose of maintenance of city having regional level connectivity. These streets
streets. The street maintenance fee shall be paid link major commercial, residential, industrial and
by the responsible party for each occupied unit of institutional areas.
real property. The purposes of the street
maintenance fee are to charge for the service the 2. Collectors are defined by citywide
city provides in maintaining public streets and to or district wide connectivity. These streets provide
ensure that maintenance occurs in a timely both access and circulation within and between
fashion, thereby reducing increased costs that residential and commercial/industrial areas.
result when maintenance is deferred.
3. Neighborhood routes are defined as
15.20.020 Definitions streets that provide connections within the
neighborhood and between neighborhoods. These
As used in this chapter, the following shall streets provide connectivity to collectors or
mean: arterials.
A. Public Works Director. The public 4. Local commercial/industrial streets
works director or the public works director's are those streets within the city that are not
designee. designated as arterials or collectors and whose
15-20-1 Code Update:8/13
primary function is serving traffic to and from J. Responsible Party. The person or
commercial and/or industrial (i.e., nonresidential) persons who by occupancy or contractual
uses. arrangement are responsible to pay for utility and
other services provided to an occupied unit.
5. Local streets are any streets within Unless another party has agreed in writing to pay
the city that are not designated as arterials, and a copy of the writing is filed with the city,the
collectors, neighborhood routes or identified as person(s) paying the city's water and/or sewer bill
commercial/industrial streets. These streets have for an occupied unit shall be deemed the
the sole function of providing access to responsible party as to that occupied unit. For any
immediately adjacent land. occupied unit not otherwise required to pay a city
utility bill, "responsible party" shall mean the
G. Parking Space Requirement. The person or persons legally entitled to occupancy of
minimum off-street vehicle parking requirement the occupied unit,unless another responsible party
as stated in the minimum and maximum off-street has agreed in writing to pay and a copy of the
vehicle and bicycle parking requirements in the writing is filed with the city. Any person who has
Tigard Community Development Code section agreed in writing to pay is considered the
18.765 updated in February,2014. responsible person if a copy of the writing is filed
with the city.
H. Pavement Management Program(PMP).
An annual program of corrective and preventative K. Street Maintenance. Any action to
maintenance on City of Tigard streets funded by maintain city streets, including repair, renewal,
the street maintenance fee (SMF). The program resurfacing, replacement and reconstruction.
helps to extend the life of the pavement structure Street maintenance does not include the
by various means such as, pavement overlaying, construction of new streets or street lighting.
slurry sealing, or complete removal and Street maintenance shall include resurfacing of
replacement of asphalt. existing streets, repair or replacement of curb and
gutter where they exist, repair or replacement of
I. Occupied Unit. Any structure or any the entire existing street structural section, repair
portion of any structure occupied for residential, or replacement of existing street shoulders,
commercial, industrial, or other purposes. For pavement markers, striping and other street
example, in a multifamily residential develop- markings, repair or replacement of existing
ment, each dwelling unit shall be considered a channelization devices, adjustment of existing
separate occupied unit when occupied, and each utilities to match finish grades, other work that is
retail outlet in a shopping mall shall be considered required by law to be done in conjunction with
a separate occupied unit. An occupied unit may street maintenance (such as curb ramp retrofits in
include more than one structure if all structures accordance with the Americans with Disabilities
are part of the same dwelling unit or commercial Act), and any other related work within the
or industrial operation. For example an industrial existing streets. It includes repair or restoration of
site with several structures that form an integrated existing storm drainage systems within existing
manufacturing process operated by a single streets, but does not include installation of new
manufacturer constitutes one occupied unit. drainage systems. It includes right-of-way
Property that is undeveloped or, if developed, is maintenance on the city's arterial and collector
not in current use is not considered an occupied streets, which covers maintenance and
unit. enhancement of planting strips, medians and areas
between sidewalks and property lines on these
15-20-2 Code Update:8/13
street to prevent the uncontrolled growth of weeds used for street maintenance. Amounts in the street
and other undesirable vegetation in these areas. It maintenance fee fund may be invested by the
does not include repair or replacement of existing finance director in accordance with state law.
sidewalks except where work is required by law to Earnings from such investments shall be dedicated
be done in conjunction with street maintenance. to the street maintenance fee fund.
(Ord. 10-01 § 2)
B. The street maintenance fee fund shall
15.20.030 Administrative Officers not be used for other governmental or proprietary
Designated purposes of the city, except to pay for an equitable
share of the city's overhead costs including
A. Except as provided in subsections B and accounting, management and other costs related to
C of this section, the public works director shall management and operation of the street
be responsible for the administration of this maintenance program. Engineering design,
chapter. The public works director shall be pavement evaluation, construction management,
responsible for developing administrative and other related costs, including project
procedures for the chapter, administration of fees, advertisements for bid, in the implementation of
and for the purposes of establishing the fee for a the street maintenance projects shall also be
specific occupied unit, the consideration and considered as being used for street maintenance.
assignment of categories of use, and parking space (Ord. 10-01 § 2)
requirements subject to appeal in accordance with
this chapter. 15.20.050 Determination of Street
Maintenance Fee
B. The public works director shall be
responsible for developing and maintaining street A. The street maintenance fee shall be
maintenance programs for the maintenance of city established based on the following:
streets and, subject to city budget committee
review and city council approval, allocation and 1. The city's five-year maintenance
expenditure of budget resources for street system and reconstruction plan for corrective and
maintenance in accordance with this chapter. preventative maintenance of the city's street
C. The finance director shall be responsible
for the collection and calculation of fees and the 2. The average annual cost based on
appeals process under this chapter. (Ord. 10-01 § the five-year maintenance and reconstruction plan
2) with costs allocated as follows:
15.20.040 Street Maintenance Fees a. Arterial maintenance costs
Allocated to the Street allocated 62% to nonresidential uses and 38% to
Maintenance Fee Fund residential uses.
A. All street maintenance fees received b. Local commercial/industrial
shall be deposited to the street maintenance fee street maintenance costs allocated 100% to
fund or other fund dedicated to the operation and nonresidential uses.
maintenance of the city street system. The street
maintenance fee fund shall be used for street
maintenance. Other revenue sources may also be
15-20-3 Code Update:8/13
c. Collector maintenance costs 1. The index is defined in the city's
allocated 50% to residential uses and 50% to Master Fees and Charges Schedule.
nonresidential uses.
2. A floor of two percent and a ceiling
d. Neighborhood routes and local of seven percent has been established.
street maintenance costs allocated 100% to
residential uses. D. The program shall be reviewed annually
as part of the city's budget process.
3. For residential property, the fee
shall be charged on a per unit basis. E. Following each review of the program,
the finance director shall review the revenue
4. For nonresidential property other received from the new rates after a full year of
than gasoline stations, the fee shall be based on collection to determine if the annual revenues
the minimum number of vehicle parking spaces as meet the annual funding level set from the
stated in the minimum and maximum off-street updated five-year street maintenance plan. The
vehicle and bicycle parking requirements in the finance director shall report the findings of that
Tigard Community Development Code for each review to city council and may make
occupied unit. The nonresidential fee will be recommendations on any potential fee increases or
calculated with a cap of 250 spaces for any decreases based on that review. Any unspent
individual customer, however, the calculated fee funds will be placed in a reserve fund. (Ord. 13-06
will be charged without a cap to nonresidential §1; Ord. 10-01 §2).
15.20.060 Determination of Amount,
a. In that nonresidential property Billing and Collection of Fee
with fewer than six required spaces shall
constitute a tier with a 50% reduction of the total A. For the purpose of establishing the fee,
fee amount. the minimum required number of parking spaces
or the number of fueling positions for each
b. In recognition that religious occupied unit of nonresidential property shall be
institutions have minimum parking space determined by the public works director. For uses
requirements that are relatively large in not explicitly listed in the Tigard Development
comparison to the actual use of those spaces, the Code as to required parking, the public works
total fee for each religious institution shall be director shall assign the use to the similar category
reduced by 50%. with the most similar impact on the transportation
system,considering relevant information such as:
5. The street maintenance fee for
gasoline stations shall be based on the number of 1. The size of the site and the
fueling positions. building;
B. The street maintenance fee rates shall be 2. The number of employees;
established by council resolution.
3. Other developed sites with similar
C. The street maintenance fee will be use.
adjusted according to an annual index.
15-20-4 Code Update:8/13
B. The public works director shall establish 15.20.070 Waiver of Fees in Case of
the amount of street maintenance fee payable for Vacancy
each unit of nonresidential property and shall
inform the finance director of the amount. The A. When any developed property within the
amount payable shall be re-determined if there is a city becomes vacant as described in subsection F
change in use or development. All of this section, upon written application and
redeterminations based on a change in use or approval by the finance director, the street
development shall be prospective only. The maintenance fee shall thereafter not be billed and
finance director shall charge the per-unit street shall not be a charge against the property until
maintenance fee to the responsible party for each such time as the property is no longer vacant.
occupied unit of residential property.
B. The finance director is authorized to
C. The street maintenance fee shall be cause an investigation of any property for which
billed to and collected from the responsible party an application for determination of vacancy is
for each occupied unit. Billings shall be included submitted to verify any of the information
as part of the water and sewer bill for occupied contained in the application. The finance director
units utilizing city water and/or sewer, and billed is further authorized to develop and use a standard
and collected separately for those occupied units form of application, provided it shall contain a
not utilizing city water and/or sewer. All such space for verification of the information and the
bills shall be rendered regularly by the finance person signing such form affirms under penalty
director and shall become due and payable upon for false swearing the accuracy of the information
receipt. provided therein.
D. Collections from utility customers will C. When any developed property within the
be applied first to interest and penalties, then city has the utilities shut-off due to vacancy, the
proportionately among the various charges for street maintenance fee shall be waived for the
utility services and street maintenance. duration of the vacancy as described in subsection
F of this section.
E. An account is delinquent if the street
maintenance fee is not paid by the due date shown D. When any multi-occupied developed
on the utility bill. The city may follow the property within the city has one or more vacancies
procedures for collection of delinquent accounts as described in subsection F of this section, the
set forth in Sections 12.03.030 and/or 12.03.040, responsible party may request, in writing, a
including termination of water and/or sanitary waiver of a portion of the street maintenance fee
sewer service. (Ord. 10-01 §2). applicable to the vacant units.
E. When a change of use occurs, a vacancy
has been filled, or a property is developed, it is the
responsible party's responsibility to inform the
city of any change so the proper street
maintenance fees may be assessed. If the
responsible party does not inform the city of any
change, the city shall cancel the vacancy waiver
and charge the responsible party as per subsection
F of this section.
15-20-5 Code Update:8/13
F. For purposes of this section, a unit of findings of fact and conclusions for the particular
property is vacant when it has been continuously aspects of the decision, based upon applicable
unoccupied and unused for at least 30 days. Fees criteria, which may include a land use decision
shall be waived in accordance with this section that modifies the minimum required vehicle
only while the property remains vacant. The parking for an occupied unit. A copy of the
waiver duration is for six months. After six decision shall be mailed to the person submitting
months, the responsible party must re-apply for the request. The public works director shall
the waiver if the property continues to be maintain a collection of such decisions. Decisions
unoccupied and unused. The responsible party has of the public works director, which affect the
30 days to re-apply for the vacancy waiver after amount of fee to be charged to a property, shall be
the expiration of the six month waiver. Any forwarded to the finance director. Except as
occupancy or use of the property terminates the provided under subsection D of this section, the
waiver. As a penalty for not reporting a change in decision of the public works director is final.
property vacancy, the city may charge any
property two times the appropriate street C. For the purpose of reviewing the fee,the
maintenance fee, that would have been due public works director may determine that the land
without the vacancy waiver for prior billing use category is proper and that the fee charged is
periods,upon determining by whatever means that appropriate. However, if the decision of the public
the property did not qualify for waiver of charges works director results in a change in the category
during the relevant time. The decision of the of land use,the public works director shall, for the
finance director under subsections A, B and F of purpose of establishing the fee, assign a new use
this section shall be final. (Ord. 10-08 §1, 2010; category, determine the appropriate fee for the
Ord. 10-01 §2) category, and notify the finance director so that
the appropriate change may be made in the
15.20.080 Administrative Provisions and applicable fee to be charged in the future.No back
Appeals charges or refunds are required. The decision of
the public works director, under this subsection C
A. The public works director shall have the only,may be appealed.
initial authority and responsibility to interpret all
terms, provisions and requirements of this chapter D. Council may form a subcommittee
and to determine the appropriate charges consisting of two council members, or appoint a
thereunder. The responsible party for an occupied committee of disinterested citizens, hereinafter
unit may request reconsideration of the public known as the appeal committee, to address any
works director's determination of the amount of appeals to the public works director's decisions. A
the fee by submission of a written application to responsible party who disputes the determination
the public works director. The application shall be of the public works director as to use category or
submitted in sufficient detail to enable the public number of required parking spaces may file a
works director to render a decision. written appeal with the appeal committee. All
appeals must be submitted within 10 days from
B. Within 30 days of the submission of a the date of the public works director's decision,
complete application requesting reconsideration of together with a filing fee in an amount set by
the amount of the street maintenance fee to be council by resolution. The application for appeal
charged to an occupied unit, the public works shall specify the reasons for the appeal and shall
director shall render a decision on the application. provide sufficient information for the appeal
The decision shall be written and shall include
15-20-6 Code Update:8/13
committee to render a decision. No other appeals 2. Publicly owned park land, open
shall be permitted. spaces and greenways shall not be subject to the
street maintenance fee unless public off-street
E. The appeal committee shall schedule a parking designed to accommodate the use of such
review of each appeal and shall notify the areas is provided.
appellant not less than 10 days prior thereto of the
date of such review. The appeal committee shall 3. Areas used for commercial farming
conduct a hearing to determine whether there is or forestry operations shall be billed according to
substantial evidence in the record to support the the use of any structures on the site. Where a site
interpretation given by the public works director is used exclusively for farming or forestry and not
and may continue the hearing for purposes of for residential or commercial uses, the site shall
gathering additional information bearing on the not be subject to the street maintenance fee.
issue. The appeal committee shall render an initial Where there are different seasonal uses of
oral decision and shall adopt a final written structures on farm or forest land, the use category
decision together with appropriate findings in shall be determined by examining the use for the
support thereof. The decision of the appeal longest portion of the year. Where more than one
committee shall be for the purpose of establishing use is made of a farming or forestry site,then each
the fee and limited to whether the appellant has use shall be examined separately and combination
been assigned to the appropriate use category, or of use categories shall be used to determine the
whether the appropriate minimum vehicle parking street maintenance fee.
space requirement or number of fueling positions
has been correctly identified. If the appeal 4. Areas encompassing railroad and
committee should determine that for the purpose public right-of-way shall not be subject to the
of establishing the fee, a different use category street maintenance fee.
should be assigned, or that the minimum parking
space requirement should be revised, it shall so 5. Railroad property containing
order, provided no refund of prior street structures, such as maintenance areas, non-rolling
maintenance fees shall be given. Only where the storage areas and areas used for the transfer of rail
committee decision results in a change in use transported goods to non-rail transport shall be
category and/or change in the minimum parking subject to street maintenance fees.
space requirement will the filing fee on the appeal
be refunded. The appeal committee decision shall 6. For newly developed properties,
be final. (Ord. 10-01 §2) the fees imposed under this chapter shall become
due and payable from and after the date when the
15.20.090 Administrative Policies developed property is occupied and connected to
the public water or sanitary sewer system.
A. The following policies shall apply to the
operation and scope of this chapter: B. The public works director is authorized
and directed to review the operation of this
1. Street maintenance fees imposed chapter and, where appropriate, recommend
under this chapter shall apply to all occupied changes thereto in the form of administrative
units, occupied units owned and/or occupied by policies for adoption of the city council by
local, state and federal governments, as well as resolution. Administrative policies are intended to
property which may be entitled to exemption from provide guidance to property owners, subject to
or deferral of ad valorem property taxation. this chapter, as to its meaning or operation,
15-20-7 Code Update:8/13
consistent with policies expressed herein. Policies B. Nothing contained herein shall be
adopted by the council shall be given full force construed as limiting the city's authority to levy
and effect, and unless clearly inconsistent with special assessments in connection with public
this chapter shall apply uniformly throughout the improvements pursuant to applicable law. (Ord.
city. 03-10) •
C. If an occupied unit of nonresidential
property is used for more than one use with
different minimum parking requirements, the
street maintenance fee shall be based on the
required parking for the total of the various uses.
D. The determination or assignment of a
use category and minimum number of parking
spaces under the provisions of this chapter are
strictly for the purpose of establishing a fee and
are not statutory land use decisions. (Ord. 10-01
15.20.100 Penalty
In addition to any other remedy, violation of
any provision of this chapter shall be a Class A
civil infraction. Each day of delinquency in
paying the street maintenance fee constitutes a
separate violation.
15.20.110 Severability
A. In the event any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence or phrase of this chapter or
any administrative policy adopted herein is
determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to
be invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the
remainder of the chapter shall continue to be
effective. If a court of competent jurisdiction
determines that this chapter imposes a tax or
charge, which is therefore unlawful as to certain
but not all affected properties, then as to those
certain properties, an exception or exceptions
from the imposition of the street maintenance fee
shall thereby be created and the remainder of the
chapter and the fees imposed thereunder shall
continue to apply to the remaining properties
without interruption.
15-20-8 Code Update:8/13
AIS-2339 4.
Workshop Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/15/2015
Length (in minutes): 10 Minutes
Agenda Title: Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing to Consider Vacation of
Public Utility Easement Adjacent to Ash Avenue
Submitted By: Sean Farrelly, Community
Item Type: Public Hearing- Meeting Type: Council
Quasi Judicial Business
Meeting -
Public Hearing Yes
Newspaper Legal Ad Required?:
Public Hearing Publication 08/27/2015
Date in Newspaper:
Should the City Council pass an ordinance vacating 100 square feet of public utility easement
abutting City Center Development Agency owned property on Ash Avenue?
Staff recommends approval of the ordinance to vacate the 100 square feet of public utility
As part of the Burnham and Ash redevelopment project, the City Center Development
Agency is requesting the vacation of an unused 100 square foot public utility easement
abutting the former dog park property. This easement was dedicated to the public for the
benefit of Frontier Communications for a utility pole that was removed as part of the Ash
Burnham street improvement process. The easement is no longer needed. Because the
easement was dedicated to the public, a public hearing must be held to vacate it.
The City Council passed a resolution on August 25th initiating vacation proceedings for this
public utility easement. Utility providers and the adjacent property owners have been notified
of the proposed vacation. Ads with a notice of the public hearing were placed in the Tigard
Times on August 27th and September 3rd.
Council could not approve the ordinance and not approve the public utility easement
vacation. This would significantly delay the Burnham and Ash redevelopment project.
Tigard City Council 2015-17 Goals and Milestones
Goal #2. Make Downtown Tigard a Place Where People Want to Be
August 25, 2015, Council initiation of proceedings to consider vacating a public utility
Exhibit A: Legal Description
Exhibit B: Map
WHEREAS, the Tigard City Council initiated this vacation request pursuant to Section 15.08.040 of the Tigard
Municipal Code (TMC) on August 25, 2015, and has been recommended by the Community Development
WHEREAS, the approximately 100 square foot utility easement had previously been dedicated to the public;
WHEREAS, all affected utility service providers have been given the opportunity to review the vacation
WHEREAS,notice has been mailed to all property owners abutting said vacation area and all owners
in the affected area,as described in ORS 271.080;and
WHEREAS,in accordance with Tigard Municipal Code Section 15.08.120,notice of the public hearing
was posted in the area to be vacated and published in the newspaper;and
WHEREAS,the property owners in the area affected have not objected in writing;and
WHEREAS,the City Council having considered the request on September 15,2015, finds that it is in the
public interest to approve the request to vacate said public utility easement as the public interest will
not be prejudiced by this vacation,as provided by ORS 271.120 and TMC Section 15.08.130.
SECTION 1: The Tigard City Council hereby orders the vacation of said 100 square foot portion
of public utility easement as shown and described in the attached Exhibits "A" and
"B" legal descriptions and maps of the areas to be vacated),and by this reference,
made part thereof.
SECTION 2: This Ordinance being necessary to allow the Burnham and Ash redevelopment project to
progress, an emergency is declared and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon
signing by the City Recorder and the Mayor.
PASSED: By vote of all council members present after being read by number
and title only,this day of ,2015.
Page 1
Carol A. Krager,City Recorder
APPROVED: By Tigard City Council this day of ,2015.
John L. Cook,Mayor
Approved as to form:
City Attorney
Page 2
Exhibit A
Parcel 3—Public Utility Easement
Beginning at a point 20.00 feet southerly of station 11+40.08 on the southeast corner of the
Warranty Deed to the City of Tigard in book 940 page 231 of the Washington County Deed records;
thence S 44° 30' 33"W, along the southerly line of said deed a distance of 17.50 feet to a point 37.50
feet off the relocated Burnham Street described above; thence N 43°16'11"W,parallel with the
relocated center line of Burnham Street,a distance of 9.32 feet to a point of curve of a curve to the
left; thence along said curve to the left with a radius of 21.50 feet,a central angle of 74° 59' 56" (a
chord which bears N 80°46' 09"W,26.18 feet) and a length of 28.14 feet to a point of tangency;
thence S 61° 43' 53"W a distance of 138.76 feet to a point of curve of a curve to the left and the
True Point of beginning; thence S 38° 16' 07"E a distance of 10.00 feet; thence N 61°43'
55"E a distance of 10.00 feet; thence N 38° 16'07" W a distance of 10.00 feet; thence S 61° 43'
55"Wa distance of 10.00 feet to the true point of beginning
Containing 100 square feet;
Exhibit B a,,
Proposed Utility Easement Vacatio►
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4 <41
�I '
V 'a.
V\bCk 0
it ,Il 1� / F�
f.A qd, *
St lk
11 Vb
PARCEL 4 Easements to remain
Ei• \\
�� 13125 s w HALL BLVD. EXHIBIT B
e/ ' TIGARD, OREGON 97223
�� VaCE 503-639-4171
FAX: 503-624-0752 FILE NO
AGENDA ITEM No. 6 Date: September 15,2015
Please sign on the following page(s) if you wish to testify before City Council
Due to time Constraints City Council May Impose a
Time Limit on Testimony
AGENDA ITEM No. 6 Date: September 15, 2015
Proponent—(Speaking In Favor) Opponent—(Speaking Against) Neutral
Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No.
Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&P ne No. Name,Address&Phone No.
" ty(14
Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No.
Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No.
Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No.
Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No. Name,Address&Phone No.
Due to time Constraints City Council May Impose a
Time Limit on Testimony
AIS-2294 5.
Workshop Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/15/2015
Length (in minutes): 30 Minutes
Agenda Title: Preview& Update on the Library's Automated Material Handling
Prepared For: Margaret Barnes,Library Submitted By: Norma Alley, Central
Item Type: Meeting Type: Council Workshop Mtg.
Public Hearing: Publication Date:
Update on the Library's Automated Material Handling System
As Council may recall the Automated Materials Handling System (AMH) was approved in the FY 2015
budget.After a competitive RFP process Lyngsoe Systems was selected to provide the system. The installation
of the system required some exterior site work including the construction of a path up to the exterior patron
return machine. The exterior station has lights and a security camera to facilitate returns in the evenings and
when the building is closed to the public.The entire project expenditure including the modifications to the
exterior of the building, the site work and the actual AMH system was approximately$300,000.00. The system
has been fully operational for approximately 8 weeks and the public response has been overwhelmingly
positive. Patrons appear to enjoy using either the exterior or interior returns. Historically an estimated 189
hours each week were spent checking in returned items. Approximately 90% of check-ins at that time was
being done by volunteers. The completion of the task of checking in returns used volunteer hours equivalent
to an additional 4.5 FTE. Prior to the installation of AMH it was rare to achieve the goal of checking in and
shelving returned items within 48 hours. Within the circulation workroom we have witnessed a decrease in the
backlog of items waiting to be checked in and items are being shelved more quickly once they have been
returned. In a 4 week snapshot over 95,000 items were checked in using the AMH system. The system
definitely improves efficiency of check-in. Thereby having items returned to the shelves more quickly for
patrons to use. As with any new system there are also tweaks and adjustments required once the actual install
is complete. This is the process that we are currently engaged in so as to maximize the efficiency of the
system and effectively incorporate it into the daily workflow. The City Council will have an opportunity to
visit the library and view the system in operation.
City of Tigard, Oregon ®i
Affidavit of Posting
In the Matter of the Proposed Ordinance(s) f _ l
County of Washington ) ss.
City of Tigard )
I, z,;(red A K r L e Y' , being first duly sworn (or aff meed), by oath
(or affirmation), depose and say: �l
That I posted in the following public and conspicuous places, a copy of Ordinance
Nnmber(s) J. - /-S ,which were adopted at the City Council
meeting of . 1.S oZf)/S- , with a copy(s) of said Ordinance(s) being hereto
attached and by reference made a part hereof, on the
/b1/" day of A2t'p , 20
1. Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, Oregon
2. Tigard Public Library, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, Oregon
3.Tigard Permit Center, 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, Oregon
Signature of Person who Performed/Posting
� g
Su cribed and sworn (or affirmed)before me this / day of
0 20-J5 .
Signature of Notary Public fore gon
1 1
,' 11
ormslpost ordinance 2006.doc ) NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON