City Council Minutes - 05/19/2015 " City of Tigard Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes May 19, 2015 1. BUSINESS AND WORKSHOP MEETING A. Mayor Cook called the City Council meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Deputy City Recorder Alley called the roll: Name Present Absent Mayor Cook ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Councilor Henderson ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ C. Mayor Cook led the Pledge of Allegiance. D. Mayor Cook asked Council and Staff for any Non-Agenda Items. City Manager Wine advised she had a report on non-agenda items. 2. LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARING ON PARKS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AND FEES a. Open Public Hearing-Mayor Cook opened the public hearing. b. Staff Report Finance and Information Services Director LaFrance reported council had before them an ordinance adopting the Parks System Development Charge(SDC)methodology.Mr.LaFrance handed out a memo outlining the changes based on discussions from the April 28,2015 public hearing which was submitted into the record.The changes are: • Adopted Transportation SDCs for residential development. • Instructed staff to meet with developers regarding Parks SDC project costs. • Instructed staff to meet with developers regarding non-residential Transportation SDCs. Mr.LaFrance reported staff held a meeting with developers and the results were: • There is a cost difference between the city and developers for neighborhood park development. • Developers shared a concern there would be double SDC charges for development in River Terrace. • Commercial developers expressed a desire for delayed implementation of the parks SDC. Mr.LaFrance stated the revised recommendation includes staffs recommendation to segregate the River Terrace neighborhood parks SDC from other citywide parks SDCs so developers do not pay the SDCs twice,administratively done by creating two districts. Staff used the Economic Opportunity Analysis (EOA),adopted May 2011, for population projections.Mr.LaFrance presented additional written testimony which was submitted into the record. Staff recommends approval of the ordinance with the recommended amendments. C. Public Testimony Mr.Jon Kloor,Home Builders Association Government Relations Representative, 15555 SW Bangy Road,Lake Oswego, expressed support for the approval of the SDC Parks methodology and thanked council for the brief postponement for further discussions between the city and developers. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—MAY 19, 2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 8 Mr.Jim Lange, 12564 SW Main Street,Tigard,on behalf of Polygon,shared his appreciation for staff's hard work and stated he was pleased with the proposal. Mr. Clayton Hering, 1708 SW Highland Road,Portland,Fred Fields property representative,commended staff for listening to the community.He expressed concern for high fees,which limit affordable housing,as SDCs have become an expensive component to development.Tigard is one of the top expensive communities in the metro area and makes it that much more difficult to provide affordable housing. d. Council Questions Council President Snider asked why staff chose to use the EOA for job growth predictions.Mr.LaFrance said in comparing the city's actual job growth to the EOA job growth projections it is staff's recommendation to stick with the EOA as the projections were done at a time when the city had updated census data making the data more balanced. Council President Snider asked how much additional administrative burden would be placed on staff to split the two districts and if administrative costs were figured into the fee. Mr.LaFrance confirmed the administration fee of around three percent was built into the fee. Councilor Henderson asked for clarification on the commercial costs and how it would be equitable for that development.Mr.LaFrance said the methodology looks at the current jobs,growth of jobs and the people that are in those jobs.The people in those jobs do not live in Tigard which is weighted differently as they are not going to use the resources as those that live in Tigard would.The city should account for those that live here using the recreation in Tigard.The cost of commercial costs is rising from 17.7%to 19%because we are adding a fair number of jobs. Mayor Cook asked if the EOA was going to be used for the Non-Residential Transportation SDC methodology.Mr. LaFrance answered that if the EOA is a more valid report then staff and Council can explore that with the non- residential community. d. Staff Recommendation—Mr.LaFrance recommended approval of the ordinance with the recommended amendments. e. Close Public Hearing—Mayor Cook closed the public hearing. f. Council Deliberation—None g. Council Vote Councilor Woodard moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 15-09 as amended. Councilor Goodhouse seconded the motion. Deputy City Recorder Alley read the number and tittle of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 15-09 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A METHODOLOGY RELATING TO THE IMPOSITION AND COLLECTION OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES FOR PARKS The motion passed unanimously. Name Yes No Mayor Cook ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Councilor Henderson ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—MAY 19,2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 972231503-63941711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 8 3. CONSIDER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AGREEMENT FOR THE SIDEWALK IN-FILL FOR THE 95TH AVENUE&NORTH DAKOTA PROJECT Project Manager Staedter reported due to meeting some federal regulations,which is slowing the project,staff is asking council approve a one year extension in order to finish the project. Councilor Henderson motioned to authorize the city manager to extend the Community Development Block Grant Agreement for one year with an expiration of June 30,2016. Councilor Goodhouse seconded the motion.Motion passed by unanimous vote of the council. Name Yes No Mayor Cook ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Councilor Henderson ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ 4. BRIEFING ON THE UPDATED EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN Emergency Management/Safety Coordinator Lueck presented the staff report,accompanied by a PowerPoint,stating an updated Emergency Operation Plan (EOP)will be coming before the council for approval and is before the city council tonight for staff to receive feedback and questions. Some of the updates to the EOP consist of changing sections to bring them up to current county-wide standards and updating supporting plans and documents.The next steps would be for formal council adoption,training on the new standards and exercises to put it into practice. Councilor Henderson asked what the difference was between an EOP and a Continuity of Operations Plan(COOP). Mr.Lueck said the EOP is an operational plan and the COOP is an overarching guidance of what a city does to recover in a disaster. Mayor Cook asked how the May 14 exercise went.Mr.Lueck explained the city staff conducts trainings of emergency preparedness and has exercises to go through the standardized countywide procedures.During the May 14 exercise small gaps in the reporting piece were identified and introduced a smart phone/iPod/iPad reporting system of real time incidences occurring in the community.This new reporting proved to be efficient for staff during the exercise. City Manager Wine said the briefing tonight is to make the council aware of the EOP changes and seek council's approval of placing the EOP approval on a future business meeting consent agenda. Consensus by council was to have it on a consent agenda. 5. DISCUSSION OF UPCOMING CONTRACT FOR DIRKSEN PARK OAK SAVANNA PROJECT Senior Management Analyst Barrett reported the Oak Savanna is important to our region and this project is to preserve the oaks by removing non-native grass and trees which are crowding out the oak trees. Staff is seeking use of the permissive cooperative permit,which is a typical type of solicitation the city would do to save time and costs.The project was awarded to Ash Creek Firester and the contract is scheduled to come before the council on June 9th.Staff is seeking additional information council wishes to receive and is open to any questions. Councilor Henderson asked who was responsible for maintenance. Mr. Barrett answered the contractor will provide maintenance through 2019. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—MAY 19,2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 I www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 8 Mayor Cook asked if the project was budgeted.Mr.Barrett responded no because we have not approved a budget yet. Mayor Cook asked for clarification of the$20,000 not in the budget. Project Manager Staedter said if the contract is approved on June 9,it will be awarded on June 15 allowing a tree fund expenditure this fiscal year to make up for the $20,000. Mayor Cook asked if there would be an opportunity to use volunteers in order to save money. Ms. Staedter answered the oak savanna restoration is quite technical and requires the use of pesticide and hard removal with chainsaw which usually requires work by non-volunteers. Staff will utilize volunteers for some of the trail clearing,but not in the first year because of the technicality of the work. City Manager Wine said the briefing tonight is to make the council aware of the contract and to answer any questions or address any concerns. Staff is also seeking council's approval of placing the contract approval on a future business meeting consent agenda. Consensus by council was to have it on a consent agenda. 6. BRIEFING ON METRO COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE TIGARD TRIANGLE Project Manager Caines reported the grant application before council was for financial assistance for the Tigard Triangle.This assistance is to complete development activities for one of the sites within the triangle and rebrand the triangle so it becomes more than just a place to shop at big box retail.These refer to the City Council Goal 3 relating to development capacity in the Tigard Triangle and Strategic Plan 2 for facilitation.The city is asking for$160,000 from Metro which requires a city match.This match is in the proposed 2015/2016 fiscal year budget.The grant application is due in June,would be awarded in August and work would begin in the fall. Councilor Woodard asked if staff was going to use the Tigard Triangle Plan adopted in 2011-2012 to compare what was planned and what will be done.Ms. Caines responded one of the things staff plans on doing is updating the council and planning commission around August about the updates to the Tigard Triangle Plan. Councilor Woodard said the council today is different from when the plan was originally approved and it would be nice to see what was decided then to see if it lines up with today's vision. Community Development Director Asher said staff will show a comparison of the beginning to the end so council can see exactly what is being requested.This grant is not about concept planning;rather,it is about implementation of a new code for new tools like urban renewal. Councilor Henderson asked if writing the grant by the deadline was achievable for staff. Ms. Caines answered yes,as the city has a consultant working quickly on this and will have a draft ready for review by next week. Ms. Caines stated she is seeking council's approval to place the grant approval on the May 26 business meeting consent agenda. Consensus by council was to have it on a consent agenda. 7. BRIEFING ON METRO COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FOR DOWNTOWN Redevelopment Project Manager Farrelly reported in addition to the triangle staff would like to submit an application for two downtown sites.We are requesting$110,000 with a city match of$10,000 in funds and$50,000 in staff time. We are looking to do similar work with the grant funds as done on the Burnham site.Another aspect to this grant is to assess possible reconfigurations of the transit site if the high capacity transit comes to downtown. In 2009 the city looked at both sites and did not find anything feasible.This project may be more feasible now to receive the grant funding. Mr. Farrelly stated he is seeking council's approval of placing the grant approval on the May 26 business meeting consent agenda. Consensus by council was to have it on a consent agenda. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES-MAY 19,2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 8 8. BRIEFING ON RESULTS OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN CODE AUDIT Assistant Community Development Director McGuire reported the city hired a consultant team to audit the code to ensure it supports the strategic plan.Some areas the consultants noted needed updating were to clarifying trail locations,street standard upgrades for walkability and removal of Chapter 18.10 to place it into an engineering standards manual.The consultant team consolidated the recommendation into different categories to address future code improvement bundles as outlined in the staff report. Mayor Cook asked between the code and the engineering manual which one would stand up best if legally challenged. Mr.McGuire answered the regulation in the zoning code says citizens must adhere to the engineering standards as in the manual and it should hold up if challenged. Mayor Cook expressed concern with pedestrian connectivity regarding street improvements and sidewalks. If someone comes in and wants to redevelop a lot and put in five houses they are required to put in sidewalks,but these are not the same requirements if the citizen already owns the land.Then the city pays for some sidewalks which are then paid by everyone.Mr.McGuire said this is some of the inconsistency the audit found and the updates will address. Councilor Henderson asked if the audit would lead to additional administrative rules.Mr.McGuire responded the goal is to make the code easier to use and incentivize the strategic plan's goal of walkability and connectivity. 9. DISCUSSION ON NEXT STEPS AFTER THE YMCA SURVEY City Manager Wine reported last week the city received the YMCA survey results and the purpose of the survey was to understand the need for a YMCA. If there was support for a YMCA the city would proceed with doing something; although,the city may need to take a pause and ask where a community center falls on the priority list of projects.The city is at a juncture of asking if the city is ready to proceed with a community center operated by the YMCA. It was noted some citizen's letters had been entered into the record. Mayor Cook said the city has a four year plan to conduct a recreation and facilities study to identify the needs for the city.This goal not only includes a community center,but includes a public works yard and police station. He expressed the desire to proceed slowly to work out details and make the community center better. Council President Snider said if council had known about the support of this grass roots effort maybe council would have set the priorities differently. For something to be successful it has to be timed with the positive energy of the community support.He expressed concern with holding off on an election until 2016 and the ballot's success with less specificity. Councilor Woodard said in 2012 goal setting the idea surfaced to find a way to get a recreation coordinator and facility.Now the council is presented with the YMCA as the operator. Some issues such as maintenance issues,which Sherwood experienced,can be worked out and the concern regarding tax increment in downtown will address itself because at some point cost savings will be seen and revenue will be generated.When you go out for bond you use what you get. If you put a bond measure out now,it is going to take three to four years to build and collect funds.He stated if he did not believe this was a popular initiative he would not support it or recommend taking it to a vote to let the people decide. Council President Snider asked what is being proposed to put on the ballot. Councilor Woodard answered a bond initiative for$30 million,averaging about$10 a month per resident,to provide funds to construct a building and sustain maintenance.The facility would be a 60-80 thousand square foot building in the general location of downtown. Councilor Woodard said the YMCA offers a free place for the youth to go and hang out. In addition,the YMCA would operate the facility and if the programs run in the red the YMCA absorbs that. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES-MAY 19,2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 972231503-63941711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 8 Council President Snider asked why the timing for November 2015 was so important instead of waiting until May 2016 or later.Councilor Woodard expressed concern that if the council choses to wait the focus will be on high capacity transit and the council may not have the opportunity to get a bond approved in a five-year plan. Councilor Henderson said when he served on the Parks and Recreation Board a Parks and Recreation Master Plan was approved and an entire chapter was dedicated to building a recreation program.The city needs help with parks and recreation and now there is an opportunity for the YMCA to show the city a way to achieve that.The council is here to follow the wishes of the citizens so the citizens should have a choice by voting on a ballot measure. Council President Snider suggested placing a"skinny"model on the ballot with details only consisting of: Asking for a$30 million bond • Taking four to five years to build a structure • Placement in downtown or a mile thereof • 60-80 thousand square foot building with a pool,aerobics and fitness. Council President Snider asked when a bond would begin to be assessed and levied if a relatively less detailed measure passed.Finance and Information Services Director LaFrance said the city does not start collecting on a bond until the bond is issued. Council President Snider asked if the city could have the authority to get the bond and then not collect.Mr.LaFrance responded he would contact the bond authorities to get clarification to that question.Mr. LaFrance shared that the better constructed a plan the better received the bond would be in the market. Ms.Wine added the more specifics that can be provided before bond issuance there is a possibility the tax payers would pay less in interest. Councilor Snider said he would be comfortable with a November ballot if the measure was less detailed and with a less restricted location.He addressed the concern about tax increment financing from a citizen's letter stating a community center draws people into the district which in turns increases the value of what is in the district. He shared it was hard to imagine someone operating a recreation center well besides the YMCA,but it was hard to assume they would be the operator without an agreement in place. Mayor Cook asked what tax payers would be paying for a bond around$30 million.Mr.LaFrance said he thought the numbers provided to Neal Brown,which were used in the YMCA's presentation on May 12,were for a$28 million bond in the ball park of a$120,000 assessed value home,but he would have to get this verified.Mayor Cook noted there was a difference in the assessed value and market value of a home and asked what the average home value was in Tigard.Mr.LaFrance said the average assessed value of a home in Tigard is$230,000 and$300,000 may be the market value. Councilor Goodhouse stated the survey results showed that 38 percent of the people wanted more info but did not specify what that information was. He cautioned moving too quickly,not working out those details and chancing the ballot measure not succeeding by asking for too low of a number and not being able to fund a building or asking too much and then possibly using the money to place in a savings fund,and if the citizens really want the YMCA specifically or just a recreation program operated by anyone.There might be other organizations that could run the facility that have not been approached.He suggested the city take the time to get the details right and construct a better facility and program,but would like to see something get done and not sit for five years.He inquired if the structure could cost less if an existing building was converted. Discussion commenced on the timing of a council referral versus a citizen initiative process,the success if it were to be delayed after November 2015,and the viability of the YMCA being the operator or pursuing membership in the Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District. Council President Snider asked what the costs would be to hire a consultant to assist staff with what they have and the probability of getting a ballot title referred by August 14. Ms.Wine said more specificity,as it relates to securing a TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—MAY 19,2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 6 of 8 location,would be needed before putting it before the voters.There would be a need to come to an agreement with an operator and if that was to be the YMCA,there would be steps to go through to make that happen.Staff is working on other projects, so it would be difficult for a team of folks to get to specifics for a June review,August approval and November ballot. Mr.LaFrance advised the council that what is put in the ballot will define how funds can be spent. If the YMCA is specified as the operator than there is no other choice than to have the YMCA operate it. Ms.Wine suggested the council not come to a decision tonight and continue looking into where this would fall in priority of other city projects,and address what will not get done. Going to bid for an operator is a helpful tool in deciding on an operator.A survey provided to a group could identify specific building needs and allow more time in order to get answers to questions raised.Discussion commenced with concerns expressed regarding specifically naming the YMCA on a ballot without an operating agreement,if the measure would be more successful in November or May due to voter turnouts,changing current project priorities or slowing down existing projects already in the works and promoting it as recreation center versus a community center.The good works the YMCA does in a community such as providing free memberships to youth and opening up the facilities to the homeless so they can shower were shared. Consensus was met by council that a ballot measure would go before the voters on the November ballot and they will continue discussion on June 2nd. 10. CONTINUED DISCUSSION ON POSSIBLE BALLOT MEASURE ITEMS City Manager Wine reported this is continued discussion of potential ballot measures. Mayor Cook agreed with many of the dates on the attached matrix,but the Urban Renewal District could not go on the November ballot due to the unknown of grant funding. Council President Snider said only the recreation and charter revisions should be scheduled for November 2015.He suggested the local option levies for parks and recreation be removed as discussions need to be held about the park utility fee instead off a levy leaving the local option levies for police,library and a community building to May 2016. Councilor Goodhouse asked for facilities needs to be added to the matrix.Ms.Wine said a facilities needs assessment was conducted in 2009 and staff is currently putting together a Facilities Strategic Plan. Discussions commenced on adding facilities needs to the November 2016 ballot and removing the high capacity transit funding from the matrix. Consensus was met to move the expansion of the Urban Renewal District Boundary to November 2016,removing the parks and recreation local option levy from May 2016,adding facilities needs to November 2016 and removing the high capacity transit funding from the matrix. 11. NON AGENDA ITEMS -None 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION-None. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—MAY 19, 2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 7 of 8 13. ADJOURNMENT At 9:59 p.m. Council President Snider motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Goodhouse seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Name Yes No Mayor Cook ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Councilor Henderson ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ "/� Norma I.Alley,Depu Recorder Attest: %o IA-Q2 tor,City of Tigard Date: jx"'L� -2 3,22 o I S TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES-MAY 19,2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1503-63941711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 8 of 8