Lake Oswego, Gladstone - Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements s������,
This Inter governmental Cooperative Agreement, hereinafter"Agreement," is entered into by
and between the following parties:The City of Lake Oswego, a municipal corporation of the
State of Oregon, and the City of Tigard, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon,
hereinafter collectively called "Partnership," and the City mfGladstone, a municipal corporation
ofthe State ofOregon, hereinafter called "City'"
WHEREAS,the Partnership isplanning construction ofnew underground water transmission
pipelines within portions of Portland Avenue, Clackamas Blvd., Bellevue Avenue, Exeter Street,
Jensen Road and Meldrum Bar Park Road, and these roads are public roads under the roadway
authority mfCity; and
WHEREAS, construction ofthe Partnership's water transmission pipelines will damage the City's
public roads and the City finds and declares that these impacts must be mitigated through a
combination of restoration and enhancement of its public roads in furtherance of a functional
and safe, roadway system; and
WHEREAS, City owns, operates and maintains water distribution mains that are located within
the construction area of the Partnership's planned water transmission line improvements
described above; and
WHEREAS, City's water distribution mains provide water supply for public h�a|th,sanitation,
fire protection, recreation, and economic development, and the City finds and declares that
coordinating improvements to its water distribution system with the Partnerships water system
improvements will reduce costs to its citizens relative to making these improvements alone at
another time; and
WHEREAS,the Partnership and City recognize that by entering into this Agreement their
respective citizens will benefit from cooperative and coordinated planning,funding, and
construction ofroadway and water system improvements; and
WHEREAS,the Parties enter into this Agreement pursuant to ORS 190.003 to 190.110,which
authorize units oflocal government toenter into such agreements.
Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
NOW,THEREFORE,the Parties agree as foifows:
Replacement of the Partnership's existing water transmission main and related improvements
and extensions to City's distribution mains are more particularly described in Article 1A.
Roadway improvements are more particularly described in Article 1B.
A. Water Pipelines
The Partnership owns, operates, and maintains an existing 27-inch diameter steel water
transmission main ("existing main") located within the public rights of way of City. The existing
main will be abandoned in place and filled with grout (see attached Exhibit A). A new 42-inch
diameter steel water transmission main ("new main") will be constructed within the rights of
way of City(see attached Exhibit B). Construction of the new main will create opportunities for
the Partnership to make certain improvements to City's water distribution mains. The
improvements desired by the City are more particularly described as follows:
1. Construct approximately 224 feet of new six (6)-inch diameter ductile iron water main
including valves, fittings, and appurtenances along East Clackamas Blvd. to the
intersection of Portland Avenue. Abandon approximately 350 feet of existing 1-inch
diameter water line in East Clackamas Blvd (see Exhibit C).
2. Construct approximately 206 feet of new six (6)-inch diameter ductile iron water main
including valves, fittings, and appurtenances along Portland Avenue from East
Clackamas Blvd. to the ink rt" f Arlington Street(see Exhibit D).
3. Construct approximately444eet Pnew six (6)-inch diameter ductile iron water main
including valves, fittings, and appurtenances along Meldrum Bar Park Road @Rd'146 POR
Mt@r..eetieM WithP aW 146ad (see Exhibit E).
B. Roadway, Pathway and Parking Area Reconstruction and Restoration
Portland Avenue, Clackamas Blvd., Bellevue Avenue, Exeter Street, Jensen Avenue, and
Meldrum Bark Park Road will be impacted by construction of the Partnership's new main. City
is requiring the Partnership to restore and reconstruct these roads as follows:
1. Clackamas Blvd.—Between approximately 201 West Clackamas Blvd. and the intersection
of Clackamas Blvd. and Portland Avenue,the Partnership will restore the roadway in the
following manner:
a. Mill and overlay the street for its full width with three (3)-inches of new asphaltic
cement ("AC") pavement, and
b. Match existing slope and grade.
2. Bellevue Avenue—Between Clackamas Blvd. and Exeter Street, the Partnership will
reconstruct the street and make other improvements as follows:
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Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
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a. Construct a new pavement section for the full width of the existing street
consisting of Geotextile fabric, under nine (9) inches of aggregate base, under
four(4) inches of new asphaltic concrete pavement;
b. Install new curbs, and curb cuts for driveways on both sides of Bellevue Avenue
to match with and connect to existing curbs where they exist;
c. Modify the slopes and grades of the existing street to promote drainage to
existing storm drainage systems, and
d. Construct new storm drainage facilities where needed to collect and convey
storm water off the street, all in accordance with Clackamas County Standards
relating to design and construction of local streets.
3. Exeter Street-The Partnership will improve the roadway of this street as follows:
a. Between Bellevue Avenue and the intersection with Beatrice Avenue,the
Partnership will construct a half-street improvement consisting of resurfacing an
eighteen (18)foot-wide section of pavement from the centerline of the street
south to the existing curb line with four (4) inches of new asphaltic concrete
pavement over new aggregate leveling course as needed;
b. Between Beatrice Avenue and approximately 470 Exeter Street,the Partnership
will construct a half-street improvement consisting of resurfacing an eighteen
(18)foot-wide section of pavement from the centerline of the street north to the
existing curb line with four(4) inches of new asphaltic concrete pavement over
new aggregate leveling course as needed;
c. At changes in alignment of the pipeline that occurs at Beatrice Avenue and at the
dead end of Exeter Street, a full width resurfacing with four(4) inches of new
asphaltic concrete pavement over new aggregate leveling course as needed will
occur at these locations, and
d. The restored street sections will:
L Match existing slope and grade; and
ii. Replace pavement markings as necessary.
4. Jensen Road-Between its northeasterly terminus with SE River Road and extending
approximately one thousand (1,000)feet southwest,the Partnership will reconstruct
Jensen Road with three (3)-inches of asphaltic concrete over eight (8)-inches of
aggregate base for its full nine (9)-foot width. The completed overlay will:
a. Match existing slope and grade; and
b. Match the existing average width of edge to edge of pavement.
5. Jensen Road to Meldrum Bar Park Road-Between these two roads,the Partnership will
replace existing pedestrian pathways and parking areas disturbed by construction of the
new main. Restoration will include parking stall re-striping as necessary. The contract
documents for construction will require the contractor to restore temporary
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Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
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construction easement areas impacted 6«construction to a condition equal to or better
than pre-construction conditions.
6' Meldrum Bar Park Road—Where construction of the Partnership's new main and
construction ofthe City's new water main (see Article 1A.3, above) occurs within the
paved portion of this road,the Partnership will mill and overlay the Meldrum Bar Park
Road with four(4)-inches of AC over nine (9)-inches of aggregate rock base. Where
construction of the City's new water main (see Article 1A.3, above) occurs within the
paved portion of this road,the Partnership will restore the trench section with four (4)
inches mfnew asphaltic concrete pavement over nine (9) inches mfnew aggregate base.
The completed overlay and trench restoration will:
a. Match existing slope and grade; and
b. Match the existing average width of edge to edge of pavement(overlay portion
7. Roadway Restoration (Collateral Damage)—Where construction of the Partnership's
new main orconstruction ofthe City's new water main results indamage toroadways
beyond the limits described in Articles 1B.3 and 113.6., above,the Partnership will
restore the damaged areas in the same manner as required for those roadways and to
the satisfaction mfthe Public Works Director.
The Partnership agrees tothe following:
1. Toprovide and pay for all engineering design services relating tothe Projects described
inArticles 1Aand 18, above and tmcause its design engineer todesigntheProjects in
accordance with the generally accepted design standards for public water systems and
public roads and those currently ineffect bvthe City.
3. Toexercise the same standard ofcare ]nengineering design itprovides onthe Projects
constructed for City's benefit, auitprovides to itself for water transmission lines and
inmprovenmentsconstructed for its benefit.
3. Tocause construction,through its construction contractors, ofthe Projects descr1bedin
Articles 1A and 1B in accordance with the City's adopted Public Works Standards.
4' To furnish and pay for all preliminary design drawings and specifications to City at the
9Q%and 100%design development stage ofthe Projects inArtic|es1/\and 18for review
and approval byCity. City shall have 1Odays to complete its review mteach stage and
provide comment onthe design drawings and specifications. The Partnership will
incorporate City's comments if consistent with relevant design standards generally
accepted inthe location mfthe work, and City standards, into the final construction
contract documents for the Projects. The Partnership shall provide acopy ofthe final
design drawings and specifications to the City following acceptance by the City.
5' Tofurnishondpayforacmpyofthe"asbui|ts" p|ansatthetinnemnvnmrshipofanyofthe
Projects transfers tmthe City under Article G.
Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
6. To solicit competitive bids at its sole cost and expense in accordance with the public
contracting rules of the City of Lake Oswego. The City of Lake Oswego,on behalf of the
Partnership, shall award the contract to the Contractor submitting the lowest,
responsive, responsible bid in accordance with state public contracting laws. The bid
shall require the Contractor to segregate, in its bid,the component bid amounts for the
construction costs of the Projects listed in Article 1A.
7. To provide not less than 72-hours notice to City of the need to interrupt normal water
supply service of City's water system in order to construct the Projects. Partnership
agrees to minimize the frequency and duration of interruptions to normal water service
through advance planning and coordination with the City Public Works Director.
8. To provide access to the Projects by authorized operating or inspection personnel of the
City for purposes of observing the contractor's work prior to acceptance by City.
9. To provide at its sole cost and expense to City, copies of all reports of tests and
inspections required by the construction contract documents and related to
construction of the Projects.
10.To furnish and install at locations and in quantities deemed appropriate by City,
informational signage at its sole cost and expense, identifying the Projects and that it is
a public works project constructed and funded in part by the Partnership in cooperation
with City.
11. To the extent any lawsuit, claim or other action filed by a third party relates to any
aspect of the Projects or related activities described in this Agreement,the Partnership
will timely notify the City and seek to resolve the claim in the most efficient and
economical manner possible, consistent with the rights of the parties. The Partnership
agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials,officers, employees and
agents harmless from all claims, demands, damages, expenses, loss, property damage or
injuries arising out of the Projects or related activities described in this Agreement,
except for any claims that arise out of the City's own intentional or negligent acts.
12. All construction contracts entered into pursuant to the Projects listed in Article 1 above,
or construction work performed by Partnership shall require the contractor and
Partnership to obtain, and to maintain in full force and effect for the term of the
contract, a Workers Compensation insurance policy meeting statutory coverage
requirements,together with comprehensive or general liability insurance policies in the
amount of at least$2 million per occurrence and $2 million in the aggregate, and shall
require certificates and additional insured endorsements designating the City of
Gladstone as an additional named insured.
13. Coordinate with the Contractor in the event a need arises under the terms of the
construction contract for a change order. The change order shall require the Contractor
to segregate the construction costs of the change order for each of the Projects.
Segregation of the change order amount(s)for each Project shall be the basis of
determining the allocable share of the costs Parties for the change order pursuant to
Article S.
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Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
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14.Tmconduct at its sole cost and expense mpreconstructionassessment (video
documentation) of Exeter Street and Meldrum Bar Park Road to ensure areas impacted
by construction of the Partnerships new main or City's new main are restored to equal
orbetter condition. Acopy ofthis video will beprovided tothe Public Works Director.
The City agrees tothe following:
1. To provide all necessary easements, sufficient for the Partnership to construct the
Projects. !
I. To appropriate,through its statutory budget process,sufficient funds to pay for the
construction costs associated with the Projects in Article 1A that may be incurred in the
fiscal year in which the Projects are constructed.
3' Tmtinnelyproviderevievvandcmnnnnentmnthesm|icitationdocunomnto, inc|udingthe
design drawings and construction specifications, and conduct a final review for
acceptance ofsuch drawings and specifications prior tobid solicitation for the Projects.
4. To provide advance written notice, in whatever form City determines appropriate,to its
water customers whose normal water supply service will be interrupted during the
course ofthe work and until the Projects describedinArKic|e1Amracmmnp|etedand
accepted byCity.
S' Tobethe primary point of contact for and to respond to complaints or questions from
City's residents'water customers that may arise in relation to the Projects described in
Article 1Aand 18'
6' To provide experienced operating personnel in sufficient number to operate any and all
portions of City's system to facilitate the timely and efficient construction,testing, and
commissioning mfthe Projects.
7' To observe, at m frequency the Public Works Director deems appropriate and that is
reasonable for the types mfProjects,thequm|ityofthe [ontractmr'svvmrkmsitre|atesto
the Projects ondreporttothePartnership'sinypectionpersomne| aoyapparent
defective work. Failure ofthe Public Works Director, orhis designee tmtimely raise,
following observation, any objections tmthe work, ostmthe Projects,shall,solely as to
the Partnership, constitute a release by City to the Partnership for any claims, causes of
action, ordamages arising out oforrelating tmthe Partnership's inspection ofthat
Project, and the City shall hold the Partnership harmless from any claims arising
8. To provide personnel and equipment necessary to take samples of water from the
mains constructed aspart ofthe Project forbocterio|mgica|tastinQpurposmsafter
disinfection iscomplete, and prior toconnection ofthe new pipelines tothe City's public
water system.
{0ousnxz3)Lake ouweQn/TNprd/G|adstone
Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
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The Parties to this Agreement covenant and mutually agree as follows:
1. That all design drawings, specifications, details and related work products and works in
progress of the Partnership produced or in production for the Projects are under the
exclusive control and ownership of the Partnership.
2. Prior to the onset of construction of any of the Projects listed in Article 1A or 113, if the
Partnership does not receive all necessary permits and approvals for its new main,the
Partnership may terminate this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement the
Partnership and the City hereby release each other from any further obligation to the
other Party under this Agreement.
3. To the extent a Contractor claim related to the Projects is deemed by the Partnership to
have merit, additional costs associated with the claim will be apportioned to the Parties
in a fair and equitable manner considering all relevant facts and conditions giving rise to
the claim.
4. In the event the City does not appropriate funds sufficient to remunerate the
Partnership for its allocable share of Project costs during any fiscal year in which any
Project element is planned for construction,the Partnership may terminate this
Agreement or remove the unfunded portion of the Project. If this Agreement is
terminated or a Project is removed,the Partnership and the City agree to hereby release
each other from any further obligation to the other Party under this Agreement
provided that the Partnership incurs no costs associated with deletion of any Project
work from the construction contract, in which case the provisions of Article 4.6 will
automatically apply.
5. The Parties shall work together in good faith during construction of the Projects to
minimize the potential for Contractor claims that may arise from differing site
conditions, action of the Parties, or any other reason.
6. In the event this Agreement is terminated, each party shall be responsible for those
additional costs attributable to the portion of the Projects for which that party is
financially responsible. In the event this Agreement is terminated due to default by the
City under the terms of this Agreement, and the Partnership incurs additional costs, or is
due remuneration of its expenses relating to the Projects incurred up to the termination
date,the City agrees to pay the Partnership for all such extra or unreimbursed expenses
if the City is provided with documentation of such costs and expenses.
7. It is understood by the Parties that in order to minimize the inconvenience to water
customers, certain portions of the Projects may be completed outside normal working
days and hours. When that is determined necessary by the Partnership and approved
by the City, each Party agrees to provide sufficient, experienced operations staff outside
normal working hours as necessary to meet the schedule established by the Partnership,
to ensure timely completion of the Projects.
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Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
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Project costs for Projects described in Articles 1A and 1B,above will be allocated to the Parties
inthe following manner:
A. Project No. 1A'1; 1A.2,and 1A'3-Water main replacements and extensions.
I\ City obligation. The City will pay all costs relating tothe construction ofapproximately
1,200 feet of 6-inch diameter ductile iron water main as set forth in Article 1./\,
including valves, hydrants, services, appurtenances, connections and modifications to
the City's public water system. City will pay all costs relating to pavement restoration
for the Projects listed in Article 1/\.2 and 1&'3, above, but excluding pavement
restoration costs for collateral damage noted in Article 18.7, above. At the completion
of the work and acceptance by City,the City of Lake Oswego shall invoice City for
construction costs associated with the Projects. The City shall make payment tothe City
mfLake Oswego within 30days ofthe date ofthe invoice. |nthe event the City contests
certain charges,the City shall make payment for the uncontested amount. Payments
shall be made to City of Lake[)yvvego at PO Box 369, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034.
21 Partnership Obligation. The Partnership will pay all costs relating todesign, bid phase
services, and construction inspection and testing through completion of the
construction contract.
B. Project No. 1B.1 through 18.6—Roadway reconstruction and restoration.
11 Partnership obligation, The Partnership will pay all coots relating tothe Projects listed
in Article 1B and all costs relating tothe pavement restoration costs associated with
Project 1/\.labove.
Contested Charges
1) With respect to any contested charges,the City and the Partnership shall meet within 45
days ofthe date ofthe invoice to discuss the charges. The City and Partnership agree to
make staff available tm meet as necessary to negotiate the contested charges, including
but not limited toadministration, engineering and legal staff. |nthe event the parties
are not able to resolve the disputed amounts, the parties retain all legal claims and
remedies. Any such doinns shall be resolved using Alternative Dispute Resolution
methods that may include, but are not limited to, mediation, non-binding arbitration,
and/or binding arbitration. In such instance where the dispute cannot be resolved
through these methods, the Par-ties retain their rights to bring suit in Clackamas County
Circuit Court and are subject tmOregon law.
Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System improvements
Upon completion of Projects 1A.1 through 1A.3 and acceptance of the Projects by City,
ownership of the new distribution systems and all appurtenances will pass to the City and all
such piping,valving,fire hydrants, and appurtenances shall be operated and maintained
exclusively by and for the benefit of City.
Upon completion of the respective Projects 16.1 through 113.6, and acceptance of the Projects
by City,the road improvements shall become the property of the City,to maintain as the City
deems appropriate.
Upon acceptance of the Projects by the City, City shall take possession of the Projects. Upon
taking possession of a Project,Contractor's warranty of title and general warranty and
guarantee against defective work shall pass to the City as to that Project which is a part of the
construction contract. City shall have all of the Partnership's rights under the construction
contract related to enforcement of the contract requirements insofar as they are applicable to
that Project. Any Contract for the Construction of the Partnership's new main in the City of
Gladstone will require that the City be named as a co-obligee on the Contractor's performance
The parties respectively warrant to the other that this Agreement has been duly approved and
executed by an authorized official of the party, and that by the execution hereof by the official
and the party's attorney,this Agreement is a binding and enforceable obligation upon the party
under applicable laws, including the party's charter and ordinances.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have executed this Cooperative Agreement as set forth
opposite their names below.
f00335082,3}Lake Oswego/Tigard/Gladsto
Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
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David D. Powell,City Attorney �K Tim Ramis, Legal Counsel
By; --`—�-'�
Date: / r ---
Heather Martin, Legal Counsel
A—Existing 27-inch raw water line to be abandoned
B—Proposed new 42-inch raw water line to be constructed within Gladstone
C—Proposed new 6-inch main in Clackamas Blvd.
D—Proposed new 6-inch main in Portland Avenue.
E—Proposed new 6-inch main in Meldrum Bar Park Road.
{00335082;3}lake Oswego/Tigard/Gladstone
Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Roadway and Water System Improvements
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