02/02/2015 - Lights! Camera! Ruff! Tigard organizes first-ever dog walk video contest aZqj City of Tigard TIGARD Press Release 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard,Oregon 97223 www.tigard-or.gov FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 5, 2015 Contact: Rudy Owens Communications Strategist City of Tigard 503-718-2758 rudy@tigard-or.gov Lights! Camera! Ruffl Tigard organizes first-ever dog walk video contest Calling all Tigard dogs and their human companions. The City of Tigard has officially launched its first-ever dog walk video contest, open to Tigard dogs and dog walkers of all ages. To celebrate walkability in Tigard, the city is seeking the community's most creative canines and their owners to show neighbors—and the world—where they like to put paws to the pavement. Videos that are one or two minutes in length can be submitted as URLs posted to YouTube or Vimeo, or they can be mailed or hand-delivered to City Hall on a CD. The contest opens on Feb. 6. The deadline for all submissions is March 10. Visit the dog walk video contest website for details and entry form: www.tigard-or.gov/video contest. Three winners will receive $100 gift cards from area businesses. For the last two years, short videos filmed using dog-mounted video cameras and smart phones have surpassed even the Kardashian sisters in popularity. One video made on the back of a Labrador that films itself running into the sea now has more than 15 million hits on YouTube. Tigard's dogs and walkers can show they are as creative. They also can highlight why they like and where they like to walk in Tigard. The contest hopes to capture the fun from the dog's-eye view. The city wanted to reach out to two groups who are active walkers—dog owners and younger residents. Both groups will be involved in the judging. The Tigard Dog Park Committee has agreed to be the first round of judges picking finalists. The Tigard Youth Advisory Council will pick the winning three videos. The city will host an awards ceremony in the Burgess Room of the Tigard Library at 7 p.m. on April 13,when winners will be announced publicly and the video finalists will be screened. Mark your calendars and help us celebrate the city's vision to become the most walkable community in the Pacific Northwest where people of all ages and abilities enjoy healthy and interconnected lives. Page 1 of 1