City Council Minutes - 01/20/2015 City 0f Tim Tigard City Council Meeting Minutes January 20, 2015 1. WORKSHOP MEETING A. Council President Snider called the City Council meeting to order at 6:35 p.m B. Deputy City Recorder Alley called the roll: Name Present Absent Mayor Cook ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Councilor Henderson ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ C Council President Snider led the Pledge of Allegiance. D. Council President Snider asked Council and Staff for any Non-Agenda Items to be heard as Agenda Item 6.CityManager stated she had one item to report. 2. BUDGET COMMITTEE SECOND QUARTER REPORT Finance and Information Services Director LaFrance,Assistant Finance Director Smith-Wagar, Senior Management Analyst Collins and Confidential Executive Assistant Lutz presented the staff report.Mr. LaFrance provided an additional handout for the meeting,which was entered into the record.Budget Committee members Zoe Monahan,Clifford Rone,Julie Plotz,Bill Bigcraft and Melody Graeber also attended and participated in the discussion. Ms. Smith-Wagar reported the audit is done and the report is available on the website with print available soon. It was unmodified,which is desirable.There were no significant findings.The Audit Committee will be called together in the next month to meet with the auditors for their exit meeting. Councilor Snider will report back to council what will happen at that meeting.Mr. LaFrance said there was an enormous amount of work done by staff to prepare and finish this audit. This audit will be attached to our official revenue bond statements. Council President Snider asked what the main recommendations were.Ms. Smith-Wagar answered there really were not any recommendations this year.There were a few adjustments to the materiality,which would change an investor's opinion for relying on the financial statements. There were some questions on which year some expenses were reported,but were so minor the auditors did not even research them. Mr. LaFrance reported the second quarter financial report discusses each of the city funds and presents it in a format similar to the budget document.Mr. LaFrance reviewed the highlights of the eight findings on page two of the report.Follow-up from the last report regarding the decrease in TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 20,2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 7 building permits issued,the city can still support current services and staffing levels even with the decrease. Council President Snider asked if builders are waiting for River Terrace and choosing not to build. Mr. LaFrance responded that may be a factor. Staff is not worried because this is a trend that will turn around with the River Terrace construction. The city had some big projects the last couple years which has not been seen as of this fiscal year. Councilor Henderson asked if any of the increase of revenue was unpaid taxes.Mr. LaFrance answered those unpaid taxes were mostly paid during the recession.One thing related to that is the increase of assessed value by 4.4 percent seen throughout Tigard. Even though the assessed value went up it does not mean our collection was at the same percentage. Ms. Collins reported the second quarter supplemental budget hearing is scheduled for January 27. Some of the key items in the supplemental are the TPOA contact negotiations for salary and overtime increases,a$15,000 recognition of donations from the Rotary Club for another K9 unit, community development received the second payment for the SW Corridor Plan IGA of $185,000.00 and budget adjustments within the CIP for a Facilities Plan. Mr. Rone asked if the $300,000 plan was approved through the budget process.Ms. Smith-Wagar replied it was approved through the budget process because staff had been putting money in contingencies each year in anticipation of this project. Ms. Collins continued reporting that the supplemental includes an increase in the gas tax,as approved byTTAC, for the Pacific Highway/Gaarde/McDonald Project that will provide $1.1 million in additional revenue. Lastly, monies are being moved from the Copper Creek Stabilization Project to the River Terrace Storm Water Master Plan. Mr. Rone asked if the $1.1 million was anticipated in the budget.Ms.Wine said the primary reason for the additional expenditure was cost of materials.Mr. Rone said he was surprised to see there was an extra$1.1 million and assumed the other costs were CIP budgeting costs from the last several years. Ms.Plotz asked how some of the other CIP were going to be prioritized.Ms. Collins responded about the Copper Creek Project to River Terrace. All the funds were approved so it does not impact the budget; rather, it does impact the capital improvement plan. There are also times when there is a single project and there is no way to manage that with current appropriations,so staff looks at what can be done to manage it;in this case,the city gas tax was considered. Mr. LaFrance said it is not uncommon for unanticipated expenses to occur. ODOT and Tigard are working with the construction company to manage the remaining funds. Mr. Rone stated the city is proposing to use a reserve from the gas tax funds.He asked how long it took to build up that reserve. Mr. LaFrance answered since 2007 with the initiation of the gas tax. The funds have been used for the Main Street Beautification and 72❑d and Dartmouth Intersection Improvements Projects. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 20, 2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97' 2231503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 7 Ms.Monahan asked if the $1.1 million is anticipated for unforeseen expenses.Mr. LaFrance answered yes,the $1.1 million should take care of it if the project stays within the budget.It has been the city's experience that this should cover it. Mr. LaFrance stated it is staff's expectation a proposed budget will be published on or about April 9. The week of April 6 there will be budget training with a focus on Oregon budget law and navigating the city's budget document.April 20 will be the first Budget Committee meeting. Lastly,in the packet is the general fund forecast. Please pay attention to the blue bars and orange line. This is a six year forecast that expenditures and revenues are close and a reserve that is ever so slightly decreasing over time. Over the last several years staff has been talking about bending down the curve. Staff has done a lot of work renegotiating contracts,paying benefits,and more and with that hard work this curve is changing. In the long term there will be slowly eroding service levels.The last piece is the capital improvement plan and resources the city can use for capital improvements. It does not assume any decisions council has yet to make with things like SDCs or River Terrace. Mr Rone asked for clarification in the increase of gas tax figures around 2021.Mr. LaFrance replied the city will no longer be paying debt service therefore will have additional revenue available. Mr. LaFrance closed with saying staff completed their requested base budgets and the next step will be for the city manager to review the proposed budget before publishing.Factors considered in the city manager's review will be things like the strategic plan and any needed changes to the base budget. 3. UPDATE ON THE TIGARD STREET TRAIL DESIGN CONCEPTS 10 Community Development Director Asher and Economic Development Manager Purdy presented the staff report along with guest speaker Resolve Architecture &Planning Principal Urban Designer Suenn Ho which was accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Asher said the Tigard trail is one of the most important projects for Tigard connecting the downtown to the industrial areas.The Tigard street trail has a chance to be something different and a Tigard landmark Staff has diligently been working on securing grants for the project,but has not been able to secure any funding.Mr. Asher introduced Ms.Ho stating she partnered with the Astoria community to build a project through funding only from city resources and donations. Because this project is so important,to keep the positive momentum and for grant proposals,staff is continuing work on the Tigard Street Trail. Ms. Ho presented the PowerPoint presentation and reported work started in November with brainstorming and receiving guidance. She provided background of the project in Astoria reporting it lasted eight years because it was built as monies were available and was completed with no issuance of any bonds.The key piece is a fifty foot wide-thirteen foot tall story screen with quotes from the community recalling Astoria's history.This is out in the public and is freely accessible by everyone. There has been no vandalism as it has been shown when something is built with care the community takes care of it. Ms. Ho summarized her finding with saying in Tigard, she noticed there is no sidewalk to get downtown from some of the trails. As shown in slide nine of the presentation,area number five has TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 20, 2015 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 972231503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 7 a lot of homeless people setting up camp,which is where people come out from Fanno Creek Areas three and four are narrow and four is where people come out from Tigard Street;yet there is not a crossing. There was a very,eclectic experience through this corridor and there needs to be something to lengthen it and motivate people to move from one end to the other.One end is Main Street which has positive vibrant things happening;the other end provides a lot of modes of transportation and the middle highlights Fanno Creek The question is how to use the center as a connector instead of a stand-alone piece.Things to consider are using it as a boardwalk,trail walk,or art walk Tigard already has a lot of boardwalks,but a different kind of boardwalk could be considered.Another option is a nature walk utilizing the existing trails systems that are quite present. There is a tremendous amount of layers of rock formation in this area,which provide a sense of place and facade.Rocks are cost effective as they are free to come by and you just pay for movement.Another option is an an walk. This is important because art evokes emotions and invokes ideas and a whimsical nature makes a place special. There is a place under the bridge and she asked why not use it. In a conversation with ODOT,they agreed they have a desire to make the bridge nicer. The west end of the trail is not inviting. Ms.Ho proposed integrating Tigard's rich history in the railroad by tapping into art,nature and boardwalk and using the train is the substance. There are a lot of resources available with people in the community who are very proud of their heritage. Tapping into some of the old signage and graphics to tell stories becomes an extension of the whole street. Clean up the green space in the center to begin appreciating the old growth.This is the stomach and some of the artifacts can be put here making use as the central connection with the neighborhoods.It will be important to have activities in this area. The two large buildings west of the area maybe able to be used as projection screens for movies and some kind of lighting. For the east end,Tigard has a successful farmers market but not near Main Street. Use under the bridge on the east for the farmers market and maybe some performers.This could be easily accessible from people on Main Street and all the way down the trail. She suggested making the entrance at the west end a plaza and a welcoming panel with a story screen. These are great concepts,but it all comes to the dollars and sense.Ms.Ho recommended the city create a budget and work backwards to what is affordable. She said she is hoping everyone sees this strip providing a variety of opportunities to have gatherings, seating and activities. Mr. Asher said staff has already lined up matching funds from the county and a couple hundred thousand dollars have been set aside for future grants with matching funds requirements.At the moment we do not have our next target for funding,but we are looking for that.We have one more meeting with the stakeholders.When we get to the end we will have more materials to get that next grant application. Councilor Woodard suggested adding a BMX park area and a Parkour course utilizing the belly area to expand family activities. Discussion commenced on adding some parking to be used as a safe buffer between the trails and the street. Councilor Goodhouse said he liked the idea of making a learning history of Tigard from each end. He asked for clarification on what would be at the western end.Ms.Ho said that all depends on the property lines and what can be accommodated with the change in elevation. She suggested TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 20, 2015 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 7 considering doing an urban study on that area alone focusing on getting people moving in a safe way. Councilor Woodard commented he liked the idea of the projection on the east end and integrating multiple events as there is such a large amount of earth to work with there. Councilor Goodhouse said he liked the idea of the farmers market in downtown. Councilor Snider closed by thanking staff and Ms.Ho for the presentation and stated council looks forward to the possibilities. 4. REVIEW OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S 2015/2016 FY BUDGET IR Assistant City Manager Newton presented the staff report noting the budget increased to incorporate the technology and vehicle stipends,there was a decrease ' benefits because council is not eligible for retirement and VEBA which was being accounted for in previous budgets,an increase in dues and subscriptions are based on population and goes up outside of Tigard's control, the council is holding the line in training,and there has been additional funding in special department expenses for events such as the inauguration. Discussion commenced on the current funding level in travel and training being inadequate for each of the councilors. Consensus was met to increase the line item to around$7,500 a year per councilor and increasing the Mayor's funding appropriately as well. Councilor Henderson suggested adding money for a Youth Summit.Ms.Wine commented there has been monies set aside in the city manager's budget for a youth summit and to support other TYAC activities. Ms. Newton closed summarizing staff will look into costs of hosting a youth summit and increasing the council's travel and training line item to adequately cover current travel costs. 5. DISCUSSION ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY E Assistant City Manager Newton,Police Lieutenant Frisendahl and Streets &Transportation Senior Project Engineer McCarthy presented the staff report. Mr. McCarthy reported the traffic engineering analysis shows what others basically know. Engineers look at crash data,which the state has a database compiled from accident reports,and look for pedestrian crossing issues. The city has done big projects on 99W with the Hall/Greenburg/Main Project and is currently starting the Gaarde/McDonald/Pacific Highway Project.There has been a lot of behind the scene work with upgrading traffic signal controllers for remote access at the ODOT main office. Council President Snider explained the City Council requested further discussions on this topic because citizens have been approaching the council about the congestion on 99W and wanting to know what the city is doing about it. The council would be remiss in their duties if we did not continue to have discussion of what we can do next and plan ahead. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 20,2015 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 7 Councilor Woodard said 99W uses a lot of resources and the city needs to find a comprehensive solution to share these resources and fund other projects.No idea is beyond the sceme of concept or invaluable. Lieutenant Friesendahl reported the police department puts together traffic data and enforce trouble intersections to facilitate flow of traffic. Officers observe and watch where the trouble areas are and work with engineering to get people on the roadway to where they want to go. Officers also look at signage and work with people to educate them on traffic laws. Council President Snider asked if there are big plays that can be done such as a double decker, widening,or a bypass.Mr.McCarthy replied there is a large cost and visual impacts to a double decker. He recommended focusing more on the hot spots and intersection improvements,because those tend to be in the range where ODOT can come up with the funding. Council President Snider asked about doing some appropriate and safe diverting.Mr.McCarthy answered there was discussion of a west side bypass,which got paired down quite a bit and died about five years ago. Discussions went to a three arterial and that did not go forward because there is a fair amount of alternate traffic routes of eight to ten thousand trips a day on Durham Road. Staff figures about half the traffic is just going through Tigard. Councilor Goodhouse said more people are starting to take alternate roads and these areas are getting backed up;especially near schools. Councilor Goodhouse suggested more barriers or planter strips in the middle of the road be placed on these alternate routes. Lieutenant Friesendahl said there has already been quite a reduction in motor vehicle accidents on 99W near Costco where the median barrier has been placed. Mr. McCarthy added the cut through traffic is an issue and staff gets calls for people diverting off 99W into neighborhood streets estimated at 20 to 30 thousand cars a day. Since completion of some projects,he estimated it dropped to 15-20 thousand a day. Council President Snider said this is a political problem and council should be advocating for it at different levels.This is an issue the council and mayor should be advocating for. Councilor Woodard said the city needs to get better at negotiating for its fair share of dollars. There are projects other interested parties would like to get involved in so the city should assess tradeoffs. From past experience,the city could have done a better job negotiating contract prices and possible tradeoffs. Council President Snider suggested council develop two or three big play options and figure out how to start pushing this as one of the city's biggest legislative agenda items.Mr.McCarthy said the state does quite a bit of this on their own and tells jurisdictions where the hot spots are.He suggested city efforts match those priorities. Ms. Newton stated the biggest issues are the volume of pass through traffic to other cities and the neighborhood cut through. There is a need to figure out how to fix those. Council President Snider said those are symptoms of a bigger problem and we need to fix the true problem TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES—JANUARY 20, 2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 972231503-639-41711 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 6 of 7 Councilor Woodard said putting a crosswalk in on Walnut Street slowed traffic down and people are using caution. If you put things in place that call for caution it might deter the cut through traffic. Councilor Goodhouse stated we need to find ways to push people through Tigard. Ms.Wine said there are things being done that speak to this being a political issue such as the Transportation Strategy Team doing a better job of being intentional in prioritizing transportation issues.Thinking bigger,we can use our legislature to ask for the political support to leverage grants and bring visibility to our issues. Ms.Wine summarized the discussion for staff to locate where the safety and hot spots are,council to hold further discussions on the priority of the hot spots with potential solutions and figure out a way to advocate how to change them through partnerships and relationships with other agencies. Mr.McCarthy said as to project solutions he heard focus on alternate routes through Tigard and getting traffic moving through Tigard by means of alternate routes. Council President Snider said he felt those have been optimized.Unless we are talking about widening,double deckers or tunneling the other stuff is fringe projects;not big solutions. Councilor Woodard also added a bypass would be a big solution,but is unsure of the possibilities,how that looks or even how it would come about. 6. NON AGENDA ITEMS IR City Manager Wine said she sent an email to launch the new website. Collaborative efforts were made to improve navigation and optimization for mobile devices. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION- None 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Councilor Woodard seconded by Councilor Goodhouse to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of City Council present. Mayer Cook Absent Council President Snider Yes Councilor Goodhouse Yes Councilor Henderson Yes Councilor Woodard Yes Norma I. Alley,Deputy&y Recorder Attest: i0a. r,City tgard 1 Dat j /O - TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES-JANUARY 20, 2015 City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 7 of 7