04/21/2011 - Agenda ECity of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee 11 Agenda
MEETING DATE/TIME: Thursday, May 19, 2011, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Red Rock Conference Room
13125 SW Hall Blvd
Meeting Agenda
1. Welcome Basil
2. Introductions Basil / Group
3. Member and Guest Communication Basil
4. Public Information Articles Basil / Kristen
5. Preparation for Joint Meeting with TTAC Basil/Group
6. Community Programs / ACTS Oregon Grant Group
7. Pedestrian and Bicyclist Usage Pattern Counts Mike/Group
8. Project Lists Mike
9. Announcements / Next Agenda Basil / Mike
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 1
ECity of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee 11 Agenda
MEETING DATE/TIME: Thursday,April 21, 2011, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m, City Hall
Meeting Notes
ACTS Oregon
Charity Sturgeon from ACTS Oregon attended the meeting and provided a brief introduction to their
organization. They are a good partner for many local agencies, nonprofits, and volunteer groups in their
efforts to promote walking and cycling, and improve community safety. ACTS Oregon offers a mini-
grant program for non-infrastructure projects that promote safe cycling and community safety. The
application process will be open this summer. There was some group consensus that it would be a good
idea to further investigate the possibilities of using this funding for cycling education events in Tigard.
Member and Guest Communication—Pedestrian and Cyclist Counts
The suggestion was raised to collect count data on walking and cycling patterns in Tigard, so we would
have a better understanding of where people are traveling and which routes get the most use. Volunteers
(including committee members) could do some of the counting. Mike will draft a counting strategy and
procedure for discussion (and possible volunteer recruitment) at future meetings.
Preparation for Joint Meeting with TTAC
The joint meeting with TTAC was canceled in April,with the intention of further clarifying the
subcommittee's presentation and strategy for using the meeting time before the meeting occurs. The
joint meeting is now planned for September. Subcommittee members are encouraged to drop in on a
TTAC meeting (First Wednesday 6:30pm in the Library second floor conference room) to get a better
feel for the committee and what they do.
Pacific/Gaarde/McDonald Issues Identification
Tigard and the Oregon Department of Transportation have started work on a conceptual design of the
Pacific Hwy 99W/Gaarde/McDonald intersection. This would be similar to the recently construction at
the Pacific/Hall/Greenburg/Main intersections. The first phase of this project is issues identification, in
which we try to get all the issues/problems with the Pacific/Gaarde/McDonald intersection out `on the
table' so they can be considered and addressed as we prepare preliminary alternatives for intersection
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 1
reconfiguration. Several good ideas were brought up and noted for the design team. If you would like to
offer input about this intersection, please call Mike at 503-718-2462.
Project Lists
The City is seeking this group's input on identifying and prioritizing projects for construction that would
benefit cyclists and pedestrians. Mike distributed (attached as a .pd fl the pages from Tigard's (Long
Term) Transportation System Plan showing all the projects benefiting pedestrians and cyclists identified
as desirable to construct in the long term. Note that cost estimates are very rough. The question is
which of these (or other) projects to construct first.
Mike distributed a spreadsheet (attached as a .xlsx) that will be used to list projects for potential
construction. These are divided into three categories based on cost (and thus difficulty of obtaining
funding): 1) Large Projects (Over $250,000), 2) `Missing Links'where there is a short gap less than a few
hundred feet of missing sidewalk or bike lane in an otherwise good facility, and 3) Small projects (Less
than $25,000), many of which have already been listed by the group.
The group was given a homework assignment to identify projects in each of the three categories that they
would like to see constructed, and bring this list to future meetings to build and prioritize the list.
Meeting Time
Attendance at this meeting was rather sparse, but with some excused absences. The question arose about
whether or not our current meeting time (5:00 to 6:30 on Third Thursdays) is good or not. Please e-mail
any feedback you would like to provide about the meeting time.
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 1