HOP2002-00004 NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT (HOP) 2002-00004 Ail` GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION CITY TIGAR� Commu Y ni �Devefo t Shaping Better Community DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. 120 DAYS = 5/18/2002 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION FILE NO.: Home Occupation Permit (HOP) HOP2002-00004 APPLICANT: Uwe J. Gluhr OWNER: Same 15353 SW Mazama Place Tigard, OR 97224 PROPOSAL: The applicant requests approval for a Type II Home Occupation permit to allow an office for a plywood importing firm. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: R-3.5; Low Density Residential. ZONING DESIGNATION: R-3.5; The R-3.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Duplexes are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: The subject site is located at 15353 SW Mazama Place; WCTM 2S110DA, Tax Lot 3400. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.385, 18.390, 18.510 and 18.742. SECTION II. DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request subject to certain conditions of approval. The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in Section IV. HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION(PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 1 OF 5 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE STAFF CONTACT SHALL BE MORGAN TRACY IN THE PLANNING DIVISION AT (503) 639-4171. 1. All Home Occupation standards discussed in this decision and detailed in the Tigard Development Code Chapter 18.742 must be complied with at all times. 2. The applicant/owner shall direct the employee or any customers who visit the site to park in the driveway and not utilize on street parking. SECTION III. PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED The City mailed notice to property owners within 500 feet of the subject site providing them an opportunity to comment. Two phone inquiries were received addressing the home occupation. These inquiries were of an informational nature and no specific issues were raised. One email message was received from a neighboring property owner (Kimberly S. Law-Hamilton) in support of the application. SECTION IV. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Section 18.742.040 states that all home occupations except those that have proven non- conforming status, shall observe the following criteria in addition to the standards established for Type I and Type II uses described in 18.742.050: Home occupations may be undertaken only by the principal occupant(s) of a residential property; The proposed Home Occupation is being undertaken by the property owner who is a principal occupant of the property. There shall be no more than three deliveries per week to the residence by suppliers; The applicant has indicated there will be no delivery of products or supplies to the residence. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the operation. Home occupations shall observe the provisions of the Tigard Community Development Code (TCDC) Chapter 18.090, Environmental Performance Standards; No offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, etc. are anticipated based on the proposed Home Occupation business since it will be conducted indoors and involves no manufacturing or assembly. The home occupation shall be operated entirely within the dwelling unit and a conforming accessory structure. The total area which may be used in the accessory building for either material product storage and/or the business activity shall not exceed 528 square feet. Otherwise, the home occupation and associated storage of materials HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 2 OF 5 and products shall not occupy more than 25% of the combined residence and accessory structure gross floor area, but in no case shall the portion of the home occupation occupying the accessory use exceed 528 square feet. The indoor storage of materials or products shall not exceed the limitations imposed by the provisions of the building, fire, health and housing codes; Twenty-five percent of the home size is 877 square feet, however, the maximum area the code allows is 528 square feet to be used for a home occupation. The applicant has proposed to use approximately 500 square feet of the 3,509 square foot residence for the home occupation. Therefore, this standard has been met. A home occupation shall not make necessary a change in the Uniform Building Code use classification of a dwelling unit. Any accessory building that is used must meet Uniform Building Code requirements and be in conformance with TCDC Chapter 18.144 of this title; No changes to the dwelling are proposed. More than one (1) business activity constituting two or more home occupations shall be allowed on one property, only if the combined floor space of the business activities does not exceed 25 percent of the combined gross floor area of the residence and accessory structure. Each home occupation shall apply for a separate home occupation permit. NOTE: The Tigard Business Tax requires payment for only one (1) Business Tax if the same owner is operating more than one approved business at the same location. Although payment for each separate business is not required, it is required that all names of the businesses' which are currently in operation at that location be specifically listed on the Business Tax Certificate and be visibly posted at the business location. There are no other Home Occupations approved for this site, therefore, this criterion does not apply. There shall be no storage and/or distribution of toxic or flammable materials, and spray painting or spray finishing operations that involve toxic or flammable material which in the judgment of the Fire Marshall pose a dangerous risk to the residence, its occupants, and/or surrounding properties. Those individuals which are engaged in home occupations shall make available to the Fire Marshal, for review, the Material Safety Data Sheets which pertain to all potentially toxic and/or flammable materials associated with the use; No storage or distribution of toxic or flammable materials is necessary on the proposed use, therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. No home occupation shall require any on or off-street parking other than that normally required for a residence; The applicant has not addressed parking issues in their narrative. Therefore, the applicant will be conditioned to require customers of the business to be directed to park in the driveway and not utilize on-street parking. HOP2002-00004TTYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 3 OF 5 FINDING: The standards related to parking have not been fully addressed. CONDITION:The applicant/owner shall direct the employee or any customers who visit the site to park in the driveway and not utilize on street parking. The following uses are not allowed as home occupations: (a) Auto-body repair and painting. (b) Ongoing mechanical repair conducted outside of an entirely enclosed building. (c) Junk and salvage operations. (d) Storage and/or sale of fireworks. The proposed Home Occupation does not involve any of the above uses, and will be an office use only, therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. There shall be no exterior storage of vehicles of any kind used for the business except one commercially licensed vehicle of not more than three-quarters ton GVW which may be parked outside of a structure or screened area; No exterior storage of vehicles is proposed or anticipated, therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. There shall be no storage of materials, goods, and equipment unless screened entirely from view by a solid fence. Storage shall not exceed five (5) percent of the total lot area and shall not occur within the front yard or the required side yard setback; No outdoor storage of materials, goods or equipment is proposed or anticipated, therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. In addition to the general approval criteria, Type-II home occupations allow the following according to the TCDC chapter 18.142.050: (a) One non-illuminated sign, not exceeding 1.5 square feet, which shall be attached to the residence or accessory structure or placed in a window; (b) No more than one outside volunteer or employee who is not a principal resident of the premises; (c) No more than six daily customers or clients. Customers and clients may not visit the business between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and shall not generate excessive traffic or monopolize on-street parking; (d) Storage of materials, goods, and equipment which is screened entirely from view by a solid fence. Storage shall not exceed five (5) percent of the total lot area and shall not occur within the front yard or the required side yard setback. The applicant has indicated that there will be no signage. There will be one outside employee who is not a principal resident. The applicant has indicated that there will be no customers visiting the site. The hours of operation for the business will be between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. As previously stated, no storage of materials is proposed or anticipated. Therefore these standards are met. HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 4 OF 5 SECTION V. PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice: Notice was posted at City Hall and mailed to: X The applicant and owners X Owner of record within the required distance X Affected government agencies Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON FEBRUARY 7, 2002 AND EFFECTIVE ON FEBRUARY 23, 2002 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. Appeal: The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. Any party with standing as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1. may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2. of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, subject to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. II THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON FEBRUARY 22, 2002. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Division, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon at (503) 639-4171. ( / February 7, 2002 PREPAR BY: Morg Tracy DATE Associate Planner - ��— February 7, 2002 APPROVED BY: Richard H. ersdorff DATE Planning Manager is\curpin\morgan\workspace\hopii\hop2002-00004\hop2002-00004 staff report.doc HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 5 OF 5 F ■_ / .. �� := ^ . ■_ CITY of IGA' ■ .5■ ■ __ GEOORA►NIC INFORMATION SYSTEM N""'4not e; 8 :a a ■ VICINITY MAP i 0e �- -- I '��h�l,��jry 1, 'r • ED I DELMONTE DR I �h�'h'I •* ®I ICI I I HOP2002-00004 i PP L GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION LADY t, ril I• B: Y MAR/0 DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. �''� II Arif soar I I 'TS •_= HOOD Pb lifii , � if : !!, kia ......r., ..... a,- Q FE Y..._9Q ` Y �Cj I:_.� �7 r S.W. NEAVE STREET euu trr�ggs i' c N BryNITA\kq 59 ■ ;'P[�-' ea ICI - .. HIGH •N.DR i - -` .111111111111 ,,,,,,,,,,,'�P ..o SY ..., AM 1.,0 ., a: 40 4;iOW:R� IF '..�•.,,, aTIPP am N 'Nerd Area Map 1111101.' N Oft :*i fii**1 SI Illi -4.illi • ' . *** GREENLEA ` \` R - • ,''sa •, * ```````�.�DR 0 200 400 600 Feet IIL - IDR SuM1v, ``��� ` ``` 1••404 feet it ♦ , \II City of Tigard + . `� �'t � '' Information on this map is for general location only and �� �� should be verified with the Development Services Division. ® ��0�'; .q> ,. c.',.,,,.,,..... ''' 13125,SW O Hall Blvd 4111116 f-cArnicK-Ce-11 — ., �( l rd,OR 97223 d or r±r1-14:1--r--r-L 503 839-4171 Community Development Plot date:Jan 18,2002;C:lmagic\MAGIC03.APR REQUEST FOR COMMENTS Page 1 of 1 January 29, 2002 Dear Mr. Tracy, I received notification that my neighbor, Mr. Uwe Gluhr, has made an application with your office to obtain a home occupation permit. My husband, Lane Hamilton and I have absolutely no objection to this permit being granted. Mr. Gluhr is a quiet, respectful neighbor and we would have no reason to speak in opposition. Sincerely, Kimberley S. Law-Hamilton file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00008.HTM 1/29/02 Page 1 of 1 Just wanted you to know a neighbor called in about the HOP on Mazama (Plywood Imports) and just wanted to know she's fine with it. Neva Gossett, 10700 SW Highland Dr. Thanks, Di Diane Parke Planning/Engineering Technician City of Tigard Community Development dianep @ci.tigard.or.us file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00008.HTM 1/22/02 MAILING / NOTIFICATION RECORDS • AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING CITY OFTIGARD Community'Development Shaping Better Community I, Patricia L. Luns{ord, being first duly sworn/affirm, on oath depose and say that I am a Senior Administrative Specialist for the City of Tigard,-Washington County, Oregon and that I served the following: {Check Appropriate Box(s)Below) © NOTICE OF PENDING LAND USE APPLICATION FOR: HOP2002-00004/GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION, DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. AMENDED NOTICE (File No./Name Reference) ® City of Tigard Planning Director A copy of the said notice being hereto attached, marked Exhibit"A", and by reference made a part hereof, was mailed to each named person(s) at the address(s) shown on the attached list(s), marked Exhibit"B", and by reference made a part hereof, on January 18,2002, and deposited in the United States Mail on January 18,2002, postage prepaid. //)g_44;:e.t)g (Person that Prepared Notice) STATE ofo EGorW ) County of Washington )ss. City of igard ) / Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on the Ui day of gr-c4 , 2002. !. • OFFICIAL SEAL w: DIANE M JELDERKS Q��Q NOTARY PUBLIC-0OREGON G(�'YIC ��� COMMISSION N0.326578 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT.07,2003 - ' II I ,I ' I ' My Commission Expires: dp 7 ° EXHIIAT \ NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIENHOLDER,VENDOR OR SELLER: THE TIGARD DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE,IT SHALL BE PROMPTLY FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER. NOTICE OF PENDING LAND USE APPLICATION OCCUPATION PERMIT CITY OF TIGARD Commututy Deveropment SFapingA Better Community DATE OF NOTICE: January 18, 2002 FILE NUMBER: HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT (HOP) 2002-00004 FILE NAME: GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. PROPOSAL The applicant requests approval for a Type II Home Occupation permit to allow an office for a hardwood plywood-importing firm. ZONE: R-3.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-3.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Duplexes are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.390, 18.510 and 18.742. LOCATION: 15353 SW Mazama Place; WCTM 2S110DA,Tax Lot 3400. YOUR RIGHT TO PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENTS: Prior to the City making any decision on the Application, you are hereby provided a fourteen (14) day period to submit written comments on the application to the City. THE FOURTEEN (14) DAY PERIOD ENDS AT 5:00 PM ON FEBRUARY 1, 2002. All comments should be directed to MORGAN TRACY in the Planning Division at the City of Tigard, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. You may reach the City of Tigard by telephone at (503) 639-4171. ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD IN WRITING PRIOR TO 5:00 PM ON THE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE IN ORDER FOR YOUR COMMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS THE CITY OF TIGARD APPRECIATES RECEIVING COMMENTS AND VALUES YOUR INPUT. COMMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED AND ADDRESSED WITHIN THE NOTICE OF DECISION. A DECISION ON THIS ISSUE IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 21, 2002. IF YOU PROVIDE COMMENTS, YOU WILL BE SENT A COPY OF THE FULL DECISION ONCE IT HAS BEEN RENDERED. WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BECOME A PART OF THE PERMANENT PUBLIC RECORD AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: • Address the specific "Applicable Review Criteria" described in the section above or any other criteria believed to be applicable to this proposal; • Raise any issues and/or concerns believed to be important with sufficient evidence to allow the City to provide a response; • Comments that provide the basis for an appeal to the Tigard Hearings Officer must address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity on that issue. Failure of any party to address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity may preclude subsequent appeals to the Land Use Board of Appeals or Circuit Court on that issue. Specific findings directed at the relevant approval criteria are what constitute relevant evidence. AFTER THE 14—DAY COMMENT PERIOD CLOSES, THE DIRECTOR SHALL ISSUE A TYPE II ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION. THE DIRECTOR'S DECISION SHALL BE MAILED TO THE APPLICANT AND TO OWNERS OF RECORD OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE, AND TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SUBMITTED WRITTEN COMMENTS OR WHO IS OTHERWISE ENTITLED TO NOTICE. THE DIRECTOR'S DECISION SHALL ADDRESS ALL OF THE RELEVANT APPROVAL CRITERIA. BASED UPON THE CRITERIA AND THE FACTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE RECORD, THE DIRECTOR SHALL APPROVE, APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS OR DENY THE REQUESTED PERMIT OR ACTION. SUMMARY OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS: • The application is accepted by the City. • Notice is sent to property owners of record within 500 feet of the proposed development area allowing a 14-day written comment period. ♦ The application is reviewed by City Staff and affected agencies. • City Staff issues a written decision. ♦ Notice of the decision is sent to the Applicant and all owners or contract purchasers of record of the site; all owners of record of property located within 500 feet of the site, as shown on the most recent property tax assessment roll; any City-recognized neighborhood group whose boundaries include the site; and any governmental agency which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City which includes provision for such notice or anyone who is otherwise entitled to such notice. INFORMATION/EVIDENCE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW: The application, written comments and supporting documents relied upon by the Director to make this decision are contained within the record and are available for public review at the City of Tigard Community Development Department. Copies of these items may be obtained at a cost of $.25 per page or the current rate charged for this service. Questions regarding this application should be directed to the Planning Staff indicated on the first page of this Notice under the section titled "Your Right to Provide Written Comments." / " � � �r / _I I �N� ash LE" em - VICINITY NAP m -..Vati " MIMI�°" ��� 111111 1111 HOP2002-00004 iI 1�1, 1"'t,,,",- �GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION ...,.. ......t. . DBA:PLYWOOD IMPORTERS.LTO. 73,,,, , ,, ,„< �V■ ►�� rt )�� t...� a::. ‘,. . „.. ,: ,- t .„ '1■ rei ■� ii -- �� �� F ' 'qi,,,5 "...- -1,...ilk 10.400 MI All .;;:. g....ca... pi Iv sionnimmwaw IRD 400 MO Moo A ..- 1 % - \ A ,,, i '\;>4, r EXHIBIT 3 2S1100B-00200 2S110DD-11800 ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES TRUST CLOSE CHARLES&ROSMARY CO-TRS BY PALMER GROTH&PIEKA 10835 SW HIGHLAND DR ATTN:TODD S LIEBOW TIGARD,OR 97224 110 SW YAMHILL#200 PORTLAND,OR 97204 2S111CC-11600 2S110DD-11900 BALL ROBERT F TRUSTEE COLVIN FAMILY TRUST 10465 SW HIGHLAND DR 10725 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-06700 2S110DA-03300 BARBISAN TONY C& CONNOLLY JON S& DEBRA M CONNOLLY KAREN K 15210 SW 107TH AVE 15360 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-02900 2S 1100A-03200 BIRKEMEIER BRENT T& CROOK GRANT E&LAURIE A JANET D TRUSTEES 15368 SW MAZAMA CT 10573 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-03100 2S1100D-05800 BOGERT KENT&THERESA DAHLGREN ROY F&VAL L 15396 SW MAZAMA PL 10680 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-09500 2S 1100A-09200 BORGMAN KEITH R&JEAN M DAVIS DENZIL A 10859 SW KABLE ST 15287 SW 107TH TER TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DD-11600 2S11000-12000 BREWER DOUGLAS L&JOYCE L& DAVIS LOUISE M BRITT STEPHANIE A 10715 SW HIGHLAND DRIVE 10855 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 1100A-09000 2S 11000-05400 BULLAS JOHN A&DIANNE L DAY DAVID A&MARTHA KAY 15215 SW 107TH TER 10600 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DD-06400 2S 110DD-06500 BURNS ESTHER A TRUSTEE DOUGLASS ESTHER M 10555 SW HIGHLAND DR 10525 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-01300 2S 1100A-09700 CHASE RICHARD WM&DIANA L ERICKSON HEIGHTS LLC 10742 SW NAEVE ST 1672 SW WILLAMETTE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 WEST LINN,OR 97068 • 2S 1100A-04400 2S 110DA-06600 KSON HEIGHTS LL -•N HEIG 1672 E FALLS DR 1672 SW '' '• ETTE FALLS DR T LINN,OR 9 By LINN,OR 9 9.: 2S110DA-04500 110DA-06200 SRI SON HEIGHT ER IN HEIG. 1672 S ETTE FALLS DR 1672 SW A : TTE FALLS DR T LINN,OR 97 LINN,OR 970.. S 1100A-09400 2S 110DA-09100 ERI ' • • - - S E' -:• .EIGHT 1672 SW W •• •LLS DR 1672 SW -- • FALLS DR INN,OR 97068 W - INN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-09600 2S 1100A-05000 .SON HEI - . - - .•s EIGHTS LL 1672 8,• • ETTE FALLS DR 1672 S A - ' FALLS DR ST LINN,OR 970.: A LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-04600 2S 110DD-12100 •N HEIG- LLC ERWIN MARGARET K 1672 SW i • . ■E FALLS DR 10695 SW HIGHLAND DR INN,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97223 ••• .. 2S11ODA-01700 ERICKSON HEI - FORBES ROBERT D&KRISTY L 1672 SW + V ETTE F• DR 10616 SW NAEVE ST LINN,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-05200 2S1100A-02500 - c - - LC FORST DOUGLAS C& 1672 S •M ALLS DR CYNTHIA M LINN,OR 97068 10514 SW NAEVE ST PORTLAND,OR 97224 S 110DA-06300 251100A-02600 ER • • - IGHTS LL FRISWOLD JAMES E&DIANA J 1672 SW WIL S DR 10515 SW NAEVE ST N,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 S 110DA-06400 2S 110DA-01400 ER •N HEIGHTS GLASSER N WILDA TRUSTEE 1672 SW WI _ LS DR 10710 SW NAEVE ST _ N,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-05100 2S1100A-03400 ' - • ON HEIGHT C GLUHR UWE J 1672 SW W P ' - _LLS DR 15353 SW MAZAMA PL W ,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DD-12200 " 2S110DA-00800 GOSSETT NEVA I LAW BRUCE A AND JANET L 10700 SW HIGHLAND DR 15400 SW 109TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 2S110DD-12400 2S119DA-00700 GRAY ROBERT A&LINDA D LAW-HAMILTON KIMBERLEY S& 10730 SW HIGHLAND DR HAMILTON LANE L TIGARD,OR 97224 15380 SW 109TH TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DD-05600 2S 110DA-02200 HELSER MARION P TRUSTEE LINDER WALTER C JR&DEANNA L 10640 SW HIGHLAND DR 10546 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-02100 2S 110DA-02400 HERSCHBACH DOUGLAS&GAIL LORENZ RUDOLF W&ANGELA 10554 SW NAEVE ST 10522 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1 10DA-06100 2S 110DD-11700 HURLEY PETER K&BRANDY M LUSCHER IRENE M 10507 SW NAEVE ST 10845 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1 1 ODA-02000 2S 1 10DA-02700 IMAI RUSSEL&JUDY Y MALNATI DOUGLAS E&NIKKI J 10572 SW NAEVE ST 10529 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-03500 2S1100A-04100 JOHNSON SALLY ESHOO& MATSUMOTO WILLIAM Y&NINA K GERALD D 10856 SW KABLE ST 15395 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DD-05200 2S 110DA-01000 KEY TRUST CO NATIONAL ASSN SUCC MCDONALD BEVERLY BENNION MARZOCCHI TRUST 997114285 PROPERTY IRREVOCABLE TRUST PO BOX 90027 BY CRAIG MCDONALD BELLEVUE,WA 98009 2177 EAGLE RAY CT SALT LAKE CITY,UT 84121 2S 110DD-05300 2S 110DD-05900 KRONEWITTER CAROL E MCMILLAN MARIE S 10580 SW HIGHLAND DR 10675 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD, OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 1 10DA-00900 2S 1 10DA-00400 LAW BRUCE&JANET MCPHILLIPS JACK D AND 15400 SW 109TH MCPHILLIPS MICAHEL S&RAMSEY TIGARD,OR 97223 Go DAVENPORT MARGARET E LIFE ESTA PO BOX 480 MCMINNVILLE,OR 97128 2S110DD-06000 • 2S110DA-01500 MCRAE ROBERT W/RUTH P PRICE R KENNETH&PATRICIA A 10655 SW HIGHLAND DR 7402 SW POINTER RD TIGARD,OR 97223 PORTLAND,OR 97225 2S 110DA-04300 2S 110DD-11400 MEEHL ROBERT C& RATHER GUY R AND HELEN E GUERTIN MARY M 10875 SW HIGHLAND DRIVE 10810 SW KABLE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD, OR 97224 2S110DD-11100 2S1100A-06800 MESSICK WARREN& RENAISSANCE CUSTOM PATRICIA C HOMES LLC 15530 SW 109TH AVE 1672 WILLAMETTE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 WEST LINN,OR 97068 2S1 10D D-05500 2S1 100A-04000 MOORE JOSEPH C TRUSTEE ' •• SANCE C : • 10620 SW HIGHLAND DR HOMES LLi TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 AMET FALLS DR ST LINN,OR 970.: 2S 110DA-01 100 2S1 10DA-06900 MORELAND MARK A& ' • e SSANCE C . • AMY M HOMES LLC 10828 SW NAEVE ST 1672 W •METTE • LS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 • - T LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-03800 2S1 10DA-06000 NGUYEN TRUC& '- •ISSANCE C VU MY-HOANG HOMES 10781 SW NAEVE ST 167 LAME ALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 ST LINN,OR 97068 2S 110 DA-02300 2S1 10DA-04700 PALMER SCOTT C&EILEEN B R •ISSANCE CUS ! • 10530 SW NAEVE ST HOME TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 WI - FALLS DR • LINN,OR 970.: 2S 111 CC-11500 231100A-08900 PARKER GENE D&DOROTHY M R • SSANCE - TOM 10475 SW HIGHLAND DR HOMES L TIGARD,OR 97224 167 • AMETT DR • ST LINN,OR 97068 2S 111 CC-11800 S 110DA-04800 PASSERINI ALBERT S& RE - ANCE CU -• PHYLLIS N TRUSTEES HOMES LL 10445 SW HIGHLAND DR 1672 W • ETT LS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 • T LINN,OR 97068 2S 1 10DA-08800 2S 110DA-09300 PERRY RICHARD J &LISA M SSANCE GUST''. 15159 SW 107TH TER HOMES 1 •. TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 W TTE S DR • T LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-04900 2S 11000-13800 • AISSANCE CUS • STERRETT DOROTHY P HO - LC 15495 SW 109TH AVE 1672 W • TE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 • ST LINN,OR 9 :-; 2S110DA-01200 2S11000-12300 RUMBAUGH SCOTT&KATHARINE SUNDBY HERBERT H&RUTH 10786 SW NAEVE ST 10720 SW HIGHLAND CR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 2S1 100 D-05700 2S 110DA-03600 SCHEID JAMES H&JACKIE C TRS TAYLOR JOSEPH R&JULIE ANN 10660 SW HIGHLAND 15421 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-01900 • 110DA-09800 SCHROEDER NORMAN JED&JANET TIG•'1 C • OF 10580 SW NAEVE ST 13125 ALL TIGARD,OR 97224 TI 'D,OR • 223 2S 1100A-04200 1100A-09900 SHERMAN JAMES C III& TIG•'I Y OF KATHLEEN C 131 W- • L 10832 SW KABLE ST ARD,OR 9 3 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110D0-06200 2S 110DA-03900 SHILLING WILBUR L&VIRGINIA E . •RD C OF 10615 SW HIGHLAND DR 131 . .ALL TIGARD,OR 97224 GARD,OR 9 • 2S 111 C B-01726 2S11000-06100 SMITH RICHARD T TUCKER FRANK L FERN J 10635 SW HIGHLAND DR 10470 SW KABLE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 2S1 10DD-06300 251100D-11500 SNEIDEMAN HARRY E&JOYCE VANHORN CAROL A 10575 SW HIGHLAND DR 10865 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-01600 2S 1100A-03000 SOULE JOHN A&DAGMAR WAGNER CRAIG DOUGLAS& 10652 SW NAEVE ST GRINDLAY CAROL LYNN TIGARD,OR 97224 15432 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 2 S 1100 D-11000 2 5 1 1 1 CC-11700 STANLEY JOHN S AND MELBA M WAKEFIELD JAMES W&MARTHA M 15510 SW 109TH 10455 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-02800 WIHTOL ANDREW L&MARY S 10541 SW NEEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-01800 WISE RONALD H&MARSHA D 10598 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-03700 ZAWALSKI ROD M&THERESA L 10755 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 Jack Biethan 11023 SW Summerfield Drive, #4 Tigard, OR 97224 Kristen Miller 8940 SW Edgewood Street Tigard, OR 97223 Paul Owen 10335 SW Highland Drive Tigard, OR 97224 Louise Fronville 15760 SW Oak Meadow Lane Tigard, OR 97224 Tim Esav PO Box 230695 Tigard, OR 97281 Nathan and Ann Murdock PO Box 231265 Tigard, OR 97281 Ross Sundberg 16382 SW 104th Avenue Tigard, OR 97224 CITY OF TIGARD - SOUTH CIT SUBCOMMITTEE (pg. I of I) (i:\curpin\setup\labels\CIT South.doc) UPDATED: January 11, 2002 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING CITY OF TIGARD Community Deve(opment Shaping Better Community , cPatricia L. Lunsford, being first duly sworn/affirm, on oath depose and say that I am a Senior Administrative Specialist for the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon and that I served the following: (Chock Appopnale Box(s)Bebw) © NOTICE OF DECISION FOR: HOP2002-00004/GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION ❑ AMENDED NOTICE (File No/Name Reference) ® City of Tigard Planning Director A copy of the said notice being hereto attached, marked FINK"A", and by reference made a part hereof, was mailed to each named person(s) at the address(s) shown on the attached list(s), marked Exhibit"B", and by reference made a part hereof, on February 1,2002 and deposited in the United States Mail on February 1,2002, postage prepaid. / i 67 (Person at Prepared TO ti•:) STATE of oEGoW ) County of Washington )ss. City of Eganf ) L-t" Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on the (% day of --2a/ , 2002. OFFICIAL SEAL r;,`t.. DIANE M JELDERKS NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON / COMMISSION NO.328578 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT.07,2003 NO ARY PUBLIC OF 0' `0 My Commission 5 ' es: f/?/Q3 NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT (HOP) 2002-00004 Li'Ir; CITY OF TIGARD GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION Community(Development Shaping Better Community DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. 120 DAYS = 5/18/2002 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION FILE NO.: Home Occupation Permit (HOP) HOP2002-00004 APPLICANT: Uwe J. Gluhr OWNER: Same 15353 SW Mazama Place Tigard, OR 97224 PROPOSAL: The applicant requests approval for a Type II Home Occupation permit to allow an office for a plywood importing firm. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: R-3.5; Low Density Residential. ZONING DESIGNATION: R-3.5; The R-3.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Duplexes are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: The subject site is located at 15353 SW Mazama Place; WCTM 2S110DA, Tax Lot 3400. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.385, 18.390, 18.510 and 18.742. SECTION II. DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request subject to certain conditions of approval. The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in Section IV. HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 1 OF 5 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE STAFF CONTACT SHALL BE MORGAN TRACY IN THE PLANNING DIVISION AT (503) 639-4171. 1. All Home Occupation standards discussed in this decision and detailed in the Tigard Development Code Chapter 18.742 must be complied with at all times. 2. The applicant/owner shall direct the employee or any customers who visit the site to park in the driveway and not utilize on street parking. SECTION III. PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED The City mailed notice to property owners within 500 feet of the subject site providing them an opportunity to comment. Two phone inquiries were received addressing the home occupation. These inquiries were of an informational nature and no specific issues were raised. One email message was received from a neighboring property owner (Kimberly S. Law-Hamilton) in support of the application. SECTION IV. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Section 18.742.040 states that all home occupations except those that have proven non- conforming status, shall observe the following criteria in addition to the standards established for Type I and Type II uses described in 18.742.050: Home occupations may be undertaken only by the principal occupant(s) of a residential property; The proposed Home Occupation is being undertaken by the property owner who is a principal occupant of the property. There shall be no more than three deliveries per week to the residence by suppliers; The applicant has indicated there will be no delivery of products or supplies to the residence. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the operation. Home occupations shall observe the provisions of the Tigard Community Development Code (TCDC) Chapter 18.090, Environmental Performance Standards; No offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, etc. are anticipated based on the proposed Home Occupation business since it will be conducted indoors and involves no manufacturing or assembly. The home occupation shall be operated entirely within the dwelling unit and a conforming accessory structure. The total area which may be used in the accessory building for either material product storage and/or the business activity shall not exceed 528 square feet. Otherwise, the home occupation and associated storage of materials HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 2 OF 5 • and products shall not occupy more than 25% of the combined residence and accessory structure gross floor area, but in no case shall the portion of the home occupation occupying the accessory use exceed 528 square feet. The indoor storage of materials or products shall not exceed the limitations imposed by the provisions of the building, fire, health and housing codes; Twenty-five percent of the home size is 877 square feet, however, the maximum area the code allows is 528 square feet to be used for a home occupation. The applicant has proposed to use approximately 500 square feet of the 3,509 square foot residence for the home occupation. Therefore, this standard has been met. A home occupation shall not make necessary a change in the Uniform Building Code use classification of a dwelling unit. Any accessory building that is used must meet Uniform Building Code requirements and be in conformance with TCDC Chapter 18.144 of this title; No changes to the dwelling are proposed. More than one (1) business activity constituting two or more home occupations shall be allowed on one property, only if the combined floor space of the business activities does not exceed 25 percent of the combined gross floor area of the residence and accessory structure. Each home occupation shall apply for a separate home occupation permit. NOTE: The Tigard Business Tax requires payment for only one (1) Business Tax if the same owner is operating more than one approved business at the same location. Although payment for each separate business is not required, it is required that all names of the businesses' which are currently in operation at that location be specifically listed on the Business Tax Certificate and be visibly posted at the business location. There are no other Home Occupations approved for this site, therefore, this criterion does not apply. There shall be no storage and/or distribution of toxic or flammable materials, and spray painting or spray finishing operations that involve toxic or flammable material which in the judgment of the Fire Marshall pose a dangerous risk to the residence, its occupants, and/or surrounding properties. Those individuals which are engaged in home occupations shall make available to the Fire Marshal, for review, the Material Safety Data Sheets which pertain to all potentially toxic and/or flammable materials associated with the use; No storage or distribution of toxic or flammable materials is necessary on the proposed use, therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. No home occupation shall require any on or off-street parking other than that normally required for a residence; The applicant has not addressed parking issues in their narrative. Therefore, the applicant will be conditioned to require customers of the business to be directed to park in the driveway and not utilize on-street parking. HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 3 OF 5 FINDING: The standards related to parking have not been fully addressed. CONDITION: The applicant/owner shall direct the employee or any customers who visit the site to park in the driveway and not utilize on street parking. The following uses are not allowed as home occupations: (a) Auto-body repair and painting. (b) Ongoing mechanical repair conducted outside of an entirely enclosed building. (c) Junk and salvage operations. (d) Storage and/or sale of fireworks. The proposed Home Occupation does not involve any of the above uses, and will be an office use only, therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. There shall be no exterior storage of vehicles of any kind used for the business except one commercially licensed vehicle of not more than three-quarters ton GVW which may be parked outside of a structure or screened area; No exterior storage of vehicles is proposed or anticipated, therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. There shall be no storage of materials, goods, and equipment unless screened entirely from view by a solid fence. Storage shall not exceed five (5) percent of the total lot area and shall not occur within the front yard or the required side yard setback; No outdoor storage of materials, goods or equipment is proposed or anticipated, therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. In addition to the general approval criteria, Type-II home occupations allow the following according to the TCDC chapter 18.142.050: (a) One non-illuminated sign, not exceeding 1.5 square feet, which shall be attached to the residence or accessory structure or placed in a window; (b) No more than one outside volunteer or employee who is not a principal resident of the premises; (c) No more than six daily customers or clients. Customers and clients may not visit the business between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and shall not generate excessive traffic or monopolize on-street parking; (d) Storage of materials, goods, and equipment which is screened entirely from view by a solid fence. Storage shall not exceed five (5) percent of the total lot area and shall not occur within the front yard or the required side yard setback. The applicant has indicated that there will be no signage. There will be one outside employee who is not a principal resident. The applicant has indicated that there will be no customers visiting the site. The hours of operation for the business will be between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. As previously stated, no storage of materials is proposed or anticipated. Therefore these standards are met. HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 4 OF 5 • SECTION V. PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice: Notice was posted at City Hall and mailed to: X The applicant and owners X Owner of record within the required distance X Affected government agencies Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON FEBRUARY 7, 2002 AND EFFECTIVE ON FEBRUARY 23, 2002 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. Appeal: The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. Any party with standing as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1. may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2. of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, subject to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON FEBRUARY 22, 2002. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Division, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon at (503) 639-4171. r- February 7, 2002 PREPAR BY: Morgar Tracy DATE Associate Planner February 7, 2002 APPROVED BY: Richard H. ersdorff DATE Planning Manager I:\curpin\morgan\workspace\hopii\hop2002-00004\hop2002-00004 staff report.doc HOP2002-00004/TYPE II GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION (PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.) PAGE 5 OF 5 / CFP Is ■ J I h EWA I CITY of TIGARD 11. GEOGRAVNIO INFORMATION SYSTEM -Eft'I :_ ��I"li14 ,,� �; C. ■ VICINITY MAP fi so • / /j�j//j � m (� I DELMONTE DR " • ,i""x . I I I I I [ f I I HOP2002-00004 I 7/ z I I I LL1 I I II I GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION `�DYue '� _ I , DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD.LADY MAR,0- a II D f" '_� . Hfb•• Q r /P1111111 4AASEs FENM1 Q3 53 '9). IIIKN LOW Rik • Fg RAY. r N ,� a . -. ■- I _ .. M. .. og is° S.W. NERVE STREET �,,,,, °_ko-kie' �'Jeuu argq;;. ° O O 8 k:(INrIA R7 gip. o arll��mi' , H iii Dowi t_ e F ae'.'. 11110 R. 111111 '.■ .,,,,,,,,,,.T i ` " --- 'qN • • If �+'� Ri3 4;10W LROOn11111 ....,,, Tigard Area Map ES In U 0.40 � +'''• litiloo. . ��� ��\\\\� iii, N ' '. \`\`` GREE-si-E`F 1.E :` . ' ■,''OR �� `�`p OR 0 200 400 600 Feet Nulli, e •• III DR 7 v..feat CO * 4• e},,♦ ,\\"``` City of Tigard / ,J ® `, '% � '' . Information on this map Is for general location only and Gj ® ��0'; 0 ,,. I ',■,,,,,,,.... .''' should be verified with the Devebpment Services Division. X77 •� �� 13125 SW Hall Blvd al I I _',' , % • 1 1 f .a �' httTigard,citiggard.or.us Community Development Plot date:Jan 18,2002;C:lmagic MAGIC03.APR 2S110DA-03400 GLUHR UWE J 15353 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD, OR 97224 Kimberley Law_Hamilton 15380 SW 109th Tigard, OR 97224 Neva Gossett 10700 SW Highland Dr. Tigard, OR 97224 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING CITY OF TIGARD Community Development Shaping Better Community , cPatricia L. Lunforcl, being first duly sworn/affirm, on oath depose and say that I am a Senior Administrative Specialist for the City of7igarcd;Washington County, Oregon and that I served the following: {Check Approonate Box(s)Bebw) © NOTICE OF DECISION FOR: HOP2002-00004/GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION O AMENDED NOTICE (File No/Name Reference) ® City of Tigard Planning Director A copy of the said notice being hereto attached, marked Exhibit"A",and by reference made a part hereof, was mailed to each named person(s) at the address(s) shown on the attached list(s), marked Exhibit"B", and by reference made a part hereof, on February 7,2002,and deposited in the United States Mail on February 1,2002, postage prepaid. / , .,..•,,......{ 41111.1j111 4110 ■//7 /Z/ (Person at Prepared Noti•-)4, STATE Off'OGON ) County of Washington )ss. City of igard ) G Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on the 00 da of C7lia rc�`� , 2002. ( Y ,■ <�,'. OFFICIAL SEAL tit,--,if-" DIANE Y JELDERKS ` �r�' /�/ / NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON I III �� PilY coMMISSMON EXPIRES S S 807 2003 MY Commission Ea�i i T: v NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT (HOP) 2002-00004 Al, CITY OF TIGARD GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION CommunityQeveCopment Shaping)Better Community DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. 120 DAYS = 5/18/2002 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION FILE NO.: Home Occupation Permit (HOP) HOP2002-00004 APPLICANT: Uwe J. Gluhr OWNER: Same 15353 SW Mazama Place Tigard, OR 97224 PROPOSAL: The applicant requests approval for a Type II Home Occupation permit to allow an office for a plywood importing firm. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: R-3.5; Low Density Residential. ZONING DESIGNATION: R-3.5; The R-3.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single- family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Duplexes are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: The subject site is located at 15353 SW Mazama Place; WCTM 2S110DA, Tax Lot 3400. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.385, 18.390, 18.510 and 18.742. SECTION II. DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request. The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in the full decision, available at City Hall. All documents and applicable criteria in the above-noted file are available for inspection at no cost or copies can be obtained for twenty-five cents (250 per page, or the current rate charged for copies at the time of the request. SECTION III. PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice: Notice mailed to: X The applicant and owners X Owner of record within the required distance X Affected government agencies Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON FEBRUARY 7, 2002 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON FEBRUARY 23, 2002 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. AAp e�al: The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. All persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1 may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2 of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, subject to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. l THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON FEBRUARY 22, 2002. 1 Questions: For further information please contact the Planning Division Staff Planner, Morgan Tracy at (503) 639-4171 , Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. CI,of iIGPRD ` ;.. 4p r.m, ' �. .■ • VICIMITY MAP ii.u , "''"�1 Ertl' 1111,,,,, HOP2002-00004 MEM 2 E. INW 1.1111111111C44%.1!$ -,,,,,IIIIIII,III I GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION DBA:PLYWOOD IMPORTERS,L ..1 la II_ 16AL 1.111.21. ill 41 11111 7----,39 , .....,,,a, . ------, 1 ,--7,-I� ,.. MI IMUNIIMINIMM. I„41 ir ,: G :.., i Q, ''4s> Uty of I wed 4$110 ,,'_TTei�':a::_a E1 ,., 2S116DB-00200 2S110DD-11800 ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES TRUST CLOSE CHARLES&ROSMARY CO-TRS BY PALMER GROTH&PIEKA 10835 SW HIGHLAND DR ATTN:TODD S LIEBOW TIGARD,OR 97224 110 SW YAMHILL#200 PORTLAND,OR 97204 2S 111 CC-11600 2S 110DD-11900 BALL ROBERT F TRUSTEE COLVIN FAMILY TRUST 10465 SW HIGHLAND DR 10725 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-06700 2S 110DA-03300 BARBISAN TONY C& CONNOLLY JON S& DEBRA M CONNOLLY KAREN K 15210 SW 107TH AVE 15360 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-02900 2S 110DA-03200 BIRKEMEIER BRENT T& CROOK GRANT E&LAURIE A JANET D TRUSTEES 15368 SW MAZAMA CT 10573 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-03100 2S 11000-05800 BOGERT KENT&THERESA DAHLGREN ROY F&VAL L 15396 SW MAZAMA PL 10680 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-09500 2S 1100A-09200 BORGMAN KEITH R&JEAN M DAVIS DENZIL A 10859 SW KABLE ST 15287 SW 107TH TER TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DD-11600 2S 110DD-12000 BREWER DOUGLAS L&JOYCE L& DAVIS LOUISE M BRITT STEPHANIE A 10715 SW HIGHLAND DRIVE 10855 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-09000 2S 110DD-05400 BULLAS JOHN A&DIANNE L DAY DAVID A&MARTHA KAY 15215 SW 107TH TER 10600 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 11000-06400 2S 110DD-06500 BURNS ESTHER A TRUSTEE DOUGLASS ESTHER M 10555 SW HIGHLAND DR 10525 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-01300 2S1100A-09700 CHASE RICHARD WM&DIANA L ERICKSON HEIGHTS LLC 10742 SW NAEVE ST 1672 SW WILLAMETTE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 WEST LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-04400 2S1 1 ODA-06600 KSON HEIGHTS LL • -•N HEIG . 1672 E FALLS DR 1672 SW A • ETTE FALLS DR T LINN,OR 9 A LINN,OR 9 I:: 2S 110DA-04500 110DA-06200 SON HEIGHT ERI IN HEIG. : 1672 S ETTE FALLS DR 1672 SW A •:' ETTE FALLS DR T LINN,OR 97 LINN,OR 970.: 2S 1100A-09400 2S 110DA-09100 ERI • • • S E• • ,EIGHT 1672 SW WI • • •LLS DR 1672 SW -- • FALLS DR • INN,OR 97068 W INN,OR 97068 2S110DA-09600 251100A-05000 SON HEI - • ` - .•• HEIGHTS LL 1672 . ETTE FALLS DR 1672 SW • - ' FALLS DR ST LINN,OR 971.: A LINN,OR 97068 2S1100A-04600 2S1100D-12100 • IN HEIG LLC ERWIN MARGARET K 1672 SW • • • - E FALLS DR 10695 SW HIGHLAND DR INN,OR 9706: TIGARD,OR 97223 2S110DA-01700 ERICKSON HEIG FORBES ROBERT D&KRISTY L 1672 SW + •ETTE F• - DR 10616 SW NAEVE ST T LINN,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-05200 2S1100A-02500 - LC FORST DOUGLAS C& 1672 S •M - ALLS DR CYNTHIA M LINN,OR 97068 10514 SW NAEVE ST PORTLAND,OR 97224 S 110DA-06300 2S 1100A-02600 ER • • IGHTS LL FRISWOLD JAMES E&DIANA J 1672 SW WIL S DR 10515 SW NAEVE ST N,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 S1100A-06400 2S110DA-01400 ER •N HEIGHTS GLASSER N WILDA TRUSTEE 1672 SW WI • : LS DR 10710 SW NAEVE ST • _ N,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-05100 2S1100A-03400 - • ON HEIGHT C GLUHR UWE J 1672 SW W I. ' - :LLS DR 15353 SW MAZAMA PL WE • ,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S11017D-12200 - 2S110DA-00800 GOSSETT NEVA I LAW BRUCE A AND JANET L 10700 SW HIGHLAND DR 15400 SW 109TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 2511000-12400 2S1100A-00700 GRAY ROBERT A&LINDA D LAW-HAMILTON KIMBERLEY S& 10730 SW HIGHLAND DR HAMILTON LANE L TIGARD,OR 97224 15380 SW 109TH TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 11000-05600 2S 110DA-02200 HELSER MARION P TRUSTEE LINDER WALTER C JR&DEANNA L 10640 SW HIGHLAND DR 10546 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-02100 2S 110DA-02400 HERSCHBACH DOUGLAS&GAIL LORENZ RUDOLF W&ANGELA 10554 SW NAEVE ST 10522 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-06100 2S 11000-11700 HURLEY PETER K&BRANDY M LUSCHER IRENE M 10507 SW NAEVE ST 10845 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-02000 2S 110DA-02700 IMAI RUSSEL&JUDY Y MALNATI DOUGLAS E&NIKKI J 10572 SW NAEVE ST 10529 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-03500 2S110DA-04100 JOHNSON SALLY ESHOO& MATSUMOTO WILLIAM Y&NINA K GERALD D 10856 SW KABLE ST 15395 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S11 ODD-05200 2S1100A-01000 KEY TRUST CO NATIONAL ASSN SUCC MCDONALD BEVERLY BENNION MARZOCCHI TRUST 997114285 PROPERTY IRREVOCABLE TRUST PO BOX 90027 BY CRAIG MCDONALD BELLEVUE,WA 98009 2177 EAGLE RAY CT SALT LAKE CITY,UT 84121 2S 110DD-05300 2S11000-05900 KRONEWITTER CAROL E MCMILLAN MARIE S 10580 SW HIGHLAND DR 10675 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-00900 2S 1100A-00400 LAW BRUCE&JANET MCPHILLIPS JACK D AND 15400 SW 109TH MCPHILLIPS MICAHEL S&RAMSEY TIGARD,OR 97223 Go DAVENPORT MARGARET E LIFE ESTA PO BOX 480 MCMINNVILLE,OR 97128 1 2S 110bD-06000 2S 110DA-01500 MCRAE ROBERT W/RUTH P PRICE R KENNETH&PATRICIA A 10655 SW HIGHLAND DR 7402 SW POINTER RD TIGARD,OR 97223 PORTLAND,OR 97225 2S 110DA-04300 2S 110DD-11400 MEEHL ROBERT C& RATHER GUY R AND HELEN E GUERTIN MARY M 10875 SW HIGHLAND DRIVE 10810 SW KABLE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DD-11100 2S 110DA-06800 MESSICK WARREN& RENAISSANCE CUSTOM PATRICIA C HOMES LLC 15530 SW 109TH AVE 1672 WILLAMETTE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 WEST LINN,OR 97068 2S 11000-05500 2S 110DA-04000 MOORE JOSEPH C TRUSTEE • SANCE C 10620 SW HIGHLAND DR HOMES LL TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 • • ET . FALLS DR ST LINN,OR 971.: 2S 1100A-01100 2S 110DA-06900 MORELAND MARK A& r _ SANCE C : •I AMY M HOMES LLC 10828 SW NAEVE ST 1672 W /•METTE LS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 • T LINN,OR 97068 • 2S110DA-03800 2S110DA-06000 NGUYEN TRUC& '- :ISSANCE C VU MY—HOANG HOMES 10781 SW NAEVE ST 167 LAME ALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 ST LINN,OR 97068 2S1100A-02300 2S110DA-04700 PALMER SCOTT C&EILEEN B R •ISSANCE CUS ! • 10530 SW NAEVE ST HOME TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 WI --1 - FALLS DR • LINN,OR 97o 2S 111 CC-11500 2S 110DA-08900 PARKER GENE D&DOROTHY M R • SSANCE . TOM 10475 SW HIGHLAND DR HOMES L TIGARD,OR 97224 167 •METT DR • ST LINN,OR 97068 2S 111 CC-11800 S 110DA-04800 PASSERINI ALBERT S& RE ANCE C -• PHYLLIS N TRUSTEES HOMES LL 10445 SW HIGHLAND DR 1672 W ETT LS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 T LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-08800 2S 110DA-09300 PERRY RICHARD J&LISA M '' SSANCE CUST• 15159 SW 107TH TER HOMES 1 • TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 W — TTE S DR • T LINN,OR 97068 2S1100A-04900 2S110DD-13800 AISSANCE CUS • STERRETT DOROTHY P HOM' LC 15495 SW 109TH AVE 1672 W - . TE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 • ST LINN,OR 9 2S 110DA-01200 2S 11000-12300 RUMBAUGH SCOTT&KATHARINE SUNDBY HERBERT H&RUTH 10786 SW NAEVE ST 10720 SW HIGHLAND CR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 2511000-05700 2S1100A-03600 SCHEID JAMES H&JACKIE C TRS TAYLOR JOSEPH R&JULIE ANN 10660 SW HIGHLAND 15421 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-01900 1100A-09800 SCHROEDER NORMAN JED&JANET TIG C OF 10580 SW NAEVE ST 13125 LL TIGARD,OR 97224 TI D,OR 223 25110DA-04200 110DA-09•• SHERMAN JAMES C III& TIG• '' OF KATHLEEN C 131 W - • L 10832 SW KABLE ST ARD,OR 9 • 3 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S11000-06200 S 110DA-03900 SHILLING WILBUR L&VIRGINIA E RD OF 10615 SW HIGHLAND DR 131 LL TIGARD,OR 97224 GARD,OR 9 2S 111 CB-01726 2S110DD-06100 SMITH RICHARD T TUCKER FRANK L FERN J 10635 SW HIGHLAND DR 10470 SW KABLE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 2S110DD-06300 2S1100D-11500 SNEIDEMAN HARRY E&JOYCE VANHORN CAROL A 10575 SW HIGHLAND DR 10865 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-01600 2S 110DA-03000 SOULE JOHN A&DAGMAR WAGNER CRAIG DOUGLAS& 10652 SW NAEVE ST GRINDLAY CAROL LYNN TIGARD,OR 97224 15432 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 11000-11000 2S 111 CC-11700 STANLEY JOHN S AND MELBA M WAKEFIELD JAMES W&MARTHA M 15510 SW 109TH 10455 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 251106A-02800 WIHTOL ANDREW L&MARY S 10541 SW NEEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 251100A-01800 WISE RONALD H&MARSHA D 10598 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-03700 ZAWALSKI ROD M&THERESA L 10755 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 Jack Biethan 11023 SW Summerfield Drive, #4 Tigard, OR 97224 Kristen Miller 8940 SW Edgewood Street Tigard, OR 97223 Paul Owen 10335 SW Highland Drive Tigard, OR 97224 Louise Fronville 15760 SW Oak Meadow Lane Tigard, OR 97224 Tim Esav PO Box 230695 Tigard, OR 97281 Nathan and Ann Murdock PO Box 231265 Tigard, OR 97281 Ross Sundberg 16382 SW 104th Avenue Tigard, OR 97224 CITY OF TIGARD - SOUTH CIT SUBCOMMITTEE (pg. I of I) (i:\curpin\setup\Iabels\CIT South.doc) UPDATED: January 11, 2002 I CITY of TIGARD i HUI ' 11 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM AREA NOTIFIED DY ill : � (500') R C 751100900400 \ FOR: EVA DEGGENDORFER: Z7sn00ao88 251100106900 l'h 2S11011/11111. RE: 2S 110DA-03400 D j 2511 DA096 0 261100008900 Ill 281100006800 11001109 0 2S11001106100 2S MAO 00 I 2811001109000 . 251100A06700 zsn00009100 l" 251100006211 !01 2S1100A093N CI 2sn00006600 w 0110'400 2S 00005100 tsn00A065o dill 281100004 N ) . Q — Property owner information 2•11001104 18 Is valid for 3 months from 1100118500 the date printed on this map. IS/110011 , 2S 001104410 Yai110DA04 10 00004 10 2 011A04500 •2S1100900200 S110990980 100a049U0 2 00004'00 T100004910 :S110Da099 811000 30' 25110DAO2600 L■,i13400 2S111CB0172i ST '� n00A032Di 2S1100002500 k. \*, . 251100402100 2511011400800 A 1100003 C 251100002400 2S110D800900 Q 281100102800 ■ii ■ °a o 25110000 25111111111100 1111 ■■`� 11 751100003600 ape r-1 O o 8110 010 3 6 0 �,: 00111310 25t10DA02901 noDA0z3ob �' I--1 0 = _ e 11111116 0 O 28111011115 0 S.W._ NEAVE STREET 100110220/ ■■ ;■■ = 0 = i 1 251100001 00 2S 001101 00 2S 00A0 100 ' .-p '' O = p I 10001000 1S 00001 00 25 0010 0 1S 100101'00 28110011/1 00 2 100001 10 25 00001•00 I 2S'100001100 1 2 110 2 0000,900 2Si*fl0o610U �SmDoe 400 LA N �•11DDD116 I I 2S 000'900 2S 100006000 251100006300 2�5110DD06 ■ -MI;1 ,1'2S I DM 100 AN■.PP am 001115102‘11000118 2811 1 Imo_ 0 100 200 300 Feet III !■ ■■N■ ■■ 4s1roUDO4600 2511 000•300 IB mi■ PAN. ,, O" ROO� 0001 . I � ONO 800\ 28110000'500 2S 1D00 200 1 v' . 0001.200 1 1 151 1990 400 1 249 het ■R ma = ; 11 Ail En ,g). • City of Tigard t. NLt �1���• ' Information on this map is for general location only and P should be verified N,th the Development Services Division. • , lila it 13125 SW Hull Blvd /� Tigard,OR 97223 R/ 9 ■L A$**0` (503)639-4171 httpfhwow.d.tigard.or.us Community Development Plot date:Jan 11,2002;C:Imagic MAGIC03.APR 2S 110DB-00200 2S 110DD-11800 ARCHSTONE COMMUNITIES TRUST CLOSE CHARLES&ROSMARY CO-TRS BY PALMER GROTH&PIEKA 10835 SW HIGHLAND DR ATTN:TODD S LIEBOW TIGARD,OR 97224 110 SW YAMHILL#200 PORTLAND,OR 97204 2S 111 CC-11600 2S 110DD-11900 BALL ROBERT F TRUSTEE COLVIN FAMILY TRUST 10465 SW HIGHLAND DR 10725 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-06700 2S 110DA-03300 BARBISAN TONY C& CONNOLLY JON S& DEBRA M CONNOLLY KAREN K 15210 SW 107TH AVE 15360 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-02900 2S 110DA-03200 BIRKEMEIER BRENT T& CROOK GRANT E&LAURIE A JANET D TRUSTEES 15368 SW MAZAMA CT 10573 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-03100 2S110DD-05800 BOGERT KENT&THERESA DAHLGREN ROY F&VAL L 15396 SW MAZAMA PL 10680 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-09500 2S 110DA-09200 BORGMAN KEITH R&JEAN M DAVIS DENZIL A 10859 SW KABLE ST 15287 SW 107TH TER TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DD-11600 2S 110D D-12000 BREWER DOUGLAS L&JOYCE L& DAVIS LOUISE M BRITT STEPHANIE A 10715 SW HIGHLAND DRIVE 10855 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-09000 2S 110D D-05400 BULLAS JOHN A&DIANNE L DAY DAVID A&MARTHA KAY 15215 SW 107TH TER 10600 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110D D-06400 2S 110DD-06500 BURNS ESTHER A TRUSTEE DOUGLASS ESTHER M 10555 SW HIGHLAND DR 10525 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-01300 2S 110DA-09700 CHASE RICHARD WM&DIANA L ERICKSON HEIGHTS LLC 10742 SW NAEVE ST 1672 SW WILLAMETTE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 WEST LINN,OR 97068 2S110DA-04400 2S110DA-06600 KSON HEIGHTS LL •N HEIG 1672 TE FALLS DR 1672 SW l ' ' ETTE FALLS DR T LINN,OR 9 LINN,OR 9 0•: 2S 110DA-04500 110DA-06200 SON HEIGHT ER •N HEIG. : 1672 S ETTE FALLS DR 1672 SW '': TTE FALLS DR T LINN,OR 97 8+ LINN,OR 970.. 2S 110DA-09400 2S 1100A-09100 ERI • • - - S E- =• .EIGHT 1672 SW W • T- •LLS DR 1672 SW -- ' FALLS DR INN,OR 97068 W INN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-09600 2S 110DA-05000 .SON HEI - . - •k EIGHTS LL 1672 •'• • ETTE FALLS DR 1672 S - FALLS DR ST LINN,OR 970.. LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-04600 2S1 10D D-12100 . •N HEIG- LLC ERWIN MARGARET K 1672 SW i• • E FALLS DR 10695 SW HIGHLAND DR INN,OR 9706: TIGARD,OR 97223 • 2S 110DA-01700 ERICKSON HEIG-• FORBES ROBERT D&KRISTY L 1672 SW • 'ETTE • - DR 10616 SW NAEVE ST LINN,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-05200 2S110DA-02500 - - LC FORST DOUGLAS C& 1672 S •M - ALLS DR CYNTHIA M • LINN,OR 97068 10514 SW NAEVE ST PORTLAND,OR 97224 S 110DA-06300 2S 110DA-02600 ER • . IGHTS LL FRISWOLD JAMES E&DIANA J 1672 SW WIL • S DR 10515 SW NAEVE ST N,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 S 110DA-06400 2S 1100A-01400 ER •N HEIGHTS GLASSER N WILDA TRUSTEE 1672 SW WI ; LS DR 10710 SW NAEVE ST • - N,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-05100 251100A-03400 - ON HEIGHT C GLUHR UWE J 1672 SW W lw • ' - s LS DR 15353 SW MAZAMA PL W • ,OR 97068 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 11 ODD-12200 2S 110DA-00800 GOSSETT NEVA I LAW BRUCE A AND JANET L 10700 SW HIGHLAND DR 15400 SW 109TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 2S 110DD-12400 2S 110DA-00700 GRAY ROBERT A&LINDA D LAW-HAMILTON KIMBERLEY S& 10730 SW HIGHLAND DR HAMILTON LANE L TIGARD,OR 97224 15380 SW 109TH TIGARD,OR 97224 2511000-05600 25 110DA-02200 HELSER MARION P TRUSTEE LINDER WALTER C JR&DEANNA L 10640 SW HIGHLAND DR 10546 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-02100 2S1100A-02400 HERSCHBACH DOUGLAS&GAIL LORENZ RUDOLF W&ANGELA 10554 SW NAEVE ST 10522 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-06100 2S1100D-11700 HURLEY PETER K&BRANDY M LUSCHER IRENE M 10507 SW NAEVE ST 10845 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-02000 2S 110DA-02700 IMAI RUSSEL&JUDY Y MALNATI DOUGLAS E&NIKKI J 10572 SW NAEVE ST 10529 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S1100A-03500 2S110DA-04100 JOHNSON SALLY ESHOO& MATSUMOTO WILLIAM Y&NINA K GERALD D 10856 SW KABLE ST 15395 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97223 TIGARD,OR 97224 2511000-05200 2S110DA-01000 KEY TRUST CO NATIONAL ASSN SUCC MCDONALD BEVERLY BENNION MARZOCCHI TRUST 997114285 PROPERTY IRREVOCABLE TRUST PO BOX 90027 BY CRAIG MCDONALD BELLEVUE,WA 98009 2177 EAGLE RAY CT SALT LAKE CITY,UT 84121 2S 110DD-05300 2S 110DD-05900 KRONEWITTER CAROL E MCMILLAN MARIE S 10580 SW HIGHLAND DR 10675 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-00900 25 110DA-00400 LAW BRUCE&JANET MCPHILLIPS JACK D AND 15400 SW 109TH MCPHILLIPS MICAHEL S&RAMSEY TIGARD,OR 97223 do DAVENPORT MARGARET E LIFE ESTA PO BOX 480 MCMINNVILLE,OR 97128 2S 1 10DD-06000 2S 110 DA-01500 MCRAE ROBERT W/RUTH P PRICE R KENNETH&PATRICIA A 10655 SW HIGHLAND DR 7402 SW POINTER RD TIGARD,OR 97223 PORTLAND,OR 97225 23 110DA-04300 23 110DD-11400 MEEHL ROBERT C& RATHER GUY R AND HELEN E GUERTIN MARY M 10875 SW HIGHLAND DRIVE 10810 SW KABLE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DD-11100 2S110DA-06800 MESSICK WARREN& RENAISSANCE CUSTOM PATRICIA C HOMES LLC 15530 SW 109TH AVE 1672 WILLAMETTE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 WEST LINN,OR 97068 2S1 10 D D-05500 2S1 10 DA-04000 MOORE JOSEPH C TRUSTEE ' •' SANCE C 10620 SW HIGHLAND DR HOMES LLB TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 • AMET . FALLS DR ST LINN, OR 970.: 2S1 10DA-01 100 2S1 10 DA-06900 MORELAND MARK A& ' • ' SSANCE C . •V AMY M HOMES LLC 10828 SW NAEVE ST 1672 W •METTE • LS DR TIGARD, OR 97224 • - T LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-03800 231 10DA-06000 NGUYEN TRUC& •- •ISSANCE C VU MY-HOANG HOMES . 10781 SW NAEVE ST 1672 LAME ALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 ST LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-02300 2S 110DA-04700 PALMER SCOTT C&EILEEN B R •ISSANCE CUS ! c 10530 SW NAEVE ST HOME TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 WI FALLS DR • LINN,OR 970.. 2S 111 CC-1 1500 2S 110DA-08900 PARKER GENE D&DOROTHY M R •• SSANCE . TOM 10475 SW HIGHLAND DR HOMES L TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 • AMETT DR I ST LINN,OR 97068 2S1 1 1 CC-11800 S 110DA-04800 PASSERINI ALBERT S& RE - ANCE CU '• PHYLLIS N TRUSTEES HOMES LL 10445 SW HIGHLAND DR 1672 W • ETT LS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 T LINN,OR 97068 2S 110DA-08800 2S 110DA-09300 PERRY RICHARD J &LISA M • SSANCE OUST• 15159 SW 107TH TER HOMES 1 •. TIGARD,OR 97224 1672 W • TTE S DR T LINN, OR 97068 2S 110DA-04900 2S 110 D D-13800 AISSANCE CUS • STERRETT DOROTHY P HOM' LC 15495 SW 109TH AVE 1672 W - - TE FALLS DR TIGARD,OR 97224 ST LINN,OR 9 :-; 2S1 10 DA-01200 2S1 10D D-12300 RUMBAUGH SCOTT&KATHARINE SUNDBY HERBERT H& RUTH 10786 SW NAEVE ST 10720 SW HIGHLAND CR TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97223 2S110DD-05700 2S110DA-03600 SCHEID JAMES H&JACKIE C TRS TAYLOR JOSEPH R&JULIE ANN 10660 SW HIGHLAND 15421 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-01900 • 110DA-09800 SCHROEDER NORMAN JED&JANET TIG•'1 C • OF 10580 SW NAEVE ST 13125 .1, ALL TIGARD,OR 97224 TI 'D,OR • 223 2S 110DA-04200 110DA-09900 SHERMAN JAMES C III& TIG•'' Y OF KATHLEEN C 131 - W ' • L 10832 SW KABLE ST ARD,OR 9 ' 3 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 1 10DD-06200 2S 110DA-03900 SHILLING WILBUR L&VIRGINIA E .•RD OF 10615 SW HIGHLAND DR 131 . • .ALL TIGARD,OR 97224 GARD,OR 9 25111 CB-01726 2S 110DD-06100 SMITH RICHARD T TUCKER FRANK L FERN J 10635 SW HIGHLAND DR 10470 SW KABLE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD, OR 97223 2S 110DD-06300 25110DD-11500 SNEIDEMAN HARRY E&JOYCE VANHORN CAROL A 10575 SW HIGHLAND DR 10865 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD, OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-01600 2S1 10 D A-03000 SOULE JOHN A&DAGMAR WAGNER CRAIG DOUGLAS& 10652 SW NAEVE ST GRINDLAY CAROL LYNN TIGARD, OR 97224 15432 SW MAZAMA PL TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 1 10DD-11000 25111 CC-11700 STANLEY JOHN S AND MELBA M WAKEFIELD JAMES W&MARTHA M 15510 SW 109TH 10455 SW HIGHLAND DR TIGARD, OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S 110DA-02800 WIHTOL ANDREW L&MARY S 10541 SW NEEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 2S110DA-01800 WISE RONALD H& MARSHA D 10598 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD, OR 97224 2S110DA-03700 ZAWALSKI ROD M&THERESA L 10755 SW NAEVE ST TIGARD,OR 97224 Jack Biethan 11023 SW Summerfield Drive, #4 Tigard, OR 97224 Kristen Miller 8940 SW Edgewood Street Tigard, OR 97223 Paul Owen 10335 SW Highland Drive Tigard, OR 97224 Louise Fronville 15760 SW Oak Meadow Lane Tigard, OR 97224 Tim Esav PO Box 230695 Tigard, OR 97281 Nathan and Ann Murdock PO Box 231265 Tigard, OR 97281 Ross Sundberg 16382 SW 104th Avenue Tigard, OR 97224 CITY OF TIGARD - SOUTH CIT SUBCOMMITTEE (pg. I of I) (i:\curpin\setup\labels\CIT South.doc) UPDATED: January 11, 2002 CITY OF TIGARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF TIGARD Community(Development 13125 SW HALL BOULEVARD Shaping,a(Better Community TIGARD, OREGON 91223 PHONE: 503-639-4171 FAX: 503-684-7297(Attn: Patty or Shirley/Planning) REQUEST roR OO 1Q01 PR roan OWNER MAIlING, US! Property owner information is valid for 3 months from the date of your request INDICATE ALL PROJECT MAP & TAX LOT NUMBERS (i.e. 15134AB, Tax Lot 00100) OR THE ADDRESSES FOR ALL PROJECT PARCELS BELOW and INCLUDE A MAP OF ALL LOTS FOR THE PROJECT (preferably as. ssor's tax map): 5353 .Cc,-) /Vi f/L . 42SIS b OA- -03cioo INDICATE WHETHER YOU ARE REQUESTING 2 OR 3 SETS OF LABELS: .2 (NOTE: A minimum of 2 sets of labels will be provided to place on your 2 sets of envelopes that applicants are required to submit at the time of application submittal. If a neighborhood meeting is required and you have not yet held that meeting, you should request 3 sets) NAME OF CONTACT PERSON: De—gge-/JC(br-le(' PHONE: -) 0 3 - 5 78 -- 7(00 hitki 6-4(2H#) This request may be mailed, faxed, or hand delivered to the City of Tigard. Please allow a 2-day minimum for processing requests. Upon completion of your request, the contact person will be called to pick up their request in "Will Call" by their last name, at the Community Development Reception Desk. The cost of processing your request must be paid at the time of pick up, as exact cost can not be pre-determined. PLEASE NOTE: FOR REASONS OF ACCURACY, ONLY ORIGINAL MAILING LABELS PROVIDED BY THE CITY VS. RE-TYPED MAILING LABELS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Cost Description: $11 to generate the mailing list, plus $2 per sheet for printing the list onto labels (20 addresses per sheet). Then, multiply the cost to print one set of labels by the number of sets requested. *EXAMPLE * * * COST FOR THIS REQUEST * * _4_ sheets of labels x $2/sheet = $8.00 x sets = $16.00 (Q sheet(s) of labels x $2/sheet = $ /g. x 2- sets = 4 sheets of labels x $2/sheet for CIT area x sets = $ 4.00 f sheet(s) of labels x $2/sheet for CIT area = x f- sets = • GENERATE LIST = $11.00 GENERATE LIST = TOTAL = $31.00 TOTAL = $ • Receipt #: 27200200000000000169 --�' o--a. Date: 01/14/2002 T I D E M A R K COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC Line Items: Case No Tran Code Description Revenue Account No. Amount Due MISC Miscellaneous Fees&Charges-37.0000 @$1.00 100-0000-451000 $37.00 Payments: Method Payer Bank No Acct Check No Confirm No. Amount Paid Check PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. 0 6039 0 $37.00 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: $37.00 APPLICANT MATERIALS I& .... . _ • . r' A HOME OCCUPATION trti���� TYPE II APPLICATION R nw v CITY OF TIGARD 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223(503) 639-4171 FAX: (503) 684-7297 GENERAL INFORMATION Property Address/Location(s): 15353 S.W. Mazama P1. Tigard, OR 97224 0 FOR STAFF USE ONLY Tax Map &Tax Lot#(s): 2S11ODA-03400 12 ,5 PL. 0 Renaissance Summit, LOT 25 & PT 26 Case No.(s): WO lie, 4.414- r SAlil Other Case No.(s): n 1 Site Size: Receipt No.i "- Applicant*: Uwe J. Gluhr Date: 1 t, t t, nn. 027/0 Address: 15353 S.W. Mazama Pl. Application Accepted By: City/State: Tigard, OR Zip: 97224 Date Determined Complete: Primary Contact: Uwe J. Gluhr Phone: 503-598-7600 Fax: 503-598-7666 Business Tax Paid? ❑ Yes ❑ No Property Owner/Deed Holder(s)*: (Attach list if more than one) Rev.3/5/01 is\curpin\masters\revisedUwp2.doc - same as applicant above - Address: Phone: City/State: Zip: REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ELEMENTS *When the owner and the applicant are different people, the applicant (Note: applications will not be accepted must be the purchaser of record or a lessee in possession with written without the required submittal elements) authorization from the owner or an agent of the owner. The owner(s) must sign this application in the space provided on the back of this form or submit a written authorization with this application. ❑/ Application Form PROPOSAL SUMMARY Signature/Written Authorization The owners of record of the subject property request approval of a (Title Transfer Instrument or Deed Home Occupation Permit to allow(please be specific): ,�,� an office for a hardwood plywood importing firm, l� 2 Sets of Pre-Addressed/Pre-Stamped #10 Envelopes & Copy of 500' Property known and registered in the State of Oregon Owner List Generated by the City as PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. L� Filing Fee $545.0 N,. SPECIFICATIONS Specify whether you are using a detached building on your property and give dimensions: List any VARIANCE OR OTHER LAND USE ACTIONS to be considered as part of this application: APPLICANTS: To consider an application complete, you will need to submit ALL of the REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ELEMENTS as described on the front of this application in the"Required Submittal Elements" box. (Detailed Submittal Requirement Information sheets can be obtained, upon request, for all types of Land Use Applications.) THE APPLICANT(S) SHALL CERTIFY THAT: • The above request does not violate any deed restrictions that may be attached to or imposed upon the subject property. • If the application is granted, the applicant will exercise the rights granted in accordance with the terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the approval. • All of the above statements and the statements in the plot plan, attachments, and exhibits transmitted herewith, are true; and the applicants so acknowledge that any permit issued, based on this application, may be revoked if it is found that any such statements are false. • The applicant has read the entire contents of the application, including the policies and criteria, and understands the requirements for approving or denying the application. SIGNATURES of each owner of the subject property. • DATED this ' ,4 day of .20 Owner's Sig P.ture Owner's Signature Owner's Signature Owner's Signature TO APPLY FOR A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: [CITY OF TIGARD H.O.P.TYPE II QUESTION PAGE] 1. Will you have any paid employees or subcontractors working in the home in conjunction with the business who are not residents of the home? n No 1X) Yes (If yes, please explain): one secretary 2. Will you have customers/clients coming to your residence? © No I Yes (If yes, how many per day?): • 3. Will you have deliveries or pickups made of products or supplies to your residence? IX] No Yes (If yes, how many&what type?): 4. What will your hours and days of operation be? 8:30-16:30 Monday - Friday 5. Will the business generate any noise which can be heard outside of the structure? No n Yes (If yes, please explain): 6. How many square feet is your residence and how many square feet will be devoted to the operation of your business, including storage areas? total square feet 3509; for operation of business approx. 500 sq.ft. 7. Will you have any signs or advertising visible from the exterior of the premises? E No F7 Yes (If yes, please explain): 8. Please show the floor layout of your house and the area to be used for your home occupation on the graph paper on the back of this page. Please designate those areas which shall be utilized as follows: A. entirely for the home occupation; and B. partially for the home occupation. Please designate the approximate dimensions of the rooms(s)to be used for the home occupation. - please see attached page - 3 Receipt #: 27200200000000000157 —�r � Date: 01/11/2002 TIDEMARK IMICIOrt COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. i Line Items: Ri Case No Tran Code Description Revenue Account No. Amount Due HOP2002-00004 [LANDUS)Type II Permit Fee 100-0000-438000 $545.00 Payments: Method Payer Bank No Acct Check No Confirm No. Amount Paid Check PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. 0 6032 0 $545.00 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: $545.00 A /v , 3 ST DF OREGON } SS- - County of Washington OREGON TITLE I, Jerry R. Hanson, Director of Assess- (( Insurance Company Cent and Taxation and hereby County tat P Y Clerk for said county, do hereby certify that the within instrument of writing was received and recorded in book o fords of said Return ' county. �'� ` After Recording, Return to. . Uwe J. Gluhr : :p,,,aw 15353 SW Mazama Place �. . 3.~'' t. Tigard, Oregon 97224 Jerry, *+anson , Director of Assessment and Taxation, Ex- Until a change is requested, tax statements Officio Gaunty Clerk shall be sent to the following address: Doc 96108459 Uwe J. Gluhr • Rect.: 176598 363 . 00 15353 SW Mazama Place 12/05/1996 0 3 : 15: 3 3 pm Tigard, Oregon 97224 • • STATUTORY DEED . (Corporation/Partnership) . . (Above.Space.Reserved.for.Reeorder's Use) 1 RENAISSANCE CUSTOM HCMFS, INC. , an Oregon corporation gconveys and warrants to U W E J . G L U H R gthe following described real property in the State of Oregon and County of Washington z free of encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein: (Continued) UI 0 0:. : ", ASHINGTON COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX ' a p Fa,PAID DATE Tax Account Number(s): 2S110DA-03400 This property is free of encumbrances, EXCEPT: Levies and assessments of the Unified Sewerage Agency; Deed Restriction recorded June 2, 1994 #94-053848; Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and other matters recorded October 14, 1994 #94-094311 & 312, Dec. 7, 1994 #94-109222; and matters as disclosed on the recorded plat. The true consideration for this conveyance is $324,950.00 THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLA- TION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRU- MENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPAR`IMFNT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAW- SUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINE]) IN ORS 30.930. Dated this y day of Dec iter , 1996. RENAISSANCE CUSTOM HOLDS, INC. By: -..willrill Randal S. ' President STATE OF OREGON, CCXJNI'Y OF (.,F-C fr N1r33' )ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this \:_g day of ag-t. , 1996, by Randal S. Sebastian, as President, of RENAISSANCE CUSTOM HCMES, INC. , an Oregon corporation, on behalf of the corporation. 11 utnti W-4(47- Notary Public for Oregon OFFICIAL SEAL LAU IA J.WEBE R My Carmission Expires: /0/2 -ii % COMMISSION NOTARY 0 0 GO MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT 2,2000 Order No. : 206440w / -z • ^AIUTORY WARRANTY DEED (CONTINUED) DESCRIPTION (Continued) Order No. : 206440w LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel I Lot 25, according to the duly filed plat of RENAISSANCE SUMMIT, in the City of Tigard, filed September 19, 1994, in Plat Book 92, Pages 41 and 42, Records of the County of Washington and State of Oregon. Parcel II Part of Lot 26, according to the duly filed plat of RENAISSANCE SUMMIT, in the City of Tigard, filed September 19, 1994, in Plat Book 92, Pages 41 and 42, Records of the County of Washington and State of Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 26; thence South 65° 20' 46" Fast 81.64 feet on the line between said Lot 26 and Lot 25, RENAISSANCE SUMMIT to a point that bears North 65° 20' 46" West 44.00 feet from the Northeast corner of said Lot 26; thence leaving said line, South 87° 48' 39" West 74.16 feet to the West line of said Lot 26; thence North 00° 07' 45" West 36.89 feet on said West line to the point of beginning. 2 File Name 966852.SKT Case No. File No. 966852 Borrower GLUHR, Uwe Property Address 15853 S.W. Mazama Place City Tigard County Washington State OR Zip Code 97224 Lender/Client Key Bank of Washington - 43' Bedroom Closet . 25.5' Master Bath V/ Bedroom Stairs , 34' 1' 13' Master Bedroom Bath 12' Recreation 7'S� 14' 10' 23' Room Patio 7.5' 7.5' First Floor 15.5' 14' ai Nook U 21' Q 15' Family Room Kitchen Dining Second Floor Room 14.5' 25.5' 1/2 m 2' Den •, ath Air Cond' 1 ."2 5' / I in Living Room 18.5' Utility Entry Bath 3,k7.5' 1.5' 3' 14' 23' Porch Bedroom 15.5' I 25' Living Area , , w. !�," First Floor First Floor 1926 218 10.0 X 37.5 = 375.0 Second Floor 1583 213 14.0 X 48.5 = 679.0 Total 3509 431 21.0 X 14.5 = 304.5 19.0 X 15.5 = 294.5 5.0 X 23.0 = 115.0 7.5 X 3.0 = 22.5 14.0 X 3.0 = 42.0 6.0 X 15.5 = 93.0 Total 1925.5 Second Floor 43.0 X 20.0 = 860.0 21.5 X 13.0 = 279.5 17.5 X 2.0 = 35.0 14.0 X 12.0 = 168.0 1.0 X 23.0 = 23.0 14.0 X 15.5 = 217.0 Total 1582.5 Vi ...a• eY t"es •en.ulri' •il, - ,,. SKETCH-IT 1-000-523-0872 Ati CITY OF TIGARD Community Development Shaping A Better Community ,LANDIKPROPOSALDESORIFFION 120 DAYS = 5/18/2002 FILE NO.: HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT TYPE II (HOP) 2002-00004 FILE TITLE: GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. APPLICANT: Uwe J. Gluhr OWNER: Same 15353 SW Mazama Place Tigard, OR 97224 REQUEST: The applicant requests approval for a Type II Home Occupation permit to allow an office for a hardwood plywood importing firm. LOCATION: 15353 SW Mazama Place; WCTM 2S110DA,Tax Lot 3400. ZONE: R-3.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-3.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Duplexes are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters: 18.390, 18.510 and 18.742. CIT AREA: West CIT FACILITATOR: List Available Upon Request DECISION MAKING BODY BELOW: ❑ TYPE I ® TYPE II ❑ TYPE III ❑ TYPE IV DATE COMMENTS WERE SENT: January 18, 2002 DATE COMMENTS ARE DUE: February 1, 2002 n HEARINGS OFFICER (MON.) DATE OF HEARING: TIME: 7:00 PM ❑PLANNING COMMISSION (MON.) DATE OF HEARING: TIME: 7:30 PM ❑CITY COUNCIL (TUES.) DATE OF HEARING: TIME: 7:30 PM ® STAFF DECISION (TENTATIVE) DATE OF DECISION: FEBRUARY 21, 2002 COMPONENTS RELATED TO THE PROJECT AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING IN THE PLANNING DIVISION ® VICINITY MAP ❑ LANDSCAPING PLAN ❑ ARBORIST REPORT ® SITE PLAN ❑ ARCHITECTURAL PLAN ❑ TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY ❑ NARRATIVE ❑ GEOTECH REPORT ❑ OTHER: STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Tracy, Associate Planner (503) 639-4171 Ext. 407 . ..,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,y. ,, CITY OF TIGARD OREGON January 18, 2002 Uwe J. Gluhr 15353 SW Mazama Place Tigard, OR 97224 RE: Notice of Complete Application Submittal for a Home Occupation Permit Application Review (HOP2002-00004) Dear Uwe Gluhr: The City has received the information necessary to begin the review of your Home Occupation permit application. Staff has, therefore, deemed your application submittal as complete and will begin the review process. The estimated time for rendering a decision from the date an application is deemed complete is 5-6 weeks. If you have any questions regarding your application, please don't hesitate to contact me at (503) 639-4171 ext. 407. Sincerely, , /erely Morgan Tracy Associate Planner \\tig333\usr\depts\curpin\morgan\workspace\hopii\hop2002-00004 complete.dot c: HOP2002-00004 Land Use file 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-4171 TDD (503)684-2772 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS NOTICE TO MORTGAGEE, LIENHOLuER,VENDOR OR SELLER: THE TIGARD DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES THAT IF YOU RECEIVE THIS NOTICE,IT SHALL BE PROMPTLY FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER. NOTICE OF PENDING LAND USE APPLICATION . 1 HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT CITY OF TIGARD Community Deveropment Shaping Better Community DATE OF NOTICE: January 18, 2002 FILE NUMBER: HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT (HOP) 2002-00004 FILE NAME: GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. PROPOSAL The applicant requests approval for a Type II Home Occupation permit to allow an office for a hardwood plywood-importing firm. ZONE: R-3.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-3.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Duplexes are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.390, 18.510 and 18.742. LOCATION: 15353 SW Mazama Place; WCTM 2S110DA,Tax Lot 3400. YOUR RIGHT TO PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENTS: Prior to the City making any decision on the Application, you are hereby provided a fourteen (14) day period to submit written comments on the application to the City. THE FOURTEEN (14) DAY PERIOD ENDS AT 5:00 PM ON FEBRUARY 1, 2002. All comments should be directed to MORGAN TRACY in the Planning Division at the City of Tigard, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. You may reach the City of Tigard by telephone at (503) 639-4171. ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF TIGARD IN WRITING PRIOR TO 5:00 PM ON THE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE IN ORDER FOR YOUR COMMENTS TO BE COiiSiiiEREU iir THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS THE CITY OF TIGARD APPRECIATES RECEIVING COMMENTS AND VALUES YOUR INPUT. COMMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED AND ADDRESSED WITHIN THE NOTICE OF DECISION. A DECISION ON THIS ISSUE IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 21, 2002. IF YOU PROVIDE COMMENTS, YOU WILL BE SENT A COPY OF THE FULL DECISION ONCE IT HAS BEEN RENDERED. WRITTEN COMMENTS WILL BECOME A PART OF THE PERMANENT PUBLIC RECORD AND SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: ♦ Address the specific "Applicable Review Criteria" described in the section above or any other criteria believed to be applicable to this proposal; ♦ Raise any issues and/or concerns believed to be important with sufficient evidence to allow the City to provide a response; ♦ Comments that provide the basis for an appeal to the Tigard Hearings Officer must address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity on that issue. Failure of any party to address the relevant approval criteria with sufficient specificity may preclude subsequent appeals to the Land Use Board of Appeals or Circuit Court on that issue. Specific findings directed at the relevant approval criteria are what constitute relevant evidence. AFTER THE 14-DAY COMMENT PERIOD CLOSES, THE DIRECTOR SHALL ISSUE A TYPE II ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION. THE DIRECTOR'S DECISION SHALL BE MAILED TO THE APPLICANT AND TO OWNERS OF RECORD OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN 500 FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE, AND TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SUBMITTED WRITTEN COMMENTS OR WHO IS OTHERWISE ENTITLED TO NOTICE. THE DIRECTOR'S DECISION SHALL ADDRESS ALL OF THE RELEVANT APPROVAL CRITERIA. BASED UPON THE CRITERIA AND THE FACTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE RECORD, THE DIRECTOR SHALL APPROVE, APPROVE WITH CONDITIONS OR DENY THE REQUESTED PERMIT OR ACTION. SUMMARY OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS: ♦ The application is accepted by the City. ♦ Notice is sent to property owners of record within 500 feet of the proposed development area allowing a 14-day written comment period. ♦ The application is reviewed by City Staff and affected agencies. ♦ City Staff issues a written decision. ♦ Notice of the decision is sent to the Applicant and all owners or contract purchasers of record of the site; all owners of record of property located within 500 feet of the site, as shown on the most recent property tax assessment roll; any City-recognized neighborhood group whose boundaries include the site; and any governmental agency which is entitled to notice under an intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City which includes provision for such notice or anyone who is otherwise entitled to such notice. INFORMATION/EVIDENCE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW: The application, written comments and supporting documents relied upon by the Director to make this decision are contained within the record and are available for public review at the City of Tigard Community Development Department. Copies of these items may be obtained at a cost of $.25 per page or the current rate charged for this service. Questions regarding this application should be directed to the Planning Staff indicated on the first page of this Notice under the section titled "Your Right to Provide Written Comments." I "140 4,0 l a 3 •• MEI VICINITY MAP i I N� 'am '4 ii III Ii l HOP2002.00004 GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION mi min so' 1 ■ -1� NA.PLl"vJOOu IMPORTER),Liu.NAPA•if �_�E-:■■■■■■■ Alb* 4-1.0...iim. . Mraitil II go3 . , 1.-=Liwvon ---mmAtzto --, - -c:-: d trim eir,i 11:: :: :: or, (--1:!, 1 -;.` - i' � s. . :s AV® mi�1 ssI1 r eTlitsrl' -1-pprao•,.. ,_ ,,,,,,. .. ,... „„11 ,1,1 1 Fil:: 49: t.)4 ::.7;.,. 5., ,‘ 1k \ f..:1:11111 h. City of Tyvd plIIIIIIIRMIg =T.-47 1 NOTICE OF TYPE II DECISION HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT (HOP) 2002-00004 . n'iL" CITY OF TIGARD GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION Community Devetopment Shaping f7(Better Community DBA: PLYWOOD IMPORTERS, LTD. 120 DAYS = 5/18/2002 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION FILE NO.: Home Occupation Permit (HOP) HOP2002-00004 APPLICANT: Uwe J. Gluhr OWNER: Same 15353 SW Mazama Place Tigard, OR 97224 PROPOSAL: The applicant requests approval for a Type II Home Occupation permit to allow an office for a plywood importing firm. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: R-3.5; Low Density Residential. ZONING DESIGNATION: R-3.5; The R-3.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single- family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Duplexes are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: The subject site is located at 15353 SW Mazama Place; WCTM 2S110DA, Tax Lot 3400. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.385, 18.390, 18.510 and 18.742. SECTION II. DECISION Notice is hereby given that the City of Tigard Community Development Director's designee has APPROVED the above request. The findings and conclusions on which the decision is based are noted in the full decision, available at City Hall. All documents and applicable criteria in the above-noted file are available for inspection at no cost or copies can be obtained for twenty-five cents (250 per page, or the current rate charged for copies at the time of the request. SECTION III. PROCEDURE AND APPEAL INFORMATION Notice: Notice mailed to: X The applicant and owners X Owner of record within the required distance X Affected government agencies Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON FEBRUARY 7, 2002 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON FEBRUARY 23, 2002 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. Apiea�l The Director's Decision is final on the date that it is mailed. All persons entitled to notice or who are otherwise adversely affected or aggrieved by the decision as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1 may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2 of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the Notice of Decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. Unless the applicant is the appellant, the hearing on an appeal from the Director's Decision shall be confined to the specific issues identified in the written comments submitted by the parties during the comment period. Additional evidence concerning issues properly raised in the Notice of Appeal may be submitted by any party during the appeal hearing, subject to any additional rules of procedure that may be adopted from time to time by the appellate body. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON FEBRUARY 22, 2002. I Questions: For further information please contact the Planning Division Staff Planner, Morgan Tracy at (503) 639-4171, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. _ Iciii . T .,CITY DIT GARG ate,, L CINITY MAP � ■ -, " 2.. 1111,,,,, ■ HOP2002-00004 .n GLUHR HOME OCCUPATION �■ NM DBA:PLYWOOD IMPORTERS,LTD. illil i•.�!=-muiri■■■■Y■1 r,e , Room. .,_.,..,__ .,. r _ _ _ , _,,,,_._ a , ...: ® A. -. .- 22 -# ■■■■I■i iiI: - :::: ff.. 65. 171 gl.SW"I II WNW 11, e I ��1,�� 1\\��\\\ ,rya * 10 ," 74: III■■■■■■■■11 ♦� .:.� -:�-- ....Jan II.2,727717,131ctoAerk