09/16/2009 - Packet r
City of Tigard
Committee for Citizen Involvement — Agenda
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: TVF&R Tigard Fire Station 50
12617 SW Walnut Street, Tigard 97223
1. (Info) Welcome and Introductions 7:00-7:10 PM
2. (Action) Approval of July Minutes 7:10-7:15
3. (Info) Neighborhood Networks Update 7:15-7:25
/Liz Newton/
4. (Info) Fanno Creek Conference History 7:25-7:35
/Liz Newton and Marissa Daniels/
5. (Action) Fanno Creek Conference Topic Discussion 7:35-8:15
/Marissa Daniels/
9. (Info) Other Business/Announcements/Next Agenda 8:15-8:30
Next meeting:
• Wednesday, October 21, 2009, Library Second Floor Conference Room
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 1
Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2009
Committee Chair Basil Christopher called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting was
held in the Tigard Public Library, second floor conference room, at 13500 SW Hall Blvd.
Members Present: Chairman Basil Christopher, Patti Anda, Anastasia Adriano, Sue Carver,
Bev Froude,John Harris, Connie Ramaekers, & Gary Jelinek
Members Absent: Rex Caffall
Staff Present: Liz Newton,Assistant City Manager;Joanne Bengston, Executive Assistant to
the City Manager and Mayor; Marissa Daniels, Associate Planner
June Minutes:
There was a motion by John Harris, seconded by Sue Carver, to approve the June 17, 2009
meeting minutes, as presented. The motion carried as follows:
AYES: Christopher, Anda, Adriano, Carver, Froude, and Harris, Ramaekers
NAYS: None
EXCUSED: Caffall
Liz explained that she and Joanne are putting together a report discussing the feasibility of
the projects suggested at Area 3, 10, and 11's annual open houses. For example,Area 3
suggested additional lighting in Jack Park and Liz spoke to Steve Martin, Parks Manager who
thought the extra lighting was a good idea. Because the new lighting was not budgeted for
this year, Area 3 could apply for Neighborhood Network grant funds to install additional
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John explained that his area,Area 10, discussed the need for a school zone behind CF
Tigard Elementary School. Gary's neighborhood,Area 11, discussed a new bridge in Jack
Liz said that the CCI would review the grant nominations in September. Friday,Joanne and
Liz will send out a full report with the status on all of the projects suggested by each
Neighborhood Network area.
Liz shared that some of the projects had common themes, and may be something that can
be addressed on a larger scale. For example, Liz talked to the Community Development
Director, Ron Bunch, about sidewalks,which seemed to be a high priority for all three areas.
Bev asked if the Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force would be discussing this
issue, and Liz replied not yet. She reminded the group that anything addressed by the CIP,
over $50,000, is not eligible for the grant program.
Bev asked about the bridge near the new fire station. Liz explained that there is extra parking
at the new fire station for Jack Park, and that the City will be adding a new fire truck themed
playground to the field adjacent to Jack Park. There are plans for a bridge to connect the
park to the additional areas added by construction of the fire station. Liz said the City is
trying to determine funding for the bridge.
Sue asked if there is a sign designating which parking at the fire station is for the park. Liz
responded that parking for the park is allowed in any of the spaces, but that most people will
park in the spaces adjacent to the park extension because that lot is larger.
Gary asked about the community room at the new station, if it was available for reservations.
Basil asked about the size of the room. Liz replied that the room is twice the size of the
community room at the Burnham St fire station, and it is available for reservations. The
Committee agreed to hold their September meeting at the new fire station.
Liz talked about follow-up to the annual meetings, saying individual project suggestions
eligible for the grant program will be included in the Cityscape newsletter, and all other
suggestions will be posted on their respective website. Area 3 did mention some visibility
issues,which have already been taken care of.
On another note, Liz said she still needs a replacement webmaster. She is trying to recruit a
student to take on the responsibilities.
Basil confirmed with Liz that every neighborhood has an active website. He asked if he
could send a message to his neighborhood steering committee.John,who is the Webmaster
for his neighborhood area, replied yes. Basil then confirmed with Liz that each
neighborhood steering committee is only required to meet once per year.John stated that in
his case, there have been a lot of emails between steering committee members, and that they
have already scheduled a second meeting for September.
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Liz reported the City of Tigard led a Civic Leadership Academy about five years ago.
Typically, over the course of the program participation would decrease from 20 participants
to about 12. The Academy included meetings once per month. At the end of the program,
only a few citizens went on to join in City affairs. The academy included presentations by
each City department, coupled with a hands-on activity at every meeting.
At the same time, the City was contributing funds to the Tigard Chamber of Commerce's
Leadership Institute. At that time, the City Council thought it was ineffective to fund two
very similar programs, so the decision was made to discontinue the Leadership Academy,
and to support the Chamber's efforts.
Currently, Liz said, the City does not have funds set aside this fiscal year (ending in July
2010) to use for a Civic Leadership Academy. However, the City has budgeted to host a
Fanno Creek Conference this year, and City Council is hoping the CCI will host this
The Fanno Creek Conference is something that was held a few years ago. The Community
would come together to pick topics, then the City would bring in experts in that field, one
`for' and one `against' the questions posed. The first year, the City had high participation,
with about 200 participants. However, attendance declined after that. Council would use the
information gathered in the conference to set goals, get direction, etc. After four years,
attendance declined to a point and the conference was ended. City Council wants to bring
back the Fanno Creek Conference next spring.
City Council has also committed funds to hold a, "So you want to be a City Councilor" type
event. Council is interested in grooming people to feel comfortable enough to run for City
Council. They want to host an event so people can hear firsthand what it is like to be a
Councilor. The same Committee who recommended the Mayor's stipend be increased
suggested the City send out invitations to an open event. This event is expected to be held
this spring, and the City plans to invite volunteers, board and committee members, etc.
Liz said the CCI could send budget requests to Council in time for the next budget cycle, by
forwarding these requests when the Council calls for goal suggestions.
Bev asked what the best choice of next steps would be for the Committee. Liz responded
that there are several ways to approach this issue which will get the momentum going:
1. Approach Council now about starting a Civic Leadership Academy, although, to be
honest, Council will have to shift resources to make this possible.
2. Wait until the next round of the budget cycle, and then submit the Civic Leadership
Academy request to Council.
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3. Pose a question about Civic Leadership at the Fanno Creek Conference next spring.
There are already resources dedicated to this event, and the Committee could see if there is
community support for such a conference.
4. A combination of two or three of the above methods.
Liz said that she would like for the committee to decide how to proceed.
John asked if the Civic Leadership Academy idea came from Council or the CCI. Bev shared
that it was Basil's idea from a long time ago.
Bev suggested that to her, Liz's approach looked like steps starting with the Fanno Creek
Conference this year, then moving to approach Council about the Conference at the
appropriate time for the budget process.
Basil shared his intent,which is to develop the knowledge and tools for neighborhoods to
feel comfortable to volunteer for leadership roles. Liz agrees, and thinks this is a great idea.
John asked if other projects are in the works. He pointed out that it is a big step from going
to not being involved at all, to wanting to be a City Councilor.
Liz said that after listening to the Committee and hearing their motivations, maybe the
Committee should approach Council. There are other issues which are not addressed by the
activities budgeted for this year. She suggested reformatting the letter to explain the
Gary asked if they need Council's support to use the websites to see if neighborhoods are
interested in a leadership academy. Liz responded that they could do that if they were not
looking to use City resources. Because the academy would require staff support and City
funds, Council approval is required. For example, Liz pointed out that Marissa's plate is full,
so to do the Conference will require a shifting of resources.
Gary asked what the Civic Leadership Academy would look like. Basil explained that it
would follow the format of the Citizen's Police Academy. Liz shared that before the
leadership academy lasted seven weeks, and each department would host one of the nights.
Basil shared that the purpose of the letter was to see if there is an interest in the leadership
academy before the committee spends any more time fleshing out the details of what the
conference could look like.
Liz suggested putting together a summary of the reasons the leadership academy is, "a
different breed of cat" than the other means of engagement.
Marissa talked about timing the letter with the beginnings of the budget cycle.
Basil reiterated that the intent of the letter was to see if such a conference is a good idea, he
thinks the Fanno Creek Conference would be another vehicle, and resources are already
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dedicated to the event for this year. Liz suggested the Fanno Creek conference could be the
first step. She suggested that maybe for the first year, the conference is more like a one day
symposium. Basil thinks this will give the CCI an opportunity to test the waters.
Gary suggested they could use their own committee as an example of what its like to serve
on a City board or committee. He thought Committee members could talk individually
about their roles, then City staff could talk about the expectations and their role on the
Committee. He suggested Committee members speak about their own assumptions, roles,
Liz reminded the CCI that it is their call on the topic for the Fanno Creek Conference,
maybe it could focus on civic engagement with speakers and events under that broad topic.
She asked the committee to think about issues that would be important to them.
Basil suggested the committee propose the academy for the 2009-10 budget year. He
suggested the committee put together the draft proposal, and a summary of the points that
make the academy valuable. However, if the Conference could serve the same purpose, he
liked that idea as well. He likes the appeal of having the event last only one day. He asked Liz
what the next steps of the Committee should be.
Liz responded that if the Committee thinks they can achieve some of their original goals
through the Fanno Creek Conference, then they should focus on that. They can put the
Civic Leadership Academy idea in the hopper for Council goal suggestions. Liz thinks the
Council would be excited about a Fanno Creek Conference centered on Civic Engagement.
Going back to the issue of a lack of City Council candidates, Gary said a huge drawback is
that Council is a citywide position, and it takes a huge amount of resources to run Citywide.
He asked what would be required to split the City into districts. Liz thinks this would be a
City Charter amendment. He asked if such amendments are allowed, and she said yes. Gary
explained that his `gig' is elections, and a citywide campaign can be overwhelming. Liz
suggested this could be a topic for the Conference.
(Marissa Daniels)
The Chamber's Leadership Institute did take a year off, but is going to start up again soon.
The Institute is open to anyone living or working in Washington County. A maximum of 25
individuals will be selected to participate in the nine month program. Upon completion of
the program, each participant will be required to organize at least one class for the following
year's program.
Selection is based upon the following criteria:
1. A strong interest and commitment to serve Tigard beyond the training period.
2. The willingness to devote time to the program both in terms of attendance and field
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3. A demonstration of leadership skills and abilities on the job.
4. Demonstrate leadership qualities and potential as evidenced by community and
organizational activities reflected within the application.
5. Ability to make a substantial contribution to the program both in terms of issues and
projects, as well as networking with peers.
6. The ability to make the time and resource commitment required by the program.
7. Financial and time commitment of your employer or sponsoring organization.
Connie asked if the meetings are held in Tigard. Marissa said yes,with the exception of a
training exercise and ropes course.
Marissa explained that her coworker took the course, and he noted that the group also
completes service projects during the course of their training. For example, during his
course, it came up that the Good Neighbor Center needed some painting so the group
completed this task.
CCI GOAL UPDATE (Marissa Daniels)
Marissa quickly ran through the Goals update chart included in the Committee's packet. She
shared that items presented in bold where items which were added as accomplishments since
the Committee's last update. The following items took place during 2nd quarter:
1. Improve Citywide citizen involvement
a. Underrepresented groups follow-up
b. Census Partnership Support Program
c. Hwy 99W Projects
2. Develop an active steering committee in each Neighborhood Network Area
a. 20 Confirmed Steering Committee Members, 3 Active Steering
Committees, 3 Annual Events
3. Develop an outline to implement a Tigard Civic Leadership Academy
a. Brainstorm, Recommendation to Council
4. Recognize good citizenship
Bev asked when the Committee would discuss coordination with the CPO program. Marissa
explained that she is planning this discussion after the Council's discussion of the formation
of a CPO 4T which will include all of Tigard. This is much like how the CPO program is
handled in Beaverton. Currently, Tigard is covered by two CPO's that also include some of
the unincorporated area surrounding Tigard.
Marissa said that she is also waiting to discuss outreach to the business committee at a future
meeting. Gary asked if this was appropriate, seeing that this is the Committee for Citizen
Involvement, and often the desires of residents and business owners differ. Marissa said that
this would be a good discussion to have in the future. The reason that this item appears on
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the goal sheet is that it was suggested by one of the City Councilors at the Committee's last
annual meeting with Council.
• Connie shared that she is part of a Safe Schools, Healthy Families Grant, and part of
this mission is to help Latino families feel connected to the school district. They are
planning a big activity on October 3rd focusing on 40 developmental assets. They will
bring in a speaker, and have information about relevant programs. The Family
Advisory Council is hosting this event.John requested she share information about
the event with the Neighborhood Network website administrators.
• Patti pointed out that National Night Out is approaching, hosted by the Tigard Police
• The Committee voted to take August off, and resume meeting in September at the
TVF&R Fire Station.
Chair Christopher adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m.
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