07/15/2009 - Packet City of Tigard
Committee for Citizen Involvement — Agenda
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MEETING DATE: Wednesday,July 15, 2009, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Library, Second Floor Conference Room (Located on east side of baildilW
13500 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223
1. (Info) Welcome and Introductions 7:00-7:05 PM
2. (Action) Approval of June Minutes 7:05-7.10
3. (Info) Neighborhood Networks Update 7:10-7:25
/Liz Newton and Joanne Bengston/
4. (Discussion) Civic Leadership Academy Recommendation 7:25-7:40
/Liz Newton/
5. (Action) Census Complete Count Committee Program 7:40-7:55
/Marissa Daniels/
7. (Info) Tigard Area Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute 7.55-8:10
/Marissa Daniels/
8. (Discussion) CCI Goal Update 8:10-8:20
/Marissa Daniels/
9. (Info) Other Business/Announcements/Next Agenda 8:20-8.30
Next meeting:
• Wednesday,August 19, 2009, Library Second Floor Conference Room
Cite 7of Tigard 1 13125 SW I1all Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1�503-639-4171 � 1 �www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 1
Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2009
Committee Chair Basil Christopher called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The meeting was
held in the Tigard Public Library, second floor conference room, at 13500 SW Hall Blvd.
Members Present: Chairman Basil Christopher, Patti Anda, Anastasia Adriano, Sue Carver,
Bev Froude,John Harris, & Connie Ramaekers.
Members Absent: Gary Jelinek, Rex Caffall
Staff Present: Liz Newton, Assistant City Manager; Darren Wyss, Senior Planner;Joanne
Bengston, Executive Assistant to the City Manager and Mayor; Doreen Laughlin,
Administrative Specialist II
Chair Christopher asked that everyone introduce themselves, which they did. Bev Froude
mentioned that the refreshments (cookies & donuts) were there in honor of Anastasia
Adriano's last meeting with the committee. She spoke about Anastasia having served well on
their committee and everyone agreed and said they appreciated her good service.
May Minutes:
There was a motion by Sue Carver, seconded by John Harris, to approve the May 20, 2009
meeting minutes, as presented. The motion carried as follows:
AYES: Christopher, Anda, Adriano, Carver, Froude, and Harris
NAYS: None
ABSTENTIONS: [Ramaekers]
EXCUSED: Caffall,Jelinek
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NEIGHBORHOOD NE'T'WORKS (Liz Newton/Joanne Bengston)
Annual Meetings Follow Up
Liz Newton, Assistant City Manager, distributed a hand-out containing notes from the open
houses that had been held the previous week. She explained that she would speak about the
Area 3 Open House and that John Harris and Patti Anda, steering committee members for
Areas 10 and 11, would go over their respective areas.
Liz explained that there were about 15 people at the Area 3 Open House held at Fowler
Middle School on Thursday night. She said the people who attended were very engaged.
The idea was to help the people who attended feel it was a worthwhile use of their time.
Also, to make sure that follow-up happens. She said there were chart packs and a map
where people wrote down what the "Rock in Your Shoe" was (in other words, small things
that bugged them.) There were several things that had been written down. Liz went over a
few of those such as graffiti, blackberry bushes encroaching on roadways, etc., and then
shared some of the ideas the group had come up with for community building events e.g., an
Ice Cream Social, a National Night Out, a Summer Creek Park Discussion, Community
Gardening, a Survey Monkey, etc. She then turned it over to John to talk about Area 10.
John reported that Area 10's Open House had taken place on Saturday afternoon at CF
Tigard Elementary School. Approximately 10-12 people attended, including the Mayor and
one of the Council members. He said they had big maps up so people could write down if
they thought there was a problem at this or that corner. He said that was very helpful
because people could circle their areas of concern. He reported there had been questions
about the Neighborhood Network. He felt the time was well spent and that people were
there because they were especially concerned with their particular area. They appeared to be
glad to have a place to focus on their own area rather than trying to fix every problem in
Patti Anda reported that Area 11's Open House was held on Saturday morning at Mary
Woodward Elementary. There were 20 — 25 people in attendance (a relatively high
attendance). She noted that at the same time there was a school plant sale - which helped
with the attendance. She said the Mayor was there, as well as some of the CCI members. She
reported that it had been a good open house.
Liz said Joanne Bengston [assistant to the City Manager and the Mayor] and she would go
through the "Rock in Your Shoe" issues that citizens had noted. She said that would happen
the very next day and that they would identify all the issues as to categories —whether they
would fall under enforcement issues (like a rusty truck that had been noted), projects that
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might be eligible for the grant, or "activities". She said they would get the information back
to the steering committee and let them put out the capital ideas for nominations for the
giant program.
Confirm Steering Committee Members
Liz distributed copies of Neighborhood Network Steering Committee Membership
applications. She had two of them— one for Area 3 (Brian Holman) and one for Area 5
(Genesee Jayasunya). She also distributed copies of the current Steering Committee
Membership roster. She explained that each area needed a minimum of 4 members —up to 7
members maximum. Someone asked about the fact that the roster indicated just one
member for 4 of the areas.Joanne explained that there would be a press release advertising
those areas. In addition, something will be put in the next Cityscape to advertise those
openings so those areas can also get enough representation for a steering committee.
There was a motion by Sue Carver, seconded by Patti Anda, to approve the two applicants
presented for Steering Committee Membership. The motion passed as follows:
AYES: Christopher, Anda, Adriano, Carver, Froude, Harris, & Ramaekers.
NAYS: None
EXCUSED:Jelinek, Caffall
Grant Program Schedule
Liz reminded them that the Neighborhood Network has a grant program. [To be eligible],
there has to be an active steering committee and an annual meeting (which 3 of them have
already had). The money ($25,000) was approved in the budget effective July 1st. She
explained that people in the active neighborhood areas can nominate projects for grants and
then they need to go through the application process. She said they need to give the steering
committee time to get feedback from their members [people from the neighborhood] about
what projects they would like to nominate. She said they're looking at a couple of months
out before they would be revie-wing applications. They need time to go through the process.
She said they will look to put it on the COI's September agenda.
There was a question as to whether the CCI ,vill continue to meet on Wednesdays in the fall.
They decided to wait until Marissa Daniels, staff liaison, gets back from vacation to talk
about it, although all agreed that Wednesday looked to be the best night for them.
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Joanne reminded everyone that "Family Fest" would be held September 1Oth, 11th and 12th.
She said there would be some fantastic new events for the 5th anniversary and that they have
permission to hang banners across three of the City streets advertising it. The Mayor wants
there to be a big push for this since it's a special year. There will be banners on 72nd,
Durham, and Main St.
Darren Wyss, Senior Planner, passed around samples of what would be in the census packet.
He noted that they had the choice of whether to order the brochure in 5 different languages
or not. Also, whether or not to include those languages on the carry bag that they'd be
handing out—which would raise the cost. Darren noted they would discuss the census
program at thenext meeting when Marissa Daniels comes back. He said he wanted to make
clear that the committee would not be responsible for going door to door but would be
asked to help get the word out that if people didn't fill out the census information, someone
would be knocking on their door. This will be discussed further at a future CCI meeting.
Darren distributed a memo that Chair Christopher had drafted for the Mayor and members
of City Council regarding the Proposed Civic Leadership Academy. The CCI members read
through it and had a short discussion regarding it. Connie said having something like this
available would be very helpful to citizens who are thinking about civic leadership but aren't
sure what it entails. Basil noted he didn't think this would need to be a full S weeks long but
could probably be shorter than that. One of the members said she'd like to suggest that,
should the pilot go well, the City consider offering it again at a later time and perhaps in a
different language. Darren said he could add that into the language of the memo. There
was more discussion about taking this to Council and the fact that it would be good
experience for the CCI to take something to Council and to try to sway them. Basil noted in
addition to the face value of the academy, it could also be considered an outreach to
minorities who might not become involved otherwise. He also said he'd like Marissa to look
at the memo and give her opinion on it.
Basil asked that Darren make the changes to the memo they'd discussed and get the revised
memo back to them for review. There was a general consensus that this be taken to Council
in a Study Session, get their feedback - a feel for what they're thinking - and also schedule a
Work Shop with them if they feel it's necessary. John Harris said his only concern is that it
happens in a timely fashion.
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Darren explained that over the past 10 years or so, Dick Bewersdorff, Planning Manager for
Current Planning, has been collecting scrivener's errors and little disconnections within the
code. He said they're finally taking about 50 to 55 of them through the process of correcting
them. He said a couple of them had to do with City recognized neighborhood groups. He
referred to the last page of their packet. He said in order to have consistent language
throughout the code, to not get too specific — such as "neighborhood networks" or CIT's
(which no longer exist) —to change any references such as these to "city recognized
neighborhood groups". He added that it's good to be flexible. They all agreed that would
be good. Darren asked for any comments. They commented that this simply broadens the
definition and that's a good thing. This way, every time a name changes for one of these
very similar groups, they won't have to do a code change. They all agreed.
• Darren said he was instructed to tell Patti that Mike Lueck is working on a Spanish
CERT video. He's going to contact her on that.
• And at the last meeting they'd talked about the Transportation Advisory Commission
and increasing the membership from 7 to 9 - Marissa will take that to the Council when
they're amending the bylaws in the next month or so. She will take that forward.
• Also, at the last meeting, the CCI had asked about whether they have a grant to update
the trail map. Darren had looked around and found we are going to be part of a Metro
funded bike routes map. The entire metro area will have a community specific map — so
they will have a bike routes map. The bike routes map will also have the regular trails on
it— as well as bike lanes and "bike-able" streets.
Chair Christopher adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
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City of Tigard
Yk Memorandum
To: Mayor Dirksen and Members of City Council
From: Basil Christopher, Committee for Citizen Involvement Chair
Ike: Proposed Civic Leadership Academy
Date: June 17, 2009
In the interest of providing Tigard citizens an opportunity to learn about local government,
the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) would like to propose that City Council
consider offering a Civic Leadership Academy training program. It is envisioned that it
would be similar to the current Citizen Police Academy program, where citizens learn about
local law enforcement and its many activities.
A Civic Leadership Academy would offer Tigard citizens an opportunity to learn more about
local government and "how things work". The intent would be to develop more interest
from the community to actively participate in community and neighborhood affairs. The
training would provide participating citizens the opportunity for personal growth and
knowledge and would help them become comfortable with local decision-making processes.
It is reasonable to assume that some receiving training might be encouraged to take the next
step and volunteer to take an active leadership role in their neighborhood or within the
The CCI also feels such an academy would benefit the Tigard Neighborhood Networks
program. It could provide the necessary opportunity for Tigard citizens to develop skills
that are needed to bring about successful, well organized neighborhood groups. This, in
turn, would help build a stronger overall community within the City of Tigard.
The CCI hopes that the City Council, after considering the fiscal and staff resources needed,
will direct the CCI to take on the task of developing a basic curriculum for an academy. The
CCI would then bring a basic curriculum back to City Council to seek their review and
direction before working with staff to develop a final curriculum for review and
implementation. The CCI also sees the potential for possible expansion into other languages
if the program is successful and the demand is present.
Thank you for your time and consideration of the CCI proposal.
CCI Proposed Leadership Academy 1
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Participation in the leadership program is open to persons living or working in Washington County.A maximum of 25 individuals will be selected to participate in
the nine month program.Upon completion of the program,each participant will be required to organize at least one class for the following year's program.
Selection will be based upon the following criteria:
1.A strong interest and commitment to serve Tigard beyond the training period.
2.The willingness to devote time to the program both in terms of attendance and field projects.
3.A demonstration of leadership skills and abilities on the job.
4.Demonstrate leadership qualities and potential as evidenced by community and organizational activities reflected within the application.
5.Ability to make a substantial contribution to the program both in terms of issues and projects,as well as networking with peers. 1
6,The ability to make the time and resource commitment required by the program. �.
7.Financial and time commitment of your employer or sponsoring organization,
http://www.tigardareachamber.org/leadership.html 7/9/2009
Tigard Committee for Citizen Involvement Goals Update
u1v 9 2009
Goals Accomplishments
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
re + ® e
a. Outreach to underrepresented groups Methods,CERT Program Underrepresented Groups
b. Respond to Council ad hoc requests City Transportation US Census Complete Count
Committee Committee Program,
Census Partner Support
c. Evaluate public involvement plans Capital Improvement Plan, Main Street Green Street,
Urban Forestry Master Plan, Downtown Circulation Plan,
Street Maintenance Fee Transportation System Plan,
Hwy 99W Projects
d. Coordinate with CPO program
e. Reach out to Tigard business community
a. Neighborhood Network application review 16 Confirmed Steering 20 Confirmed Steering
Committee Members,3 Committee Members,3
Active Steering Committees Active Steering
Committees,3 Annual
a. Present to City Council Brainstorm,
Recommendation to
iE mee - ee w 4 �Mmmm
a. Tigard Chamber Shining Stars Banquet Development of
Nomination Materials,
Chamber Banquet to be
held April 24,2009