11/17/2010 - Minutes City of Tigard
Neighborhood Involvement Committee-
Minute s
MEETING DATE/TIME: Wednesday,November 17, 2010—7:00 p.m.
2nd Floor,Library Conference Rm.
Chairman Christopher called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Basil Christopher, Bev Froude, Patti Anda (delayed), Cathy Olson.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Sue Carver, Connie Ramaekers,Veronica Predovic.
STAFF PRESENT: Joanne Bengtson,Neighborhood Network Program Coordinator and Liz Newton,
Asst. City Manager.
Chair made a request to defer approval of the September minutes until the January 19, meeting
because Carver was not in attendance this evening. When this item came up for discussion,
committee member Anda had not arrived yet, and Olson refrained from approving minutes for a
meeting she was excused from attending.
Bengtson will move this item forward to the January 19, 2011 meeting agenda with minor edit as
Bengtson asked committee members their preferences for refreshments and minor details of event and
which Neighborhood Network feature they want promoted on February 5. Olson asked the purpose
of the open house. Bengtson explained that the event is held once a year on the first Saturday of
February as a way to advertise the Neighborhood Network program;giving residents a chance to
explore the components of the program and talk with staff and neighbors who are already involved in
the program. Each year a different aspect of the program is featured to draw attention to it. This year
the committee wants to focus on the steering committee component.
This drop-in event is scheduled for Saturday,February 5, 2011 from 11 to 3 p.m. in the Library
Community Room. Refreshments will be served.
Christopher asked about publicity for the event—the city will list it as a hot topic on the front of the
city's website, the neighborhood networks will have it posted, a press release will be sent prior to the
date and three consecutive cityscape articles will feature news about the event. Posters and bookmarks
(library only) will be placed at city hall, the library,police department and permit center.
Neighborhood Involvement Committee MINUTES —November 17, 2010
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of3
Newton explained the county's program for public involvement using Citizens Participation
Organizations (CPOs.) The CPO program is in place to give Washington County residents a voice in
matters administered by the county (ex: public safety,health).
The city is covered by two CPOs: CPO-4M (Metzger) and CPO-4B (Bull Mtn.),which tend to use the
CPO structure as a vehicle to address issues that are important to urban unincorporated residents
rather than city residents. Newton gave code enforcement as an example. Tigard residents pay for this
service which is administered by the city's Community Development department. Unincorporated
residents want this service, but lack a county-offered program. These subjects become the focus of the
CPO meetings, cancelling out any discussion of issues important to both residents of the county.
Tigard asked the county to consider forming one CPO that follows Tigard's borders to give city
residents a voice when it comes to county issues. Beaverton follows this model and sends a member
from their NCO to sit on the county's Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI). The county has
formed a task force to look at the format& function of CPOs. Newton has been asked to sit on the
task force and the county wants to know if our NIC would be interested in serving on a county-wide
CCI. Newton' s concern is sending a resident to the committee and city issues continue to be
discussed at the county level.
Newton asked whether or not this group thinks it's an appropriate to send a representative to the
county CCI to represent Tigard. Olsen and Froude concurred. Newton will report back to the county
that she's raised the subject. While the members in attendance expressed interest in serving that role,
they elected to wait until the task force makes its recommendations before making any
Asst. City Manager Newton presented an additional revision to the draft bylaws this committee sent
forward for City Council approval. The new addition related to a code of conduct provision. The
Mayor will send a letter explaining Council's request. Froude asked,why now? Newton explained that
each year the City Council adopts ground rules and in light of Planning Commission events, the code
of conduct language addresses general expectations for interpersonal conduct, fills a gap and sets
Board/Committee/Commission service expectations.
Bengtson will craft a Resolution to submit with the Neighborhood Involvement Committee bylaws
for Council's January 25, 2011 meeting agenda. When adopted by Council, the committee's name
change will become official, along with the new bylaws. The city's website will reflect the new
Bengtson presented a copy of the material inside the Neighborhood Network packets featuring
sections that may need changing with shifts to this committee name and mission.
Upon review of the Neighborhood Network Steering committee application, Christopher is concerned
that membership requirements (CERT team member,Neighborhood Watch captain, PSO
Representative,Web Page Administrator) are too specific and may hamper recruiting efforts. Newton
Neighborhood Involvement Committee MINUTES —November 17, 2010
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov IPage2of3
advises listing these as enhanced skills which are sought on a steering committee,but not required.
Special consideration will be given to residents who meet these criteria,but the goal is building a
geographic representation of each neighborhood area. Bengtson will make the approved changes on
the steering committee application and update materials in time for the Open House. Additional
work will be done to build a draft agenda template to assist steering committees with organizing their
annual meeting.
Christopher noted that as Chair of the NIC, he would be willing to write the first article, but
believes that crafting a message to residents is a shared responsibility. Froude suggested writing
about the job of this committee, focusing on the broad strokes. Other ideas included introducing
the group to residents,writing about the change in mission or encouraging public attendance at this
meeting to find ways to get involved in the community.
Discussion ensued that an article might begin with February and be a bi-monthly column as
opposed to a monthly column.
The City Council is meeting on December 30 from Noon to 5 p.m. at the new fire station on
Walnut Street to set goals for 2011.
There was a brief discussion about offering goal suggestions from this committee. Bengtson
followed up the request in an email to NIC members. Suggestions will be forwarded to the Council
for consideration. Initial ideas for consideration:
Finishing road projects begun in 2010,
Connecting to downtown from local streets is problematic. Encourage Council to look to
immediate fixes to downtown circulation.
10. OTHER:
Bengtson &Newton shared a draft of the 2011 Neighborhood Network Calendar. Each
neighborhood area is featured and all the photographs were taken by Tigard residents of
places and activities within the city. The calendars will be given away free to promote the
The city is applying for grant dollars to add sidewalks and a bike lane on 121St Avenue. If
you get a moment and you are so inclined, please drop a line (e-mail or otherwise) to Duane
Roberts, Long Range Planning at the City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard, OR
97223. His e-mail address is Duanektigard-oror.gov Citizen communication helps support
our proposal.
There is a Main Street Open House (drop-in) scheduled for tomorrow (November 18) from
7-8:30 p.m. at the Tigard Area Chamber of Commerce - 12345 SW Main Street, (2nd floor
meeting room) Residents are encouraged to provide input on traffic control on Tigard Street
@ Main Street
Christopher adjourned the meeting at 8:33 PM.
Neighborhood Involvement Committee MINUTES —November 17, 2010
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of3