09/21/2011 - Minutes City of Tigard
Neighborhood Involvement Committee-
MEETING DATE/TIME: Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 7:00 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Public Library- 2nd Floor Conference Room
13500 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard OR 97223
Chairman Christopher called the meeting to order at 6:57 p.m.
Present: Chairman Basil Christopher, Sue Carver, Bev Froude, Connie Ramaekers, Cathy Olson,
Absent: Patty Anda
Staff: Joanne Bengtson
Sue Carver motioned to approve the July 20, 2011 minutes, seconded by Bev Froude, none
The committee is interested in providing neighbors with a menu of community events that are
possible to host with the grant funding for community building. This would provide active
steering committee members with a place to start planning and encourage neighborhood areas
to hold community building events.
The committee requested a draft "menu" for their review that includes ideas for community
building events. Some of the ideas discussed include
Open House
Seasonal festival in conjunction with the neighborhood school
An ethnic festival (Greek, Polish, Octoberfest) or event like St. Anthony's annual picnic.
Craft festival - volunteers (or paid staffl with a special skill (like artisans from Michael's
craft store) teach attendees how to make a particular item. The community building
grant money could pay for craft supplies, hiring instructors if volunteers aren't available,
neighborhood area room rental (fire station, school gymnasium, etc.) and snacks. The
event would have something for everyone, a way to connect and people could actually
leave with something to remember the event.
Ice Cream Social -Joanne shared an article from Mary Jane's Farm magazine that provides
a `tool box' for anyone planning a neighborhood social. The committee would like to
modify information within the article to suit the needs of Neighborhood Networks.
Neighborhood Involvement Committee MINUTES — 9/21/11
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 3
Basil would also like to encourage residents to plan neighborhood area bike rides or
walks that incorporate work from the Bike & Pedestrian Subcommittee which
encourages residents to use Tigard's trails & by-ways. The Bicycle Transportation
Alliance could be invited for a bike `tune-up' event, distribute the city's bike map and
stop along the route for fuel (snacks).
Sue suggested promoting a 5K or walking clubs similar to the event that's associated with
the annual Family Fest.
The committee would also like to see an Annual Meeting Agenda template so that active
steering committees have a blueprint for hosting an annual meeting. Basil suggested offering a
facilitator to keep the meeting going along.
The committee discussed adding mass plantings to the menu of ideas offered to steering
committees when choosing a neighborhood beautification activity. Joanne will talk with Public
Works about the logistics of a project like this. Will it require anything on their end? How
would we address calculating the amount of time it takes between ordering& receiving the stock
and hosting the community clean-up/beautification? Also,what happens if the plant stock is
ordered and the neighborhood event is cancelled? What happens to the bulb stock and since
the cost would go against the neighborhood's beautification grant funds,what happens if they
apply (later) to do a different project? Joanne will talk with Steve Martin in Public Works to
flesh out the idea and come back to the committee in November.
Joanne received two new interest applications, but has not yet identified which area they reside.
Information will be presented to the committee for consideration at the next meeting.
a. Connie announced that Tigard High School has been awarded Red Ribbon certification
by the National Family Partnership and Informed Families Partnership. She handed out
a flier for the event and explained that the award application demanded a rigorous nine-
month process. The result is that THS is the first school on the west coast to achieve
Red Ribbon distinction, joining a group of only 53 schools nationwide. The designation
was earned for the school's effective efforts in the prevention of substance abuse among
youth and their collaboration with youth, parents, educators and the community as a
team that promotes educational excellence. On October 17, Red Ribbon Week is kicked
off at the high school with an award presentation to the THS principal. The public is
invited to attend a Flag Raising Ceremony at THS on October 21 at 10 a.m.
b. Connie also distributed a flyer announcing a Drug Turn-In Event on October 29
between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Tigard Cites This event is a partnership between the
Tigard Police, the DEA, Tigard Turns the Tide and the STUD kids at THS. Prescription
drug abuse is rapidly rising among youth,with figures approaching an epidemic. Bev
noted that these statistics need to be promoted to the public. Connie noted that she will
Neighborhood Involvement Committee MINUTES — 9/21/11
Cityof Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov IPage2of3
be attending a Prescription Drug Abuse Summit aimed at teaching educators about the
issue and educating parents on what they can do about it.
c. In the past, City Council used a trained facilitator for their `5th Tuesday' meetings (Basil or
Stacy Yost, another trained fa(ilitator). Basil would like to explore the idea of the city holding
a facilitator training. He raised that, and the idea for a civic academy a while ago, but it
didn't go anywhere. Joanne explained that in 2007 or 2008 the city hosted a successful
leadership academy. The following year, the Chamber of Commerce launched a fee-
based class series, and rather than offer two, the city didn't offer its program. Following
that series, the Chamber experienced a number of changes that cancelled their
programming. At this time, there are no plans or city resources to offer an academy.
Basil would like this committee to take another look at organizing such an event to
encourage participation in the neighborhood program and local government. The
academy structure could feature a different topic over three nights in one week and focus
broadly on giving residents an overview of local government and promote involvement.
Such an event encourages one-on-one volunteer efforts when they see that local
participation makes a difference. It would provide an educated volunteer pool for Board
& Committee recruiting.
d. Community Development is beginning the process of updating map files for the recent
River Terrace Annexation. The committee discussed ideas for engaging the area into the
Neighborhood Network program. Options include creating a new neighborhood,
extending an existing neighborhood, leaving it alone until the community plan is finished
or asking the residents. The committee would like to ask River Terrace residents what
they prefer. They would like Joanne to draft a letter that explains the program,illustrates
the similarities they share with neighboring areas and mentions their options.
Basil noted that Annexation would make an excellent Civic Academy subject since many
people don't understand the process.
e. The committee would like to invite the active Steering Committee members to the
November meeting so they can see what's involved in serving on the NIC and possibly
boost membership.
The next regularly scheduled NIC meeting will be Wednesday, November 16, at 7 p.m. in the
library 2nd floor conference room.
8. ADJouRN
Basil adjourned the meeting at 8:32 p.m.
Neighborhood Involvement Committee MINUTES — 9/21/11
Cityof Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov Page 3 of 3