03/21/2011 - Minutes City of Tigard
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Minutes
MEETING DATE: March 21, 2011 7:00 — 8:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Brown Auditorium, Public Works Building, 8777 SW Burnham St.
The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is to advise and advocate
for park and recreation opportunities for a growing Tigard.
1. Roll Call: At 7:00 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Chair, Troy Mears.
Members Present: Hong Dao, Peggy Faber, Holly Polivka, Troy Mears.
Staff Present: Steve Martin, Brian Rager, Martin McKnight, Renee' Ferguson.
Council: Marc Woodard.
Audience: Neal Brown, Gary Romans,Julie Leshuga, Claudia Cullison, George Drake,
Gordon Kunkle, Linli Pao, Dave Brown.
2. Approval of minutes: February 22, 2011: Hong Dao moves to approve the minutes.
Peggy Faber seconds the motion. Motion passes.
3. Comments from the audience
A citizen acknowledged having wildlife areas is important; she wanted to keep under
consideration the dog parks in the area and have a facility available for dog agility
Another citizen commented that she was happy with the purchase of Sunrise Park and
would like to see a portion of it turned into a dog park.
4. Develop Park and Recreation Advisory Board Bylaws
Board members terms end June 30.
Board member may be reappointed for up to two consecutive terms, which equals to
11 '/a years.
Board consists of 7 voting members.
Up to two members may reside outside of the city limits of Tigard.
Limited reimbursement is available to board members who attend seminars and
conferences that benefit the PRAB.
Changes or updates to the PRAB Bylaws need to be submitted to Steve Martin for
approval at April's meeting.
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 3
Alternate member remains on the board for one year; it was suggested to be changed
to two years.
All changes will need city council approval.
5. Bond Measure
A) Accounting of Bond Funds for 2010-11
i. Discussion on where bond funds are being spent.
Project manager will oversee land acquisitions and development.
Development and acquisition fund amount $100, 000
Holly Polivka moves to approve the PRAB budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year and
the use of SDC funds for the purchase of Summer Creek 1. Hong Dao seconds the
motion. Motion passes.
Hong Dao moves to approve repaying System Development Charges (SDC) funds in
the amount of$1.96M for the purchase of Summer Creek 1. Peggy Faber seconds the
motion. Motion passes.
ii. PRAB actions and administrative issues related to bond fund accounting
1. Action Item: Resolutions
B) Time line to meet Bond Funding.
i. Land Acquisition timelines
There are three neighborhood parks that have been purchased which are not
eligible for SDC funds.
A grant is available to purchase playground equipment at Summerlake Park.
The Oregon Park and Recreational Department will need to approve the
ii. Development timelines
Closing dates for the purchases of Potso Dog Park is planned for March;
Summercreek 2 will be in April; Sunrise will be in May.
iii. Developments pending
1. Review of preliminary plans - Senn, East Butte,Jack
Steve Martin provided information on each park and the proposed
future development.
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 3
2. Start of planning - Sunrise, Summer Creek
Steve Martin provided information on each park and the proposed
future development.
iv. Action item: Make decisions on development starts
Evaluations on the development and improvements of the above mentioned
parks will begin soon.
6. Non- agenda items
The board will be meeting with the CCAC to discuss the downtown project.
Community recommendations for possible park considerations will be accepted through the
end of the May 9, 2011 PRAB meeting. PRAB will make the final recommendations at the
city council meeting in September.
The PRAB will continue to meet on the second Monday of the month at the Public Works
Building. Information packets will be sent out to the members the Friday before the
7. Adjourn
8:21 p.m. meeting adjourns.
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 3