11/12/2007 - Minutes Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12, 2007 7:00 P.M. Tigard Public Works Building Auditorium 5777 SW Burnham Street Tigard, Oregon Members Present: Brian Davies, Kim Leinberger, Jason Rogers, Trisha Swanson, Jason Ashley, Barry Albertson Members Absent: Scott Bernhard, Michael rreudenthal Staff Present: Dan Plaza Visitors: None 1. Roll Call and Introductions At 7:00 P.M. the meeting was called to order by Chair Brian Davies 2. Approval of October S, 2007 Minutes Jason Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes, and the motion was seconded by Kinn Leinberger. The motion passed by a unanimous vote with members Davies, Leinberger, Rogers, Swanson and Ashley voting yes. 3. Discuss Joint Meeting Agenda with Council on 11/20/07 at 6:30 p.m. A brief discussion was held and it was agreed upon that Brian Davies will present the request for direction from Council on conducting a land acquisition / park development bond measure to create a stable non-SDC revenue stream. It was also agreed that Jason Rogers and Kien Leinberger will present the request for direction from Council on establishing a 2-year, small recreation program. Dan was asked to send the pertinent memo on this issue to the Board. Further, it was agreed upon that the PRAB will ask Council to include a recreation component in the upcoming Park System Master Plan update. 4. Chair Davies added this item for information sharing only. The City's Comprehensive Plan Process will discuss the Parks, Open Space and Recreation Component at their November 27, 2007 meeting. 5. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. / = Dan Plaza, Recorder Date