10/08/2007 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 8, 2007
7:00 P.M.
Tigard Water Auditorium
8777 SW Burnham Street
Tigard, Oregon
Members Present: Brian Davies, Scott Bernhard, Michael Freudenthal, Kim Leinberger,
Jason Rogers, Trisha Swanson
Members Absent: Jason Ashley, Vernon Cooke
Staff Present: Dan Plaza, Steve Martin, Diane Kuhn
Visitors: None
1. RoI1 Call and Introductions
At 7:00 p.m, the meeting was called to order by Chair Brian Davies
2. Comments from the audience: None
3. Approval of September 10, 2007 Minutes
Michael Freudenthal made a motion to approve the minutes, and the motion was seconded by
Jason Rogers. The motion passed by unanimous vote with members Davies, Bernhard,
Freudenthal, Leinberger, Rogers, and Swanson voting yes.
4. Discuss Making Land Acquisition Bond Measure Recommendation to
City Council
Scott stated the Board should move forward with a land acquisition bond measure and
go directly to the Tigard City Council. Chair Davies stated the Board needs to
provide the Tigard City Council with a concrete plan and timetable on how the bond
measure is going to happen, and get this campaign rolling. Scott asked "What is the
competition on this particular issue?" Dan stated at the present time the Council isn't
considering any other bond measures for 2008. However, Washington County or
Metro may have some bond measures on the ballot. Brian stated that the last time this
was discussed Metro came and talked to us and advised us to go ahead.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board 10-08-07
Chairman Davies said he would support that again, as Metro has the resources to
make it happen. Brian asked if we are putting in for more dollars from Metro. Dan
answered "no." Brian asked about a time line. It would be beneficial to bring
someone in who has pushed through a bond measure. Mike suggested Oregon
Recreation & Park Association, and asked Steve if he could sit in on a fundraising
session at the OR-PA Conference, and report back to DRAB. Trisha asked if the Board
is looking for advice on how to approach Council? It was suggested that Board have a
plan ready to take to Council.
Dan suggested going to the City Council joint meeting in November with the primary
focus being the justification of going for the bond measure. Justification might
include the survey, Comprehensive Plan, PRAB's goals, etc. Dan stated that he will
check on the City of Tigard's surveys to see if they have language about land
acquisition. Scott stated that there is a history of the city's desire for acquisition of
open space, which would be a good starting point. Dan commented to the PRAB to
let the City Council know that the Board is at the City Council meeting because of
these documents. The Board is looking to the City Council for direction and
guidance to move forward on a bond measure to buy land. Scott stated the Board's
efforts have not been wasted. The Board is planting seeds for the future. Dan stated
that the Parks SDC fund is growing, but we don't have the revenue to match the SDC
fund. This is a very critical point. Dan commented that the whole idea of establishing
a secure, non-SDC revenue stream should be top priority. Less land is available, and
what is available is costing more money. The longer it takes to acquire a revenue
stream, the longer the SDC fund balance is just sitting there. Trisha asked if
information is available on the growth and history of the SDC fund, as this will affect
the bond measure. Chairman Davies stated that if they ask how much, he doesn't
want to say how much money. Dan stated that the PRAB has created the process that
has identified millions of dollars worth of land.
On November 20, 2007, the PRAB will be meeting with the City of Tigard Council
Members for approximately 30 minutes at Tigard City Hall.
Dan stated that information for the meeting needs to be in by November G, 2007.
Dan stated that he will give to Chairman Davies an outline of the information needed.
Jason, Scott and Brian will work on this information and have to Dan by the due date.
The next PRAB meeting will be November 12, 2007.
5. Discuss Joint Meeting with Council on November 20, 2007 at 5:30 P.M.
A. Set PRAB agenda items to discuss with Council
1. Land Acquisition Bond Measure to Create a Stable Non-SDC Revenue
2, Ask Council to consider establishing a 2-year Pilot Recreation Program
Park and Recreation Advisory Board 10-08-07
Chairman Davies asked to recap the steps the Board went through last year. The
Board will make a few revisions and re-submit to Council. Dan suggested when
mentioning recreation, to reference the Budget Committee minutes and state that
there were a couple of the Budget Committee members that would have been more
interested if there was a two-year program instead of a one-year program.
6. Discuss Comp Plan — Recreation, Parks and Open Spaces
Michael met with Carl Switzer who has been very active in the community. Carl served
on a policy interest team that focuses on parks and recreation. Carl's recommendations
were to: (1) Write a Ietter of support of the comprehensive plan Ianguage, (2) Plan on
attending the meeting and (3) Consider devising a way to get the committee members to
attend the City Council meeting. Michael Freudenthal recommended the Board write a
letter in support of the comprehensive plan language.
Trisha suggested the Board put together an overview for a pilot recreation program.
Michael suggested working it back into the two-year pilot program, and focusing on the
comprehensive plan to support it. The PRAB is looking for clear direction from the
Tigard City Council. Michael asked if the Board should draft a statement voicing the
Board's support and containing the recreation language that is currently in Comp Plan
under Section 8.1through 8.3. Michael made the motion that the Board support the
Comprehensive pian as stated in Goals 8.1 through 8.3, the motion was seconded by
Jason. The motion passed by unanimous vote with members Davies, Bernhard,
Freudenthal, Leinberger, Rogers and Swanson voting yes,
Michael gave an update on the downtown plaza, and Dan gave an update on the skate
park. It will open on October 16, 2007, with the grand opening on November 8, 2007 at
4:30 p.m.
7. Conduct Executive Session to Prioritize Certain Properties
The Park& Recreation Board went into Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. under ORS 192.660 (2) (e)
to discuss real property transactions.
8. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 .m.
Diane Kuhn, Rec rding Secretary
Date /y—o7
Park and Recreation Advisory Board 10-08-07