09/10/2007 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Notes
Monday, September 10, 2007
7:00 P.M.
Tigard Water Auditorium
Members Present: Jason Ashley,Brian Davies,Michael Freudenthal,
Kim Leinberger, and Trisha Swanson
Members Absent: Scott Bernhard,Jason Rogers,Vernon Cooke,
Staff Present: Dan Plaza,Steve Martin,Diane Kuhn
Visitors: City of Tigard Councilor Tom Woodruff
1. Roll Call
At 7:00 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Brian Davies
2. Comments from the Audience—None
3. Approval of Minutes—August 13, 2007
Kim Leinberger made motion to approve the August 13, 2007 minutes. Mike Freudenthal
seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote,with Board members,
Freudenthal,Leinberger,Ashley, and Davies voting yes.
4. Discuss with Councilor Woodruff, Council's decision not to fund a recreation
program at this time
Councilor Woodruff stated that he had heard that there was disappointment among the
PRAB members that the Budget Committee recommendations didn't match the Board's
recommendations. The Mayor and I had voted in favor of forming a one year pilot program
which we thought was a good plan to test interest in the community. There were 3 out of 10
that voted in favor. There's no question that people would like to have it-it just depends
where it falls on the priority list. The Council does not see it as done deal;it only means the
City is not doing the pilot program this year. Each year's Budget Committee is a group that
makes decisions amongst themselves. Most recently there were some questions about the
wording and values of the Comprehensive Plan. There was something in the Comp Plan
that said we would put a measure on the ballot in November 2008. There's no question that
people would like to have it, the question is where does it fall on the priority list for general
funds, and what things does the Council want to go out to the public with,knowing people
aren't as generous with their money. The Council wants to be frugal and make a good case
for it. The Council has no tax measures planned for 2008, but Washington County may. At
sometime the Council will need to go out for an operating levy because our expenditures are
growing faster than the revenue from property taxes. I would like to continue to see the
Park and Recreation Advisory Board September 10, 2007
Board build ground support for a recreation program. Get people to write letters to the
editor. Communicate with City Council; be very specific about what your goals are. If we
get a positive response from the community it would be so an easier sell. The two most
recent taxes that we approved that didn't require a vote were the Business License Tax and
Gas Tax. We did those after people recommended those to us. They made a good effort
working with the people who were willing to pay the tax. The Council isn't afraid to seek
additional money from the community. The comprehensive Recreation Program would
require a vote, and needs to be approved.
Chair Davies stated that a lot of the Board's discussion was based around which of its
recommendations should be to the Council, and also what the Board's role is. What does it
take to go from where the Board is now to the ballot in 2008? Councilor Woodruff stated
that the Board needs to advocate strongly, and not become discouraged and give up on your
ideas. Bring more evidence to the next meeting. The Council is open to listening to whatever
you can bring to the table.
Mike Freudenthal stated that Board members are disappointed with the results of the Budget
Committee's decision. Board members have been very successful as a volunteer group of
citizens trying to help the City Council secure park space. This was a big push on the
Board's part. Board members have spent a lot of time collecting 250 signatures that support
creating a recreation program. The City has a void without a recreation program. Mike told
Councilor Woodruff that he appreciated his support and the mayor's support, and looks
forward to working with them again. Councilor Woodruff recommended that they
participate in the budget process to the very end. Remember some of the decisions don't get
made until the last hour of the process, and by the time we voted on your recommendation,
there was no one there that could have answered questions. If it looks like things aren't
going well,have someone give a speech as to why this is a good idea.
Chairman Davies asked what the Council is looking for from the Park and Recreation
Advisory Board at the November joint meeting, and what we need to do to start building
support from Council. Councilor Woodruff stated that the Council would like hear from the
Board on a regular basis to learn what has happened since the Board's last visit,what are the
issues facing the Board. Let Council know that the Board intends to move this forward
again and that the Board is going to gather additional community support, and if possible
put this out before the Budget Committee to discuss. Once the Board knows who is on the
Budget Committee, call and talk with each member. Councilor Woodruff stated it seems
reasonable to tell the budget committee up front that the Board knows it is a big
expenditure, and for one year the Board is going to look for and see if it works,the Board
will evaluate it and let the Council know what happened after a year. At that point it will be
up to the Community. The argument wasn't the money for the pilot project. The argument
was,how does the City know it's a success, and what do we do if the City finds it's not a
Trisha Swanson asked about the process. Councilor Woodruff stated that there will be no
city money, or staff time devoted to a vote yes effort. Once it's on the ballot,it becomes
political. Councilor Woodruff stated the Park&Recreation Advisory Board, and the City
Council can advocate as much as they want to.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board September 10, 2007
Chairman Davies thanked Councilor Woodruff for attending the meeting.
5. Discuss making Tax Measure Recommendations to City Council:
1. Land Acquisition Bond Measure to Create a Non-SDC Revenue
2. Local Levy Increase to fund comprehensive Recreation Program
Chairman Davies asked for a discussion and ideas. Chairman Davies stated the local levy is
for a recreation program, and the bond levy is for land acquisition.
Trisha: Not ready to go forward for both at the same time.
Mike: Make a decision on one or the other due to time issues.
Brian: If we go forward,we will need additional assistance.
Mike: We should focus on land acquisition. Recreation program
would be missing,but we will have other opportunities.
Trish: Go back to the Budget Committee next year for pilot program.
Jason: In favor of a parks bond issue
Trisha: Favors land acquisition at this time
Kim: Favors a land acquisition bond measure.
Brian: Thinks the pilot program is the first step.
Doesn't want to be talking about this next year.
Chairman Davies stated that he would like everyone to take time and come to the next
meeting to decide what direction to go. Michael Freudenthal recommended that we vote
Dan Plaza,in regards to land acquisition, stated that land is diminishing and land values are
increasing. When the last levy ran out in 2002 or 2003 it created the situation where the city
did not have a stable,non-park SDC revenue stream. The City Council came up with
$1,000,000 last year so we would have a parks SDC match for some of the acquisitions. Will
Parks continue to get General Funds over the next 5 years? Probably not. The SDC Fund
balance continues to grow. The point is the city does not have a stable,non-park sdc
revenue stream. The time may come when the City will be severely limited in spending parks
SDC funds due to the lack of a stable, non-park SDC revenue stream .The purpose of an
SDC Fund is not to increase the balance,but to buy land and develop parks and facilities. It
must be noted that land will continue to diminish, and values will continue to increase. If the
Board goes with land acquisition as the number one priority, the City Council agrees, and the
community voted in favor,it would be very positive. Land acquisition and park and facility
development is most critical.
Michael Freudenthal moved and Trisha Swanson seconded to recommend to Council that a
Land Acquisition/Park Development Bond Measure be conducted in November 2008 to
create a stable non-SDC fund revenue stream, and to recommend to Council that a 2-year
pilot recreation program be budgeted for ($80K+) for each year in addition to the fees and
charges set forth in their last recommendation.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board September 10, 2007
The motion passed by a 4—0— 1 vote with Board members Leinberger,Ashley,
Freudenthal, Swanson voting yes and Board member Davies abstaining.
6. Discuss Joint Meeting with Council on 11/20/07 at 6:30 p.m.
Set PRAB agenda items to discuss with Council
The Board asked what the next steps should be. Dan stated that at the November joint
meeting with the City Council, the Board should discuss their recommendations made by
motion tonight.
"Michael Freudenthal moved and Trisha Swanson seconded to 1) recommend to Council
that a Land Acquisition/Park Development Bond Measure be conducted in November 2008
to create a stable non-SDC fund revenue stream, and to 2) recommend to Council that a 2-
year pilot recreation program be budgeted for ($80K+) for each year in addition to the fees
and charges set forth in their last recommendation made to the Budget Committee on May
14, 2007".
In regards to land acquisition Chairman Davies reminded the Board that they have four
properties to check out and evaluate. Members should bring their evaluations to the
October Board meeting.
7. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Diane Kuhn,Recording Secretary
Park and Recreation Advisory Board September 10, 2007