08/13/2007 - Minutes Park and Recreation Advisory Board (DRAB) Minutes of August 13, 2007 Board Meeting 1. Roll Call: Scott Bernhard, Brian Davies, Michael Freudenthal, Kim Leinberger,Jason Rogers, Trisha Swanson, Vernon Cooke all present 2. Comments from the Audience: None 3. Approval of Minutes: Jason Rogers moved and Scott Bernhard seconded to approve the June 11, 2007 minutes as corrected. The motion passed unanimously. 4. COT Comp Plan Presentation by Duane Roberts, Planning Associate. Duane went through the document page by page. After reviewing the document, the Board expressed concern about City administration striking out some of the PRAB's input — particularly those items referring to a recreation program and land acquisition tax measure.. 5. Potential Tax Measures for land acquisition and park development bond measure and for a Recreation Program Local Levy Increase. Dan revisited his input to the Board regarding tax measures. Dan talked to the City's legal counsel about holding two elections at the same time on one ballot. Legal Counsel's response was that each issue must stand alone. The city cannot combine two measures such as a local levy increase for recreation and a bond measure for land acquisition. 1) Dan stated that it is not uncommon, when two measures are on the ballot, that both will go down. Voters get confused and when voters get confused they often vote no on the measures. 2) one may pass and one may fail, but again, when confused voters tend to vote no. 3) it must be kept in mind that other governments (county, school districts, library, TVF&R, etc.) may also be on the ballot. Too many measures mean too much money and voters don't appreciate being asked for millions of dollars by many agencies at the same time. Dan stated that he believes the challenge before the Board is deciding which of the two measures the board wants the Council to consider. The consensus of the Board was to continue to advocate and recommend to Council that a comprehensive recreation program be pursued. The Board felt that this is the direction they were given by the Budget Committee on May 14, 2007. The Board decided that the land acquisition process should continue and be funded either by a bond measure, or by the general fund, or by using 100% SDC funding, if possible. The Board was told that a joint meeting will be set up for sometime in Nov/Dec 2007. The Board asked Dan if he could try to find out if the Council is considering other tax measures in November 2008. 6. Skate Park Update: Dan informed the Board the project was on schedule and on budget. Concrete has been poured now for several weeks and will continue to poured over the next month. The Board offered to help on the grand opening ceremony. The Board also felt that the Donor Wall should also honor Rich Carlson for his outstanding contributions in the construction of the skate park. He served as Task Force Chair from day one when then Mayor Jim Griffith asked him to serve. 7. Downtown Community Plaza Project: Mike and Trisha Mike and Trisha made a brief presentation on this project. 8. The Board went into executive session to discuss land acquisition. 9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM.