01/08/2007 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Notes
Monday, January 08, 2007
7 :00 P.M.
Public Works Annex Building
Members Present: Shelley Richards, Brian Davies, Michael Freudenthal, Jason Ashley,
Trisha Swanson, Kelly Jean Johnson, Scott Bernhard (7: 15 pm)
Members Absent: Barry Albertson
Staff Present: Dan Plaza, Steve Martin, Diane Kuhn
Visitors: TRA Members: Kim Leinberger, Janelle Inkens, Janette Faller
1 , Roll Call and Introductions
At 7:02 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Michael Freudenthal.
2. Comments from the Audience
Our guests tonight are members of the Tigard Recreation Association. Trisha
and Michael previously met with them , and they are here with us tonight to share
information about the great work they are doing in our community. After a brief
introduction, they proceeded about TRA.
TRA started up 13 years ago as an indoor play park with children ages 1 to 5.
Eleven years ago, Janelle Inkens started a dance program that became very
successful . The two main programs are a play park and dance program. In the
past, TRA has spoken with the City of Tigard for help, but nothing happened .
Tigard is now in need of a program like TRA. A partnership could be very
beneficial because TRA has a lot of the forms, insurance and members available.
Adult programs are also offered .
Kelly asked how they promote their program. Janelle stated , by word of mouth,
advertising, and also fliers are sent to the schools. Trisha stated the cost is
much less than other dance programs. It's a low key recreational program . Due
to having a large amount of students interested in the program, we have a recital
every year. Dan asked about the cost of the program. The cost is $72.00 for a
twelve-week term and they run three terms. TRA has had spring break and
summer camps. TRA rents the Tigard Grange to hold their classes. Kelly asked
if past participants ever come back and volunteer.
Janelle stated they volunteer when their child is involved . The parents help out
at the play park and it is run at the Tigard Methodist Church. The play park
operates four mornings a week 9-11 :30 am. Parents can purchase a punch card .
Park and Recreation Advisory Board January 08, 2007
The play park area is divided according to the child's age. The play park fills a
very big need for parents with young children. Low income families are able to
attend . In the past, scholarships have been available. TRA has also worked with
The Good Neighbor Center. Dan stated that if the city should join , it would need
to be a mutual agreement, Janelle stated it would be so nice to have a facility.
Some of the programs have not been able to be implemented due to space
issues, mainly with adult classes. Dan stated that he and the Tigard Recreation
Board believe we need a_recreation center and a program. Mike stated that he is _ ____
pleased with the interest.
Mike and Trisha discussed the budget process. TRA voiced a lot of support for
working with PRAB to generate as much interest as possible. We need to
communicate through the budgetary process and hopefully work together to push
this recreation program through . Dan stated that we are submitting a budget that
has a program. The key now is to have the Council and Budget Committee
approve it. Once approved , we will be able to proceed. Dan stated that we are
talking to THPRD about the possibility of running their summer program in
Tigard . If Council approves the budget, funding will be available July 1st . Mike
thanked TRA for coming. Dan asked for phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Trisha has e-mailed Tigard Safety Town. Safety town runs for two weeks, the
cost being $35.00. Kelly suggested giving out safety kits to the parents of Safety
Town children. Safety Town may be a potential partner. Safety town is run at
Mary Woodward Elementary School for ages 3-5.
3. Approval of the November 13, 2006 Minutes
Kelly Johnson made a motion to approve the November 13, 2006 minutes, and it
was seconded by Shelly Richards. Brian Davies and Trisha Swanson abstained.
4. Appoint two members to the Fanno Creek Park Master Plan Steering
Committee and appoint one member to the CCAC Fanno Creek Park
Consultant Selection Committee
Dan stated that he sent an e-mail to everyone and talked about the new board
members. There are eight candidates. Mayor Dirksen and Dennis Koellermeier will
interview on Monday, January 29th, beginning 5:30-6:00 p.m. If not completed on
January 29th, next interviews are set for February 12th . Both Scott and Jason's seats
need to be filled, Shelly who will be resigning after the February 12th meeting, and
also two alternates. If members are chosen on January 29th , these members will
attend the February 12th meeting.
5. Further discussion on establishing a modest, pilot recreation
Park and Recreation Advisory Board January 08, 2007
Michael e-mailed the petition. Michael asked for comments, suggestions or
changes. Scott added we need something to sell. What are we going to offer in
a form of recreation? We need to be very specific. Kelly suggested adding their
e-mail address so they can be notified . Kelly stated we need to start building a
data base for a recreational mailing list. Kelly offered to make a fact sheet.
Petition signers need to be Tigard residents. Brian asked for a signature
deadline. Dan stated the Budget Committee is to meet the first three Monday
nights of May. _ Brian suggested we go to school events and Rotary meeting, etc._ _
Brian stated the two most important questions will be, "What programs do you
offer, and what is the cost?" Let the residents know their taxes will not increase.
A goal will be 1 ,000 plus adult signatures. Brian suggested using the TRA and
school systems. Dan stated that all we are looking for is people to support and
request that the Council approve this. Trisha asked , if we are at a school or a
church, will we need signage? Dan will look into posters.
Dan will meet with Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District on Thursday, January
11th. He will send an e-mail to the PRAB members.
6. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8: 11 pm
Diane Kuhn, Recording Secretary
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Park and Recreation Advisory Board January 08, 2007