10/09/2006 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Notes Monday, October 9, 2006 7:00 P.M. Tigard Water Auditorium Members Present: Jason Ashley, Scott Bernhard, Brian Davies, Michael Freudenthal, Trisha Swanson , Katherine Meads Members Absent: Kelly Jean Johnson, Shelley Richards, Staff Present: Diane Kuhn Visitors: None 1 . Roll Call and Introductions At 7:02 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Michael Freudenthal. 2. Comments from the Audience — None 3. Approval of Minutes — August 14, 2006 The August 14, 2006 minutes were approved . 4. Review 9/19/06 joint meeting with Council that explored initiating a modest, pilot recreation program in FY 2007-2008 — Michael Freudenthal. Thanks to Jason Ashley, Kelly Johnson and Trisha Swanson for attending the joint meeting. Our main focus is to generate community support. Michael opened it up for discussion and comments to put together a specific plan for November meeting. • Scott suggested having a representative from our Board at each school on a designated night to generate interest. • Users will be the voting power. Show council that there is strong support. • Polling the parents to find out what their needs are for youth recreation . • Show support in front of council . Have citizens create a web page. • Public hearings to get input. Park and Recreation Advisory Board October 9, 2006 t Trisha asked if the school would allow us to send information home with the students. Michael will check into it. Michael would like to get together a civic recreation group to help generate support. Jason stated that the council wants to have something to put in the budgetary process. Mike suggested that between / the October 9 meeting, and November 13 meeting make a list of all the areas we need to focus on in terms of generating support. Come prepared to discuss those and prioritize, so we can develop a detailed plan of when and how we want / to go about it. Mike stated he will be in touch with Dan and Steve to see how best to go about generating a support group. Kathy stated the public hearings are where they get the input. The council has directed the Park and Recreation group to do something about recreation . Mike stated that we need to prove to the council that there is a huge amount of support for a recreation program. Trisha asked if we could put together a hard copy marketing piece to give to the council. Mike stated they already have the recreational proposal, and Dan's memo. Trisha suggested making it flashier. Scott stated if we get voices and numbers it holds a lot of weight. We need to talk it up. Before the next meeting, Mike will send out an email with Dan's suggestions. If you have ideas, add them to the list and put together an outline on how to generate a RAC (Recreation Action Committee). Scott suggested having a designated night to speak to the public, or tag onto an event, such as an open house at the schools. Scott suggested showing up at all different youth organizations and talk to the decision makers and find out how much interest there is. Jason asked if Dan could pull up the emails of people who have emailed the city about recreation programs, and keep an ongoing list, and reply by letter to these people. Trisha suggested we have a web page to attach e-mails, or tag onto the City of Tigard website. Jason asked about the pilot program, does the Council know what it entails? Mike asked for some suggestions to reach out to people: • Affordable recreation • Reach through public schools • Churches • Pre-school • Going directly to the principal for the school, put out newsletters. • Have a time line. Mike suggested that the Board come back in November and prioritize our areas of focus, and map out a time line. Would like to focus on dates, and have it up and running by the end of the year. Use November and December to set up meetings. Park and Recreation Advisory Board October 9, 2006 2 5. Tentative: Joint Meeting with the Tigard Tree Board r No members in attendance, meeting postponed. 6. Updates: (1 ) Kathy announced that the Planning Commission is having a public hearing on the natural resources aspect of the comp plan update on October 16 at 7:00pm at City of Tigard Town Hall. (2) The bond measure being sponsored by Metro. Tualatin River Keepers has lawn signs if anyone interested. Kathy will e-mail this information to the PRAB members. (3) Kelly has volunteered to represent the Park and Recreation Board at the CCI meetings. They have changed their meetings to Wednesday evening, so she can attend. Thank you Kelly, for volunteering. 7. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p Diane Kuhn, Recording Secretary Date /f— /3 - b b Park and Recreation Advisory Board October 9, 2006 3