03/13/2006 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 13, 2006
7:00 P.M.
Tigard Water Auditorium
Members Present: Michael Freudenthal, Kelly Johnson, Carl Switzer, Kathy Meads,
Scott Bernhard, Brian Davies, Shelley Richards Rodriguez and
Barry Albertson
Members Absent: Jason Ashley, Trisha Swanson and Ethan Brown
Staff Present: Dan Plaza and Diane Kuhn
Visitors: Chris Garsteck, Jim Stevens and Jennifer Price
1. Roll Call and Introductions
At 7:01 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Carl Switzer
2. Approval of Minutes
There were no revisions to the February 13 minutes. Michael Freudenthal made a motion to
adopt the February 13 minutes, Scott Bernard seconded the minutes. Shelley Richards
Rodriguez abstained.
3. Comments from the Audience
Dan Plaza introduced Jennifer Price, who worked with Dan at the Willamalane Park
and Recreation District as a recreation supervisor, and also worked at Tualatin Hills
Park and Recreation District. Jennifer will work with Dan on putting together a
preliminary recreation program in Tigard. Jennifer commented on her past
1. Supervised after school programs.
2. Oversaw the pre-school program.
3. Assisted with special events such as Easter egg hunts and breakfast with
4. Assisted with playground program at the parks, no charge and free lunch
5. Oversaw the elementary summer camp and spring break camp.
6. Oversaw teen and adult programs, and started a teen camp.
7. Middle school program.
8. Indoor program for infant through pre-school aged children.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 13, 2006
In 1970 Dan started his first recreation program that started slow and ended
up big. He feels this could happen in Tigard. Dan will use the information
that the Park & Rec Board provided. Carl asked that Dan update the board
before the next meeting. We will e-mail a preliminary draft. Feel free to make
comments. Jennifer will have a city e-mail address. Michael Freudenthal
welcomed Jennifer, and he was curious to know if she had an opportunity to
look at the boards notes. If so, what do you think of our notes and the
process. Jennifer's comment was that she was happy that the board has
been thinking about what they are looking for, and that is a help.
Dan introduced the guests from the Tigard Dog Park Committee: Chris Garsteck,
chairman, and Jim Stevens. Dan talked about Chris and Coe Mfg., and how Potso
came to be.
Chris gave an overview of the Dog Park Committee:
Dog Park committee formed in September 2000.
We are working closely with City management and Park staff to establish and
maintain off leash dog parks.
Tigard was the first city in Washington County to establish a dog park.
Strive to set good examples for other communities.
Has been an effective citizens group, due to the partnership developed with
the City of Tigard, and would like to develop other partnerships with the Park
and Recreation Advisory Board.
Mission is to provide citizens of Tigard with safe, off leash dog areas.
Advocate for dog park opportunities for growing Tigard.
Chris introduced Jim Stevens from the Tigard Dog Park Committee to tell the board
about their purpose of being at the meeting. They are looking at what the Dog Park
Committee, Park and Recreation Board, City Council and citizens of Tigard can do
to provide off leash dog parks in the event that Potso disappears.
Start thinking about what to do and who to contact
Looking for property/approaching people who have property around town with
high taxes to use as a tax break, and people to have fun .
Being approached by citizens about needing more dog parks.
Importance of dog parks to the citizens,
Interaction between citizens and dogs, and developing friendships.
Exercise for dog owners as well as their dogs.
Asking for support and backing of PRAB.
The Dog Park Committee will do whatever they can to pursue sites, and will
keep in contact with Dan and the Advisory Committee.
In summary, Jim passed out three e-mails from dog owners telling how passionate
people are about their pets.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 13, 2006
Chris asked if there were any recommendations for the Dog Park Committee? Scott
stated that they could define what they were looking for, such as size, dimensions,
etc. Where are the needs for dog parks? Katherine stated that location makes no
difference, as people would drive anywhere for their dogs, but Ash Creek is too
Carl stated if there is a piece of property that you think would work for a dog park,
you can come back to us and ask that we make an additional recommendation to
council. Brian Davies suggested they talk to neighbors and friends and post land
wanted signs at Potso and Summer Lake. In April there will be an article in the
Cityscape, and it will be laminated and put on the picnic tables for citizens to read.
Dan stated that dog parks can be built for under $7,000 and maintenance is
inexpensive, as the committee helps with that. Chris stated that there has been
three community meetings in three years, and at no time has anyone said all land
should go for human use only. People are demanding playgrounds for their pets.
People come to the dog park without dogs. We invite them to stand outside the
fence with their children so the children can experience dogs. Dan stated that Potso
is the highest rated dog park in the region at 8.34 out of 10. The book, Dog Parks
Across The Nation, has an article on Summerlake Park.
4. Election of officers
Carl Switzer nominated Michael Freudenthal as Chairman of the Park and
Recreation Board. No other nominations were given. Brian Davies seconded the
motion, all were in favor, none opposed. Nominations were taken for Vice
Chairman. Kelly Johnson nominated Brian Davies, Carl Switzer seconded the
motion, All members in favor, none opposed. Michael thanked everyone for their
support, and is looking forward to picking up where Carl left off.
5. PRAB Letter to Budget Committee re: support for skate park funding
Dan Plaza stated that he had spoke with finance. A letter can be drafted to the Budget
Committee now asking for their support. Dan stated that there are two sets of figures, one
with the grant and one without the grant. We should know by June if we get the grant. The
Council adopts the budget in late June. Scott did send a draft, but no comments. Dan
suggested he send the letter to him again. After he gets the letter, he will put in the figures.
Dan suggested the letter be written for Michael's signature and, after completed, Michael
can come to his office and sign the letter. We don't need to wait for the April meeting. If
anyone has a problem with the letter, let Dan or Scott know.
6. Continue PRAB Goal setting session for Calendar Year 2006-Recreation
Program for Tigard
The Council and the Board have agreed to land acquisition as a continuing goal. What
needs to be talked about is the recreation part. Dan passed out a listing of possible
facilities: Town Hall, Water Building, Senior Center, Library and Tigard School District. Dan
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 13, 2006
has had an Intergovernmental Agreement with every school district he worked with in the
past. The Agreement states what facilities may be available and it lays out responsibilities,
insurance, supervision of facilities and availability. Charles F. Tigard would be a perfect
base for a program. Even if we did have an agreement with the school district, we would
still use the other facilities and use Public Works for storage. Big programs that Dan has
experienced before is no school days, spring break program, teen middle school, indoor
playground, summer playground program, summer camp, year round after school program,
special events, adult programs, etc. Adult athletics will be hard to pull off. Dan told the
Board that the fields at Cook Park and Summer Lake are filled each year. The cost for this
program will be between $80,000 and $100,000. Jennifer will be working with us starting
March 13, 2006. Kelly asked about private contributions. Yes, we would try to get
individuals or companies to donate.
Brian thanked Dan for making the list, and would like to emphasize that we start working on
an agreement with the school district. He also stated that the YMCA has outgrown the
Beaverton Schools and want to move into Tigard. Although there are no formal agreements
with the school district about IGA's, we would like to start talking to them about this issue.
This will be a long-term discussion. April 20th is the final date for public comment session on
Fowler School.
Dan stated that Dennis Koellermeier, or Craig Prosser, is writing a letter to the Tigard School
District Superintendent to re-emphasize the city's interest in Fowler. Scott stated that it is a
great way to get the ball rolling and everyone is very excited about that possibility.
Barry Albertson stated that the school board has not made any decisions about the
Fowler property. MITCH Charter School (started by Debbie Lawrence) wants a
permanent structure on the NW corner of the Fowler site, but it is not the school
districts responsibility to find them a home. Through the State of Oregon, individuals
can ask the state for a charter school. MITCH was to be an outdoor farm school.
They were at the old Tualatin Elementary School, and now are housed in portables
at Tigard High School. How this works is:
Teachers and not certified
State pays $5,000 per student
Land and buildings come out of bonds
80 percent of the money goes to MITCH
20 percent of the money goes to the Tigard School District
The Charles F. Tigard's cafeteria is being discussed with Broadway Rose for a stage and
production area for year round usage. Kelly asked if Platt Electric would support it?
Broadway Rose and Platt Electric would need to hook up the utilities. It would be a theatre
with a functional kitchen.
Michael asked if we should put Fowler on the April agenda. Scott mentioned this is a time
when we need to rally and support our decisions, as well as what council is doing. Dan
stated he would mention this to Dennis to see if there is anything to bring to the April 20th
meeting. If so, it will be put on the April 10th Agenda. Berry recommended calling Rob
Mike mentioned the long term plan, (Jennifer seems focused on the short term plan) and
getting classes together. We are lacking information on bond measures. Dan will check to
see if Tom Imdieke would attend the April meeting and talk to us about bond measurers.
Dan will send an e-mail of the draft budget or mail it to you. You will get the operational
budget and CIP. Scott said he will send the Skate Park letter to Dan.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 13, 2006
Questions and Comments. Mike will re-send e-mails to Shelley.
7. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 13, 2006