02/13/2006 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 13, 2006
7:00 P.M.
Tigard Water Auditorium
Members Present: Michael Freudenthal, Jason Ashley, Trisha Swanson, Kelly Johnson,
Carl Switzer, Kathy Meads, and Scott Bernhard (7:06pm)
Members Absent: Ethan Brown, Barry Albertson, Brian Davies, and Shelly Richards
Staff Present: Dan Plaza, Steve Martin, Diane Kuhn and Twila Willson
Visitors: John Frewing and Rich Carlson
1. Roll Call and Introductions
At 7:02 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Carl Switzer. Members of the Board
introduced themselves.
2. Approval of Minutes
Carl Switzer requested clarification on procedural issues regarding quorums and voting.
After some discussion it was explained that a quorum was required for a meeting to be
classified as official and as long as the attendance was a quorum, whoever was present
could vote.
Carl Switzer asked if there were any comments on the December minutes. Jason Ashley
made a motion to adopt the December 12th minutes as distributed, Michael Freudenthal
seconded the motion and all voted in favor of adopting the December 12th minutes as
There were no comments on the January 19th minutes. Jason Ashley moved to accept the
January minutes, Michael Freudenthal seconded the motion, and the board voted
unanimously to accept the January 19th minutes.
3. Comments from the Audience
Carl Switzer asked John Frewing about petitioning Council to review the development of
some property adjacent to the wetlands; Mr. Frewing gave a brief update as to where it is
located. Most of the property is wetlands, or buffers, except in the NE corner of the
property. The developer needs a variance to change the driveway from 20' to 920'
Proposed entry from Cascade Blvd. (under railroad) is not big enough for
Park and Recreation Advisory Board February 13, 2006
There were issues of treatment of the buffer and wetlands where the developer
proposes the 900' access and whether it is considered a road. When Clean
Water Services considers a buffer, existing roads in buffer areas are exempt.
John Frewing has asked Council to review this case recommended they read the deed, but
their decision was not to make any ratification. The deadline for the appeal is February 14,
2006. He is not sure if fans of Fanno Creek would appeal or not although there is grounds
for appeal on the easement issue and definition of pre-existing road.
4. Update on Tualatin River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Funding
Dan Plaza stated that at the January 24th Council meeting staff reported that the project
budget had increased over time due to cost increases. Mr. Plaza had invited Paul Hennon
and Steve Wheeler from the City of Tualatin to attend the Council meeting, as they are the
administrative project managers. Staff recommended that Council approve the increased
costs to build the bridge. Council directed staff to create the IGA between City of Tualatin,
City of Durham, City of Tigard and Clean Water Services. Clean Water Services picked up
$600,000. of the project. Tigard's share of the bridge in 2004 was $230,000 and in 2006 it
has increased to $592,000.
On February 14th, Tigard City Council will adopt a resolution to enter into the IGA, and also
adopt a budget amendment for the increased costs. The projected date to begin
construction is May-June and should be finished in the fall.
Trisha Swanson asked why plans were changed from using the timber to metal. Mr. Plaza
The major issue was Oregon Fish & Wildlife and other agencies protective of species
ODOT, the project manager of the bridge, leaned towards a steel bridge due to long
term maintenance of wooden bridge
This is an ODOT built bridge, with the four governments who signed the IGA each
being one-quarter owner
This project has been on the table for 20 years
5. Update on Skate Park Funding Possibility
Dan Plaza reported on the Skate Park:
Good news in that the Council continues with the desire to see the skate park go
Skate Park Task Force has raised $40,000.00 in cash, with possible additional
pledges of materials and supplies
Tigard did not get the grant that was applied for last year , but able to apply again
The new grant application will be put together with park SDC's and donations
The budget has been submitted without the possible grant funds, so if it is funded by
park SDC's, Task Force cash, and City of Tigard's general fund, so if the grant
comes through, the budget will need to be amended to reflect less SDC's and no
general funds
Scott Bernhard recently drafted a letter of support from the PRAB to Council that will require
some reconstruction, but will still be a valuable letter to send to the Council.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board February 13, 2006
Rich Carlson, Chairman of the Skate Park Committee, reported that they have applied for
the Tony Hawk Grant for as high a $25,000. A request has also been made to the Kinsman
Corporation. He was glad to see the Skate Park in the City's budget. He also reported that
Verizon has donated $10,000 and GI Joe's has donated $5,000.
Carl Switzer stated that the PRAB has made a formal recommendation to Council and is in
the process of drafting another letter.
Cost break down:
Without the grant:
$335,000 in park SDCs, $40,960 from task force, $50,000 from the general
With grant:
$150,000 grant, $50,000 from task force, and $226,000 in park SDC'S
If additional money is raised, that is a good thing, because the cost could increase in the bid
process. If there are additional monies, it could go into amenities for around the Skate Park.
The board discussed what the best timeframe would be to send a letter to Council. It was
determined that a letter should go with the first packet to be distributed to the Budget
Committee. The PRAB members want Council and the Budget Committee to know they are
in strong support of a Skate Park and the more they hear, the better! If there were any
questions or comments about Scott Bernhard's letter, the board should let him know by e-
Rich Carlson said they would not hear back on the Tony Hawk grant application until June 1.
6. Conduct PRAB Goal setting session for Calendar Year 2006
The board discussed the goal setting sessions at the last two meetings. Much of their effort
has been in the acquisition process with principal properties identified, but, as yet, no deeds
have been transferred. A major project or goal should be the recreation aspect.
When you look at the Boards goals and objectives, they really do have a slant towards
recreation. When the interviews were conducted for the vacant PRAB positions, a
significant part of the discussion was about recreation. Recreation has not been given
enough focus.
Goal Setting Session:
Board discussion included the following brainstorming items:
Make available to the public what is available in the private sector and expand.
Create a web-page directory of contacts; the main contact - Chamber of Commerce
Perhaps start slow. Offer classes. We have rooms available. In years to come, may
double our offerings.
Many private business organizations are non-profit- Little League, soccer, theatre
Partner with some private organizations to offer classes at no cost; i.e., hunter
safety, craft classes, photography, etc.
Private businesses could sponsor classes
Special events, community wide, two per year
A recreation center, swimming pool, indoor tennis courts, etc., not available at start
Generate community exposure
Have a day when citizens can meet instructors
Park and Recreation Advisory Board February 13, 2006
The PRAB all agreed that this is the right approach. Dan Plaza will speak with Dennis
Koellermeier to see if the PRAB can get some minimal funding. The Council's authorization
is needed to do this.
In the meantime, the PRAB should put together a list of classes. Focus on the most
meaningful classes.
Carl Switzer stated that this approach is very different from the original idea.
Let community know that the City was in need of a recreation division or special
district. Make it attractive so City Council would put on the ballot measure for
citizens of Tigard to vote on.
Land acquisition derailed the process
The Council reacted to the land acquisition by coming up with funding the process and
allocating $1 m for land acquisition, and, if the Metro bond passes in November, there is an
additional $1 m.
Carl Switzer stated that land acquisition will always be on the table, but that there should be
two efforts happening simultaneously, one to begin short term, but also continue to put
energy into the bigger picture. The PRAB needs to push the long term approach and build
1. Land Acquisition
2. Recreation
After much discussion, Dan Plaza suggested that each board member take a few minutes to
send him an e-mail about the short term vs long term vision and how they see it becoming a
reality. He will take these comments, compile what the board has put together, and send
back to them to be revisited at the March 13th PRAB meeting. He stated that 2010 may be a
more realistic projection date. He stated he may have a part-time person come in and work
on putting together a program.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board went into executive session at 8:40 p.m. and ended at
8:59 p.m.
Agenda item for March 13th meeting needs to include selection of new chairman and vice
7. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board February 13, 2006