11/14/2005 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Notes
Monday, November 14, 2005
7:00 P.M.
Tigard Water Auditorium
Members Present: Michael Freudenthal, Carl Switzer, Jason Ashley, David
Baumgarten, Kathy Meads, Scott Bernhard (7:10), Brian
Davies (7:37)
Members Absent: Ethan Brown, Barry Albertson, Shelley Richards Rodriguez,
Trisha Swanson (Alternate),
Staff Present: Dan Plaza, Steve Martin, and Twila Willson
Visitors: Alice Ellis Gaut
1. Roll Call
Carl Switzer called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
Jason Ashley motioned to approve the minutes, David Baumgarten seconded the
motion and the board voted unanimously to approve the October 10, 2005,
meeting minutes.
3. Comments from the Audience - None
4. Presentation on Urban Renewal Downtown Plan - Alice Ellis-Gaut
and Carl Switzer
Michael Freudenthal took over chairing the meeting while Carl Switzer helped with
the presentation. Copies of the renewal plan were distributed to the board and
staff. A copy is available for review in the Public Works Operations Offices.
History and Fast Facts
The concept for the renewal plan began with the idea of bringing the commuter
rail through Tigard. The Task Force identified under-developed areas and began
establishing an urban renewal plan. The proposed renewal district consists of
the expanded area within and near Highway 99 and Hall Blvd., with Fanno Creek
completing the triangle.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board November 14, 2005
The Downtown Task Force Project was used as a source for potential
redevelopment in order to bring out the best potential for public projects within
that identified area.
People may ask what the benefit will be for them.
Will not raise taxes.
Will create a recognizable "heart" for Tigard.
Job potentials.
Commuter/transit area.
Saturday marketplace.
Extended business hours for restaurants, galleries, etc.
Create pride in city.
The project is an investment in public places that will bring in private businesses,
generate revenue, and attract people from other areas.
A survey was recently taken that received a great amount of support for
redeveloping the downtown area.
State laws have been changed since 1989. The board was referred to the graph
on tax increment financing and how it works. The base tax is frozen, revenue is
based on the incremental assessed value of properties. Property values will
increase and the incremental tax increase above the base will go to repaying the
bonds for urban renewal.
The board recommended the committee create a chart to explain simply the
incremental financing process.
It is anticipated a $22m legal indebtedness will be needed for bonds for urban
development. The Planning Commission has reviewed and is recommending
the plan go to the City Council. Bonds would not be in one lump sum, but in
increments. The state has a formula for how much can be encumbered based
on population, etc. Hope is that private businesses will become involved
financially with the improvements.
The plan is not intended to operate eminent domain and take over properties and
the Urban Renewal Development Agency will not have those powers.
If appropriate properties within the urban renewal district were identified for park
space, funds could be used for greenspace acquisition. There is potential for
public restrooms, amphitheater, Saturday market space, etc.
The Urban Renewal Development Agency would be activated by the governing
body and the City Council would also be involved in the decision making process.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board November 14, 2005
The task force is in the process of completing more survey information sheets
and gathering input from citizens before taking to the Council on December 13
for approval of the district, plan, and draft for a vote in May 2006. A form is
available on-line which contains more detailed information for making future
determinations. Between now and May, public discussion will be very important.
The downtown area improvements could create a showcase area for Tigard and
could improve restaurants, cultural areas, etc.
The PRAB was asked to complete the questionnaire and turn it in and was also
requested that they provide information and suggestions as to other groups that
this presentation might be made to.
At 8:03 p.m. a brief pause was called to the meeting before going into executive
session; they reconvened at 8:09 p.m.
The PRAB entered into executive session at 8:10 p.m.
PRAB discuss:
a) Scoring compilation of evaluation properties in Park and
Greenway Property Evaluation Process
b) PW Director's Memo to Council/PRAB re: property acquisition
recommendations to be presented to Council at a joint
meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The PRAB reconvened following the Executive Session at 8:57 p.m.
6. Adjourn
Kathy Meads reported on Planning Commission updates, specifically the area
south of North Dakota for a subdivision development of 24 home sites. One area
of .5 acres was proposed by the developer for a small park, but the property is
landlocked. The Commission is in limbo about the development. The (HOA)
Homeowners Association would have to develop the park, but HOA's often
Carl Switzer reported that he will not be at the December meeting.
The meeting was closed at 9:07 p.m.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board November 14, 2005