07/18/2005 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Workshop Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 18, 2005
7:00 P.M.
Red Rock Creek Conference Room
Members Present: Trisha Swanson (Alternate), Michael Freudenthal, David
Baumgarten, Carl Switzer, Kathy Meads, and Brian Davies
Members Absent: Ethan Brown, Barry Albertson, Scott Bernhard, Shelley
Richards Rodriquez, and Jason Ashley
Staff Present: Steve Martin
Visitors: John Frewing, Storm (last name unknown), Councilor Tom
1. Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Steve Martin presented change to a proclamation to go to council on purchase of
parks and greenspace, change to section 3 wording was proposed by Dennis
Koellermeier. After some discussion, a motion to accept the new changes was
made by Brian Davies, seconded by Michael Freudenthal, and passed
2. Finalize Land Acquisition Evaluation Matrix/Criteria
Discussion on criteria followed. Discussed were goal of the PRAB, having
separate criteria, and priorities of the PRAB. Eventually separate criteria were
suggested for both parks and greenspaces and suggested criteria were
recorded. Criteria were not finished before a voting member needed to leave
and a quorum was lost.
3. Adjourn
Another workshop was tentatively set for Tuesday, July 26, at 6:30 p.m., with
staff to find an available meeting room.
Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board July 18, 2005