03/14/2005 - Minutes Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 14, 2005
7:00 P.M.
Tigard Water Auditorium
Members Present: Shelley Richards-Rodriguez, Carl Switzer, Michael Freudenthal, Kathy
Meads, Jason Ashley, Scott Bernhard, David Baumgarten (arrived at
7:15 p.m.) and Barry Albertson (arrived near 9:00 p.m.)
Members Absent: Ethan Brown
Staff Present: Dan Plaza, Steve Martin, Duane Roberts, and Twila Willson
Visitors: Pat Biggs and Alison Adams
1. Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. and staff called roll.
2. Comments from the Audience
Duane Roberts, City Planner, distributed a copy of a resolution recently approved by the
Council and explained about the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI).
Public involvement body serves as advisory to Council
Meets once every two months currently
Requesting an appointed board member to meet with that committee
Recent topics of discussion by that committee: City Webpage review, new
proposed neighborhood program, natural resource protection, downtown plan
Committee focus is on communication and how to improve the quality
city/community communications.
Make recommendations to the council on public communications
Jason Ashley was interested in working with the committee, but needed to review his
time constraints before committing. Duane Roberts left a copy of recent CCI meeting
agendas and minutes.
Pat Biggs, representing the Skate Park Committee, distributed packets for fundraising and
public involvement for the skate park. The packets were very colorful and informative and
also include copies of the original design of the skate park. She requested the continued
support of the skate park by the PRAB. Her phone number is (503) 639-5337.
Pat Biggs continued by expressing her opinion regarding alcohol in the park. Over the
years she has been involved with the local Little League. She related an incident where a
park-goer was drunk, streaked naked through the park and also climbed the backstop. It
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 14, 2005
was very shocking to children and adults alike. She requested that drinking alcohol should
be removed from the parks. Another instance she was walking in the park and came
across several men, homeless, drinking and was somewhat taken back. She has worked
with shelters and would like to help them, but wants a family friendly environment in the
parks. She isn't opposed to drinking, but doesn't want it in the parks.
3. Approve Minutes of January 10, 2005
Corrections to the minutes were noted: should read Michael Freudenthal not David
Freudenthal on page 2.
Jason Ashley motioned to approve the minutes as corrected, Michael Freudenthal
seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved to accept the corrected minutes
4. Board Update on Survey
David Baumgarten stated the presentation on park acquisition was looking very good. He
had a map that would be put on poster board along with the zoning regulations which
would go in a booklet form for reference and review.
Dan Plaza indicated that Duane Roberts would be a great resource to the board on the
zoning regulations and variances. Mr. Plaza went on to say that the presentation timeline
was chosen so the board could give recommendations to Council for a possible bond
measure for a 2005 election, however going to vote in 2006 would still be okay and would
not require a majority vote.
The board discussed pulling the presentations together in order to make some
presentations to citizen groups before meeting with the Council on May 19. They wanted
to get together in their groups to finalize each presentation, and then meet to review and
critic the presentations.
Mr. Plaza said the PowerPoint template was ready for use and it would not take very long
to format the presentations for consistency. City staff could merge the presentations for
review. Presentations would be able to be used independently or together.
The board elected to have a special meeting on Tuesday, March 29, 2005, at 7:00 pm at
the PW Annex conference room or other designated room.
5. Review of SDC Questions Raised by the PRAB at the Last Meeting
Dan Plaza said he went to Don Ganer for clarification on the System Development Charge
(SDC) questions, reviewed finance records and then created a table showing the money
spent on projects. (The table was distributed.) Mr. Plaza invited Don Ganer to the meeting
to help answer issues relating to the SDCs. During the course of the discussion, the
following points were touched upon:
Approximately 78% of SDC expenses were spent at Cook Park
Council and staff made the decision to spend the money at Cook Park
January 1, 2005, methodology based on the master plan and Bull Mountain white
The look at citywide parks revealed a deficiency in neighborhood parks
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 14, 2005
17.0% was needed to serve growth and the remainder for existing parks
CIP had 3 parks targeted for growth, remainder for existing expansion
City can make changes to CIP, but needs to be balanced percentage-wise
Changes in zoning, development changes in developed areas can allow for
modification in the plan
Money collected before January 1, 2005, could be spent on non-growth areas or
flatlands by using the old methodology
Master plan adopted in 1999 identifies property for purchase in flatlands
Finance Dept. has not tracked where SDC money was generated from
SDCs are charged to developer and passed on to the homeowner in the price of
their home
The problem with Bull Mountain is that they have not been annexed and SDC
money has not been collected for Tigard's use
The board requested this issue be researched further and discussed at a future meeting;
look at the master plan, available land, and opportunities to purchase land over the entire
area. Dan Plaza will find out if permits can be researched for the past eight years to find
out where growth has occurred and try to get a demographic outline of the growth. Don
Ganer will also research issues.
6. Approve 2005 Parks Capital Projects and Budget at April 11 Meeting
Park & Open Space Acquisition $ 1,300,000
Fanno Creek Park Outdoor Exercise Trail 15,000
Fanno Creek Trail Segment 85,400
Fanno Creek Trail Segment 101,486
Jack Park — install picnic shelter & irrigation system 31,000
Northview Park — Install playground and soccer field 45,000
Skate Park Construction 405,000
Tree Replacement 50,000
Tualatin River Cook Park Trail from Garden to Bridge 97,530
Tualatin River Bicycle & Pedestrian Bridge 250,125
Washington Square Regional Center Trail 430,000
TOTAL $2,810,541*
(*SDCs= $1,628,086, Grants =$865,694, non-SDC funds = $316,761)
Dan Plaza distributed the new land acquisition projects for proposed FY `05-06 budget and
noted that without SDC money, the city would not be able to move on these projects. It
was possible to hold off until April for a decision, but the board needs to make some
recommendations to council for the budget. Discussion included the following points of
Board wants to create an equitable distribution of money for parks throughout the
flatlands and Bull Mountain area
Requests are not as simplistic as the board thinks they should be. Researching
could take years
Board needs to look at the FY `05-06 budget recommendations and see if the
proposal works
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 14, 2005
City is not going to spend city funds for land purchases outside city limits; however
Dan Plaza said there has been talk of reevaluating that policy
Not time to wait as land is quickly being developed
Recommended the city map be put back on the wall for reference at each meeting
Deficiency in park space has been identified
The SDC fund Parks Capital fund contains SDC account of under$2m.
The board discussed recommending all items except the park and open space acquisition
portion of the budget.
Michael Freudenthal motioned approval of recommending the last ten budget items,
Shelley seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous to accept that motion.
7. Drinking in City Parks
Carl Switzer restated comments in his email about the media coverage concerning the
drinking in the parks issue. He conveyed what the board had previously discussed. Board
members said they felt Carl was doing a good job representing the majority opinion of the
board as the board was unable to meet as a board each time someone asked a question.
The board discussed whether this was an issue the board wanted to hold firm with or turn
over to the council for their best decision in handling the issue and create good will. They
want to put the issue to rest.
Dan Plaza said the Council wants to put the issue to bed also and wants resolve.
The board discussion recommended standing behind their previous decision regarding
alcohol in the parks.
David motioned to follow the same procedures that Tualatin has. No one seconded
the motion and the motion was left.
The majority of the board still stands by their previous decision regarding alcohol in the
Motion to add the board's feelings that adding additional regulations and new
ordinances would not serve to improve safety and livability in the parks. Majority
8. Adjourn
Chairman Carl Switzer thanked board members for attending and the meeting adjourned
at 9:35 p.m.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board March 14, 2005