11/12/2008 - Minutes Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB)
Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2008
Tigard Public Works Building
8777 SW Burnham Street
Tigard, OR 97223
Members Present:
Gretchen Buehner Representing the City of Tigard
Patrick Carroll Representing the City of Durham
Ken Henschel Alternate Representing the Tigard Water District
Bill Scheiderich Member At-Large (Arrived at 5:36 p.m.)
Dick Winn Representing the City of King City
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Public Works Director Dennis Koellermeier
Attorney Tim Ramis
IWB Recorder Greer Gaston
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Carroll called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes--October 8, 2008
Commissioner Buehner motioned to approve the October 8, 2008 minutes;
Commissioner Winn seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by majority vote,
with Commissioners Buehner, Carroll and Winn voting yes. Commissioner Henschel
3. Public Comments; None
4. Water Supply Update
Mr. Koefiermeier reported:
■ October water consumption averaged 4.85 million gallons per day; this is slightly
less than the 10-year average.
■ In 2008, 105 million gallons of water were recovered from aquifer storage and
recovery (ASR) well number 2.
• ASR injection will begin in the next couple weeks with target volumes of 150
million gallons in ASR well number 2 and 44 million gallons in ASR well
number 1.
■ The new reservoir will be online in mid-November.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes November 12,2008
Note:Items 5 and 6 were considered together.
5. Consider a Street Dedication Deed for a Strip of Land Along the Water Building
Property (Tigard Public Works Building) to Be Dedicated to the Public as
Right-of-Way for the City of Tigard's Burnham Street Improvements
6. Consider a Public Utility Basement for an 82-Square-Foot Parcel on the Water
Building Property (Tigard Public Works Building) for the City of Tigard's
Burnham Street Improvements
In response to a question from Commissioner Carroll, Mr. Koellermeier advised the
details on the sale of the remnant parcel were addressed in an October 30, 2008 memo
from the Tigard city attorney's office. This memo is on file in the 1WB record.
Mr. Koellermeier said the sale of property needed to go before the member jurisdictions.
Since the street dedication and easement did not involve the sale of property, these
transactions could be decided by the IWB based on the tenancy in common agreement
for the Water Building property.
Mr. Ramis said the issue before the Board was whether to authorize the easement and
dedication deed. He advised a majority vote was required and the Board could make a
motion to approve the two documents.
Commissioner Buehner motioned to approve the two documents [street dedication deed
and public utility easement]; Commissioner Henschel seconded the motion. The motion
was approved by unanimous vote, with Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, Henschel,
Scheiderich and Winn voting yes.
Mr. Koellermeier summarized the details and timelines in the October 30, 2008 memo
regarding the sale of the remnant and Canterbury parcels. All member jurisdictions
should have considered the sale of the properties by the IWB's December meeting.
Commissioner Winn reported King City would consider the property sales on December
3 instead of November 19. He mentioned the drawings accompanying the remnant
parcel and Canterbury documents were inadequate.
Commissioner Henschel asked what would be done with the proceeds from the sale of
the property. The Board responded the money would go to the Water Capital
Improvement Fund,
Commissioner Henschel informed the Board the Tigard Water District was planning a
major conservation fair and suggested the District's portion of the property proceeds be
used as "seed money" to expand water conservation efforts. Mr. Koellermeier
commented it was the Board's decision as to how it wished to use the money and
suggested a presentation on the existing conservation program be scheduled as a future
agenda item. He will provide information on the program, possible future programming
and the pros and cons of conservation.
Note:Mr. Ramis left the meeting at 5:49 p.m.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes November 12,2008
Commissioner Carroll confirmed all of the Commissioners would be prepared to vote on
the sale of remnant and Canterbury properties on December 10. Commissioner
Scheiderich said the sale price of the Canterbury property was not included on the
documentation. Ms. Gaston advised the appraised value was $605,000 and said she
would provide Commissioner Henschel with a copy of the appraisal.
7. Discussion on Rewriting/Revising 4993 Intergovernmental Agreements
between Durham and the City of Tigard, King City and the City of Tigard, and
the Tigard Water District and the City of Tigard
This item was continued from the Board's September 10, 2008 meeting. Commissioner
Carroll proposed the Board begin by reviewing Durham's agreement section by section.
Commissioner Buehner asked if statutes cited in the agreements were current; these
citations should be verified by the attorney who prepares the final agreement.
Rather than having the Board work on an agreement, Commissioner Henschel proposed
giving the member jurisdiction comments to an attorney who could draft an agreement.
Other Commissioners countered the Board needed to determine a framework and
decide substantive issues before turning the agreement over to an attorney.
Intergovernmental Agreement
Between Tigard and Durham for Delivery of Water Service
Used as Sample Agreement
Page 1, Recital Item 2
■ Commissioner Carroll questioned what this section actually said.
■ Mr. Koellermeier said it paraphrased ORS 222.
■ Commissioner Buehner suggested it was redundant and could be removed.
Commissioner Scheiderich said it was just a recital of state law.
■ Commissioner Carroll said whomever rewrites the agreement could determine if
this wording was important and should remain in the new agreement.
Page 1, Recital Item 5
■ Commissioner Henschel summarized written comments: The District would like
Tigard to provide an annual report that shows the methodology used in
determining the District's one percent, details on revenues, etc. and rights of any
of the member jurisdictions to review the billing procedures, etc. The City of
Tigard would provide IWB members with an analysis of billing procedures and
providers biannually so the IWB can determine the best billing provider.
■ Mr. Koellermeier said he was agreeable to adding an accountability/reporting
step into the agreement. The degree of accountability would need to be
discussed further.
■ Commissioner Carroll said the level of accountability might be more appropriate
in another section of the agreement and could be discussed later.
Page 1, Recital Item 7
■ The Board agreed to delete this recital as it is obsolete.
Page 2, Item 2, Term
■ Commissioner Carroll suggested the new agreement be in full force and effect in
■ Mr. Koellermeier said member jurisdictions other than Tigard were looking for
guaranteed access to water in the future.
Intergovernmenta[Water Board Minutes November 12,2008
• Mr. Koellermeier and Commissioner Carroll settled on language generally saying
- Could occur with the mutual agreement of Tigard and the member
jurisdiction that wished to leave.
- Would require five-year notice or could be a term mutually agreed to by
Tigard and the member jurisdiction that wished to leave.
Page 2 Item 3 Intergovernmental Water Board
• Commissioner Henschel questioned whether the IWB should become an official
legal entity registered with the State of Oregon.
■ Commissioner Scheiderich responded the IWB does not have its own budget. If it
was a legal entity, it could issue bonds in its own name, have taxing authority,
■ Commissioners Carroll and Winn expressed concern that being a legal entity
would be complicated and would create responsibilities their jurisdictions did not
want to assume.
■ Commissioner Henschel summarized written comments: Official status would
help to formalize procedures to insure compliance with state public meetings law,
the IWB's ability to sign contracts, hold hearings and develop its own web site.
He indicated the IWB might have signed contracts in the past, although it is not
clear it had the authority to do so.
■ Mr. Koellermeier suggested the level of responsibility fell along a continuum with
the IWB functioning as an advisory board on one end and functioning as a
standalone, authoritative entity on the other end.
• Commissioner Carroll said some tweaks might be made, but he was not
interested in having more involvement in the water system or moving toward a
more independent entity. Commissioner Winn concurred.
■ Commissioner Scheiderich said a separate entity would typically have its own
staff, buy its own insurance and issue bonds in its own name. Attempting to issue
bonds would be self-defeating since the Board has no credit history.
• Commissioner Buehner said IWB members sign documents on behalf of the
member jurisdictions they represent.
• Commissioner Carroll said the Board makes recommendations to Tigard or
considers items Tigard has abdicated to it. Commissioner Winn said the IWB was
an advisory board to Tigard. Commissioner Buehner said Tigard has always
followed the IWB's recommendations.
• Commissioner Carroll suggested the Tigard Water District's attorney could draft
some kind of middle-ground option, but Durham and King City were not
interested in taking on budgets, bonding, insurance, etc. Commissioner Henschel
Commissioner Winn expressed concern over the direction of the discussion and inquired
what would happen if King City did not support the new agreement. Commissioner
Carroll said all four member jurisdictions must approve the new agreement in order for it
to become effective.
• Commissioner Henschel addressed the issue of selecting the at-large member
and proposed a process for doing so by advertising the position every two years
and interviewing applicants. Commissioner Carroll said he did not want this to
preclude the Board members from appointing whomever they like on January 1.
The Board agreed this was a procedural issue and did not need to be included in
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes November 12,2008
the agreement. Commissioner Carroll said notations about the at-large member
would remain the same.
Pace 3, Item 3.13.(1), Intergovernmental Water Board Terms
■ Commissioners Carroll and Scheiderich said this was obsolete and could be
Page 3 Item 3.C. Intergovernmental Water Board
• Commissioner Carroll said it was staff's responsibility to secure appropriate
representation. Mr. Koellermeier confirmed this was managed as a staff issue.
Commissioner Carroll said this item should be deleted.
Page _Item 3.D., intergovernmental Water Board
■ Mr. Koellermeier advised this item had been amended.
■ Commissioner Henschel said the Board should make sure it complies with state
■ Commissioner Carroll noted matters which come before the Board have different
voting requirements. The number of votes required and the Board members
eligible (including or excluding the at-large member) to vote can vary depending
upon the issue under consideration. Board consensus was for the new
agreement to identify the types of issues the Board may consider and their
corresponding voting requirements.
Page 3, Item 3.E., Intergovernmental Water Board
■ Based on Commissioner Henschel's comments on Page 1, Recital Item 5,
Commissioner Carroll directed language be added requiring Tigard to provide an
annual financial accountability report once an audit was complete.
Page 4, Item 31.(1), Intergovernmental Water Board - Power to Grant Variances,
■ Mr. Koellermeier and the Board entered into a discussion about the revisions
currently being made to the credit for leak policy. Commissioner Carroll advised
the Board wanted to retain the ability to hear credit for leak requests above
$2,000. Other credit for leak requests will be handled by staff. The new credit for
leak policy should be reflected in this item, not variances.
The Board tabled further review of the intergovernmental agreement to its next meeting.
S. Informational Items
■ Term Expiration for Commissioners Buehner and Winn
Commissioner Buehner reported she had been appointed through December 31, 2010,
the end of her term on the Tigard City Council.
Mr. Koellermeler said staff would like confirmation regarding who would be serving as
King City's representative for the next two-year term on the IWB.
9. Non-Agenda Items: None
10. Future Agenda Items
• Consider resolutions recommending Tigard declare surplus and dispose of a
portion of the Canterbury property and the Water Building remnant.
• Additional Tenancy in Common Agreements for Properties within the Tigard Water
Service Area.
Commissioner Henschel commented the additional tenancy in common agreements
were pertinent to the intergovernmental agreement rewrite. Commissioner Carroll
Intergovernmental water Board Minutes November 12,2008
asked staff to proceed with tenancy in common agreements for any non-
controversial properties.
■ Presentation by Washington County planning staff regarding Areas 63 and 64.
Mr. Koellermeier reported the county has not followed-up on their request to come to
an IWB meeting.
■ Review:
- Proposed Tigard Municipal Code and policy changes regarding credit-for-leak,
water meters, and nonpayment of water bills.
-The billing insert: policy.
11. Next Meeting:
■ December 10, 2008, 5:30 p.m.
Tigard Public Works Building, 8777 SW Burnham Street, Tigard, Oregon
12. Executive Session — Real Property Transaction Negotiations
The Board decider! King City alternate to the IWB, David Newham, could attend the
executive session.
At 6:52 p.m. the Board went into executive session to discuss real property transaction
negotiations under ORS 192.660(2)(e).
The Board came out of executive session at 7:02 p.m.
13. Adjournment
At 7:03 p.m. Commissioner Winn motioned to adjourn the meeting; Commissioner
Buehner seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote, with
Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, Henschel, Scheiderich and Winn voting yes.
IW13 Chair Greer A. Gaston, IWB Recorder
Date: e k� 4 J"
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes November 12,2008