10/08/2008 - Minutes Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB)
Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2008
Tigard Public Works Building
8777 SW Burnham Street
Tigard, OR 97223
Members Present:
Gretchen Buehner Representing the City of Tigard
Patrick Carroll Representing the City of Durham
Julie Russell Representing the Tigard Water District
Bill Scheiderich Member At-large
Dick Winn Representing the City of King City
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Assistant Public Works Director Brian Rager
Utility Division Manager John Goodrich
Tigard City Engineer Gus Duenas
Attorney Michelle Neumann
IWB Recorder Greer Gaston
(Vote:Agenda items are recorded in the minutes in the order they were
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Carroll called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes—September 10, 2008
Commissioner Buehner motioned to approve the September 10, 2008 minutes;
Commissioner Russell seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by majority
vote, with Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, Russell and Winn voting yes. Commissioner
Sheiderich abstained.
5. Review of Street Dedications, Easement and Remnant Property Sale Related to
the Burnham Street Improvements — Mr. Duenas and Ms. Neumann
Ms. Neumann distributed a memo dated October 8, 2008 regarding Procedures for
Transfer of Water Building Remnant Parcel from the IWB Members as Tenants-in-
Common to the City of Tigard. This memo is on file in the IWB record. Ms. Neumann
summarized the memo.
Mr. Rager distributed a dedication deed for road or street purposes and a permanent
public utility easement. These documents are on file in the 1WB record.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes October 8,2008
Mr. Duenas explained the Burnham Street improvement project and how the remnant
parcel would be reconfigured to create driveway access for two properties.
To simplify the process, Commissioner Carroll proposed selling the entire remnant to the
City of Tigard and letting Tigard handle the street dedication and Other issues associated
with the parcel. Commissioner Winn concurred. Board consensus was a new appraisal,
to incorporate the street dedication, was not necessary because the IWB had already
agreed to donate this portion of the parcel to Tigard. Mr. Duenas confirmed documents
would be changed to have the remnant transferred to Tigard in its entirety.
The Board briefly discussed the separate street dedication and easement on the
opposite side of Burnham Street as depicted in the documents provided by Mr. Rager.
At the request of Commissioner Buehner, Ms. Neumann said she could prepare a deed
for the remnant parcel which would be sent to each member jurisdiction prior to the next
IWB meeting.
Ms. Gaston confirmed the next step in disposing of the remnant parcel would involve a
resolution for consideration by each member jurisdiction and then a resolution for the
IWB. Timelines for member jurisdiction consideration were discussed.
Commissioner Carroll confirmed there would be three transactions: a dedication deed,
an easement, and a sale document.
Ms. Neumann committed to:
■ Work with the various member jurisdictions to identify and coordinate their
individual processes to surplus property.
■ Have revised dedication and easement documents for consideration at the IWB's
next meeting. Three of the five Commissioners must approve these documents.
■ Provide an IWB resolution to consider the conveyance of the remnant parcel at
the IWB's next meeting. Three of four member jurisdictions must approve the
Prepare resolutions for the member jurisdictions to surplus the property.
■ Provide a deed transferring the tenants-in-common interest to the City of Tigard,
after Tigard completes its portion of the disposition process.
In response to a request, Ms. Gaston said she would furnish the complete appraisal of
the remnant parcel to Commissioner Russell.
Commissioner Buehner suggested staff investigate whether there were any other similar
properties to be surplused, and if so, perhaps those should be "cleaned up" as well.
3. Public Comments
Marland Henderson, 11795 SW Katherine Street, Tigard, Oregon, reported the City of
Tigard had applied for a grant to study the use of reclaimed water. Chances are
favorable the grant will be funded. The legislature appropriated $5 million to investigate
the use of reclaimed water under the authority of the Oregon Water Resource Board.
Tigard consulted Clean Water Services regarding the grant application.
Intergovernmental water Board Minutes October 8,2008
4. Water Supply Update
Mr. Goodrich reported:
■ September water consumption averaged 8.06 million gallons per day; this is
slightly higher than the 10-year average.
■ Tigard is using interruptible water as of October 1.
■ 262 million gallons remain in aquifer storage and recovery.
■ The new reservoir will likely be online in the next few weeks.
■ Tigard supplied 120 million gallons of native ground water this year, which
represents $376,000 in revenue.
■ Aquifer storage and recovery injection will begin in the next month or so.
9. Future Agenda Items
• Street dedications, easement and remnant property purchase related to the
Burnham Street Improvements.
• Additional Tenancy in Common Agreements for Properties within the Tigard
Water Service Area.
• Presentation by Washington County planning staff regarding Areas 63 and 64.
■ Review:
- Proposed Tigard Municipal Code and policy changes regarding credit for
leak, water meters, and non-payment of water bills.
- The billing insert policy.
Mr. Goodrich advised an internal review was underway regarding the credit-for-leak,
water meter, and non-payment of water bill policies. The intent of the credit-for-leak
policy is to make sure Tigard's wholesale costs are recovered. He asked for clarification
regarding the appeal process. The Board indicated:
• It wanted to increase the dollar amount of credits handled by staff. It was
suggested to increase this number from $500 to $2000.
• It wanted to retain an appeal process with the IWB as the final appeal authority.
Commissioner Winn inquired whether the IWB's past practice of issuing the prescribed
credit and then splitting the difference of the remaining balance with the customer would
be included in the policy. Board consensus was no additional credits would be issued
outside those specified in the policy and Tigard must always recoup the wholesale cost
of water.
7. Non-Agenda Items:
Commissioner Russell inquired how a water conservation brochure was distributed. Mr.
Goodrich responded the brochures were not mailed. He said information on water
conservation offerings was provided to:
■ Customers in their water bills.
■ Every Tigard Water Service Area residence in the annual Water Quality Report.
He reported everyone in the Tigard Water Service Area receives the same information.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes October 8,2008
6. Discussion on Rewriting/Revising 1993 Intergovernmental Agreements
(IGAs) between Durham and the City of Tigard, King City and the City of
Tigard, and the Tigard Water District and the City of Tigard - Continued -
Commissioner Carroll
Commissioner Buehner explained the City of Tigard's discussion of this item was
delayed due to scheduling conflicts. She said Tigard's comments on the ICAs would be
ready for the next IWB meeting.
8. Informational Items: None
10. Next Meeting:
November 12, 2008, 5:30 p.m.
Tigard Public Works Building, 8777 SW Burnham Street, Tigard, Oregon
11. Adjournment
At 6:32 p.m. Commissioner Winn motioned to adjourn the meeting; Commissioner
Russell seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote, with
Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, Russell, Scheiderich and Winn voting yes.
IWB Chair Greer A. Gaston, IWB Recorder
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Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes October 8,2008