09/10/2008 - Minutes Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB)
Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2008
Tigard Public Works Building
8777 SW Burnham Street
Tigard, OR 97223
Members Present:
Gretchen Buehner Representing the City of Tigard
Patrick Carroll Representing the City of Durham
Julie Russell Representing the Tigard Water District
Dick Winn Representing the City of King City
Members Absent., Bill Scheiderich, Member At-Large
Staff Present: Public Works Director Dennis Koellermeier
Water Quality & Supply Supervisor John Goodrich
IWB Recorder Greer Gaston
Note:Agenda items are recorded in the minutes in the order they were
considered. This order varies from the agenda, thus the discrepancy in
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Carroll called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. He explained
Commissioner Sheiderich could not attend the meeting, but had sent an email detailing
his thoughts on agenda items 6, 7 and 9. This email is on file in the IWB record.
2. Approval of Minutes-- May 14, 2008
Commissioner Winn motioned to approve the May 14, 2008 minutes; Commissioner
Buehner seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote of the
Commissioners present, with Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, Russell and Winn voting
3. Approval of Minutes—July 9, 2008
Commissioner Buehner motioned to approve the July 9, 2008 minutes; Commissioner
Winn seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote of the
Commissioners present, with Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, Russell and Winn voting
4. Public Comments: None
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes September 10,2008
5. Water Supply Update
Mr. Goodrich reported:
■ August water consumption averaged 9.54 million gallons per day, with a peak
consumption of 12.4 million gallons per day.
■ 172 million gallons, or an 82-day supply, remains in aquifer storage and
Tigard has 28 million gallons reserved through the Joint Water Commission. The
City is currently drawing 1 million gallons per day. Mr. Koellermeier added Tigard
had prepurchased this water and wanted to ensure it will be used.
■ The requirements of the Portland Water Contract were discussed briefly.
■ Commissioner Russell inquired about the condition of the pavement on Bull
Mountain Road near the new reservoir. Mr. Koellermeier said the final paving
would take place in mid-October once heavy equipment had left the site.
Commissioner Russell also asked about the light leading onto the reservoir site,
which is on throughout the day. Mr. Koellermeier said he would check on this.
6. Consider Making a Recommendation to the Tigard City Council Regarding
the Approval of the First Restated Intergovernmental Cooperative
Agreement Creating the Willamette River Water Coalition (WRWC)
Mr. Koellermeier provided background information and summarized his memo regarding
this item.
The original water right was for 170 million gallons per day and was owned by Wolf
Creek Water District, which became the Tualatin Valley Water District. With the
formation of the WRWC, the right was then transferred to the coalition. The Tualatin
Valley Water District has access to the water right through its membership on the
Mr. Koellermeier pointed out the "Tigard paragraph," which guarantees Tigard 20 million
gallons per day.
In response to Commissioner Sheiderich's email, Mr. Koellermeier said the concept had
been that the partners of the WRWC would jointly build facilities using the 170-million-
gallon-per-day water right. However, if individual partners, like Sherwood, move forward
without the other partners, water rights are acquired on a first come, first served basis.
These rights need to be allocated in order to secure financing. Such decisions are made
by mutual agreement of the WRWC members. Commissioner Buehner confirmed this
agreement allocates 20 million gallons of the total 170 million gallons to Sherwood.
The possibility of upsizing the Sherwood transmission line and the sale of a transmission
line (between Sherwood and Tualatin) and pumping station are still being investigated.
Commissioner Russell confirmed the agreement did not involve any capital investment.
Commissioner Russell indicated she could not vote on the agreement, since the Tigard
Water District (TWD) had not considered the matter. Commissioner Winn asserted the
lWB members needed to be able to make decisions without consulting the city or board
they represent. Commissioner Russell said she did not have legal authority to take
action without direction from the TWD.
To avoid this issue, Commissioner Russell suggested the TWD could move their
meeting to the first or second Monday of the month.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes September 10,2008
Commissioner Carroll proposed the TWD reschedule its meetings on the Monday
preceding the IWB meeting. Ms. Gaston said she would look into room availability for
TWD meetings. Commissioner Carroll said he wanted Commissioner Russell, as the
TWD's representative, to be able to vote on issues, rather than abstaining. Several
timing options were discussed, and Commissioner Carroll directed the IWB packet be
mailed on the Wednesday prior to the IWB meeting. This would give the TWD several
days to review the information before their meeting and to authorize Commissioner
Russell's vote. For last minute items, Commissioner Carroll requested these be sent out
via email.
The Board decided to consider the agreement rather than await action by the TWD.
Commissioner Winn motioned to approve the First Restated Intergovernmental
Cooperative Agreement Creating the Willamette River Water Coalition; Commissioner
Carroll seconded the motion.
Commissioner Carroll clarified three affirmative votes were needed to pass the motion,
and advisee! the TWD was responsible for reporting their action and reasoning to Ms.
Gaston who will forward this information to the Tigard City Council.
The motion was approved by a majority vote, with Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, and
Winn voting yes. Commissioner Russell abstained.
7. Introduction to Street Dedications, Easement and Remnant Property
Purchase Related to the Burnham Street Improvements
At its November 28, 2007 meeting, the IWB inquired whether the City of Tigard was
interested in purchasing a triangular parcel ("remnant parcel") on Burnham Street,
opposite the Public Works Building. Mr. Koellermeier summarized the City of Tigard's
offer to purchase the remnant parcel at its appraised value of$50,000. The property
would be used by the City to consolidate access to two businesses. At the next meeting,
the IWB will be asked if it wishes to sell the remnant parcel to Tigard.
Mr. Koellermeier referred to a drawing in the IWB packet and said an easement and
dedication deeds for the herringbone and crosshatched areas would also be presented
at a future meeting.
Board members confirmed proceeds from the sale of real property would be credited to
the Water Capital Improvement Fund.
Mr. Koellermeier advised real estate transactions will need to go to member jurisdictions
for ratification. The process will be for the IWB to take action in October, with member
jurisdictions considering the transaction in November.
9. Discussion of IWB Attendance at the Oregon Water Law Conference
Mr. Koellermeier said Commissioner Winn had expressed interest in attending this
Commissioner Russell motioned the IWB pay for Commissioner Winn to attend the
Oregon Water Law Conference; Commissioner Buehner seconded the motion. The
motion was approved by a majority vote, with Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, and
Russell voting yes. Commissioner Winn abstained.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes September 10,2008
10. Informational Items
The Board briefly discussed a memo from Mr. Koellermeier regarding responsibility for
pressure regulators. The memo is on file in the 1WB record.
Mr. Koellermeier made mention of a July 18, 2008 memo from Attorney Ramis
regarding signing authority on the Tigard/Lake Oswego water partnership agreement.
This memo is on file in the IWB record.
11. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Winn introduced David Newham who will serve as King City's alternate
to the IWB.
8. Discussion on Rewriting/Revising 1993 Intergovernmental Agreements
between Durham and the City of Tigard, King City and the City of Tigard,
and the Tigard Water District and the City of Tigard
This item was continued from the Board's July 9, 2008, meeting. Commissioner Carroll
proposed the Board could begin by reviewing the lists of changes/recommendations
submitted by the Tigard Water District and Commissioner Sheiderich.
Tigard's changes still need some minor work. Commissioner Carroll requested these
changes be distributed to the other members when completed.
Commissioner Buehner suggested postponing this item to the Board's next meeting
which could be extended to 7:30 p.m. or later.
Commissioner Carroll advised Durham had not prepared a list of changes because its
concerns were addressed on the lists prepared by other members.
Commissioner Winn inquired if the process would be for the Board to go through the
agreement paragraph by paragraph. Commissioner Russell cautioned this could be quite
time-consuming. Commissioner Carroll said it was unlikely the Board would be able to
review the entire agreement at one meeting. He proposed using Durham's agreement as
a template and asked the other Board members to compare their agreement to
Durham's agreement.
Commissioner Russell inquired whether Attorney Balfour might be hired to draft the new
agreement. Commissioners Carroll and Buehner concurred this was a good suggestion,
once the Board had established the major points of the agreement.
12. Future Agenda Items
■ Street dedications, easement and remnant property purchase related to the
Burnham Street Improvements.
■ Additional Tenancy in Common Agreements for Properties within the Tigard Water
Service Area.
■ Presentation by Washington County planning staff regarding Areas 63 and 64.
■ Review:
Proposed Tigard Municipal Code and policy changes regarding credit for
leak, water meters, and non-payment of water bills.
- The billing insert policy.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes September 10,2008
13. Next Meeting:
■ October 8, 2008, 5:30 p.m.
Tigard Public Works Building, 8777 SW Burnham Street, Tigard, Oregon
14. Adjournment
At 6:38 p.m. Commissioner Winn motioned to adjourn the meeting; Commissioner
Buehner seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote of the
members present, with Commissioners Buehner, Carroll, Russell and Winn voting yes.
1WB Chair Greer A. Gaston, IWB Recorder
Date: :-(L'G�f
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes September 10,2008