02/08/2012 - Minutes Intergovernmental Water Board (I") Minutes
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 5:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Tigard Public Works Building
8777 SW Burnham Street
Tigard, OR 97223
Members Present:
Gretchen Buchner Representing the City of Tigard
Ken Henschel Representing the Tigard Water District
Chris Hadfield Alternate - Representing the City of Durham
Dick Winn Representing the City of King City
Vacant Member-At-Large
Members Absent:
Keith Jehnke Representing the City of Durham
City of Tigard Staff Present:
Dennis Koellermeier Public Works Director
John Goodrich Utility Division Manager
Greer Gaston IWB Recorder
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Winn called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes —December 14, 2011
Commissioner Buchner moved to approve the December 14, 2011 minutes.
Commissioner Henschel seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote
of the commissioners present, with Commissioners Buchner, Hadfield, Henschel and
Winn voting yes.
3. Public Comments
There were no comments from the public.
4. Water Supply Update
Mr. Goodrich reported:
■ Average water use for the month of January was about 4 million gallons per day
(mgd). This is comparable to usage during the same time period last year.
■ 167 million gallons of water are stored in two aquifer storage and recovery (ASR)
wells. Tigard has started injection into ASR well #2.
■ Increased turbidity in the Bull Run Watershed forced Portland to switch to its
well fields for a time. The turbidity may have resulted from a slide caused by
heavy rain.
■ Portland wholesale water costs will increase 11 percent next year. Tigard
budgeted for a 10 percent increase and also has a contingency; funds should be
sufficient to cover costs.
5. David Guardino Credit for Leak Request
Mr. Goodrich provided background information on this credit for leak request. Credits
over $500 must be approved by the board.
Commissioner Buehner moved to approve the credit as noted on the request form.
Commissioner Henschel seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote
of the commissioners present,with Commissioners Buchner, Hadfield, Henschel and
Winn voting yes.
6. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair—Dennis Koellermeier
Mr. Koellermeier informed the commissioners that they were required to appoint a Chair
and Vice-Chair at their February meeting each year.
Commissioner Buehner nominated Commissioner Winn to serve as Chair.
Commissioner Henschel seconded the nomination. Commissioner Winn was appointed
to serve as the Chair by unanimous vote of the commissioners present, with
Commissioners Buehner, Hadfield, Henschel and Winn voting yes.
Commissioner Winn nominated Commissioner Buehner for Vice-Chair. Commissioner
Henschel seconded the nomination. Commissioner Buehner was appointed to serve as
the Vice-Chair by a unanimous vote of the commissioners present, with Commissioners
Buehner, Hadfield, Henschel and Winn voting yes.
7. Update on Member-At-Large Position Recruitment
Ms. Gaston reported two people had submitted applications to date. The deadline for
applications is February 13. She summarized how the position was advertised. Once the
position has closed, the applications and a scoring matrix will be sent to board members.
Provided the number of candidates is small, board consensus was to interview each
candidate. The board discussed possible interview questions and how interviews might
be conducted.
8. Briefing on a Grant Application to Partially Fund ASR #3 Well Head
Mr. Goodrich summarized a memo in the board's packet materials. He provided the
following additional information.
■ The grant is through the Bureau of Reclamation.
■ It is a competitive grant available for projects in western states.
■ Total grant funds are $18 million; $750,000 was the maximum award Tigard could
apply for.
The Tigard City Council has to approve the submission of grant applications.
Commissioner Buchner suggested the board could provide a recommendation to the
council regarding its support of the grant application.
Commissioner Henschel moved for the IWB to recommend that the City of Tigard
applies for the $750,000 grant. Commissioner Winn seconded the motion. The motion
passed by unanimous vote of the commissioners present, with Commissioners Buchner,
Hadfield, Henschel and Winn voting yes.
9. Update on the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership
Mr. Koellermeier provided the following information on the water partnership.
■ Six design firms are working on various water partnership projects.
■ All design work is underway and will hopefully be at the 30 percent level in late
February or early March. Cost updates will follow.
■ Once 30-percent designs are completed, an Oversight Committee meeting will
take place, likely in April. This will be followed by a joint Lake Oswego-Tigard
City Council meeting in late April or May.
■ The land use application for the water treatment plant was submitted to the City
of West Linn.
■ Projects are not as far along on the spending curve as anticipated, so the
partnership is currently under budget.
■ A full update from the partnership will be provided to the IWB in the spring or
early summer.
■ Outcomes from the pilot treatment plant testing will be available soon.
■ The case with WaterWatch is on schedule to proceed through the court of
appeals. Commissioner Buchner added that the date the case will be argued
should be determined in April.
■ Following the submission of the land use application,which included the good
neighbor plan, the partnership will let the land use process run its course and see
what conditions are required with regard to the Robinwood neighborhood. This
will help identify what improvements are appropriate, given the treatment plant's
impact on the neighborhood.
■ The City of Lake Oswego passed resolution of necessity to remove a sentence
from the Robinwood Neighborhood's Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
(CC&Rs) pertaining to the treatment plant property. Two appraisers have said the
dollar value of the change to the CC&Rs is zero.
■ In late March Tigard staff will travel to San Francisco to obtain its municipal
bond rating. Bonds will be used to fund the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water
Partnership projects.
10. Informational Items
■ Update from Commissioner Buchner on Lake Oswego/City of Tigard Oversight
Committee activities.
- There was a problem with the water intake along the Clackamas River, and
West Linn's water supply shut down. Lake Oswego supplied West Linn with
emergency water during the shutdown.
- The committee's next meeting is Monday, February 13 in the West End
■ Update from Commissioner Buchner on the Willamette River Water Coalition
(WRWC) and the Regional Water Providers Consortium (RWPC).
- Commissioner Buchner noted she received two memos prepared for the
RWPC on interties. She forwarded the memos for Ms. Gaston to distribute to
the board. These memos are also on file in the IWB record.
- The WRWC is trying to obtain an easement to run a pipeline through Graham
Oaks Nature Park. The Metro-owned park is located near Wilsonville. Mr.
Koellermeier explained the pipeline will transmit water from the Wilsonville
treatment plant to the Beaverton and Tualatin Valley Water District service
areas. Generally, the pipeline will be routed along Roy Rogers Road. If Metro
requires the pipeline be constructed now, Tigard would need to decide
whether it wants to share in the cost of construction.
11. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Henschel inquired how customers contacted Tigard regarding water
issues or problems that occurred outside regular business hours. Mr. Koellermcier said
customers should call 911 for water-related security issues. For other problems,
customers should call the Public Works Department after-hours phone number
(503.639.1554). The number is staffed during non-business hours and is published in
customers'water bills and in the KnowH2O newsletter.
Commissioner Henschel inquired about the status of the intergovernmental agreement.
Mr. Koellermeier said he would update the IWB on the agreement at the next meeting.
Commissioner Buchner invited the commissioners to attend the joint Lake Oswego-
Tigard council meeting. A meeting date has not been determined. The commissioners
asked to be notified of upcoming meeting dates.
12. Next Meeting
March 14, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.
Public Works Auditorium, 8777 SW Burnham Street, Tigard, Oregon
Mr. Koellermeier said the water system budget and the water system portion of Tigard's
Capital Improvement Plan will be presented at the board's upcoming March or April
meeting. Scheduling these items between Tigard Budget Committee meetings and Tigard
City Council meetings is always a challenge. The board's advice and recommendations
will be forwarded to the committee and the Tigard City Council.
Commissioner Buchner said she will not attend next IWB meeting, as she will be at a
At 7:03 p.m. Commissioner Henschel moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner
Buehner seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned by unanimous vote of the
commissioners present, with Commissioners Buchner, Hadfield, Henschel, and Winn
voting yes.
Dick Winn, IWB Chair 6nleer Gaston, IWB Recorder
Date: 41�6/ Z- Date: 4rl,