04/11/2007 - Packet Completeness Review
' for Boards, Commissions
and Committee Records
Intergovernmental Water Board
Name of Board, Commission or Committee
40n'l // � i3OU7
Date of Meeting
To the best of my knowledge this is the complete meeting packet. I was not the meeting
organizer nor did I attend the meeting; I am simply the employee preparing the paper
record for archiving.This record came from Greer Gaston's office in the Public Works
Kristie Peerman
Print Name
-31ZD ��;
Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting
Serving Tigard, King City, Durham and the Unincorporated Area
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Tigard Public Library
5:30 p.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room
13500 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard, OR 97223
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Call the meeting to order, staff to take roll call.
2. Approval of Minutes —February 14, 2007
Motion from the Board to approve the minutes.
3. Public Comments
Call for any comments from the public.
4. Update on Water Supply Options - Dennis Koellermeier(5 minutes)
5. Consider a Resolution Regarding the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project (Hagg
Lake Dam Raise) Title Transfer- Dennis Koellermeier(10 minutes)
Motion from the Board to approve the resolution.
6. Consider a Resolution to Recommend that a Portion of the Canterbury Property be
Declared as Surplus - Dennis Koellermeier(10 minutes)
7. Building/Asset Discussion Continued from February 14, 2007
Responses to Questions from Attorney Ramis - Dennis Koellermeier(20 minutes)
8. Informational Items - Dennis Koellermeier
9. Non-Agenda Items
Call for non-agenda items from Board.
10. Next Meeting - May 10, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
Tigard Public Library, 2"d Floor Conference Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard,
11. Adjournment
Motion for adjournment.
A light dinner will be provided.
Executive Session: The Intergovernmental Water Board may go into Executive Session. If an
Executive Session is called to order, the appropriate ORS citation will be announced
identifying the applicable statute. All discussions are confidential and those present may
disclose nothing from the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend
Executive Sessions, as provided by ORS 192.660(4), but must not disclose any information
discussed. No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any final action or
making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the public.
Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting
Date: I - / / -Dl
Name Do you wish If yes, please give your address
please print to speak to
the Board?
John Q. Public Yes 13125 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard OR 97223
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Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB)
Meeting Minutes
April 11 , 2007
Tigard Water Building
8777 SW Burnham Street
Tigard, Oregon
Members Present:
Gretchen Buehner Representing the City of Tigard (arrived 5:32 p.m.)
Patrick Carroll Representing the City of Durham
George Rhine Representing the Tigard Water District
Bill Scheiderich Member at Large
Dick Winn Representing the City of King City
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Public Works Director Dennis Koellermeier
Water Quality/Supply Supervisor John Goodrich
IWB Recorder Greer Gaston
Note:Agenda items are recorded in the minutes in the order they were
considered. This order varies from the agenda, thus the discrepancy in
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Scheiderich called the meeting to order at 5:29 p.m.
3. Public Comments
Julie Russell, 12662 SW Terraview, expressed concerns about declaring the
Canterbury property surplus and transferring ownership of the water building.
She questioned whether the Tigard Water District (TWD) had decided or voted
on the matter. She also expressed concern over the lack of public involvement
associated with these transactions.
Note from Subsequent IWB Meeting:
With regard to the disposition of the Canterbury property,
Commissioner Rhine clarified the Tigard Water District had not taken a
vote, but had engaged in a lengthy discussion of the issue.
The IWB approved the addition of this notation to these minutes at its
May 9, 2007, meeting.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes April 11,2007
Commissioner Rhine responded, with regard to the water building, the TWD had
agreed to pursue the "tenants in common" proposal and to use this as a model
for other property issues.
Ken Henschel, 14530 SW 144th Avenue, expressed confusion over the IWB
considering a resolution on the Canterbury property when the TWD had not
voted on the matter.
The Commissioners and audience members discussed procedural issues, and
what action the TWD had taken or might take regarding declaring a portion of the
Canterbury property surplus. Mr. Koellermeier clarified disposition of the property
was an IWB action and whether the TWD Board had voted was immaterial.
Commissioner Buehner explained when the IWB was created by
intergovernmental agreement (IGA) in the early 1990's, each of the IWB
members were to be assigned a share of the former TWD assets. This
assignment of assets never occurred. The IWB's actions related to the
disposition of property are in accordance with the IGA and are akin to
housekeeping measures.
With the exception of entering into a long-term water contract, IWB
Commissioners can vote on an issue, whether or not that issue had been
discussed with the entity they represent.
Mr. Henschel questioned implementing housekeeping measures thirteen years
after the original IGA and requested a more public process.
2. Approval of Minutes — February 14, 2007
Commissioner Buehner motioned to approve the February 14, 2007, minutes;
Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion. The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
5. Consider a Resolution Regarding the Tualatin Basin Water Supply
Project (Hagg Lake Dam Raise) Title Transfer
Mr. Koellermeier explained this was a resolution of support to advocate for the
title transfer of property related to the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project. The
proposal is to transfer the property from the federal government to a local
agency. Local ownership is expected to expedite the project and reduce costs by
eliminating federal bureaucracy. A title transfer would not commit the IWB to any
action. Mr. Koellermeier and Tigard City Manager Prosser, along with other
delegates, will be going to Washington, D.C. to lobby for the title transfer.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes April 11,2007
Commissioner Carroll motioned to adopt the resolution regarding the
Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project (Hagg Lake Dam Raise) Title Transfer;
Commissioner Buehner seconded the motion.
IWB Resolution No. 07-01 was approved by unanimous vote.
6. Consider a Resolution to Recommend that a Portion of the Canterbury
Property be Declared as Surplus
Mr. Koellermeier noted a revised version of the resolution had been prepared
based on edits from Commissioner Scheiderich. The revised resolution and a
map, labeled Exhibit 1, were distributed to the IWB and audience members.
Commissioner Carroll remarked the resolution reflected exactly what the IWB
had discussed.
The IWB talked about the section of proposed surplus property leased by the
John Tigard House. Via the appraisal process, the value of this leased property
would be established. The appraised value would reflect the fact this area is not
useable as long as the John Tigard House is situated there.
The IWB discussed the easement in the southeast corner of the proposed
surplus property. This easement could be used for a future aquifer storage and
recovery (ASR) site and needs to be located as far away from the existing
Canterbury ASR well as possible.
The IWB discussed placing another easement across the property to link the
easement in the southeast corner to the Canterbury water facility. Because this
easement might lower the property value and an alternative connection could be
accomplished by way of Murdock Street and an alley running along the west side
of the property, the consensus of the Board was not to pursue a second
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes April 11,2007
Commissioner Carroll motioned to adopt the resolution recommending to
the Tigard City Council that a portion of the Canterbury property be
declared surplus and addressing other issues related to the disposition of
the property; Commissioner Winn seconded the motion.
Commissioner Scheiderich called for public comment and discussion.
Julie Russell, 12662 SW Terraview, requested the record be left open until the
next meeting to allow for public comment. She added the current public record
does not show the TWD has authorized the sale of the property. She suggested
three appraised values be obtained on the property.
Commissioner Scheiderich advised the IWB's resolution was a recommendation
to the Tigard City Council and the disposition of surplus Canterbury property had
been under consideration for a long time. He suggested concerns about the TWD
proceedings be directed to that Board.
With regard to the following statement in the resolution:
WHEREAS, the Tigard Water District (TWD), owner of record for the
Canterbury property, has authorized the sale of the property, at not less than
the appraised value, to the City of Tigard for the purpose of constructing a
park; and
Ken Henschel, 14530 SW 144t" Avenue, questioned whether the TWD had
authorized the sale of the property and whether the property would be sold to the
City of Tigard.
Commissioner Rhine responded the minutes detailing the TWD's discussion of
the sale of the property had not been approved yet.
It was noted a "whereas clause" was not legally binding, this part of the resolution
generally relays background information. Items detailed in the section numbers of
the resolution show what the Board resolves to do and contain the actual
substance of the document. Commissioner Scheiderich pointed out that although
the City of Tigard has the first right to buy the property at the appraised value, the
property could be sold to another party if this sale did not work out.
Commissioner Carroll added the 1993 IGA, which established the IWB, deeded
this property to the members of the IWB, but the paperwork was never
completed. The IGA remains a legally binding contract and the TWD has no
authority to stop the sale of the property as each IWB member owns a share of
this asset.
Regarding Section 6 of the resolution:
Any proceeds from the sale of the Property shall be credited to the Water
Capital Improvement Project Fund.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes April 11,2007
Mr. Henschel asked why proceeds from the sale of the property would not be
divided among IWB members.
The Commissioners responded the IWB had decided to place any proceeds from
the sale of water assets into the Water Capital Improvement Fund. This fund is
managed by Tigard for the benefit of all of the members and will offset the cost of
future water system improvements.
IWB Resolution No. 07-02 was approved by unanimous vote.
7. Building/Asset Discussion Continued from February 14, 2007
Responses to Questions from Attorney Ramis
Attorney Tim Ramis sent a memo to the IWB requesting clarification on the
following points related to the disposition of the water building:
1. Is immediate purchase the preferred alternative by the City of Tigard, or is
some form of joint ownership preferred until the time comes to dispose of the
The Board confirmed the following points:
■ The water building should be transferred into the names of each of the
entities (Durham, King City, Tigard and the Tigard Water District) based
upon their respective joint ownership interest as tenants in common.
■ Mr. Koellermeier reported he has provided Mr. Ramis with an allocation
■ The water building is being deeded, but not sold.
2. In the event that a form of joint ownership is preferred, will the decision to
dispose of the property:
(1) Rest in the control of a majority of the ownership (based on ownership
(2) Require agreement of all owners; or
(3) Be based on some other form of control such as a majority of the entities
with an interest?
Commissioner Buehner asserted one entity should not be able to block the
wishes of the other members.
The Board concurred and decided three of the four entities, with the member at
large abstaining, would need to reach agreement on the disposition of the
Mr. Koellermeier said Mr. Ramis should now have all the information he needs
and the Board should have a document to review at their next meeting.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes April 11,2007
4. Update on Water Supply Options
Mr. Koellermeier provided the following updates:
Hagg Lake Dam Raise (Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project)
■ Draft Environmental Impact Study is due in June, followed by a 90-day
comment period.
■ Then partners will decide on which option to pursue and who will
participate in the project.
Lake Oswego Expansion & Water Partnership
■ A joint meeting between the IWB, and Lake Oswego and Tigard City
Councils might be scheduled in the near future. The Lake Oswego Council
is focusing on water conservation efforts.
Willamette River Treatment & Transmission Improvement Project
■ WaterWatch filed an appeal regarding water right permits. This creates a
contested case hearing situation, which should be a 90-day process.
■ The Water Resources and Fish and Wildlife Departments are expected to
side with the Willamette River Water Coalition (WRWC) since the Coalition
is following their recommendations.
■ With the enactment of a new law, the State appears to be granting in-
stream rights for fish while circumventing established water rights.
■ The Willamette River has enough flow to accommodate fish, with very little
impact on WRWC water rights.
Recent indications are the Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) may be leaning
toward the Joint Water Commission's (JWC's) Hagg Lake Dam Raise project as
opposed to the Willamette River Improvement Project. Tigard and the TVWD
have equal positions with regard to water access within the JWC partnership, but
the TVWD already has the infrastructure to transport the water; Tigard does not.
Mr. Goodrich reported the following:
■ Water customers are currently using about 4.4 million gallons per day
(mgd). This is comparable to last year's consumption.
■ 206 million gallons (mg) of water are stored in the City's aquifer storage
and recovery (ASR) wells. With some operational adjustments, the plan is
to inject another 50 mg within the next month. By purchasing and storing
additional non-contract water, there is a potential cost savings of $61,000.
■ A test well will be drilled at the ASR 3 site in the next month. The viability
of the well will be determined in the next six months.
8. Informational Items
In response to an inquiry, Mr. Koellermeier reported construction of the new
reservoir will begin in late July or early August. The earth-work needs to be done
by fall and should take about a month.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes April 11,2007
Executive Session — Real Property Transactions
Commissioner Carroll motioned for the Board to go into executive session;
Commissioner Buehner seconded the motion. The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
At 6:30 p.m., the Board went into executive session to discuss real property
transactions under ORS 192.660(2)(e).
The Board came out of executive session at 6:36 p.m.
9. Non-Agenda Items: None
10.Next Meeting — Wednesday, May 9, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
Tigard Public Library, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.,
Tigard, Oregon
At 6:36 p.m. Commissioner Carroll motioned to adjourn the meeting;
Commissioner Rhine seconded the motion. The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Greer A. Gaston, IWB Recorder
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes April 11,2007
Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB)
Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2007
Tigard Public Library
2nd Floor Conference Room
13500 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard, OR 97223
Members Present: Gretchen Buehner, Patrick Carroll, George Rhine, Bill Scheiderich
(left the meeting at 6:31 p.m.), and Dick Winn
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Public Works Director Dennis Koellermeier
Water Quality & Supply Supervisor John Goodrich
IWB Recorder Greer Gaston
Financial Operations Manager Roger Dawes
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner Scheiderich called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
2. Public Comments: None
3. Receive and File Minutes from the November 14, 2006, Joint Meeting with Lake
Oswego and Tigard City Councils
Commissioner Carroll motioned to receive and file the November 14, 2006, minutes;
Commissioner Rhine seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
4. Approval of Minutes —January 10, 2007
Commissioner Buehner motioned to approve the January 10, 2007, minutes; Commissioner
Carroll seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
5. Royal Mobile Villa Credit for Leak Request
Mr. Dawes provided information on the leak. Staff calculated the credit at $3,980.08. The IWB is
required to approve credits exceeding $500.
Commissioner Carroll motioned to approve the adjustment as submitted; Commissioner Winn
seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
6. Water Building/Asset Discussion - Continued from the January 10, 2007 Meeting
Mr. Koellermeier reported the City of Tigard's (COT's) interest in acquiring the water building
had not changed. He distributed two flowcharts depicting options for Tigard's ownership of the
water building and the surplus property at the Canterbury site.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes February 14,2007
Commissioner Scheiderich said there were two issues before the IWB:
■ What is the preferred disposition of the water building?
■ If disposing of the building, what should be done with the proceeds? Possible
suggestions included a cash payout to IWB members, a rate rebate, or deposit the funds
in a capital improvement reserve.
The Commissioners res onded as follows:
Commissioner Carroll The Durham City Council voted unanimously to retain
City of Durham ownership of the water building and enter into an
equitable, long-term lease agreement with the COT.
Money generated from rent should be placed in the
water capital fund.
Commissioner Winn Commissioner Winn would honor the 1993
City of King City Intergovernmental Agreement that established the IWB
and transfer ownership to the City of Tigard.
Commissioner Rhine The TWD had not discussed the disposition of the water
Tigard Water District building, but the surplus Canterbury property had been
(TWD) discussed. The sentiment was proceeds resulting from
the sale of a water asset need to be reinvested in water
capital improvement projects.
Commissioner Buehner The Tigard City Council is ready to act with regard to
City of Tigard ownership and is also supportive of putting funds into a
long-term capital fund. The COT wants an equitable
The Board briefly discussed the improvements the COT is planning for the water building.
Commissioner Scheiderich proposed the following options for the Board's consideration:
■ Lease Allowing for Improvement Credit
The COT and the IWB could draft a lease in which the City would get depreciated credit for the
water building improvements should the IWB partnership dissolve and the lease be terminated
■ Title Transfer to IWB Members
Commissioner Scheiderich recognized the City of Tigard did not want to invest $600,000 in a
building it does not own. He proposed the City become the property's owner of record. The
TWD would retain a proportionate share in the building, while deeding the remaining shares to
the Cities of Tigard, King City, and Durham. The City of Tigard, as the largest shareholder,
would have majority ownership in the building. This arrangement is known as a tenancy in
common and could be terminated by any of the tenants (IWB members) removing themselves
from the tenancy. This would force a sale of that member's shares in the building. Typically, the
other tenants would buy out these shares. The method to allocate shares would need to be
Commissioner Scheiderich gave the example of the COT putting $600,000 of improvements into
the building, but also owning a 60 percent share in the deed record. The City would be
improving its own building and this would not be a concern for the other members.
Commissioner Rhine said this arrangement was similar to other joint ownership arrangements
the IWB had entered into. Commissioner Winn commented this option was reasonable.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes February 14,2007
Commissioner Scheiderich said such an arrangement would protect the ownership interests of
each IWB member.
Commissioner Buehner advised if the building were to be sold, all the members would have to
agree to the sale. Commissioner Scheiderich added a separate right of first refusal agreement
could be created. In the event one tenant should decide to back out of the tenancy, this
agreement would give the remaining tenants first option to buy the departing tenant's shares.
Commissioner Carroll countered if the larger shareholders decided to sell the building, it would
be difficult for the other members to raise enough money to buy the available shares.
Commissioner Buehner advised the general rule of joint ownership is none of the partners can
sell unless all the partners are in agreement. The smallest partner could prevent a sale, despite
the preference of all the other members. A side agreement could be created stating any tenant
who wants out of the tenancy could either require a sale of the property or have their interest
bought out. If the COT chose this route, the other IWB members might not be able to come up
with the money to buy the City's shares. This scenario would probably necessitate the sale of
the building.
Commissioner Carroll said he could support an agreement in which the water building could not
be transferred out of the water district without the approval of all four IWB members.
Commissioner Buehner responded this was the general rule. Commissioner Carroll said he
would want these terms included in an agreement.
Commissioner Scheiderich requested a legal opinion: If the TWD were to deed the water
building title to the IWB members, based on some type of proportional share formula, could any
of the owners in common (IWB members) prevent sale of the asset outright? Could any one of
the tenants in common force a sale?
Commissioner Carroll expressed support for a right of first refusal agreement. He emphasized
the important thing would be to create a document guaranteeing the water building stays under
the control of the water district representatives until all the members find a compelling reason to
liquidate the asset.
Mr. Koellermeier noted even after improvements, the water building will only house about half of
the Public Works Department staff. At some point in the future, it is likely the department will
need to move to a larger facility and the water building would no longer be used for water
Commissioner Buehner said a side agreement could be created to transfer ownership to the
new facility based on the same ratios established for the water building. Commissioner Carroll
said if there came a time when the water building is no longer of any value, he would support
selling the property with the proceeds going to the water fund. Rather than have ownership in
the new facility, he proposed the water-related functions could be assessed an equitable fee
based on their proportional use of the new building.
Commissioner Winn added he wasn't concerned about the disposition of the water building as
long as it doesn't affect the operation of the water system.
The Board discussed the Public Works Department future facility.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes February 14,2007
Commissioner Rhine remarked if the water building had no public service value and was also
not needed for the operation of the water system, then the building would be surplus and should
be sold. Other IWB members agreed. Commissioner Carroll added the proceeds should go to
the water system. Mr. Koellermeier agreed, provided the water fund had paid for the initial
Commissioner Rhine said it was reasonable for improvements to be credited or backed out of
the sale. Commissioner Carroll asserted not all improvements should qualify for a credit. He
continued by saying a major capital expense, like replacement of the HVAC system, should
qualify, while more minor improvements, like erecting walls for offices, should not.
Commissioner Scheiderich suggested two options should the COT vacate the water building
before the improvements were fully depreciated:
■ The City could be given a higher share of the proceeds from the sale of the building.
• The City could accept the loss.
Commissioner Winn remarked the building was also appreciating in value.
Commissioner Buehner cautioned if the IWB created a tenancy in common, it needed to be
aware one member of the IWB would have the power to halt whatever the other members
wished to do. She suggested when the time comes to move to a new facility, all the members
should agree to be reasonable and prudent and to sign off on the disposition of the water
The IWB agreed to move forward with an agreement.
Mr. Koellermeier commented this arrangement worked for the COT because money wouldn't
have to be moved from one fund to another.
Commissioner Scheiderich requested Mr. Koellermeier return with some options on how shares
in the water building might be calculated.
Commissioner Carroll asked how the $600,000 in improvements will affect the agreement.
Commissioner Buehner noted there would need to be a specific allocation of what goes into the
HVAC system versus more traditional tenant improvements. Mr. Koellermeier said the cost of
the HVAC system is approximately $350,000.
Mr. Koellermeier explained between 58 and 60 percent of the water building complex is being
used for water system operations.
Commissioner Scheiderich proposed 60 percent of the improvements should then be charged to
the water fund. As tenants in common, each of the IWB members would share in the water
building's appreciation. Commissioner Carroll asked how the remaining 40 percent of non-water
functions would be charged to the COT. Commissioner Scheiderich countered that since the
City owns more than a 40 percent share in the building, this was a moot point as far as the IWB
is concerned.
Commissioner Carroll asserted any non-water related functions should have to compensate the
water board for the use of the building. Commissioner Winn commented this compensation
should go to the water capital improvement fund. The other Commissioners concurred.
Mr. Koellermeier said he would draw up the points the IWB had discussed.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes February 14,2007
With regard to the water building, Commissioner Carroll commented the IWB's arrangement
with the COT could be a "paper exercise" where no actual money changed hands.
Commissioner Buehner noted fair rental value needed to be determined.
Commissioner Carroll added that 40 percent of the water building improvements should be
considered lease tenant improvements because this portion of the building would be allocated
for non-water functions. He continued by saying these users should pay a monthly rent based
on square footage.
The IWB agreed operational costs of the building would be allocated based on the use of the
building. Mr. Koellermeier clarified operational costs of the building are water department costs,
but they have a rent revenue.
Commissioner Buehner requested Attorney Clark Balfour be hired to work on the IWB's behalf.
Mr. Koellermeier outlined the process for the COT to acquire the surplus property at Canterbury
as follows:
■ Determine the boundary of the surplus property
■ Declare the property as surplus
■ IWB approves the sale of the surplus property
■ The COT buys the surplus property for park purposes
■ Proceeds from the sale are credited to the water capital fund
The TWD Board of Commissioners has agreed to sell the property for the appraised value.
Commissioner Rhine commented the conditions of the sale of surplus property were spelled out
in the 1993 agreement that created the IWB.
Mr. Koellermeier advised the TWD had leased one corner of the Canterbury property to the
John Tigard House. With regard to the sale of the surplus property, he proposed two options:
■ Exclude the property leased by the John Tigard House from the surplus property. In this
case, the TWD would continue to own and lease this section of the property.
■ Include the John Tigard House in the surplus park property with the understanding the
COT will continue the lease. In this case, Mr. Koellermeier asserted the City should not
have to pay for that section of the property.
The IWB expressed a preference for the latter option. Commissioner Scheiderich noted this
arrangement should be subject to a lease strictly for the purpose of preserving the John Tigard
House. He suggested a conservation easement. Commissioner Rhine said the COT Parks
Division could administer the property.
The IWB discussed a property appraisal. In order to buy the property, Mr. Koellermeier advised
the COT's purchasing rules would necessitate an appraisal. He advised that although the City
wanted to purchase the property for a park, the Tigard City Council would have to approve the
purchase before the sale was finalized. Commissioner Scheiderich requested the partition be
designed in such a way that the property would be attractive to other buyers besides Tigard.
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes February 14,2007
Commissioner Scheiderich requested Mr. Koellermeier provide some options regarding the
apportionment of the proceeds regarding the water building. Revenue generated might be
considered in the formula.
7. Election of a Chair and Vice-Chair
Commissioner Carroll motioned to reelect Commissioner Scheiderich to the position of
Chairman; Commissioner Rhine seconded the motion.
Commissioner Buehner asked Commissioner Carroll if he would continue to serve as Vice
Chairman, Commissioner Carroll said yes. Commissioner Rhine seconded the motion.
The motions were approved by unanimous vote.
Note: Commissioner Scheiderich left the meeting at 6:31p.m.
8. Informational Items
Mr. Koellermeier introduced Mr. Goodrich who provided information on proposed updates to the
cross connection program. In order to bring the program into compliance with state regulations,
Mr. Goodrich said the Tigard City Council will consider revisions to its municipal code regarding
cross connections. The proposed updates are comparable with other local jurisdictions,
including the Tualatin Valley Water District.
The IWB discussed backflow, different types of backflow prevention devices, and the process
for informing the public about the regulations. Commissioner Buehner advocated educating
water customers about backflow.
9. Non-Agenda Items: None
10. Next Meeting— Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
Tigard Public Library, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Oregon
11. Adjournment
At 6:51 p.m. Commissioner Rhine motioned to adjourn the meeting; Commissioner Buehner
seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Greer A. Gaston, IWB Recorder
Date: .��
Intergovernmental Water Board Minutes February 14,2007
Agenda Item No.:
IWB Meeting Date:
Westside Officials Breakfast
April 4, 2007
7:30-10:00 a.m.
Background& Purpose of Meeting
Clean Water Services Chair Tom Brian welcomed the attendees and explained the
purpose of the meeting. The meeting would provide elected officials and key staff in
Washington County with an update on the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project, an
overview of title transfer and request that each partner's elected body approve a
resolution agreeing to study title transfer.
Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project Update
Project Manager Tom VanderPlaat described the current water supply options and
timeline for the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project. This summer, the US Bureau of
Reclamation will publish the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project Draft Planning
Report/Environmental Impact Statement(PR/EIS)that examines two alternatives:
Hagg Lake Alternative: A proposed 40-foot raise of Scoggins Dam on Hagg Lake in
Western Washington County
Multiple Source Option Alternative: This includes up to a 25-foot raise of Scoggins Dam
and the expansion of Willamette River Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Wilsonville.
The next steps after the release of the Draft PR/EIS include completion of a Final EIS in
Spring 2008 followed by Congressional Authorization in 2009 and construction
completed by 2015. Current cost estimates for the project are$300 million.
Hagg Lake/Scoggins Dam Title Transfer Study
Tom VanderPlaat provided an overview of the title transfer process. In 2005, the US
Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner John Keyes encouraged the Partners to examine
title transfer of the existing Scoggins Dam/Hagg Lake facilities as a way to reduce costs
and provide more flexibility in planning for the Water Supply Project. The Water Supply
Project partners formed a study group to examine the feasibility of title transfer and
recommended further study.
Last month, the Water Supply Project Policy Steering Committee(PSC)of local
appointed and elected officials unanimously took action to direct project staff to study
title transfer and asked other existing Tualatin Project contractors--Tualatin Valley
Irrigation District, Lake Oswego Corporation and Washington County—to join the PSC.
Mr. VanderPlaat described the steps for title transfer and outlined a schedule which
includes an environmental review process and Congressional Authorization by November
One of the key policy issues will be the development of a governance structure to take
title to the facility if the partners choose to move in that direction. The first step will be
to examine functions,roles, capabilities and capacities of local ownership.
Q & A
Are there potential revenue sources with local ownership? That will be considered in the
What type of expertise and staff would be needed for a local entity to operate the
facilities? This will also be part of the study.
Have we done a risk assessment related to title transfer? USBR does a risk and hazard
analysis and there will be a"facility conditions assessment" as part of the study.
Next Steps
Chair Brian asked if Councils, Commissions and Boards who would be involved in a title
transfer would be willing to adopt a resolution in the next month supporting a study of
title transfer. A sample resolution was handed out(attached).
The Project will be taking a dele-gation of officials and community members to
Washington DC May 9-11 to meet with our Congressional Delegation, congressional
committee staff, Reclamation, and OMB to support the Project and Title Transfer efforts.
The trip would include one elected official and one senior staff member from each of the
organizations that would be actively involved in title transfer.
Jeanna Cernazanu with Clean Water Services will be contacting staff and elected officials
by e-mail to request names, travel plans (if staying longer than the 11`h) and frequent flier
numbers for those who plan to attend. Due to the short timeline,responses will be
needed by this Friday.
WHEREAS, the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project partners including Clean Water Services, the
Tualatin Valley Water District and the Cities of Hillsboro, Beaverton, Tigard, Tualatin, and Forest
Grove are seeking future water supplies to meet 2050 forecasted demands in cooperation with Tualatin
Valley Irrigation District,Washington County and Lake Oswego Corporation; and
WHEREAS, Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner John Keys III (retired) suggested the possibility of
title transfer to local officials in 2005; and
WHEREAS,title transfer would offer several benefits including significant time and cost savings
for Hagg Lake expansion (Scoggins Dam raise) which is being proposed for future water supply in
the Basin; and
WHEREAS, reclamation has developed a framework for title transfers as a policy direction for
more efficient and effective management of facilities through local ownership; and
WHEREAS,the Water Supply Project Policy Steering Committee,made up of elected and
appointed officials from each of the partners in the project, unanimously supported the pursuit of
title transfer.
NOW,TI EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Intergovernmental Water Board as follows:
SECTION 1: The Intergovernmental Water Board hereby directs and authorizes the investigation
of a potential transfer of title of all the lands, facilities, and other assets of the United
States Bureau of Reclamation Tualatin Project to local ownership.
SECTION 2: Signing this resolution will not bind the Intergovernmental Water Board or any of
the other signatories to completing the transaction.
SECTION 3: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage.
PASSED: This day of 2007.
Intergovernmental Water Board RESOLUTION NO.07- v/
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Bill Scheiderich,Presi rent
Intergovernmental Water Board
Greer Gaston, IWB Recorder
Intergovernmental Water Board RESOLUTION NO.07- 0/
Page 2 of 2
Revised 4/11/07
WHEREAS, a portion of the water facility known as the "Canterbury property" is not being used for
water operations; and
WHEREAS,the IWB has determined that potential future water system
expansion/improvements on the unused property can be preserved by retaining an water
easement on the southeast corner of the parcel; and
WHEREAS, the City of Tigard has expressed an interest in purchasing the unused portion of the
property in order to develop a park on the site; and
WHEREAS,the Tigard Water District ('TWD),owner of record for the Canterbury property,has
authorized the sale of the property,at not less than the appraised value,to the City of Tigard for
the purpose of constructing a park; and
WHEREAS,the IWB serves an advisory role to the Tigard City Council; and
WHEREAS,the IWB has identified several conditions related to the disposition of the unused
Canterbury property.
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Intergovernmental Water Board as follows:
SECTION 1: The Canterbury property,located at 10310 SW Canterbury Lane, Tigard, Oregon,
(2S 111BCO26000), shall be partitioned, generally as depicted on the attached map
(Exhibit 1).That portion of the site after partitioning (hereafter, "the Property") that
is not retained in fee for water system use shall be offered for sale as provided for in
this Resolution.
SECTION 2: The IWB recommends to the Tigard City Council that the Property, generally as
depicted on the attached map (Exhibit 1), be declared surplus in accordance with
City of Tigard surplus property procedures.
Intergovernmental Water Board RESOLUTION NO.07- DL
Page 1 of 2
SECTION 3: In any conveyance of the Property to any person the grantor(s) shall reserve not
less than a 50-foot by 50-foot easement for future water system use in the
southeast corner of the property, generally as depicted on the attached map
(Exhibit 1), and a conservation easement for the area now leased to the Tigard Area
Historical and Preservation Association,the easement to be limited to the sole use
of maintenance of the historical John Tigard House and no other purpose.
SECTION 4: The City of Tigard at its initiative and expense may conduct an independent
appraisal and title search of the portion of the property that is offered for sale. The
property shall be offered for sale at its fair market value as determined by the
appraisal or by any commercially reasonable means.
SECTION 5: The City of Tigard shall have the right of first refusal on reasonable terms,including
a reasonable time limit within which the option must be irrevocably exercised,to
purchase the unused portion of the Canterbury property at the appraised price. The
appraisal shall reflect the value of the reserved easements as described in this
Resolution as offsets to the present market value of the Property.
SECTION 6: Any proceeds from the sale of the Property shall be credited to the Water Capital
Improvement Project Fund.
SECTION 7: The resolution is effective immediately upon passage.
PASSED: This day of 2007.
Bill Scheiderich,Presid nt 1
Intergovernmental Water Board
Greer Gaston, IWB Recorder
Intergovernmental Water Board RESOLUTION NO.07-DZ-
Page 2 of 2
Easement Area Murdock
Agenda Item No.: �-
IWB Meeting Date:
Attorneys At Law MEMORANDUM
1727 NW Hoyt Street
Portland,Oregon 97209
(503) 222.4402
Fax: (503) 243-2944
TO: Dennis Koellermeier
FROM: Tim Ramis
DATE: April 5, 2007
RE: Disposition of Water Building
Thank you for providing me with the minutes from the IWB's February 14, 2007 meeting. If you
have the opportunity at the next meeting, I would appreciate if the Board could clarify its positions
on two issues. Based on that discussion we will prepare the appropriate documentation.
My questions are:
1. Is immediate purchase the preferred alternative by the City of Tigard, or is some form of
joint ownership preferred until the time comes to dispose of the property?
2. In the event that a form of joint ownership is preferred, will the decision to dispose of the
(1) Rest in the control of a majority of the ownership (based on ownership
(2) Require agreement of all owners; or
(3) Be based on some other form of control such as a majority of the entities with an
Based upon the Board's preferences, we will work with staff to present the appropriate plan for the
Board's consideration.
City of Tigard
13125 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard, OR 97223 i
Phone. 503-639-4171
Date April 6, 2007
Number of pages including cover sheet 3
[OThe City of King City (Fax No. 503-639-3771)
The City of Durham (Fax No. 503-598-8595)
From: Greer Gaston
Co: City of Tigard
Fax#: 503.684.8840
Ph#: 503.718.2592
SUBJECT: Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting Notice and Agenda
Please post the attached notice and agenda for the upcoming meeting of the Intergovernmental Water
Thank you.
Water Board
Serving Tigard, King City, Durham and Unincorporated Area
Wednesday, April 11 , 2007
5 :30 p.m.
Tigard Public Library
2nd Floor Conference Room
13 500 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard, Oregon
Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting
Serving Tigard, King City, Durham and the Unincorporated Area
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Tigard Public Library
5:30 p.m. 2nd Floor Conference Room
13500 SW Hall Blvd.
Tigard, OR 97223
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Call the meeting to order, staff to take roll call.
2. Approval of Minutes—February 14, 2007
Motion from the Board to approve the minutes.
3. Public Comments
Call for any comments from the public.
4. Update on Water Supply Options - Dennis Koellermeier(5 minutes)
5. Consider a Resolution Regarding the Tualatin Basin Water Supply Project(Hagg
Lake Dam Raise) Title Transfer-Dennis Koellermeier(10 minutes)
Motion from the Board to approve the resolution.
6. Consider a Resolution to Recommend that a Portion of the Canterbury Property be
Declared as Surplus -Dennis Koellermeier(10 minutes)
7. Building/Asset Discussion Continued from February 14, 2007
Responses to Questions from Attorney Ramis -Dennis Koellermeier(20 minutes)
8. Informational Items—Dennis Koellermeier
9. Non-Agenda Items
Call for non-agenda items from Board.
10. Next Meeting-May 10, 2007, 5:30 p.m.
Tigard Public Library, 2"d Floor Conference Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard,
11. Adjournment
Motion for adjournment.
A light dinner will be provided.
Executive Session: The Intergovernmental Water Board may go into Executive Session. If an
Executive Session is called to order, the appropriate ORS citation will be announced
identifying the applicable statute. All discussions are confidential and those present may
disclose nothing from the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend
Executive Sessions, as provided by ORS 192.660(4), but must not disclose any information
discussed. No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any final action or
making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the public.
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4/6/2007 1 : 49PM
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04/06 01 : 48p Fax Sent 5036393771 1 : 10 3 OK
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City of Tigard PW
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04/06 01 : 50p Fax Sent 5035988595 1 : 10 3 OK