12/13/2007 - Minutes TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES Thursday, December 13, 2007 Call to Order: 7:10 p.m. Roll Call Present at the meeting: Brian Kelly, Chair; Board members Jan Thenell, Richard Heath, Scott Libert and Alternate Jennifer Vasicek; Library Director Margaret Barnes and Alison Grimes, Executive Assistant. Karen Levear, Cecelia Nguyen and David Burke were excused. Minutes The November 8, 2007 Board meeting minutes were reviewed and, there being no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as read. Motion — Heath Second — Kelly Burke — Excused Levear— Excused Heath —Aye Nguyen — Excused Kelly —Aye Thenell -Abstain Libert —Abstain Agenda Additions and Deletions Added Discussion of Council Goals to Other Business. Call to the Public Trish Stormont, Library Volunteer Coordinator, introduced by Barnes to the Board, presented some Library-wide volunteer statistics and gave a brief overview of the Library's Volunteer Program. The Tigard Library utilizes the largest contingent of volunteers within the City's departments. Financially, in FY 2006/07, volunteers saved the Library approximately $277,800 by working 14,800 volunteer hours. This equates to $18.77 per hour. Volunteerism is up, Stormont noted, due to the retirement of younger baby-boomers who wish to give back to their community and more young people who are volunteering to meet college requirements. Also, Library volunteers appear to be having such a positive experience at the Library that they are recruiting their friends. Stormont invited Board members to attend any of the volunteer orientations she has planned for January so they might learn more about the program. Monthly Reports for November, 2007 The monthly statistics for November, 2007 were reviewed. Programming still remains popular as does wireless use. The comfy new upholstered chairs finally arrived and are now available in the lobby for patrons. The agenda and accompanying statistics for this Board meeting were not only snail- mailed but also emailed to Board members as a test run. Board members agreed they liked receiving the information via their email but decided to continue normal mailing plus emailing their agendas for three more months to see if it continues to work well. Library Policies Updated Library policies were distributed to Board members for their manuals. Library Operations The Library parking lot project is finally completed; parking spaces have received new striping and the bare areas have been seeded for grass. The inventory project is moving forward; staff is now in Adult Fiction. As an FYI to the Board, Barnes noted that the City recently purchased the house and property on Hall Blvd. next to Tigard Christian Church. It is unknown what plans the City has for the property. Annual Library Survey The Library's Annual Survey is scheduled for the first two weeks in February, 2008. The survey will be available in the February Cityscape and a survey table will be set up in the inner lobby of the Library. Administration staff is in the process of finalizing the various aspects of the survey. Barnes asked if the Board had ideas for specific demographic and quality of performance questions for the survey. Some of their suggestions included: ✓ Ask program-related questions — How does the patron find out about Library activities? ✓ Ask about building services outside the Library proper (Community Room, Sesame Donuts) — Does the patron utilize these services? ✓ Ask about their comfort level — Is the seating comfortable? Are there tables available? Does the Library provide enough of a particular item? ✓ Ask about the mode of transportation used to get to the Library— Does the patron use public transportation to get to the Library? How did you get here today? Car? Bus? Bike? WCCLS Update With the restructuring of the MIX Agreement, there may be funding available for additional services to patrons county-wide. The Board had a discussion regarding possible services for patrons. At the end of the discussion the Board's top recommendations were outreach services and the development of a leased bestseller collection. There is approximately $100,000 available to the cooperative to spend. Other Business Discussion of Council Goals: Tigard City Council is again asking for goal requests from the various city boards. Last year the Library Board suggested: ✓ Open Spaces/Park ✓ Downtown Development ✓ Connectedness —Town Hall, Library, Public Works ✓ Culture and Communication During a quick brainstorming session, Board members came up with the following: ✓ Open space/Public space/Community space ✓ Community gathering place = Library; youth engagement to activities; skate park a success —what other activities are important to youth ✓ Community involvement/engagement; volunteerism ✓ Civil discussion — promote exchange of ideas; foster community participation ✓ Civic pride, recognition of outstanding achievements ✓ Increasing sustainability— "Green City" ✓ Support community events; Cook Park a great spot for concerts Attending Board members were assigned a topic— Heath - youth engagement; Thenell — community connectedness; Vasicek— sustainable "green" city; Libert— recognition of efforts and Kelly— open space/public space and will email each other with their suggestions by Saturday, December 15. Library Trends: The latest trend appears to be delivering reading material in an electronic format—e- books, portable reader systems (PRS). Adiournment: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. The next Library Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Tigard Public Library, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.