08/09/2007 - Minutes TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES Thursday, August 9, 2007 Call to Order: 7:09 p.m. Roll Call Present at the meeting: Brian Kelly, Chair; Board members Scott Libert, Karen Levear, Jan Thenell and David Burke, Vice-Chair; Library Director Margaret Barnes, and Alison Grimes, Executive Assistant. Cecelia Nguyen was excused. Minutes The June 5, 2007 Board meeting minutes were reviewed next as the Board did not meet in July. After review and a request from Kelly to change "discussion" to "communication" in Other Business, the minutes from the June 5, 2007 Board meeting were unanimously approved. Motion — Thenell Second — Levear Burke - Aye Kelly - Aye Libert - Aye Levear - Aye Nguyen - Excused Thenell - Aye Agenda Additions or Deletions Election of Officers was added to the agenda. Call to the Public Visit with Employee — Molly Carlisle, Children's Services Supervisor, was introduced by Barnes and spoke briefly with the Board. Carlisle, employed at the Library for over 4 years, gave an overview of various activities and programs Children's/Youth/Teen Services had provided over the summer. She noted that more fathers seem to be coming in with their children and staying until the Library closes at 9. Japanese pop culture is currently very popular and an anime event is being planned. "Panic at the Prom" mystery night was well-attended and Game Night also seems to draw a good crowd. Election of Officers The floor was then opened for nominations for the positions of Board Chair and Vice- Chair. Thenell made a motion to retain the current slate: Kelly as Chair and Burke as Vice-Chair. Second by Levear. Both Kelly and Burke agreed to serve as Board Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, for the 2007-2008 year. Motion — Thenell Second — Levear Burke - Aye Kelly - Aye Libert - Aye Levear - Aye Nguyen - Excused Thenell - Aye Monthly Reports for June and Jules Barnes distributed the monthly statistics for June, 2007. The average daily circulation was 2,605 items versus 2,302 in 2006. 308 people attended 8 separate adult programs and 756 preschoolers attended 18 different activities. The Cultural Pass program was utilized 60 times in June. The July statistical report showed similarly record-breaking numbers: Average Daily Circulation — 3,104 versus 2,624 in 2006; 2,092 new materials were added and 726 removed from circulation; 36,300 patrons passed through the security gates at the Library, an increase of 18.4% over 2006. Other reports distributed were the Circulation Management Overview reports for May and June, plus a six-month comparison report of the statistics. Barnes felt the restoration of hours and the quality of the Library's collection contributed to the high statistics. The Board was also informed that, effective August 17, the Fireside Coffee Corner will be closing. Interested vendors have already contacted the City regarding the space. Applicants are still being sought for the vacant Library Board position. The person filling this slot must reside within the City limits. Application deadline is August 31 and one application has been received so far. Restoration of Library Hours Staff has easily adapted and adjusted to the change as many of them were used to the previous 9:00 p.m. closing time. Library staff, under the direction of Sandy Birkner, Technical Services Supervisor, is in the process of inventorying the Library's books. The Adult Non-Fiction collection is about 25% complete. Library Summer Programs The Adult Summer Reading Program ended Tuesday, July 31 and was a great success. Over 1,000 book reviews were submitted by over 250 participants. The drawing has been held for the various specialty baskets and winners were notified. Library Policies Received from the City Attorney's office with no additions or corrections, the Board did a final review of the following policies, which had been slightly changed in wording and formatted to match the American Library Association's policy format: Confidentiality of Library Records Proctoring Examination Policy Collection Development Policy Motion: Adopt the Confidentiality of Library Records Policy, the Proctoring Examination Policy and the Collection Development Policy Motion — Burke Second — Thenell Burke - Aye Kelly - Aye Libert - Aye Levear - Aye Nguyen - Excused Thenell - Aye The Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read documents were then reviewed. These had also been reviewed by the City Attorney's office and returned with no additions or corrections. Motion: Endorse and reaffirm the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read. Motion — Libert Second — Burke Burke - Aye Kelly - Aye Libert - Aye Levear - Aye Nguyen - Excused Thenell - Aye The Board requested that the Library's Freedom to View document be included as an agenda item in September's agenda. WCCLS Update Barnes noted that the number of electronic notifications has increased a thousand fold and the Board briefly discussed e-mailed holds. Other Business Barnes noted that she will be attending next week's City Council meeting regarding the coffee bar and Library technology. Barnes and Paula Walker, the Library's Public Information Coordinator, met with Gene Clair July 30 regarding the Foundation. It was agreed that the Foundation would take the summer off and then meet in September to see who might be interested in serving on the Foundation Board. If any Board members know of someone who might be interested in fundraising, Barnes asked that their names be presented at the next meeting. Adiournment: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m. The next Library Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Tigard Public Library, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.