05/07/2009 - Minutes TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES Thursday, May 7, 2009 Call to Order: 7:02 p.m. Roll Call Present at the meeting: David Burke, Chair, Board members Richard Heath, Jan Thenell, Karen Levear and Jennifer Vasicek; Library Director Margaret Barnes and Executive Assistant Alison Grimes. Cecilia Nguyen and Linda Monahan were excused. Minutes The April 9, 2009 Board meeting minutes were reviewed and, there being no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as read. Motion Heath Second Vasicek Burke Aye Nguyen Excused Heath Aye Thenell Aye Levear - Abstain Vasicek - Aye Agenda Additions and Deletions The Agenda item order was slightly revised. Call to the Public meeting. Alla Veytsman, Library Assistant in Circulation, was th guest staff member. With the Library for over eight years, Veytsman works at the Circulation desk, handling everything from checking out books to accepting donations to training new volunteers to shelve. She especially likes to assist large families and the variety of items they check out, children and adults from different cultural backgrounds. Asked if she has noticed any changes over the years, she told the Board that circulation has definitely increased, as she is much busier than she was several years ago. Joint Meeting with City Council Board members practiced their roles for the upcoming joint meeting with City Council. Glitches with the Skype program were discovered and will be fixed before the meeting. The agenda for their 30-minute meeting with City Council will be: 1. Welcome and Introduction - Barnes introduces Board to Council 2. Introduction - Burke (Library invested in community; community hub; relevance to community; highlight services) 3. Skype a. Skype Demo Vasicek and Barnes b. Skype Narrative - Heath 4. Services a. Cultural Passes, Library Card, Library2Go - Thenell (props and easel will be provided) b. Volunteers and Other Programs Levear 5. Recap / 5t" Anniversary Burke Library Board is first on the Council agenda; meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. Board members will meet at Town Hall at 6:15 p.m. Library Operations Monthly circulation statistics continue to remain high; total items circulated in April were 108,281. The annual Volunteer Recognition was a big hit - volunteers expressed their thanks to both staff and Trish Stormont, Volunteer Coordinator. Staff is currently : Kids - Be Creative @ Your Library and teens - Express Yourself @ Your Library. The Adult Reading program is themed around a bingo card readers choose from a variety of options to complete a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Weekly winners will be chosen from completed bingo cards. WCCLS Update Barnes showed the Board a colored map displaying patron and demographic data compiled by City staff using data provided by WCCLS. This agenda and maps will be printed for the Board. Other Business Library Trends • Twitter • Kindle (for future discussion) Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. The next Library Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Tigard Public Library, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.