09/11/2013 - Minutes City Center Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes Date of Meeting: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Location: Red Rock Creek Conference Room Called to order by: Chair Elise Shearer Time Started: 6:31 pm Time Ended: 8:35pm Commissioners Present: Elise Shearer Chair),Thomas Murphy,Paul Miller, Laura Fisher Commissioners Absent: Philip Thornburg (Vice Chair) Deanie Bush, Sherrie Devaney, Linli Pao, Carine Arendes, Hemendra Mathur (Alternate) Others Present: Councilor Marland Henderson, Council Liaison to the CCAC;Planning Commissioner Richard Shavey and local realtor Neal Brown,Debi Mollahan and Diana Weston from the Tigard Chamber of Commerce. Staff Present: Downtown Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly, Community Development Director Kenny Asher and Community Planning Senior Administrative Specialist Chris Wiley. AGENDA ITEM #1:Welcome and Roll Call Elise opened the meeting and Chris recorded the roll call. AGENDA ITEM #2: Review/ Approve M Minutes The four members present approved the August 14,2013 CCAC Minutes. Chris will take an electronic vote from the other members who were present at the August meeting to achieve a majority approval. AGENDA ITEM #3: Non-Agenda Items / Public Comment A. Sean - there is an addition to the upcoming meetings list that's published at the bottom of the CCAC meeting agenda. There will be a City Council Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.,Tuesday, October 29 that will include some discussion on downtown development. Councilor Henderson said the mayor is looking for feedback from the community. Sean will send out more meeting information to the commission members as it becomes available. B. Sean - this year CCAC will be recruiting for three voting-member openings and two alternate positions. Elise is completing her second term the end of this year. Linli is entering her third year of law school so she might not re-apply. Phil Thornburg's term ends this year as well. If you know anyone who may be interested in serving, the applications are online. There will be more information about the openings in the October Cityscape newsletter. CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,September 11,2013 Page 1 of 3 AGENDA ITEM #4: Explore Downtown Tigard Street Fair Report Deport on street fair and other downtown events—Debi Mollahan, Tigard Chamber of Commerce (Attachment 1 to these minutes) Debi Mollahan and Diana Weston gave an after-action report on the street fair. Overall it was very successful and well received. They are looking forward to greater participation next year as the public becomes more aware of this as an annual recurring event, and more activities and vendors are added. AGENDA ITEM #5: City Charter Ballot Measure Review issues related to November 51h city Ballot Measure 34-207—Elise Shearer and Kenny Asher Kenny thanked the committee members for their support for the measure and for their input which helped the city craft a better explanatory statement. Kenny encouraged members to channel their energies through the different organizations they participate in throughout the city, to get the word out to voters about why the passage of this measure is necessary to move urban renewal development forward. Laura Fisher will get information to the CCAC members about the best timing to get letters of support for the ballot measure to local publications. The election is November 5. Ballots start going out 18 days prior, on Friday, October 18. Tom Murphy said the message committee members should convey is that this vote is to "let urban renewal work;" let it work as it was intended to be. AGENDA ITEM #6: Tigard Brownfields Partnership Workshops (Attachment 2) Discuss workshop plans and how CCAC wants to participate in October 9th meeting—Elise and Sean CCAC will be sponsoring the workshop on Brownfields on October 9 in lieu of the regularly scheduled CCAC monthly meeting. The State of Oregon has approved a $25,000 grant which Tigard is using to build an inventory of downtown properties that may qualify as Brownfields grant recipients. Specific guidelines will be released in October with a submission date probably in December. The city will submit grant applications. The first Brownfields public workshop is at the library on Wednesday, October 9 at 6:30 p.m. It will be panel style. We want to encourage property and business owners from downtown to attend. The first workshop will have a broader audience. The second workshop will get into more specifics as to the process and will be of interest to property owners who are considering participating in the grant program. The grant will fund up to three Phase 1 environmental site assessments. AGENDA ITEM #7: FY 15-19 Capital Improvement Plan Suggestions Discuss and recommend potential new Downtown pryects. All Downtown CIP projects will be compiled and brought to CCAC for ranking in November—Sean (Attachment 3) Sean will come to the CCAC in November with the list of potential Downtown projects. The CCAC members will rank them. The CIP committee will look at all the recommendations that come in from citizens at large, city boards or committees, staff and the council along with available funding. They'll use that information to rank projects in the CIP. Then it will go to Council for review. Sean gave the committee members the ratings from last year. He highlighted the downtown related projects and projects that are unfunded. CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,September 11,2013 Page 2 of 3 If members have any other suggestions to add to the CIP listing now is the right time to submit those. CCAC needs to have their rankings in by the end of November. CCAC can work on it at their November meeting. AGENDA ITEM #8: 3rd Quarter CCAC Goals Update—Sean Attachment 4 Tigard Street Trail is a go. The remeander is almost certainly going to be in the CIP. CWS wants to get the project done. The city is obligated to spend money on the Fanno Creek Trail so this is the time to do the project. Since it was just approved, the committee added the Commercial Street sidewalk to the 4th quarter update. The city did get the CET grant from Metro for the Public Works feasibility study. AGENDA ITEM #9: Liaison Reports Facade Improvement— Carquest is the most recent applicant. Art Subcommittee— artist Brian Borello is working on some ideas. He will bring them to the art subcommittee within two to four weeks. PRAB—Elise. Fanno Creek House is now complete. The city council will be there tomorrow to do their goal setting. Steve Martin said they're already talking about how they are going to set up rental and community uses. There's $400,000 left for land acquisition for parks not including money set aside for downtown park area. TTAC —Elise. TTAC is beginning work on their recommendations for capital improvement projects and prepping for their upcoming joint meeting with Council. They discussed recent traffic delays and remedies the city initiated relative to the development going on near the intersections at Dartmouth and 72nd and Hunziker and 72nd The 99/Gaarde/McDonald intersection will be delayed from 2014 to 2015. Cost for right-of-way in that area increases more than anticipated so other approaches have to be looked at. The Walnut and 135th Street intersection signal has been postponed for one year. That is being financed with MSTIP funds from Washington County. New sidewalk next to Tigard High School going into Cook Park is under construction right now. Fanno Creek Trail, Main St to Grant Street, should be finished by the end of September. AGENDA ITEM #10: Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. C.L. Wiley, CCAC Recording Secretary ATTEST: Elise Shearer, Chair Recording Secretary's Note:To requests copies of the attachments to these minutes,please email.•christinen,@tigard-orgov CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,September 11,2013 Page 3 of 3