09/12/2012 - Packet Completeness
Review for Boards,
Commissions and
Committee Records
CCAC (City Center Advisory Commission)
Name of Board, Commission or Committee
Date of Meeting
I have verified these documents are a complete copy of the official record.
C.L. Wiley
Print Name
u \ \ z
11 /1/2012
City Center Advisory Commission
M Meeting Minutes
Date of Meeting: Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Location: City Hall Red Rock Creek Conference Room
Called to order by: Chair Alexander Craghead
Time Started: 6:30 pro (Executive Session 8:42 to 9:04 m
Time Ended: 9:05 pm
Commissioners Present: Alexander Craghead (Chair), Elise Shearer, Sherrie Devaney,
Ralph Hughes, Pete Louw, Thomas Murphy, Linli Pao, Philip
Thornbur (Vice Chair)
Commissioners Absent: Deanie Bush , Teff Mauro (resigned — see Agenda 3A)
Others Present: Council Liaison Marland Henderson, Realtor Neal Brown
Staff Present: Downtown Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly, Engineering Manager Kim McMillan and
Community Planning Senior Administrative Specialist Chris Wiley.
AGENDA ITEM #1: Welcome, Roll Call and Introductions
Chair Craghead opened the meeting and roll call was recorded.
AGENDA ITEM #2: Review / Approve August 8, 2012 Minutes
Elise Shearer and Pete Louw abstained. Sherrie Devaney hadn't arrived yet. All other committee members present
approved the minutes as amended.
AGENDA ITEM #3: Non-Agenda Items / Public Comment
A. Sean announced that CCAC alternate Jeff Mauro had to resign due to a change in his work schedule. .
B. Linli Pao reported that her new class schedule includes night classes. She may miss the October and
November meetings to attend classes that are attendance and participation based courses. Elise Shearer
offered to go to the next PRAB meeting in Linh's place.
C. Linli reported on the Oregon Transportation Summit. Linli said it was interesting to attend the Latino
community's panel. Information was presented on the best avenues to attract them to be active participants
and consumers in this community. The recommendation is that the most effective way to make a connection
is to be present in the neighborhoods where they reside. Sean said Kim is doing that with her public
information outreach for the Fanno Creek Trail and Main Street grant projects. Kim said there are plans to
hold a meeting in the St Anthony's church neighborhood.
D. Realtor Neal Brown told the committee he represents a downtown property owner who has a commercial
property that could be a good location for the city to consider purchasing for a YMCA operation. Mr. Brown
presented some suggestions as to how the city might fmance the purchase and enter into an operating
agreement with the Y. He provided some handouts for the committee members; some related to past
community projects he has worked on and some related to this proposal. No copies were provided for the
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Page 1 of 4
AGENDA ITEM #4: Liaison / subcommittee reports
CCDA, Art Subcommittee, Fafade Improvement Joint Committee, PRAB-CCAC Joint Committee
A. CCDA. Elise went to August 21 CCDA meeting. Most of the discussion was about the proposed Ash Ave
crossing with ODOT rail. The remainder was an executive session.
B. Art Subcommittee. There is a meeting scheduled for October 17 to go over the procedure to review RFQ
C. Facade Improvement Joint Committee. The committee met the end of August and sent an application back for
more work. The application is to renovate the second story of the building next to Fanno Creek Brew Pub
into office space. The Committee generally liked the idea but there were a few things they wanted the
developer to consider. Sean said cost may be a factor for the developer; he will meet with him to try to work it
out. There was some discussion as to whether or not the program should include properties off of Main Street
but the decision was to keep the focus on Main Street because of the limited dollars available. The committee
will consider funding landscaping improvements on a case by case basis and may support hardscape
improvements such as paving stones or walkways versus non-permanent upgrades such as plants.
D. PRAB-CCAC Joint Committee. The committee met this past Monday. CCAC's goal is to keep the lines of
communication open with the PRAB for improving public properties utilizing park funds. It was recently
confirmed CCAC has until 2014 instead of 2013 to spend the bond money. A suggestion was made to add the
question to the agenda for next month, "Can the CCAC borrow money from Urban Renewal for the Ash Ave.
bridge improvements?" The improvements will cost about $250,000. Sean said the repair is not eligible for
SDC or many of the grant funds because it is replacing an existing structure. Both the bridge and the trail would
have to be raised two to three feet to get them out of the water. Clean Water Services will be doing the
restoration work for the creek and assuming the cost for the trail repair, but not the costs for the bridge
E. TTAC (Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee). Elise reported that she had attended the September 5
TTAC meeting. TTAC would like CCAC to think about all the projects within the Urban Renewal District and
be prepared to make recommendations as to how they should be prioritized. TTAC will start looking at the
FY 2013-14 budget in October.
1 . Pete Louw said the Fanno Creek Trail gets a lot of use and needs upkeep.
2. The Walnut Street project, funded by MSTIP, will be put off until 2015 instead of 2014; this is the
extension from Tiedeman to 116`h (sidewalks, turning lanes, widening bike paths). The sewer project will
be done at the same time so the project will take a lot of coordination with other agencies.
3. In summer 2013, the 92"a Ave/Waverly Drive sidewalk project will begin.
4. There will be a public meeting regarding the southwest corridor from 6-8 p.m., on October 16 at the
Multnomah Arts Center. Anyone who is interested should show up. Sean said he forwarded the info to the
CCAC members earlier in the day.
AGENDA ITEM #5: Main Street/Green Street (.Questions and Answers with Project Mgr — Kim McMillan).
A. The city is in the right-of-way acquisition phase which mainly entails purchasing portions of sidewalks that are
on private property; temporary construction easements and construction easements. The construction
schedule will probably be bid in February and construction will begin in April or May. ODOT is administering
the contract. The water and sewer improvements are also part of the project. The water improvement runs the
portion of Main Street from Tigard Street to Highway 99W. The sewer project goes from the bridge in front
of the brew pub all the way down to the tile shop
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Page 2 of 4
B. The parking lot is just about ready to go out for bid. The plan is to have the parking lot ready before the city
starts construction on the street. The parking lot is 19 spaces and will have one LED light, one car charging
station and a handicap accessible space. The City is designing the parking lot for potential expansion later on.
C. There was a proposal to install poles at both ends of Main Street where event banners could be displayed
spanning the roadway. Kim said the City would have to work with ODOT because the state owns Highway
99W however there is another plan in work - to redesign the landscape strip at Highway 99W and Main Street
with signage drawing attention to the entryway to downtown Tigard, public art, and possibly some lighting on
the landscape strip as well. The committee also discussed having banners and/or hanging baskets on the light
poles along Main Street. Business owners could commit to caring for the hanging baskets in front of their
respective buildings. Private funds from downtown groups could pay for banners. Kim will ask Mike O'Brien
to do a couple of renderings of downtown event signage for the commission's review. The commission
members also asked if the traffic reader boards that will go up during the construction could be used to
advertise downtown activities. Kim will look into that as well.
AGENDA ITEM #6: 3`' Quarter CCAC Goals Review (Review progress on CCACgoals — Sean Farrelly and Chair
A. Goal V Land Use & Transportation Planning Item e Monitor and encourage a solution for the RR crossing at
Ash Avenue.
1 . Sean reported that he, Kim McMillan and City Engineer Mike Stone went to Salem to meet with
representatives at the ODOT Rail office to talk about the Ash Avenue rail crossing. The rail
representatives confirmed they will consider a one for one trade for another at-grade crossing, but the
Portland & Western Railroad must initiate abandonment of the unused rail ROW.
2. Regarding the North Dakota/Tiedeman repair, Sean said it's going to come down to how much each
proposed alternative may cost. Public Works studied the feasibility of dead ending North Dakota rather
than going to the expense of an overpass. However, because of considerations for safety vehicle access,
the street would probably have to connect to another arterial. It isn't as easy as just dead ending North
B. Goal I Project Infrastructure. Item a. Oversee review and provide input including the following key projects ii
Ensure mitigation for impacts of construction of Main Street/Green Street phases 1 and 2 Tom Murphy
suggested the downtown businesses have a staff person they can go to who represents their interests in
ensuring the project timeline is managed as efficiently as possible. Sean said he had a power point presentation
from Kodiak Pacific., the construction consultant, that addresses that concern and he would forward it to the
CCAC members. Sean said public involvement consultant Barney & Worth, will be making recommendations
as to how the downtown businesses can best let customers know they are still open for business during the
construction. Committee members' key focus is how to keep the project timeline as short as possible. Sean
said there are incentives under consideration to incentivize the bidders to complete the project early. The bid
package will be put together soon.
AGENDA ITEM #7: Downtown Events (discuss street fair and future activities)
Committee members said they were pleased by the number of vendors and the number of attendees who made it to
the August 11 Downtown Street Fair. Perhaps next year, they will extend the hours. Bridget did a good job bringing
the music in. She will present a report at the CCDA on October 2. Committee members discussed the possibility of
ting Debbie from the Tigard Chamber of Commerce to a CCAC meeting to discuss working together on
downtown events.
AGENDA ITEM #S: Downtown Connectivity Plan (Update on October 14 Public Hearing — Sean Farrelly) (Refer
to Attachment 1, Project Fact Sheet, and Attachment 2, Downtown Street Character Types). Code Amendments will
be brought to a council workshop on Tuesday, September 18 and there will be a public hearing before the Planning
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Page 3 of 4
Commission on October 15. Adopting the Comprehensive Plan Amendment language and Development Code
language will implement the new street connections. Implementing the new street connections will get them on maps
and establish regulations in the development code that, depending on the impact of the development, will require
developers to either build the street or not build anything in the street's path that's permanent.
AGENDA ITEM #9: Pacific Hwy/Fanno Creek Trail Undercrossing (Update on project)
Sean showed a display of the engineer's proposed rendering for a new undercrossing, with more architectural features
and changing, colored LED lights.
AGENDA ITEM #10: Downtown Public Art RFQ (update on project)
The RFQ (Request for Qualifications) was released on September 10 on the CaFe' (Call for Artists) system. The city is
asking for applications by October 15 and the subcommittee will meet a couple days after that. They will select the
applicants for interviews and move on from there.
AGENDA ITEM #11: CCAC Executive Session* (property purchase discussion) — Commission Chair Craghead
recessed the regular meeting at 8:42 p.m. and read the script to open the Executive Session to discuss real property
transactions in accordance with ORS 192.660(2) (e).
AGENDA ITEM #12: Adjourn
At 9:04 p.m., the regular meeting reconvened and adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
C.L. Wiley, CCAC Recor ' g Secretary
le ;der Craghead
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Page 4 of 4
Agenda Item # 8
Downtown Connectivity Plan Code Amendments
' ct Fact Sheet
The Downtown Tigarel Cbnceptaal Connectivit ? Plan, Izgard The future street connections shown in these plans
Downtown Improvement Plan and T{gird Downtown I^'ulrere are relatively general. In order to be implemented, the
Virion all recognize the need to improve connectivity alignments have been further refined and detailed maps
and circulation within Downtown Tigard. Conceptual have been prepared. Wherever possible, ahgnrnenu,
Connectiviro Plan objectives include: have been adjusted to crlinimize the: impacts to property
owners, while still achieving the desired connections. The
Connectivity: Poster the creation of smaller width of the proposed l inure sneers is based on the new
block structures, consistent with the walkable downtown cross section designs %lost of the connectivity
urban village envisioned by the Tigard Downtown and circulation improvements envisioned are expected
Improvement Plan. to be implemented over time as property owners seek to
redevelop their land. A smaller number of key projects
Circulation: Create efficient routes into and around could be initiated by the city if they are needed to meet
the downtown. essential connectivity or other objectives. Amendments
to the Tigard.Development Chile and Co- of Tigwd 2035
� Capacity: Create parallel streets to accommodate '1 'rau.Shor1a1ion ,S'yrtem Plan are needed to implemenr these
the demand created by new downtown development. improvements in the future.
The city has been working with downtown property and response to meering participants' comments
business owners to ensure that proposed implementation and concerns.
measures are fair and equitable for property owners in the Prepared a preliminary set of proposed
planning area and the community overall. Over the last amendments to the city's development code and
six months, city staff and consultants have conducted the T'ransportarion System Plan (TSP) that will help the
following activities to develop strategies to implement the cite implement the improvements in partnership
connectivity improvements: with property owners and developers in the future.
Proposed amendments to the 'l SP and development.
Plan code included updated standards related to
Open House. variances, downtown design and development
City Center Advisory Commission review over standards, and street and utility standards.
several meetings w Conducted a work session wirh the Tigard Planning
t City Council, Planning Commission and Tigard Commission on June 4, 2012, to review a summary
Transportation Advisory Committee workshops. of proposed code amendment concepts.
6 Ileld a community open house urr duly 17, 2012, to
Implementation review a surnmary of proposed code amendment
Identified preliminary implementation strategies and conceprs.
refined proposed connectivity projects.
w Met with study area property and business In addition, rhe city has continued to provide information
owners in .March 2012 to review draft plans to downtown property owners and other interested
and implementation strategies for connectivity parties via the city's website, email announcements to
improvements and refined the proposed plans in interested parties and articles in local newsletters.
This project includes amendments to both the Jinrd • Applicants are only required to keep the furore
Development (lode ( I. DC) and Cpl n/ Itgard 2035 alignment clear of buildings.
'I 'rewsporlotion .S'yllem Plan (TSP). The amendments + Surface parking, landscaping, temporary
address both future connectivity improvements and structures, driveways and similar types of
new downtown street cross sections.. The intent of development are allowed within the areas where
these proposed amendments is to provide the city with new connections are planned.
some tools for implementing the vision for downtown Applicants are asked to sign a non-remonstrance
'Tigard. The proposed code amendments also provide to future Local Improvement District (LID)
some flexibility for the city and property owners in terms to help pay for the identified street or alley
of when and where the cross sections and connectivity improvement.
improvements apply. D In all cases, die city will work to ensure that the
requited improvements are `roughly proportional"
Connectivity Improvements to the impacts of the development.
+ Unless a future street is also added to the city's % Alternative alignments or designs are allowed in
Capital Improvement Program, it will likely only some cases:
get built when there is new development or major • Because these future streets aren't fully designed
redevelopment (e.g., redevelopment valued at as yet, an adjustment process provides some
more than 60 percent of total current value) on an flexibility for property owners and the city.
affected property. • For example, when application of the
r Proposed code requirements for new development Connectivity standards would preclude
and major redevelopment: reasonable economic use of the site or would
• At the time of development, applicants are result in an adverse impact on natural features
required to dedicate right-of-way and construct such as wetlands, bodies of watex, significant
the portion of the street that is on their property. habitat areas, steep slopes or existing mature
• In some circumstances, applicants can dedicate a trees.
public casement instead of right-of-way. > Detailed maps showing the future streets are. being
+ Proposed code requirements for smaller projects added to the 'T'SP so that it is dear where future
(redevelopment projects valued at less than 60 streets are expected to go and how much right-of-
percent of total current value): way is needed.
Connectivity Improvements used when the city improves a street or when a
(;urrtntly the 'I SP includes a map showing the private developer has to make full- or half street
street classification (e.g., arterial, collector, etc.) improvements as a part of their development.
and TDC Chapter 18.810 describes all of the, cross
sections, showing the required width of travel lanes, Plan and Code Amendments
oil street parking, sidc% alks, etc. Proposed amendments will affect the TSP as well a
As part of the Conceptual Conucctivity Plan number of chapters in the 'l DC:
project, special street cross sections which provide F Amendments to the Transportation S) srem Plan to
an enhanced pcdc;triaro
n environment were designed add backgund and figures.
for the downtown. + Amendments to 18.37(1 to address adjustments to
To implement these special cross sections, a new the connectivity requirements.
sneer classification map for the downtown is being % Amendment% to 18.610 to add purpose, applicability
added to the TSP and the new cross sections are and connectivity standards,
being added to Chapter 18.810. % ., mcndments to 18.810 to add new downtown
+ 'These cross sections apply to existing streets cross-sections,
as well as future street connections and will be
\ 0 250 500 1 ,000 Feet
N f
- 99WLI
i< CIA
r .. Pyy91j , `
Downtown Street Character Types"
Upper Hall Boulevard"
Main Street Green Street
Downtown Mixed Use 1 (Collector)
Downtown Mixed Use 2 (Neighborhood)
Downtown Mixed Use 3 (Upper Burnham)
Downtown Mixed Use 4 (Lower Burnham)
Urban Residential
Alley: Business
Dashed lines indicate proposed streets
Block subject to bike/ped connectivity requirements SEP 9 2012 CCAC MINUTES
MU-CBD Zone Boundary i ATTACHMENT 2
Hall Boulevard is currently an ODOT facility. ODOT's design standards
Taxlots may supersede these standards as long as it is an ODOT facility.