08/08/2012 - Packet of Completeness Review for Boards, Commissions and Committee Records CITY OF TIGARD CCAC (City Center Advisory Commission) Name of Board, Commission or Committee 08/08/2012 Date of Meeting I have verified these documents are a complete copy of the official record. C.L. Wiley Print Name Signature 09/18/2012 Date City Center Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes Date of Meeting: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Location: City Center, Red Rock Creek Conference Room Called to order by: Chair Alexander Cra head Time Started: 6:30 pin (Executive Session 8:18 to 8:44 m Time Ended: 8:45 pin Commissioners Present: Alexander Craghead (Chair), Deanie Bush, Sherrie Devaney, Ralph Hughes, Peter Louw, Thomas Murphy, Linh Pao, Philip Thornburg (Vice Chair) Commissioners Absent: Elise Shearer, Jeff Mauro alternate Others Present: Tigard City- Councilor and Liaison to the CCAC, Marland Henderson; and Mayoral candidate John Cook. Staff Present: Downtown Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly and Community Planning Senior Administrative Specialist Chris Wiley. AGENDA ITEM #1: Welcome, Roll Call and Introductions Everyone present at the opening of the meeting introduced themselves. AGENDA ITEM #2: Review / Approve July Minutes The committee approved the minutes as amended. AGENDA ITEM #3: Non-Agenda Items / Public Comment A. Preparations for the August 11 Downtown Street Fair are going well but there is still a need for more volunteers and clean-up help. Twenty-nine vendors have signed up. There is still one open spot for music and there are spots open for people who want to show cars. B. On August 14, City Council will consider the resolution to accept the final report of the Tigard High Capacity Transit (HCT) Land Use Plan. Detailed information is on the City website. The plan is conceptual and doesn't commit the City to anything at this point. Related to this, the City should find out about the Triangle master plan grant within the next couple of months. C. At last month's meeting the commission was told Community Development Director Ron Bunch was leaving. This month, Assistant Community Development Director Susan Hartnett announced that she is leaving later this month to accept a position with the City of Portland. Tom McGuire, Development Services Principal Planner, has agreed to serve as interim until a new Community Development Director is brought on, probably early next year. CCAC Meeting Minutes- for Wednesday, .August 8, 2012 Page 1 of 5 D. There was a low turnout for the July 19 Downtown Connectivity Plan open house. The first public hearing before the Planning Commission will take place sometime in October. Public notices will go out in a couple of weeks. E. Commissioner Hughes, who is a Tigard CERT member, said there is a very worthwhile You Tube video out that advises people what to do in work situations if a shooter appears on the premises. He will email the link for the video to the CCAC members. F. There will be a CCDA meeting on August 21 . Staff said there are a couple of items that need to go to the CCDA before their next regular meeting scheduled for September: the Targeted Improvement Program and its Request for Proposal (RFP) (included in this meeting's agenda packet). Chair Craghead said he won't be able to be at the August 21 meeting. G. Commissioner Louw noted signs on the trail at the intersection at Ash Bridge have been vandalized a few times; the aluminum plates get pulled out of the clamps that hold them in place. The repairs have been done promptly but in the future, when more signs are needed, maybe the City should consider something more substantial. Staff will pass the suggestion on to Public Works. AGENDA ITEM #4: Liaison / subcommittee reports CCDA, Art Subcommittee, Fafade Improvement Joint Committee, PRAB-CCAC Joint Committee A. CCDA - As mentioned earlier, the next CCDA meeting will be on August 21 . It was delayed this month because its regularly scheduled day was the same day as National Night Out. B. Art Subcommittee - There was no activity for the Art Subcommittee. Staff is still waiting to access the State's artists-on-line system or Tigard could spend $800 to get their own account. If the State site doesn't come back on line pretty soon, the City may have to spend the money to have its own account set up. C. The Fagade Improvement Committee did not meet. D. The PRAB-CCAC Joint Committee did not meet. AGENDA ITEM #5: 2n° Quarterly Goal Prioritizations (Staff asked the commission members what they want CCAC to focus on for the remainder of thisyear.) A. The committee discussed several approaches as to how to do the Main Street/Green Street project (reference Attachment 1, Items I 1a2 and 2b). While the project is in process it's important that it has minimal negative impact on existing businesses in the downtown area. The committee discussed several approaches such as: the feasibility of offering bonuses to contractors who finish ahead of schedule, scheduling work during the earliest hours of the day so access to existing merchants is unimpeded for the majority of their operating hours, installing signage by the roadway assuring passing motorists that the downtown area is open for business as usual, studying the methodology of other downtown districts who successfully managed their projects, and having the City take more of a hands-on approach CCAC' Mecting Minutes for Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Page 2 of 5 by closely managing the project schedule to ensure there aren't large gaps of down time between project development steps. B. The committee asked staff to see if the project manager, Engineering Manager I{im McMillan, could attend their September meeting so they could discuss some of their suggestions with her. C. Other questions and discussion items from the CCAC members: a. Discussion about the necessity of a turn-around in the downtown area; is there merit to having the traffic having some way to turn around and come back and if so, is a turn-around the most practical way to accomplish this? There was no consensus. b. Will there be enough money left to do the east end of Main Street, from the tracks to Scoffins Street? Staff responded that the commitment has been made and that Phase II may not happen for a couple of years after Phase I is completed, to give Main Street a break between projects. D. Does Clean Water Services (CWS), have the money to re-route the trail at Lower Fanno Creek Park? Does the City of Tigard have the money to do the bridges? The commission needs a definitive answer from both CWS and the city about whether or not the money is there to do the project. If the money is there, let's go forward. The committee also discussed the condition of the current trail and how it's degrading. If the bridges aren't going to be done and the trail isn't going to be re-routed, then the existing trail needs to be fixed as soon as possible before it degrades any further. E. As a part of the goals discussion, staff told the CCAC members that Metro and the City recently purchased 22 acres of the Fields property, which includes all the property on the railroad side including the Wall Street extension area. F. The committee said they would like to have the contract for the Downtown marketing and events consultant's contract extended for an additional six months to a year past the end of this year when the current agreement expires (reference Attachment 1, Item II al). Staff said there are funds in the CCDA budget to extend the contract. Other discussion centered on the disappointing turn-outs for 3"' Fridays including discussion about obstacles downtown businesses faced in the past (lack of additional street vendors, costs associated with putting the event on, and less than full participation from some of the established businesses in the downtown area), and some new strategies for moving forward (wider advertising, conspicuous event flags posted throughout the downtown area, etc.). They would like to have the consultant continue into next year so she will be here to help carry out any suggestions for moving forward she presents as part of her report due in December. CCAC Nfecung Minutes for Wednesday, august 8, 2012 Page 3 of 5 AGENDA ITEM #6: Developers Meetings (Discuss potential questions and desired outcomes) (Reference Attachment 2) A. In the past, obstacles to building mixed use development in Downtown Tigard have been identified, such as difficulty obtaining project funding, parking issues, and the low rate of return due to limits on how much rent revenue is feasible. Staff asked the CCAC members if there were any specific questions they would like to see included in developer interviews. Some of the questions the committee proposed were: a. If we give you a list of what we consider to be incentives for developing in downtown Tigard, which items on the list do you find to be the most effective? Which would you disregard? What other incentives might you find attractive that aren't shown here? b. What is your bottom line? How do we get to the point where your bottom line is met? C. What would attract you to do a development project in Tigard and what are we doing that might discourage you and send you elsewhere? B. Other discussion points: a. Can we offer a tax deferment to developers? We should push for that. b. Maybe the City should advertise nationally so we don't keep soliciting the same pool of local developers, some of whom may have a bias against developing in the downtown areas of Portland's outlying communities. c. Let's look at the areas where downtown development projects have been successful and talk to those cities about strategies and lessons learned. AGENDA ITEM #7: Targeted Incentive Program (Review Request for Proposals (RFP) Document) A. The RFP will be before CCDA on August 21 . The CCDA looked at this at the July 3 meeting and asked for a more finished product. This is a repackaging of elements that were reviewed at the July 3 meeting. (Reference Attachments 3 and 4). The committee: a. Discussed the distribution of scoring points on the Evaluation Criteria. b. Proposed including an opportunity for bidders to challenge the solicitation document. B. Staff showed the RFP to a commercial broker who suggested a longer lead time for responses and also suggested that the City not run the ad during the holidays. The broker liked the focus on food. CCAC fleeting Minutes for Wednesday, august 8, 2012 Page 4 of 5 AGENDA ITEM #8: Ash Avenue Railroad Crossing (Update on Discussions with ODOT Rail) A. Staff members Mike Stone, Kim McMillan and Sean Farrelly met with ODOT Rail representatives three weeks ago. ODOT Rail said they would support the North Dakota Street/Tiedeman Avenue solution if the City can get the other affected agencies to participate. The bridge on North Dakota Street that crosses Fanno Creek needs extensive repair. It could also cost more than a million dollars to correct the signalization further down the line. The commission asked staff to check with Public Works to ask if they had considered the option of just dead ending North Dakota Street before the rail tracks. B. In related discussion, commission members asked if there have been any updates on the situation with the Tigard Street trail, presently owned by Portland and Western RR, which at one time had a rail line on it but is not active anymore. The city would like to obtain the land so they could develop the area into a multi use trail. In the past, Portland and Western RR indicated they intended to abandon their claim to it. It would then revert to ODOT and the city could negotiate for it. Staff reported there hasn't been any action yet from Portland and Western RR to abandon the property. AGENDA ITEM #9: CCAC Executive Session. Commission Chair Craghead recessed the regular meeting at 8:18 p.m., and read the script to open the Executive Session to discuss real property transactions in accordance with ORS 192.660(2) (e). AGENDA ITEM #10: Adjourn. At 8:44pm, the meeting was reconvened and adjourned at 8:45pm. CZ , CCAC R Secretary ATIFST��� �� '— �rm�l ucxiuicr rpa�urair -- *EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Tigard City Center Advisory Commission will go into Executive Session to discuss real property transaction negotiations under ORS 192.660(2) (e). All discussions are confidential and those present may disclose nothing from the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions, as provided by ORS 192.660(4), but must not disclose any information discussed. No Executive Session maybe held for the purpose of taking any final action or making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the public. CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, .August 8, 2012 Page 5 of 5 Agenda Item #5 2012 Goals 2nd Quarter Update I. Project Infrastructure a. Oversee, review and provide input including L&L Public art subcommittee provided the following key projects: input for Call for Artists, to be publicized in i. Main Street/Green Street Phases I and 2 July. IGA signed with ODOT to allow use of ii. Ensure mitigation for impacts of Main Street gateway areas. construction of Main Street/Green Street I.a.iii. Packing lot on track for late summer phases I and 2. construction.. iii. Public Parking Lot on Burnham Street I.a.iv. Progress made on Downtown open near Main Street space utilizing parks bond funding iv. Open Space/Downtown Park/Plaza Site v. Consider public restroom accommodations near plaza or transit center b. Monitor ongoing projects: I.b.i. 99W/HaU gateway pending final DEQ i. 99W/Hall Gateway action ii. Lower Fanno Creek iu.Tigard Street Trail Pedestrian/Bike Boulevard II. Economic Development a. Support the efforts of downtown businesses II.a.i. Advisor has increased participation in and property owners to better market the area. 3'" Friday event and planning for August i. Receive reports from and monitor the work street fair. of the contracted facilitator in downtown. ii. Engage neighborhoods, business owners, property owners, potential tenants and developers within the process. b. Ensure that Main Street/Green Street phases 1 and 2 are constructed with as little economic impact as possible on downtown businesses. i. Examine completed Burnham Street process for lessons to be applied to Main Street/Green Street phases 1 and 2. ii. Include businesses on and adjacent to Main Street within this process. a. Promote downtown Tigard III_a.i. Continued contact with developers, i. Outreach to developers/Solicit businesses. businesses. Staff facilitated Jeffrey Allen ii. Land assembly and direct development relaocation. options. iii. Hold a developer's forum before end of year. b. Review incentives matrix and advocate as necessary for implementation with CCDA. 1 August 8, 2012 CCAC Mtg Attarhmant I Agenda Item #5 c. Improve our knowledge of the downtown businesses and customer base using census information, cultural demographics, trends, and other statistics. IV. Far;ade Improvement Program a. Review program outcomes IV.a.i. CCAC progress update in Match. i. Review progress and outcomes of existing Four new grants awarded in 2nd quarter and program. one previous project completed. ii. Define program success. IV.a iii. New grantees will be requested to iii. Develop and implement evaluation metrics provide sales figures to determine sales that are qualitative and quantitative. effects of project T.- Continue to promote, expand, and adjust the IV.b.iii. Joini committee endorsed tenant program. improvement proposal to be consider by i. Consider expanding program onto streets in CCDA at July meeting. addition to Main. ii. Pursue endorsements from participants. iii. Consider expansion to include non-facade elements such as internal improvements or landscaping. V. Land Use & Transportation Planning a. Review Circulation Plan for recommendation V_a. CCAC briefed in April and May. before final adoption. Planning Commission workshop held in June. Open house scheduled for July b. Advocate to TTAC, CCDA on behalf of top three priority Connectivity Plan elements: Ash Avenue rail crossing, Scoffins/Hunziker intersection realignment and Commercial/Main intersection realignment. c. Engage in regular communication with TTAC to ensure High Capacity Transit planning, other transportation plans meet the needs and values of downtown and the greater community. d. Continue to locate and define the "Heart" of downtown. e. Monitor and encourage a solution for the RR V.e. Renewed contact underway with ODOT crossing at Ash Avenue. rail f. Begin a long-range plan to cover the 5, 10 and 15 years left in the URD VI. External Communication a. Liaise with PRAB, TTAC, Budget Committee, VI.a.i. Joint committee meetings with and other boards. PRAB held i. Establish joint committee with PRAB for downtown open sace matters. b. Engage in on-going communication with VI.b.i. Regular CCAC attendance at CCDA CCDA, Council, and Staff meetings i. Establish rotating liaison role with CCDA. 2 Agenda Item #5 c. Engage in on-going communication with citizens of Tigard through Cityscape and other means. d. Publish a Five-Year Report of accomplishments VII. Internal Communication and Ongoing Processes a. Improve CCAC processes and procedures VII.a.iii. Liaison reports are part of agendas including, but not limited to: i. Annual calendar development. ii. Continue to evolve meeting efficiency and agendas. iii. Set aside regular time for liaison reports on each agenda. b. Increase awareness of the impact our work has on the community i. Continually work to include in city processes increased transparency with citizens ii. Continue quarterly financial reports of Urban Renewal Funds C. Increase training of CCAC to be better VII.c.iii. Ethics training and executive prepared for duties. session training held in April i. Increase financial literacy of CCAC regarding budgets, urban renewal funds, and other matters. ii. Receive training for advocacy roles, e.g. talking points. in. Receive training refresher on ethical and legal matters pertaining to being a public official. 3 Tigard City Center Development Agency The City of Tigard's Urban RenewalAgency CCDA M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Center Advisory Commission (CCAC) FROM: Sean Farrelly, Redevelopment Project Manager RE: Agenda Item 6: Developer Meetings DATE: August 1 , 2012 The city and the City Center Development Agency have provided significant public investment in downtown infrastructure. Attracting private Downtown redevelopment however has faced several hurdles. Development feasibility studies and talks with developers have shown that new high quality mixed use or multi-story residential buildings (development consistent with Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan) face significant financial viability gaps. This is due to a number of factors: the higher construction costs required to build this type of development (structured parking, elevators, etc.); the relatively low rents that can be achieved in the market; and the scarcity of low cost, redevelopable land in the district. These challenges are not impossible to overcome. The CCAC and CCDA previously reviewed a matrix of potential policy tools and incentives to attract mixed use development, to be approved on a case by case basis. One of the most effective potential incentives is Agency- subsidized land. The provision of low cost land can "change the equation" and make the preferred type of development financially feasible. In anticipation of property acquisition by the agency, staff will intensify engagement with the development community. One engagement strategy is to hold structured discussions with developers. Staff working with a real estate advisor will interview selected developers regarding the perceived opportunities and challenges to developing in Downtown Tigard. The discussions would also serve as an opportunity to market the potential incentives. A series of one-on-one interviews are proposed, rather than a developer panel (as performed as part of the Tigard Downtown Improvement Plan), with the expectation that developers will speak more candidly outside of a group setting. The findings and recommendations for next steps will be presented to the board of the City Center Development Agency and the City Center Advisory Commission (and members of the Planning Commission) in a workshop setting. The CCAC is requested to provide questions they would like to be posed to developers at these discussions. August 8, 2012 CCAC Mtg Attachment 2 Agenda Item 7 City of Tigard Downtown Tigard Targeted Improvement Program Request for • • • i August 8, 2012 CCAC Meeting Attachment 3 f B. Types of Businesses. Map of Potentially Eligible Properties The grant program is available to attract specific types of businesses to currently vacant ground floor commercial spaces on Main Street (see map for / eligible properties). The primary desired businesses e� are new food-related ventures including: s s� • Restaurants. • Produce markets. • Cafes/tea shops. • Health food stores. a ej • Bakeries/dessert shops. • Specialty food stores. s / t • Grocery stores. y a = Eligible Property (ifvacant) • Ice cream parlors. - • Other similar businesses. B. Eligible Improvements. Eligible improvements to be funded by the program include: Storefront ImprovementProgram • Demolition and shell reconstruction. Property owners and businesses with • Plumbing, mechanical and electrical improvements. signed leases may also be eligible • Fire/life safety improvements including seismic for the Storefront Improvement upgrades and fire-suppression systems. Program, which has matching grants • Interior finishes including flooring, painting and available (up to $25,000) for exterior built-in casework. improvements. This program has a • Historic restoration of interior feature. process separate from this RFP. • Hazardous materials abatement, such as asbestos removal. For more information, contact • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements. Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly at 503-718-2420 or All contractors hired by program participants must be licensed Sean@tigard-ox.gov. in the state of Oregon. C. Grant Funding. The Targeted Improvement Program awards matching grants on a dollar-fox-dollar basis for eligible tenant improvements. Matching grants are distributed to the applicant in the form of a reimbursement, once construction is complete and the terms stated in the Letter of Commitment have been met. If the terms and conditions are not met, the rebate will not be issued. Key terms that must be satisfied prior to grant reimbursement include: 1 . Proof of approved permit(s). 2. Completion of the project and submission of lien waivers from all laborers and material suppliers. 3. Inspection of improvements by the City of Tigard for consistency with information provided in completed application. 4. Passing inspection from appropriate agencies (such as city building department, fire department, etc). 5. Approved business has been in operation for one month. Page 3 7. Evaluation Criteria FACTORSPOINTS 1. The proposed business owner/manager's proven track record of success. Owner's/manager's past record of success. - --- - 40 points i Strength of business prospectus. 2. The potential of the proposed business to signifcantly enhance Downtown Tigard. Complementary to existing business mix/business type presently lacking. - 40 points Proposed business will stimulate Main Street activity. 3. Proposed project's fnancial terms. Feasibility of financing structure - private financing and equity contribution. 20 points Public financial investment - requested grant amount will leverage significant private investment. 8. General Proposal/Contract Conditions A. Limitation and Award. This RFP does not commit the CCDA to the award of a contract. Neither the CCDA, not its agents, are liable for any cost incurred by proposers prior to execution of a Letter of Commitment. All prospective proposers who respond to this RFP do so solely at their own cost and expense. The cost of preparation of a submittal and any related expenses, including travel, shall be entirely the responsibility of the proposer. B. Conflict of Interest. All persons or entities filing a proposal thereby certify that neither the City of Tigard/CCDA , nor any of its officers, agents or employees, has a pecuniary interest in the proposal or has participated in contract negotiations on behalf of the City of Tigard/CCDA; that the proposal is made in good faith without fraud, collusion, or connection of any kind with any other proposer for the same call for proposals; and the proposer is competing solely on its own behalf without connection with, or obligation to, any undisclosed person or firm. 9. Right's Reserved by the City Center Development Agency A. The CCDA will determine, in its sole discretion, the responsiveness of each proposal to this RFP. Proposals deemed responsive will then be reviewed by the evaluation committee. B. CCDA reserves the right to request additional information from any and all respondents to clarify information contained in proposals. C . CCDA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept or reject any and all proposals received as a result of this RFP, to waive minor irregularities, and to conduct discussions with all responsible respondents, in any manner necessary, to serve the best interest of CCDA. D. CCDA reserves the right at any time either before or after proposals are submitted to specify additional terms and conditions. _ ------- 14. Equal Opportunity Policy The CCDA requires all proposers to comply with the City of Tigard's equal opportunity policies. The city's programs, services, employment opportunities, and volunteer positions and contracts are open to all persons without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap or political affiliation. A copy of the city's policy is available upon request. 15. Public Record All information submitted by proposers shall be public records and subject to disclosure pursuant to the Oregon Public Records Act (ORS 192.410 et seq), except such portions for which proposer requests exception from disclosure consistent with Oregon law. Any portion of a submittal that the proposer claims constitutes a "trade secret" or is "confidential" must meet the requirements of ORS 192.501(2) and ORS 192.502(4). Applicant must clearly identify such material, by marking it "CONFIDENTIAL." All information submitted by proposers are not open for public inspection until after the notice of intent to award a contract is issued. Except for exempt materials, all information submitted by proposers will be available for viewing after the evaluation process is complete and the notice of intent to award is sent to all participating parties. Poge7 City of Tigard COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Targeted Improvement Program Application The City of Tigard/City Center Development Agency (CCDA) reserves the right to approve or reject any application for funding at its sole discretion. Project address: Proposed business name: Business type: Applicant: ❑ Property owner ❑ Business owner ❑ Other Property owner(s): Phone: Email: Mailing address: City: State: Zip: Business owner(s): Phone: Email: Mailing address: City: State: Zip: Square footage of the property: Describe the proposed scope of improvements: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ---------- ------- ----- (add an additional page if necessary) August 8, 2012 CCAC Meeting Page t of s Attachment 4 City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov City of Tigard COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Targeted Improvement Program Application What is your anticipated budget? $ What is the amount of your grant funding request? $ Describe how the proposed project is consistent with Downtown Tigard revitalization goals as defined in Section 2 of the Request for Proposals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (add are additional page if necessary) Estimated number of permanent jobs to be created and estimated wages: Proposed hours of operation: Additional Material Checklist: 1 . Photographs of the unimproved space. 2. Scale drawings of proposed improvements (do not have to be architectural drawings at this stage). 3. Business prospectus — including startup requirements, assets, cash flow and profit and loss pro formas, business plan summary and the resumes of owners. 4. Copy of Letter of Intent to Lease or Option to Purchase Agreement. NOTE: All information submitted by proposers shall be public records and subject to disclosure pursuant to the Oregon Public Records Act (ORS 192.410 et seq.), except such portions for which proposer requests exception from disclosure consistent with Oregon law. Any portion of a submittal (such as the business prospectus) that the proposer claims constitutes a "trade secret" or is "confidential" must meet the requirements of ORS 192.501 (2) and ORS 192.502(4). Applicant must clearly identify such material, by marking it "CONFIDENTIAL," and provide separate notice in writing of the status of this material to the official contact. Page 2 of 3 City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 9 Tigard, Oregon 97223 • www.dgard-or.gov City of Tigard S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Targeted Improvement Program Application Property Owner Participation THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THEY ARE THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY IDENTIFIED ABOVE AND THAT THEY ARE WILLING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TARGETED IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. ❑ N/A (Mark N/A ifproperty owner is the applicant) Printed name of property owner: Signature: Date: Certification by Applicant: THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. Printed name of applicant: Signature: Date: Poge 3 of 3 City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • www.tigard-or.gov