06/12/2013 - Packet Completeness
_ Review for Boards,
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Commissions and
Committee Records
CCAC—City Center Advisory Commission
Name of Board, Commission or Committee
June 12;2013
Date of Meeting
C.L. Wiley
Print Name
City Of Tigard
City Center Advisory Commission Agenda
MEETING DATE: Wednesday,June 12, 2013 — 6:30 — 8:15 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: Red Rock Creek Conference Room
13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, OR 97223
1. Welcome and Introductions.......................................................................................................6:30 — 6:35
2. Review / Approve May Minutes ...............................................................................................6:35 — 6:40
3. Non agenda Items/ Public Comment.....................................................................................6:40 — 6:45
4. Brownfields Initiative........................................................................_.........,.................,.............6:45 — 7:00
Update on Initiative and Brownfeelds conference
(Sean Farrelly)
5. Southwest Corridor Plan.............................................................................................................7:00 — 7:15
Action item: Consider authonZing Chair Shearer to write letter of support for Plata
(Chair Shearer, Sean Farrelly)
6. CCAC Three-Year Action Plan/2nd Quarter Goal Update..................................................7:15 — 7:35
(Sean Farrelly)
7. Downtown Events Communications ......................................................... ...................,.7:35—7:45
Review and comment on ExploreDowntawnTigard website
(Sean Farrelly)
8. Downtown Property Owners ....................................................................................................7:45 — 7:55
Receive update ongroup's activities
(Chair Shearer)
9. Liaison Reports ............................................................................................................................7:55 —8:05
10. CCAC Executive Session*.............. ........8:05 — 8:15
Property purchase discussion
11. Adjourn................................................ ..........................................................................................8:15 p.m.
*EXECUTI\'E SESSION:The Tigard City Center Advisory Commission may go into Executive Session to discuss real property
transaction negotiations under ORS 192.660(2) (e).All discussions are confidential and those present may disclose nothing from
the Session. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend Executive Sessions,as provided by ORS 192.660(4),but
must not disclose any information discussed.No Executive Session may be held for the purpose of taking any final.action or
making any final decision. Executive Sessions are closed to the public.
City of Tigard 1 13125 S\X'Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 1 503-639-4171 1 www.tigard-ongov I Page 1 oft
City Center Advisory Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date of Meeting: Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Location: Red Rock Creek Conference Room
Called to order by: Chair Elise Shearer
Time Started: 6:30 pm (Executive Session 8:37 to 8:52 m
Time Ended: 8:54 pria
Commissioners Present: Elise Shearer (Chair),Thomas Murphy, Deanie Bush, Paul Miller,
Sherrie Devaney, Linh Pao, Laura Fisher, Carine Atendes;
Hemendra "Hem" Mathur Alternate
Commissioners Absent: Philip Thornburg ice Chair
Others Present: Councilor Marland Henderson, Council Liaison to the CCAC;Planning
Commissioner Richard Shavey and local realtor Neal Brown.
Staff Present: Downtown Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farrelly, Senior Transportation
Planner Judith Gray and Community Planning Senior Administrative Specialist Chris Wiley.
AGENDA ITEM #1: Welcome and Roll Call
Elise opened the meeting and Chris recorded the roll call.
AGENDA ITEM #2: Review / Approve Minutes
The May 8,2013 CCAC Minutes were approved.
AGENDA ITEM #3: Non-Agenda Items / Public Comment
A. Elise—Rite Aid is doing a major remodel and expanding their grocery area.
B. Deanie—The Pacific Paint building exterior repainting is complete. A new business;
JK Interiors, has opened.
C. Sean - There is a fishing equipment store opening downtown in the old Pacific Paint
location next to Thai Delicious Restaurant. Symposium Coffee is open. Their hours
are 6 a.m. to midnight, six days a week with a later opening on Sundays. Tom Murphy
suggested CCAC hold a meeting at Symposium once the meeting room is available.
Paul Miller said he visited Symposium and thought it would be helpful to them if there
was more defined parking in front of their building.
D. Hem said there is a lot of grass growing in the plants in the sidewalk strip along
Burnham Street between Alain and Ash. Elise said the business owners are supposed
to maintain that area.
E. Updates to upcoming events schedule - Due to the July 4 holiday, the CCDA moved
their July 2 meeting to July 9. CCDA will have an Executive Session on June 19.
F. Elise asked for executive session training for CCAC's new members.
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,June 12,2013 Page 1 of 3
AGENDA ITEM #4: Southwest Corridor Plan—Judith
(Tills was Item 5 on the agenda but was moved to Item 4 at the meeting)
Action Item.• Com der authorising Chair Shearer to write a letter of support for the plan
In July, the SN' Corridor Steering Committee will decide which high-capacity transit (HCT)
alternatives should be moved forward for further study. Based on the information gathered to date
on light rail and bus rapid transit, the CCAC members agreed that in their view,both alternatives
should remain under consideration at this time. It is important to continue to study how either
option could complement future development. Judith asked if CCAC would agree to submit a letter
to the Tigard Cit}' Council voicing their support for further study. Elise had a letter drafted for the
commission's review. After some minor edits, the commission members unanimously agreed on the
content of the letter. Elise will prepare and sign the final version on CCAC's behalf.
AGENDA ITEM #5: Brownfields Initiative— Sean
(Phis was Item 4 on the agenda but was moved to Item 5 at the meeting)
Update on Initiative and Brownfields Conference
The memo with details about the Brownfields program was discussed (Attachment 1). The
process is in three phases: 1) Assessment of(potentially) contaminated properties,2) Clean-up of
contaminated properties and 3) Redevelopment or improvement of properties. There will be public
outreach meetings late this summer; one for property owners and the other for the general public. In
the fall, staff will apply for an assessment grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The Brownfields conversation will continue at future CCAC meetings as we move through the
AGENDA ITEM #G: CCAC Three-Year Action Plan/2"a Quarter Goal Update—Sean
(Attachment 2). The commission reviewed the quarterly goals update for the 2°d quarter. The city is
working on a concept plan to complete the trail system through the unused portion of the ODOT
Rail and railroad property. The trail completion will be done if a long-term lease agreement for the
property can be negotiated.
AGENDA ITEM #7: Downtown Events Communications - Sean
Review and comment on ExploreDowntownTigard website
(There were technical difficulties with the display screen in the meeting room, so the website
review was postponed.)
Deane said the Tigard Times would be featuring the upcoming Balloon Festival and the
ExploreDowntownTigard website in its issue next week. Expect to see other publicity releases
for the Street Fair which takes place in August. Elise had a packet from the Chamber listing
volunteer opportunities for those who want to help out at the Street Fair.
AGENDA ITEM #8: Downtown Property Owners
Receive update ongroup's activities
Elise attended the latest meeting. She said the downtown property owners have proposed to
name their group Tigard Downtown_Alliance and are working on incorporating as a non-profit.
They are also developing their mission statement.
AGENDA ITEM#9: Liaison Reports
A. Parks and Recreation Advisors- Board (DRAB) -Linli. Potso Park is getting a new
parking lot. The city is talking to ODOT Rail about the Tigard Street Trail; leasing the
land may be an option. The Rotary Club is donating and installing exercise equipment
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,June 12,2013 Page 2 of 3
at Dirksen Nature Park. The PRAB still has $1.9 million for acquisitions with the bulk
reserved for purchasing property for the downtown plaza. On the development side,
PRAB still has $1.7 million however money from the development fund was approved
for Fanno Creek at the last council meeting and Jack Park will go before Council next
month so some of that is already committed. The PRAB has $60,000 for recreation
but it still needs to address which programs would fall under the definition of
recreation. The Parks Board would like to see CCAC involved in defining what
recreation is for Tigard and how it might apply to the downtown area. PRAB
members said they don't believe there is a naming and recognition policy for naming
parks. Sean said he would check with Steve Martin in the Parks Department to see if
there will be naming protocols at some point in the future.
B. Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee (TTAC) —Elise. The presentation Judith
gave at the beginning of this meeting was essentially the same information she
presented at the council and TTAC meetings earlier this month.
C. City Council—Elise. The 2013-14 budget has been adopted. A parks zone is being
proposed to help streamline the process for review and make it more efficient. This
could impact the future downtown plaza. There will also be more major development
updates in the future.
D. Art sub-committee — Sean. The next public art committee meeting with artist Brian
Borello is scheduled to take place at the library on July 8.
E. CCDA Meeting—Tom Murphy. Tom thought consultant Elaine Howard's
presentation on Urban Renewal in Oregon was worthwhile. He recommended she be
invited to a future CCAC meeting to present a streamlined version of the presentation
with more of a focus on downtown development. Sean will forward a copy of her
PowerPoint presentation to the commission members.
AGENDA ITEM#10: Executive Session
Elise recessed the regular meeting at 8:37 p.m. and read the script to open the Executive
Session to discuss real property transactions in accordance with ORS 192.660(2)(e),
AGENDA ITEM #11: Adjourn. At 8:52 p.m., the executive session closed. The regular
meeting was reconvened and adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
C.L. Wiley, CCAC Ramco ing Secretary
ATTEST:41 ,ha 1
Elise Shearer, Chair \
CCAC Meeting Minutes for Wednesday,June 12,2013 Page of 3
Tigard City Center Development Agency
The G'itly ofTinar& I roan ReneinalAgency
TO: City Center Advisory Commission
FROM: Sean Farrelly, Redevelopment Project Manager
RE: Agenda Item #4: Brownfields Initiative
DATE: June 4, 2013
A number of sites of interest in Downtown Tigard are either confirmed or suspected of environmental
contamination. Some sites have had Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments commissioned.
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Environmental Clean-Up database lists a
number of sites in Downtown Tigard. Historic and present-day land uses in downtown make it likely that
additional cases of environmental contamination will be discovered. Properties where the potential presence
f hazardous contaminants impacts redevelopment or expansion are referred to as "brownfields."
Proposed Downtown Tigard Brownfields Strategy
The presence of a brownfield adds to the challenges of redevelopment due to the costs of clean up and
potential exposure to liability. To address the issue in downtown, the City Center Development Agency's
strategy will be to provide and coordinate resources to facilitate the redevelopment of properties that have
(or are perceived to have) environmental contamination. The proposed three part strategy will seek
opportunities to form public/private partnerships to assess, clean-up, and redevelop or improve (potentially)
contaminated properties.
1) Assessment of(potentially) contaminated properties
The CCDA will pro-actively work to assess environmental contamination on publicly and privately owned
property. As a first step, staff is anticipating starting an Oregon Business Development Department
Brownfields Redevelopment Program grant-funded project. The projects scope includes outreach and
education to property and business owners and other stakeholders, compiling an inventory of properties
with potential environmental issues, and funding up to three Phase I Environmental Site Assessments on
privately-owned properties.
Utilizing the information gathered from this project, the CCDA will pursue additional funding and
ssistance from state and federal sources. The largest source of funds is available from the U.S.
nvironmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Assessment Grants Program. Communities may apply for
06/12/13 CCAC Meeting Minutes
Attachment 1 (2 s/s pages)
a $200,000 grant to assess sites with petroleum contamination, and a $200,000 grant to assess sites with
other hazardous substance contamination (both grants may be applied for in the same year.) These funds
'an be used for Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments., community engagement, and reuse
planning. The process is highly competitive,with about 40% of applications being successful each year.
For specific site assessments there are several other programs that could be tapped into, including the
Oregon Business Development Department Brownfields Redevelopment Program (primarily loans to public
or private entities); Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's Site Specific Assessments (provides free
site assessments to public entities designed to promote redevelopment or property transfer); and the EPA's
EPA Targeted Brownfields Assessment program (EPA contractors provide site assessments.)
2) Clean-up of contaminated properties
The CCDA will have the goal to raise substantial funds from state and Federal programs to subsidize clean-
up properties that are found to have contamination.
The EPA's Brownfields Clean-up Program awards $200,000 grants to communities to clean-up specific
sites. Only governments and non-profits may receive these funds, and the property must be under the
applicant's ownership at the time of application.
The State of Oregon also has clean-up programs through the Oregon Coalition Brownfields Cleanup Fund
and Oregon Department of Business Development's Brownfields Redevelopment Fund. Both programs
have primarily loans for clean-up available to public and private entities,with limited grant funds available
`or projects on properties owned by municipalities or nonprofit organizations.
3) Redevelopment or improvement of properties
The CCDA will seek partners to clean up and redevelop or improve contaminated properties. If successful
in obtaining funds, the CCDA will have the ability to provide and/or coordinate resources for technical
assistance, assessment, and other activities to get properties "redevelopment-ready."The agency will work
closely with property owners and developers on accessing these funds to facilitate property redevelopment
or improvement.
Redevelopment Project Manager Sean Farxelly recently attended the national Brownfields conference in
Atlanta, Georgia with over 6,000 attendees. According to EPA sources, EPA Grant funding will likely be
even more competitive this year due to effects of Federal budget sequestration. One of the ways that
applicants can distinguish themselves is by demonstrating broad community support for taking action on
the brownfields and making connections to public health. Another important factor is to show how the
requested grant funds will build off of prior investments in planning and infrastructure.
CCDA staff has also held meetings with staff from the EPA's Portland office, Oregon DEQ,Business
Oregon, the Public Health Division of the Oregon Health Authority, and the City of Portland Brownfields
program to learn about their programs and explore partnering opportunities.
Agenda Item 6
2013 GoalsQuarter Update
I. Project Infrastructure
a. Oversee, review and provide input including Iai. CCAC updated in May. Green Street
the following key projects: current bid date is September 26.
i. Main Street / Green Street Phases 1 and 2 Construction would not begin until after
ii. Public parking lot on Burnham Street near January 1". Main St Gateway public art
Main Street review meeting to be held July 7.
iii. Open space /Downtown park / Plaza site La.ii. Parking lot estimated opening in July.
iv. Consider public restroom accommodations La.iii, Progress made on Downtown open
near plaza or transit center space utilizing parks bond funding
b. Monitor ongoing projects: b.ii. Meeting with CWS resulted in making
i. 99W/Hall Gateway - flagpole park re-meander project a priority. Will likely be
ii. Lower Fanno Creek Park improvements and in FY2014-15 CIP.
re-meander iii. Recent progress in meetings with ODOT
iii. Tigard Street Trail Rail and railroad
H. Economic Development
a. Support the efforts of downtown businesses II_a.i. ExploreDowntownTigatd website and
and property owners to better market the Facebook page launched.
area. ii. Staff/CCAC attendance at downtown
i. Receive reports from and monitor the work property owners meetings
of the contracted facilitator in downtown.
ii. Engage neighborhoods,business owners,
property owners,potential tenants and
developers within the process.
b. Ensure that Main Street/Green Street phases bii. Monthly update meetings held at Max's
1 and 2 are constructed with as little Fanno Creel Brewpub back room
economic impact as possible on downtown
i. Apply lessons learned from completed
Burnham Street process to Main Street
/Green Street Phases 1 / 2.
ii. Include businesses on and adjacent to Main
Street within this process.
c. Promote downtown Tigard through outreach c. CET grant application to work on Public
to developers and solicitation of businesses. Works Yard redevelopment feasibility
d. Encourage land assembly and direct
development otions.
e. Review developer incentives matrix and
advocate as necessary for implementation
with CCDA.
f. Continue to improve our knowledge of the
downtown businesses and customer base
using census information,cultural
06/12/13 CCAC Meeting Minutes
Attachment 2 (3 s/s pages
Agenda Item 6
demographics, trends, and other statistics.
III. Facade Improvement and Targeted Incentive Programs
a. Review program outcomes and define
program success
b. Continue to promote, expand, and adjust the b.i. Three Facade projects completed:
program. Sherrie's, Diamond, Symposium
i. Consider expanding program onto streets in Three in progress: Brewpub, Rojas,
addition to Main. Pacific Paint
ii. Pursue endorsements from participants. Five in design:Jeffrey Allen,
Kepler's, Tigard Cleaners, Cafe
Allegro, Fish Field
TIP: Symposium Coffee project
IV. Land Use &Transportation Planning
a. Advocate to TTAC and CCDA on behalf of
top three priority Connectivity Plan elements:
Ash Avenue rail crossing, Scoffins /
Hunziker intersection realignment, and
Commercial / Main intersection realignment
b. Engage in regular communication with TTAC
to ensure SW Corridor planning, and other
transportation plans meet the needs and
values of downtown and the greater
c. Begin an action plan to cover the remaining c. CCAC adopted 3 year action plan
ears left in the URD
V. Communication
a. Liaise with CCDA,PRAB,TTAC, Budget V.a,_Regular liaisons established
Committee, and other boards.
b. Engage in on-going communication with Vb. Joint CCAC/CCDA meeting held.
CCDA, Council, and Staff Regular CCAC attendance at CCDA
c. Engage in on-going communication with V.c. Cityscape article to appear in July and
citizens of Tigard through Cityscape and other August issues
Agenda Item 6
2013 2014 2015
Downtown Urban Renewal Work Pro ram Spring Sum Fall Wint Spring. Sum Fall Wint Spring Sum
Projects 2013-15
Main Street Green Street Phase 1
Brownfield Initiative
Integrated Planning Grant
Apply for EPA Grants)
Award Notification
Administer Program(if successful)
Developer Engagement(CET Grant)
Award notification
Grant Tasks
PW Yard Redevelopment
Downtown Plaza/Public Space
Complete property purchase
Targeted Incentive Program
Program Focus
Market Program
Award grant
Saxony Property Purchase
Due Diligence
Burnham Street Parking Lot
Main Street Gateway Art
Main Street Facade Improvement Program
Administer Program
Trail Undercrossing Lighting
Downtown Events
Third Friday
Street Fair