05/09/2007 - Packet City Center Advisory Commission Wednesday May 9, 2007 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Red Rock Creek Meeting Room, City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 6:30-6:35 pm 2. Review / Approve Minutes 6:35-6:45 3. CCAC Preparation for Budget Committee Presentation (May 14, 6:30pm Library Community Room) Burnham St. Presentation (Council May 15) 6:45-7:00 4. Downtown Implementation Strategy FY 07-08 7:00-7:25 Decision: Review/ Recommend 5. Logo PowerPoint—Discussion Decision: Review/ Recommend 7:25-7:45 6. joint-Planning/ CCAC Subcommittee on Land Use & Design Guidelines—Update 7:45-8:05 7. Information Updates 8:05-8:20 • Downtown Monthly Meeting—Chamber Bldg • Fanno Creek Park / Plaza Master Plan Project • Change to CCAC By LawsComposition, (recruitment of new member) • Main Street Demonstration Project 8. Other Business / Announcements 8:20-8:30 V TIGARD Minutes for CCAC Meeting Date of Meeting: May 9, 2007 Name of Committee: CITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION Location: Red Rock Creek Conf. Room, 13125 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard Minutes taken by: Doreen Laughlin, Administrative Specialist II Called to order by: Chairman Carl Switzer Time Started: 6:40 pm Time Ended: 9:40 pm Commissioners Present: Alice Ellis Gaut; Lily Lilly; Carolyn Barkley; Vice Chair Alexander Craghead; Suzanne Gallagher; Ralph Hughes; Roger Potthoff; Chairman Carl Switzer Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Lisa Olson; Gretchen Buehner, City Councilor Staff Present: Phil Nachbar, Senior Planner; Doreen Laughlin, City Admin Specialist II Agenda Item #1: Welcome and Introductions: No introductions were necessary. Important Discussion and/or Comments: None Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): None Agenda Item #2: Review/Approve Minutes Important Discussion and/or Comments: It was moved and seconded to approve the April 11`h minutes as amended. The four amendments were as follows: 1. Page 1, Commissioner Hughes' "alternate" title was stricken as he is now a regular. member; 2. Page 1, Mr. and Mrs.John Zuber were identified as among those present; 3. Page 3, per Commissioner Barkley, comments attributed to Mr.John Zuber were corrected to be attributed to Mr. Dick Miller; and 4. Page 3, Chairman Switzer changed the summarization of his comments with regard to the proposed roundabout from "He said he does not believe it's necessary at all at this time" to read "He thought a signal warrant would determine if it's necessary." CCAC Meeting Minutes for May 9,2007 Page 1 of 7 This meeting is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year. t:\LRPLN\DOWNTOWN\CCAC Meetings 2007\CCAC May 9\CCAC Meeting Minutes 59-07 final.doc Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): A vote was taken and the 4/11/07 minutes were unanimously approved as amended. Agenda Item #3: CCAC Preparation for Budget Committee Presentation (May 14 @ 6:30pm Library Community Room) Burnham St. Presentation (Council May 15) Important Discussion and/or Comments: Phil Nachbar reported that on Monday,May 14, there is a Budget Committee meeting scheduled and Nachbar encouraged the CCAC to attend. He said there would also be a City Council Workshop on May 15`h and most of the items at that workshop would be devoted to Downtown. He noted there will be a PowerPoint presentation on Urban Design by Sean Farrelly (long-range planner) that would be good for the CCAC to see. Nachbar said there would be an update on the Downtown Implementation Strategy. He said that since Gus Duenas [City Engineer] would be making a presentation on Burnham Street,it would be a good opportunity for them to give their own comments on that subject. He reminded them the CCAC had passed a motion regarding the roundabout on Burnham earlier. Question: Is Sean Farrelly's presentation going to be about design guidelines or, if not,what will it be in regard to? Answer: Nachbar said it would not be on design guidelines —this is essentially urban design planning. He said they are moving forward with land use regulations and that over the next year they want to develop an urban design plan that is more refined than the Downtown plan is now. He said as a development strategy, the City is hiring a real estate consultant who will give the City feedback on what the land uses for downtown are;whether or not they would work in the marketplace, and to come up with a development strategy for how to go about specific projects in the Downtown. He said some of the goals for Downtown are: • to maximize tax increment dollars;and • get support or feedback from someone in the `real world'who says "you developed this urban design with these particular land uses and,yes they make sense or, no they don't make sense." He said it's a way to base land use regulations and proposed land uses for the Downtown in reality. Question: "What are the criteria for hiring this real estate consultant?" Nachbar's answer: This person would have experience with market analysis and real estate development strategies. He said there are a handful of people who specialize in this type of work. Staff would hire this individual (or individuals), and their intention is not to interfere with them, or suggest that they come up with a certain result,but to just hear what their professional assessment is. After hearing that assessment, they will decide what to do with the information. He said the CCAC would have the chance to see what they come up with and what the recommendations are. He noted that the individual(s) hired will make a formal presentation and the CCAC and staff will be able to respond to this. CCAC Meeting Minutes for May 9,2007 Page 2 of 7 This meeting is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year. I:\LRPLN\DOWNTOWN\CCAC Meetings 2007\CCAC May 9\CCAC Meeting Minutes 5-9-07 final.doc i Question: "What is stafPs opinion about the consultant having any interaction with the CCAC?" Nachbar's answer: He stated that the CCAC, as well as staff, would have limited involvement with the information or conclusions being drawn during the study process. Once the report is completed, there will be an opportunity to review it. This will be an objective consulting analysis and there are certain goals, such as clarifying which land uses make sense, and what the opportunities for redevelopment in the Downtown are. He said they need to get a handle on what short-term opportunities there are to increase tax increment funding in the Downtown. He said the City is not trying to bias it in any way and doesn't want to color the outcome of the findings. That way the results are a professional and objective assessment. Question: "What is the timeframe?" Answer: By Tuesday a selection should be made and Nachbar estimates it will take 2 to 3 weeks to get them onboard. The study will take 2-3 months to complete and will, most likely, come out in September,with some preliminary work before then. Question: "What is the cost?" Answer: Roughly $40K. Nachbar said that's the budget limit. Question: "Which commissioners will be able to attend the two meetings?" [The 5/14 Budget Committee Meeting and the 5/15 Council Workshop.] At this point, there was some discussion as to which commissioners could or could not attend the two meetings. Councilor Buehner interjected and emphasized the importance of the CCAC having face time with the City Council. She said she wants what the CCAC produces to have the most impact possible. She indicated if there are personality conflicts between Council members and CCAC members,it could potentially diminish what the CCAC can accomplish. She would like the CCAC to have the maximum amount of input and influence. [At this point, Councilor Buehner asked that the tape be turned off and it was of for about 45 minutes.] During this time, there was discussion as to the importance of the CCAC and City Council having a good working relationship,and that Buehner felt it was important that they are careful of their interaction with Council and try to work together. There was also discussion about the appointment choice of a new City Councilor [to replace the seat vacated by Councilor Harding]. [The tape was turned back on.] At this point, Commissioner Potthoff left the meeting. Councilor Buehner apologized for bringing the subject up. 'There was further discussion about communication, and one of the commissioners said "It seems the overall message here is that it's a good idea when the CCAC has an opportunity to present themselves in front of Council in a cohesive way,no matter how many people show up, that is a benefit because they've packaged themselves correctly." Nachbar said it's good to get to know people as people and not to be critical. He said he believes this group has been working well together, and that anyone attending the meetings would feel that way. Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): Commissioner Craghead will attend the Budget Meeting on Monday. Commissioner Lilly, and possibly Chairman Switzer,will attend the CCAC Meeting Minutes for May 9,2007 Page 3 of 7 This meeting is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year. 1:\LRP1N\D0WNT0WN\CCAC Meetings 2007\CCAC May 9\CCAC Meeting Minutes 5-9-07 final.doc Tuesday Council Workshop to talk about the roundabout, focusing on motions that were passed. Agenda Item #4: Downtown Implementation Strategy FY 07-08 Decision Review/Recommend #458 Important Discussion and/or Comments: Nachbar presented the Tigard Downtown Work Program focusing on the 1 year program. The comment was made that these types of documents should be dated with a revision date so that people could be certain they have the most current version. Nachbar agreed, and said he would begin using revision dates. They went on to discuss various items in the document. At one point, he spoke about the plaza and said it was important to know that the tactic,or approach, is they need to try to identify a plaza location and identify a potential development in association with the plaza. He said these things go together and there is a synergy between these projects. There was some discussion as to options and the best place for the plaza. It was noted there are basic concepts they are moving forward with. Nachbar said on Tuesday,Farrelly would be going over the Urban Design concept. Someone asked why the CCAC hadn't already seen this concept. Nachbar noted this presentation is one of education rather than recommendation. He said it's not going to be anything"new" but rather, for educational purposes. There was discussion about the Urban Creek. Someone said this would be a bold and smart idea. One of the commissioners said she believes the Urban Creek will have a positive environmental impact- not a negative—not a neutral - but a positive impact. Another commissioner agreed, and said it would be a good economic decision, and that businesses will want to locate by it. They then discussed Farmer's Market and the fact that a public market will be analyzed and decided as to whether it should be considered as a project in the plaza space. One of the commissioners asked whether other projects were also being considered and Nachbar said yes, they were. One of the commissioners commented there are other possible uses and the Farmers Market should not be the only one taken into consideration. Nachbar assured him that wasn't the case. They discussed the other items on the work program. Nachbar excused himself to go to his office to get the photo of the Hall Blvd Gateway. During this time, Councilor Buchner updated the CCAC on the previous night's Planning Commission meeting. Nachbar returned and there was further discussion as to the Hall Blvd Gateway and the recommended work program in general. Nachbar noted it would be nice if the CCAC recommended the 1 year schedule be approved. CCAC Meeting Minutes for May 9,2007 Page 4 of 7 This meeting is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year. l:\l.RPLN\DOWNTOWN\CCAC Meetings 2(N)7\CCAC May 9\CCAC Meeting Minutes 5-9-07 final.dnc Questions to Nachbar: In general, do you feel that this [1 year work program] is on target? There's nothing that should be brought to the CCAC's attention? Is this right on the money? Do you feel good about this? Answer: Yes. I feel good about this because what's changed from last year is that Ron Bunch [Long Range Planning Manager] is here. He's devoted a lot of Long Range Planning's time to the Downtown. As you may remember, last summer I did a lot of work on this but now Long Range Planning is devoting time to it, Nachbar said he feels very comfortable with this schedule. Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): Commissioner Gallagher made the following motion: "I move that the CCAC recommend that the CCDA [City Center Development Agency] approve the Downtown Implementation Strategy for FY 07-08." Commissioner Ellis-Gaut seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed by a 7-0 margin. Agenda Item #5: Logo PowerPoint—Discussion Decision Review / Recommend Important Discussion and/or Comments: Commissioner Gallagher gave a PowerPoint presentation about a marketing plan. She emphasized that a "logo" is simply the first step of a larger plan. Commissioner Lilly stated that, typically,you would have a plan and an agreement of what the vision is; and then the logo comes out of that. She said the CCAC doesn't have that, due to the complexity of the plan, and it could take over a year to pull together the "branding/marketing plan" that they need. With that said, she asked whether they couldn't have a logo so simple that no matter what,you could recognize it. She said there would be a need in the future to have a study done. It was noted that a"branding" identity had not yet been decided. They discussed various "tag lines, style guides, and branding"with some key words being: Green Tigard Heart Community New Identity New Attitude Design Creek Urban Village Family Friendly Live Work Play Public Spaces Ped. Friendly Renewing Citv Center Connections Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): There was a consensus that after some "tweaking" with the suggested modifications, the presentation Commissioner Gallagher gave should go forward. Consensus was also that it goes to Council to approve the hiring of a graphic design artist to put together a "consistent visual identity" and a "singular image slogan and style guide" for urban renewal communication purposes. Agenda Item #6: Joint-Planning/CCAC Subcommittee on Land Use and Design Guidelines- Update Important Discussion and/or Comments: Commissioner Craghead updated the CCAC as to the subcommittee meetings he and Commissioner Potthoff attend. He said they are CCAC Meeting Minutes for May 9,2007 Page 5 of 7 This meeting is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year. 1:\LAPIN\DOWNTOWN\CCAC Meetings 2007\CCAC May 9\CCAC Meeting Minutes 5-9-07 final.doc working on the issue of design guidelines. The thing of note is the schedule has been pushed out slightly and their final recommendation will not be made until sometime in June or July. He said the overall process has been to outline the kind of alternatives there are for design guidelines. It's not specifically form-based code only,it's traditional mixed or form based (basic options) —looking at what those look like and then developing criteria for determining how effective different design guidelines are. He said the end goal of this particular group is to come up with a suggestion of which mode might be the best and a process by which that might be developed. He said they're still hammering out details. Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes):When the details are complete,the results will be communicated to both the CCAC and the Planning Commission. Aanda Item #7: Information Updates • Downtown Monthly Meetings —Set to be held at the Chamber Building. The meetings will be set up on a monthly basis to focus on one or two items and get Downtown businesses involved. They will be the 3rd Wednesday of every month except for May 23`d. They will focus on Fanno Creek Park and Plaza. Some of the ideas on how to "get the word out" about these meetings were: o mail outs; o volunteers handing out materials; o advertised on the City Website; o part of the Cityscape newsletter; o Riverkeeper newsletter; o Fans of Fanno;and o Water bill insert. It was mentioned that the graphics at these meetings need to be big, current, and correct- especially the maps. There should also be good advertising at each meeting advertising the next meeting using big letters, clear times and dates on posters that are very prominent. It was suggested that these meetings be named with some sort of"catchy" name. Some names were suggested for the meetings with "Downtown Heartbeat" being the most popular one. • Fanno Creek Park/Plaza Master Plan Project—Nachbar said the kick-off was last Friday and it went well. The next meeting will be June 7'where there will be lots of new information. • Change to CCAC bylaws—this has been approved by Council [the change being the requirement for a Planning Commission member to be on the CCAC] • Main Street Demonstration Project—moving forward now. Lighting in place, will not ask for approval of street trees —will just pick them. Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): If there are any other suggestions for the name of the monthly meetings, CCAC members will email their suggestions to Nachbar. CCAC Meeting Minutes for May 9,2007 Page 6 of 7 This meeting is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year. I:\LRPLN\DOWNTOWN\CCAC Meetings 2007\CCAC May 9\CCAC Meeting Minutes 5-9-07 final.doc Agenda Item #8: Other Business/Announcements Important Discussion and/or Comments: No other business was discussed Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): Chairman Switzer adjourned the meeting at 9:40pm. Doreen Laughlin, City Ad ecialist II ATTEST: Ct9lain Carl Swi r CCAC Meeting Minutes for May 9,2007 Page 7 of 7 This meeting is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year. I:\LRPLN\DOWNTOWN\CCAC Meetings 2007\CCAC May 9\CCAC Meeting Minutes 5-9-07 final.doc MEMORANDUM TIGARD TO: Michelle Waring, Management Analyst, Finance Dept. FROM: Phil Nachbar, Senior Planner / Downtown Development RE: CCAC Budget Motions DATE: May 2, 2007 As part of the Budget process, the CCAC has reviewed the proposed FY 2007-08 and 5- year CIP budget. At their April 11, 2007 meeting, the Commission passed the following two motions which should be made available to the City Center Development Agency Budget Committee for consideration. Commissioner Craghead made the following motion: "I move that we direct staff to come up with a proposed amount of appropriate repayment for the parks capitol fund budget items, which are funded by SDC funds, and that we also direct staff to notify the Budget Committee that we are considering some form of repayment on these issues from Urban Renewal funds." The Commissioners voted and the motion passed by a 5 to 3 margin, no abstentions. Those in opposition were Commissioners Potthoff, Barkley, and Chairman Switzer. Commissioner Ellis Gaut made the following motion: "We move that the CCAC recommends to the Budget Committee as follows: Accept the 07/08 budget as presented, with two exceptions: 1. Recommend removing the roundabout from the Burnham Street construction drawings (project). 2. With respect to projects identified in the parks capital fund budget, we recommend repayment of parks SDC funds based upon a mechanism for repayment to be developed. This mechanism will repay parks SDC's based on the percent of downtown related expenditures versus total project costs." The move was seconded and a vote taken. The motion passed by a 7 to 1 margin. Opposing vote cast by Commissioner Potthoff. List of Motions Passed from April 11 CCAC Meeting Commissioner Craghead made the following motion: "I motion that we direct staff to come up with a proposed amount of appropriate repayment for the parks capitol fund budget items,which are funded by SDC funds, and that we also direct staff to notify the Budget Committee that we are considering some form of repayment on these issues from Urban Renewal funds." The Commissioners voted and the motion passed by a 5 to 3 margin, no abstentions. Those in opposition were Commissioners Potthoff, Barkley, and Chairman Switzer. Commissioner Barkley moved to recommend to the City Center Development Commission that the roundabout be removed from the plan for Burnham Street. There was a second. The motion passed by a 7 to 1 margin. Commissioner Potthoff cast the opposing vote. There were no abstentions. Commissioner Ellis Gaut made another motion as follows: "We move that the CCAC recommends to the Budget Committee as follows: Accept the 07/08 budget as presented, with two exceptions: 1. Recommend removing the roundabout from the Burnham Street construction drawings. 2. With respect to projects identified in the parks capital fund budget, we recommend repayment of parks SDC funds based upon a mechanism for repayment to be developed. This mechanism will repay parks SDC's based on the percent of downtown related expenditures versus total project costs." The move was seconded and a vote taken. The motion passed by a 7 to 1 margin. Opposing vote cast by Commissioner Potthoff. Tigard Downtown Action Plan— 3 Year TIGARD DOWNTOWN ACTION PLAN 3 YEAR Project j Action Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Future FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 facilitation of Redevelopment Projects Downtown Development Opportunity Sites-Program Market Analysis/Development Strategy x Identify Opportunity Sites for Redevelopment x Development Program for Land Assembly/Marketing X x x Land Use—Regulations/Design Guidelines Land Use /Building Types Refinement x Design Guidelines x x Land Use Regulations x x Commuter Rail Commuter Rail Station X X i Commuter Rail Block /Joint Development x Shelter Upgrade X i Downtown Housing Development Housing Study X Housing Program Estimate X Implementation x X Performing Arts/Recreation Center Performing Arts Use/Preliminary Siting x Performing Arts Use/Feasibility Study x Land Disposition/Acquisition x Post Office Relocation Initiate discussions with USPS x Follow-Up Actions(Relocation Study/Facilitation) X Improvement of fanno Creek Park& Open Space System Fanno Creek Park/Public Area Fanno Creek Park Master Plan x Funding Program /Parks System Master Plan X Public Area Use Design X Public Use Area /Redevelopment Feasibility x TIGARD DOWNTOWN STRATEGY FY 2007-08 PAGE 19 Tigard Downtown Action Plan— 3 Year TIGARD DOWNTOWN ACTION PLAN 3 YEAR Project f Action Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Future FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Improvement of fanno Creek Park& Open Space System(continued) Land Acquisition(floodplain properties) x Land Acquisition(Public Area) x Fanno Crook Realignment and Restoration x x Park Restoration x x x x Public Area Improvements x x x x Farmer's Market Site Location x Urban Creek/Green Corridor Implementation Options x Feasibility Study x I Inclusion in Parks Master Plan/Overlay Zone X Preliminary Design x Land Disposition x Final Design S.Engineering x Constrvction x Ash Ave.Street/Open Space Design x X Rail to Trail(Hall to Tiedemon St.) Planning/Design x x x Construction Hall Blvd.—Commuter Rail Segment x Main St.to Tiedeman Segment x Development of Comprehensive Street& Circulation System Downtown Circulation Plan Revise Circulation Plan x Streetscope Enhancement Program Burnham Street Final design/ROW x Construction X X Commercial Street(Main to Lincoln--Construction) x Commercial St.(Hall to Main St.) x Scoffins St. x TIGARC ITOWN STRATEGY FY 2 0 AW Tigard Downtown Action Plan—3 Year TIGARD DOWNTOWN ACTION PLAN 3 YEAR Project / Action Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Future Development of Comprehensive Street& Circulation System(continued) Streetscope Enhancement Program Main Street Main Street Safety Improvements x Main Street"Brand Tigard" Improvements x x x x Main Street Comprehensive Improvements Design x Construction x x Main Street Traffic Light @ Tigard Street x Storefront Fagode Improvement Program x X x Ash Avenue Improvements Ash Ave.(Burnham St.to Rail) Enaineerina /ROW x Construction x X Ash Ave.North Feasibility Study x Ash Ave.North Design/Construction X x x Ash Avenue(Fanno Creek to Burnham St.) x RR At-Grade Crossing Initiate Vehicular Crossing Negotiations x Pedestrian Crossing x Vehicle Crossing x Open Space Design x Burnham St.to Fanno Overlook x Ped/Bicycle Bridge x Terminus to RR Tracks x Hall Blvd./99W Downtown Gateway Gateway Conceptual Design x Intersection Design Input/Washington County x ROW Acquisition X Intersection Construction x Final Design(Gateway) x Gateway Construction x x Downtown Alternative Access Study Downtown Alternative Access Study x Greenburg Rd/99W/Main St. /Center St.Intersection x x Scoffins/Hall Blvd./Hunziker Realignment x Traffic Analysis—Greenburg Rd./Tiedemon/N.Dakota x Pedestrian j Bike Plans Update Plan x TIGARD DOWNTOWN STRATEGY FY 2007-08 PAGE 21 Tigard Downtown Action Plan—3 Year TIGARD DOWNTOWN ACTION PLAN 3 YEAR Project f Action Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Future Development of Comprehensive Street& Circulation System(continued) Parking Management Plan Monitor Parking in Downtown x x X x Determine Catalyst Project Impact x -------- -- x _. TIGARC ITOWN STRATEGY FY 2 2 City of Tigard FY 2007-08 Proposed Budget Issue Paper No. 5 Loan Agreement Between the City and the City Center Developent Agency BACKGROUND In May of 2006,Tigard voters approved the formation of an Urban Renewal District encompassing the downtown and surrounding areas. With the formation of this district, future increases in property tax revenues from property within the area, called tax increment,will provide an important source of funding for a number of needed capital projects. But while it is anticipated that roughly$22 million in tax increment revenues may ultimately be generated by the District during its 20 year life, the first few years will not generate significant cash flows. Nevertheless,in order to gain the momentum required for the successful redevelopment of the downtown area and the accomplishment of the established goals,certain catalyst projects will need to be completed in the near future. To complicate matters further, current law limits the use of tax increment revenues to the retirement of debt. In other words,it may not be used to pay project and/or operating costs directly. Since the District has just been formed,it will be unable to secure outside financing for at least the next two years because it lacks any history of revenue generation or growth. OPTIONS A common solution to this dilemma is to borrow needed funds from the City in these early years of the District's life, and use available tax increment revenues to repay this debt as the Agency is able to do so. This option raises the question of interest to be charged on these loaned funds. The City would have essentially three options: 1. Loan the funds at the same annual rate earned from investments in the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP). This rate is currently about 5.2%. The advantage of this approach is that City funds would receive the same investment yield they would otherwise. However,this may place an undue burden on the Agency (the annual interest charges on the $785,000 in budgeted loans in FY 2007-08 would equal over$40,500). 2. Loan the funds at zero interest. This is of course advantageous to the Agency and would enable it to use the monies it would otherwise pay out in interest to fund projects. City funds on the other hand would be negatively impacted. 3. A third option is to loan the funds at a reduced rate of interest. An alternate approach may be for the City itself to borrow funds from a bank or financial institution and in turn loan these proceeds to the Agency at the same rate of interest. If the interest rate on such a loan is reasonable this may be a more viable option than borrowing funds internally. Currently, funds could be borrowed at a 4.25%—4.30%interest rate. The disadvantage is that interest payments would be made to a third party and flexibility with regard to repayments would be limited. 13 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Agency borrow needed funds from the City at the same rate of interest earned from the Local Government Investment Pool. In order to provide maximum flexibility it is further recommended that additional clause be included in the agreement to allow the City to waive interest repayment in whole or in part should this be found to be in the best interests of the community. This issue IS included in the FY 2007-08 Proposed Budget 14