01/10/2007 - Minutes • 14
Minutes for CCAC Meeting
Date of Meeting: January 10, 2007
Minutes: Doreen Laughlin, Admin Specialist II / Phil Nachbar, Sr. Planner
Called to order by: Chairman Carl Switzer
Time Started: 6:35PM
Time Ended: 9:05PM
Commissioners Present: Carolyn Barkley; Gretchen Buehner; Alexander Craghead;
Lily Lilly;Alice Ellis Gaut; Suzanne Gallagher; Chairman Carl Switzer
Commissioners Absent: Ralph Hughes (Alternate); Roger Potthoff
Others Present: Lisa Olson
Staff Present: Phil Nachbar, Senior Planner; Marissa Daniels, Temporary Assistant Planner;
Doreen Laughlin, City Administrative Specialist II
Agenda Item #1: Welcome and Introductions: Marissa Daniels was introduced as the
Assistant Planner who would be attending the meeting,
Important Discussion and/or Comments: None
Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): None
Agenda Item #2: Approve Minutes: It was moved and seconded that the minutes be
Important Discussion and/or Comments: There was discussion regarding a
recommended amendment to page 3 of the minutes. The fourth bullet under the paragraph
regarding education & form-based code - a commissioner had stated "Due to the fact that the
Comprehensive Plan is being worked on even now, it is very important that an enthusiastic
recommendation be made from the CCAC saying that the commissioners strongly
recommend form-based code." The group decided to amend that comment to read "Due to
the fact that the Comprehensive Plan is being worked on even now, it is very important that
CCAC Meeting Minutes for January 10,2007 Page 1 of 5
Phis meeting in its entirety,is available on audio cassette in the Pemvt Center,and is retained For one year.
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an enthusiastic recommendation be made from the CCAC saying that the commissioners
strongly recommend education about form-based code."
Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): A vote was taken and the minutes were approved
unanimously with the noted amendment.
Agenda Item #3: Form-based Codes - Consultant Update
Important Discussion and/or Comments: Phil Nachbar presented a list of five potential
consultants and noted that these firms are interested in making a presentation about form-
based code. Questions regarding the potential consultants were directed to Nachbar. Some
of those questions, and Nachbar's answers,were:
➢ Who will be making the decision to hire a particular firm? Answer: Ron Bunch, Long
Range Planning Manager and Sean Farrelly, Associate Planner. It was noted they would
take into consideration the CCAC's comments and concerns when making the decision.
➢ When will the presentation take place; and who will attend? Answer: The presentation
will take place February 26t11, 7:00pm, at the City Hall. Attendees will be the Planning
Commission, CCAC members and other interested parties.
➢ How much is form-based code used in Oregon? Answer: Nachbar was unsure as to the
amount of form-based code in Oregon but noted Bend is a city that has used it.
➢ Have all of these firms had experience with form-based code in Oregon? Answer: Most
likely not all of them have had experience with it, due to the fact there is not much
form-based code used in Oregon at this time.
➢ What criteria are being applied to select who is going to make this presentation?
Answer: Qualifications of the firm, an understanding of form-based code application in
Oregon, cost, and other criteria are being taken into consideration. Nachbar assured the
commissioners there are criteria and the "low bid" won't be chosen simply because they
are the low bid.
The general consensus was "strong consideration should be given to the firm with the most
experience in form-based code." Nachbar encouraged any of the CCAC members who felt
strongly about criteria regarding the firm to be chosen, to feel free to contact Sean Farrelly,
Associate Planner or Ron Bunch, Planning Manager with their concerns. He noted they can
be contacted by telephone for comment. [Sean Farrelly (503) 718-2420 /Ron Bunch (503)-
Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): Nachbar will forward the information to the CCAC
regarding which firm was chosen to make the presentation just as soon as he is aware of it.
Agenda Item #4: CCAC Annual Report — Draft / Recommendations
CCAC Meeting Minutes for January 10,2007 Page 2 of
1'lais meeting in its cntirety,is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year.
L\I,RPIN\llOWt�t'1'OWN\CC.1(:llectings\CCI AC'07-jan 111\CC.1(.Mceting Minutes 1-10-07.doe
• 4.
Important Discussion and/or Comments: Nachbar presented a draft of the Annual
The following are recommended changes to the document:
■ Page 1, bottom paragraph, strike the words "where appropriate" after "evaluate the use
of a "form-based code" - as it's redundant.
■ Page 2, the 2nd to last paragraph that starts "With the passage of the Urban Renewal
Ballot Measure..." change the second sentence to read "The Commission and Staff
drafted its Bylaws and submitted them to Council for its revision."
■ Page 2, 2nd to last paragraph, last sentence should have the year 2006 added so it would
read "The CCAC Bylaws were adopted by Council in October, 2006.
■ Page 2, last paragraph, last sentence should become two sentences and read "The
Commission has taken a particular interest in the master plan and looks forward to the
role it will play in facilitating broad community support. The Chair of the CCAC will
act as Chair of the ranno Creek Park and Public Use Master Plan Steering Committee."
There was discussion as to the benefits of professional memberships for the CCAC and access
to outside expertise. It was mentioned that a budget request would need to be made.
Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes):
■ There was a motion that "the draft be accepted with the recommended changes". The
motion was seconded.
■ There was a friendly amendment by Commissioner Craghead to add: "and to request
making additional resources available to the CCAC thru professional memberships and
access to outside expertise, events and publications." The motion was seconded and
approved unanimously.
■ Nachbar will advise Tom Coffee, Community Development Director, of the potential
need for a budget item request to cover the friendly amendment and see what his
thoughts are regarding it.
Agenda Item #5: CCAC Re-assignment of terms / New Membership ["Elections"
was added to this agenda item.]
Important Discussion and/or Comments: Chairman Switzer noted there are three 3 year
terms, three 2 year terms and three 1 year terms available. It was mentioned Jeremy Vermilyea
will be formally appointed to the CCAC [filling Gretchen Buchner's position] on January 27th
Nachbar noted, with Judy Munroe being off the CCAC, there is now a vacancy. He said he'd
spoken to several people regarding membership — Heather Chrisman, Page Stephens and
Chuck O'Leary among them. He said Nick Wilson had expressed interest, but not right at this
time. The merit of finding a downtown business owner to fill the vacant position was
CCAC Meeting Minutes for January 10,2007 Page 3 of 5
This meeting,in its entirety,is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year.
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• f
After some discussion, the following reassignment of terms was decided:
• 3 year appointments: Commissioners Switzer, Lily & the vacant position
to 2 year appointments: Commissioners Barkley, Potthoff& Ellis Gaut
• 1 year appointments: Commissioners Gallagher, Craghead & Vermilyea
Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes):
A motion was made to nominate Carl Switzer to be the next Chair— the motion was seconded
and passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0.
A motion was made to nominate Commissioner Alexander Craghead to be Vice Chair. The
motion was seconded and passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0.
Agenda Item #6: Urban Creek Corridor / Feasibility Overview: Phil Nachbar passed out
a page entitled "Highway 99W Corridor Improvement and Management Plan".
Important Discussion and/or Comments: Mr. Nachbar discussed the issues related to the
feasibility of the Urban Creek Corridor, the series of park-like blocks that are being evaluated
for Downtown. The Corridor is considered an open space which, if implemented, would span
the anticipated public plaza south of Burnham St. to Scoffins Street and the anticipated private
plaza space as part of future development north of Scoffins St.
The feasibility of the Urban Creek Corridor includes an evaluation of alignment, costs, impact
on private properties, public acceptance, and whether the project would promote development
in the Downtown. Nachbar discussed a preliminary alignment, and consultant expertise, to
help the City evaluate the project. City staff is currently reviewing consultant proposals to
provide preliminary design (alignment) and feasibility analysis of the Urban Creek Corridor in
Downtown. The consultant's work will be combined with staff's work and presented to
Council for an initial discussion about the feasibility of the project.
Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): Once a contract with a consultant is underway, staff
will bring the study work to the CCAC for discussion and input. It is anticipated that the
CCAC will provide input and recommendations to the City Center Development Agency
(CCDM) as to the results of the study.
Agenda Item #7: 6-month CCAC Work Schedule:
Important Discussion and/or Comments:
Several projects were briefly mentioned on the work program schedule adopted by the CCDA
for this fiscal year. Mr. Nachbar said that due to time, another session will have to be devoted
to reviewing the key projects that the CCAC and staff agree will be undertaken this fiscal year.
CCAC Meeting Minutes for January 10,2007 Page 4 of S
'Mis meetiny.in it,cntiret ,is available cm audio cassette in the Permit Cotter,and is retained for one year.
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Projects mentioned were land assembly and marketing,land use regulations, Fanno Creek
Park and Plaza, land acquisition,the urban creek corridor, circulation plan for Downtown, and
temporary Main St. improvements.
Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): A discussion of projects and the schedule of work to
the end of the fiscal year will be designated at the next meeting.
Agenda Item #8: Other Business: MTIP and the joint public hearing:
Important Discussion and/or Comments:
Mr. Nachbar provided an overview of where the project was at, and what was needed. The
Main St. project has been recommended by METRO for funding and was forwarded by
TPAC for a final decision by JPACT. It was noted that the upcoming public meeting with
JPACT was scheduled, and that perhaps it would be appropriate for the CCAC to provide
testimony on the project in front of JPACT. The group decided that one person from the
CCAC,Alexander Craghead,should provide the testimony needed. It was decided that he
would meet with staff to discuss talking points prior to the meeting.
Commissioner Buehner spoke about a proposed gas tax. Also mentioned was Councilor
Sydney Sherwood's appointment as City Council liaison to the CCAC. Ms. Sherwood's role is
to stay in touch with key issues and provide a connection to City Council for better
communication. She may show up at CCAC meetings from time to time, and is the primary
contact among Council for the CCAC.
Action Items (Follow-Up or Votes): Commissioner Craghead will attend the public hearing
and as many CCAC members will attend as possible. Staff will meet with Alexander Craghead
to discuss his testimony prior to the hearing date.
(i_J ,
Doreen Laughlin, City Adnu S ecialist II
Ch an Carl Switzer
CCAC:Meeting Minutes for January 10,2007 Page 5 of 5
This meeting,in its entirety,is available on audio cassette in the Permit Center,and is retained for one year.
lAl.RP1.N\D0VJNT0WN\CCAC Mcetings\CCAC07-Jan 10\CCAC Meeting Minutes 1-10-07(CnaPProved).doc