2005 Water Quality Report ARE YOU MORE Q o TIGARD WATER SUSCEPTABLE? z SERVICE AREA �=¢dz Some may be more vulnerable to contami- o.Z,32 nants in the drinking water than the gen- eral population. Most specifically, im- muno-compromised persons such as can- cer patients undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ trans- plants, persons with HN/AIDS or other WATER immune system disorders, some elderly and infants, can be particularly at risk from infections. These persons should LTA T J� I T Y seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. The Environ- mental Protection Agency and the Centers v� for Disease Control and Prevention pro- vide guidelines on the appropriate means O REPORT to lessen the risk of infection by Crypto- F' sporidium and other microbial contami- U nants. For more information call the Safe w U Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426- 4791 or visit the EPA's web site at www.epa.gov/ow. Q F * O Interested In Tigard's Water Issues? Those interested in Tigard's water issues are invited to attend the Intergovernmen- talWater Board's monthly meetings. The N board consists of representatives from � Committed to providing municipalities within the Tigard Water ct Service Area. The meetings are scheduled 3 customers with a clean, safe for the 2nd Wednesday of each month at and dependable 5:30 pm in the Tigard Water Building o N supply of drinking water. Auditorium located at 8777 SW Burnham "--I ct Street in Tigard,Oregon. j m Tigard's Public Works depart- Conserving Water is everyone's Drinking Water sources (both tap ment is responsible for providing drinking responsibility. Tigard's Water Division re- and bottled) include rivers, lakes, streams, water to nearly 50,000 residents in Dur- minds residents to implement water con- servation efforts during the upcoming sum- ponds,reservoirs, springs and wells. Water ham, King City, two-thirds of Tigard and mer months as rainfall amounts decrease travels over the surface of the land and/or the unincorporated area of Bull Mountain. and water demand triples. This increase in through the ground, dissolving naturally In 2004, water demands fluctuated from demand, also known as "summer peaking", occurring minerals which, in some cases, nearly 5 million gallons per day during is a cause for concern for it draws water includes radioactive materials and other winter months to over 14 million gallons from reservoirs so fast that it threatens the substances resulting from the presence of per day during the summer. By year's end, gencies and fire protection. steady supply needed for daily use, emer- animals or human activity. Contaminants customers had used over 2 billion gallons that might be expected in untreated water of water. To ensure that the water being Encouraging "Water Wise" behavior, Ti- include: microbial contaminants, such as delivered is of the highest quality, Tigard gard offers residents a variety of free edu- viruses and bacteria; inorganic contami- monitors the drinking water supply within cational and water saving items such as - nants such as salts and metals; pesticides our distribution system for over 100 differ- Home Water Audit Kits and herbicides; organic chemicals from in- ent contaminants. This is in addition to the dustrial or petroleum use; and radioactive over 150 regulated and unregulated con- Indoor Conservation Kits contaminants. taminants our wholesale water providers Outdoor Conservation Kits Because of water's natural cycle, drinking are already monitoring. The results of Educational Pamphlets water, including bottled water, may rea- these routine water quality analyses show sonably be expected to contain at least that Tigard's drinking water contin- Help curb the summer peak by participat- small amounts of some contaminants. ues to meet and/or exceed all Fed- ing in Even/Odd Watering. Participa- However, the presence of contaminants eral and State drinking water stan- tion is simple! Residents with addresses does not necessarily indicate that the water dards. that ends in an even number,only water on poses a health risk. To ensure that tap wa- even days of the month; those with ad- ter is safe to drink, the Environmental Pro- The purpose of this report is to present a dresses that end in an odd number, only tection Agency (EPA) prescribes regulations summary of Tigard's water quality data water on odd days of the month. limiting the amount of certain contami- collected in 2004. The additional informa- Simple change in watering habits signifi- nants in water provided by public water tionrovided is intended to inform edu- cantly eases water demands,helps residents p � systems. The EPA establishes test methods on utility bills and assists the Water Divi- cate and update consumers of local water sion in maintaining reservoir levels to deal and monitoring requirements for contami- issues affecting our community such as: nants and requires public water systems to with fires and emergencies. For informa- water sources, health information for the tion on water conservation and/or to re- give public notice in the event of a viola- immuno-compromised, cross connections quest water saving items contact the City of tion. More information about contami- and water conservation. For more infor- Tigard's Water Conservation Program Co- nants and potential health effects are avail- mation, contact the Water Quality Program ordinator at 503-639-4171 or visit the able from the EPA's Safe Drinking Water at 5 0 3 - 6 3 9 -4 1 7 1 o r visit Water Division's website atHotline at 1-800-426-4791; or visit their ww.ci.tigard.or.us/water. www.ci.tigard.onus/water. website at www.epa.gov/ow. WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR 2004 Important Definitions Contaminant Highest Amount Maximum el(MCL)inant M Level Goalo(MCLG)nt Typical Source Maximum Contaminant Level Goal MICROBIOLOGICAL (MCLG):The level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is Erosion of natural no known or expected risk to health. Turbidity 3 . 38 N T U 5.00 NTU Not Applicable deposits MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. One sample of 50 Treatment technique required:disin- Not A lica Maximum Contaminant Level(MCL): Giardia liters had 1 cysts fection to inactivate 99.9%of cysts pp blc Animal waste The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. Coliform Bacteria In October 1 of 61 samples had No detectable coliform in more than 0% samples with throughout the MCLS are set as close to the MCLGs as detectable coliform(2%) 5%of samples collected each month detectablele environment coliform bacteria environment feasible using the best available treat- ment technology. INORGANICS Maximum Residual DisinfectantAY Seri1C* 1 . 0 0 b 50 ppb No Current MCLG Erosion of natural deposits Level (MRDL):The highest level of a p p (MCL will be Ioppb in 2006) (MCLG wit/be o.oppbm 2006) in groundwater aquifers disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence Erosion of natural deposits Barium 5 . 9 0 ppb 2,000 ppb 2,000 ppb in groundwater aquifers that addition of a disinfectant is nec- g essary for control of microbial con- taminants. Chromium* 2 . 00 b 100 b 100 b Erosion of natural deposits p p pp pp in groundwater aquifers Maximum Residual Disinfectant Water treatment additive; Level Goal (MRDLG): The level of a Fluoride 0 . 90 ppm 4.0 ppm 4.0 ppm erosion of natural deposits drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected Erosion of natural deposits; risk of health. MRDLGs do not reflect Nitrate 1 . 5 0 ppm 10 ppltt 10 ppm animal wastes the benefits of the use of disinfectants Erosion of natural deposits; to control microbial contamination. Nitrite 5 . 00 p p b 1000 ppb 1000 ppb animal wastes Action Level (AL):The concentration ** Added in water treatment; of a contaminant,which,if exceeded, Sodium 7 . 28 - 2 1 . 3 ppm No Standard No Standard erosion of natural deposits triggers treatment,or other require- ments that a water system must fol- RADIOLOGICAL S low. Treatment Technique (TP): A re- Radon** 4 2 0 - 4 4 9 pCi / 1 No Standard No Standard Erosion of natural deposits quired process intended to reduce the n groundwater aquifers level of a contaminant in drinking water. Radium 0 . 5 0 p C i / 1 5.00 pCi/l 0.00 pCi/l Erosion of natural deposits Nephelometric Turbidity Units * Erosion of natural deposits (NTUs): Turbidity is a measure of Uranium 0 . 1 1 p C i / 1 30.0 pCi/l 0.00 pCi/l in groundwater aquifers how clear the water looks because it can interfere with disinfection and Gross Alpha 1 . 8 0 p C i / 1 15.0 pCi/l 0.00 pCi/1 Erosion of natural deposits provide a medium for microbial in groundwater aquifers growth. Erosion of natural deposits Parts per million (ppm); parts per Gross Beta 2 . 20 pCi / 1 50.0 pCi/1 0.00 pCi/1 in groundwater aquifers billion(ppb):These units describe the levels of detected contaminants. One DISINFECTION BYPRODUCTS part per million is equal to one nun- ute in two years. One part per billion Average: 0 . 5 8 p p m Water additives used to is equal to one minute in 2,000 years. Total Chlorine Residual (Range: 0.0-1.97 ppm) 4.00 ppm 4.00 ppm control microbes Pieoeurries per Liter (pCi/1):A stan- Average: 28 . 6 ppb Byproduct of drinking dard measurement of beta particles Total Haloacetic Acids (Range: 2.10-49.1 ppb) 60.00 ppb 0.00 ppb water chlorination in water. Total Trihalomethanes Average: 32 . 8 ppb 80.00 b 0.00 b Byproduct of drinking (Range:21.5-43.1 ppb) pp pp water chlorination Question? Concerns? CALL 503-639-4171 (*) These results are from 2003. The Oregon Department of Human Services-Drinking Water Program allows utilities to monitor for some contaminants less than once per year since the concentrations of these contaminants do not change frequently. (**) These are unregulated contaminants. Unregulated contaminant monitoring helps the EPA determine where certain contaminants occur and whether it needs to be regulated those Learn More About Lead in Water Tigard ' s Water Sources In 2004 elevated lead levels were NOT de- sults with and without adjustment shows Tigard does NOT currently own a water of multiple members including the Tualatin tected in Tigard's water sources nor in the over 50 without pH adjustments shows over supply capable of meeting the current and Valley Water District and the cities of Bea- distribution system. However, lead and 50 percent reduction in lead at the tap with future water demands of its residents. In verton, Forest Grove, Hillsboro and Tigard. copper can enter into drinking water due to pH adjustment. order to meet the consumers' current and The JWC is also a surface water supply and corrosion of household plumbing systems. growing demands for water, Tigard pur- receives water from the Trask & Tualatin The exposure to lead through water is possi- Lead is a serious issue,especially for infants o ble IF plumbing systems contain leaded ma- and children who are typically more vulner- chase nearly 90/o of its water from whole- Rivers Watersheds located within the coast terials such as lead-based solder and brass able to lead in drinking water than the gen- sale water providers such as the Portland range. In addition,Tigard is able to pump a faucets (which can contain lead). The level eral population. For more information, Water Bureau (PWB) who provides over small percentage of the water supply from of lead in water can increase when the wa- Tigard encourages residents to contact the half of Tigard's water supply. The PWB city-owned groundwater wells which are ter stands in contact with the leaded materi- LeadLine, a phone line for resources con- manages the Bull Run Watershed,a surface used only during months of high water als over a period of time. cerning lead hazards. The program pro- water supply, located in the Mount Hood demand. vides information on potential sources of National Forest. In cases of emergency To decrease the probability of lead leaching lead in the home(i.e.water,paint,dust,soil, and/or high demand, the PWB also main- The City of Tigard is pursuing options to into drinking water from corrosion of pottery,and folk remedies),information on tains groundwater wells located along the gain an equity position in a water source by household plumbing, Tigard participates in free childhood blood lead testing,lead poi- Columbia River. the year 2007. For more information about a joint monitoring program with the City of soning prevention,lead reduction programs Tigard's water sources as well as updates Portland. Tigard is responsible for collecting and FREE lead in water testing. The pro- Tigard also purchases a substantial amount concerning effort for ownership in source, water samples from local sites representative gram targets households most at risk from of its water supply from the Joint Water visit the Water Division's website @ of our sources, distribution system and lead in water, including homes built be- Commission (JWC). The JWC is comprised www.ci.tigard.or.us/water. homes with lead solder in the plumbing. tween 1970 and 1985, where pregnant This information, as well as information women or children age six or younger live. from other wholesale water customers, al- lows Portland to conduct an effective corro- For more information about lead hazards, sion control treatment program reducing lead in water testing and childhood blood Information on Detected Contaminant s corrosion in plumbing by increasing the pH lead test,call the LeadLine at 503-988-400 of the water. Comparison monitoring re- or visit their website at www.leadhne.org. Arsenic,Barium,Chromium,Uranium and Fluo- Disinfection By-Products are formed as a result of ride are similar elements that occur in the earth's chemical reactions between chlorine and natu- CONTAMINANT COPPER LEAD curst. Metals (arsenic, barium, chromium and rally occurring organic matter in the water.These uranium) and other minerals (fluoride) can dis- byproducts can have negative health effects. The 90th Percentile Value 0.42 ppm 15.0 ppb solve into water that is in contact with solid in disinfection process is carefully controlled to groundwater aquifers. remain effective while keeping byproduct levels AL is exceeded IF more than 10%of the AL is exceeded IF more than 10%of the low. Action Level(AL) homes tested have levels greater than 1.30 homes tested have levels greater than Cryptosporidium is a microorganism (protozoan) ppm 15.0 ppm naturally present in surface water supplies Nitrate and Nitrites are nutrients that can support throughout the world.Surface water supplies are microbial growth(bacterial&algae). Nitrate and #of Sites exceeding AL No samples exceeded the Action Level Nine(9)of 111 samples exceeded the particularly vulnerable if they receive runoff or nitrite levels exceeding the standards can contrib- Action Level of 15.0 ppb pollution from human or animal wastes. Since ute to health problems. wildlife inhabits both the Trask-Tualatin River Maximum Contaminant 1.30 ppm 0.0 ppb Watershed and Bull Run Watershed the mana - yoccurring, g Level Goal(MCLG) � g RADON is a naturally radioactive as ing agencies regularly monitor for Cryptosporid- that you cannot see, taste, or smell. Radon is Corrosion of household&commercial ium and have done so for more than ten years. found all over the United States. Compared to Sources of Contaminant Corrosion of plmnbing system building lumbi Occasionally, low levels of Cryptosporidium are radon entering the home through soil,radon from plumbing systems found to be present. New national standards have tap water will typically be a small source of radon been established to further reduce the risks of in indoor air. Radon is a known human carcino- In addition to the 150 different contaminants illness from Cryptosporidium. Symptoms of in- gen. Breathing air containing radon can lead to tested for by our wholesale water providers, Ti- SAMPLING fection include nausea, abdominal cramps and lung cancer. Drinking water containing radon gard monitors Water quality through Water Sam- VIOLATION diarrhea. Most healthy individuals are able to may also cause increased risk of stomach cancer. overcome the disease within a few weeks. How- For more information about Radon,call the EPA's ples collected within the water distribution sys- During the 2002 - 2004 sampling ever, immuno-compromised people have more Radon Hotline(800-SOS-RADON). tem. Tigard's drinking water continues to meet difficulty and are at greater risk of developing period, the City of Tigard failed to severe life threatening illnesses. hnmuno- and/or exceed all Federal and State drinking g Sodium has not been assigned a drinking water collect an Arsenic sample from its g g compromised individuals are encouraged to con- water standards. If you have any questions and/ groundwater Well#2. An Arsenic standard by the Environmental Protection Agency. grosult their doctor regarding appropriate precau- Although sodium is an essential nutrient the levels or concerns regarding this report, contact Ti- sample will be taken in the summer tions to avoid infection.Cryptosporidium must be g � found in the drinking water are unlikely to sig- gard S Water Quality Program Coordinator at of 2005 and included in next year's ingested for it to cause disease,and may be spread nificantly contribute to adverse health effects. 503-718-2604 or visit our website at Water Quality Report. through means other than drinking water. www.ci.tigard.or.us/water.