2002 Water Quality Report Lead and Copper Public Meeting Lead and copper can enter the water through corrosion within the Announcement distribution system and/or in household plumbing systems. Tigard 0 0 t,/ j participates in a joint monitoring program with the City of Portland and is Interested customers are responsible for collecting water samples from local sites representative of our invited to attend the water sources, distribution system and homes with lead solder in the plumb- Intergovernmental Water ing. Board meeting held on the Elevated lead levels.were NOT detected in Tigard's water sources. water Qualityl Update second Wednesday of each However, in November 2002, 10%of the homes sampled contained lead levels exceeding the EPA's action level for lead of 15 parts per billion. month at 5:30 pm. PROVIDING Tigard's Water Sources NOTE: Infants and children who drink water containing lead in excess of the action level could experienc delays in their physical or mental develop- CONSUMERS WITH In 2002 Tigard supplied over 2 billion gallons of water to the 47,000 residents The meeting is held at the of King City, Durham, two-thirds of Tigard and the unincorporated area of Bull ment. Children could show slight deficits in attention span and learning CLEANS SAFE Tigard Water Building abilities. Adults,who drink this water over many years, could develop kidney Mountain. In order to meet the current water demands of our customers, Tigard Auditorium, located at problems or high blood pressure. Infants and children are typically more DRINKING WATER purchases 90%of its water supply from two reliable high-quality sources—the Bull vulnerable to lead in drinking water than the general population. Run Watershed and Trask-Tualatin River Watershed. 8777 SW Burnham Street in g g p p The City of Tigard is Tigard, Oregon. The Bull Run Watershed is managed by the City of Portland Water Bureau. A 90th #of Sites Maximum pleased to present its annual surface water supply, the watershed is located in the Mt. Hood National Forest. In ActionContaminant_ _l Goal Contaminantwater quality report for the year addition, Portland maintains groundwater wells to help meet the increase in water Values (A L) Action demand during the summer and fall months, as well as to provide a backup source Levels (MCLG) 2002. In order to ensure that the during emergencies. The Trask-Tualatin River Watershed is also a surface water Este ii6n me cimpore is source. Located in the coast range, the watershed is managed b the joint Water infotmacion muy importante exceeded if water being delivered is of the Commission (JWC). g g y more than No samples Corrosion of sobre su agua para beber. lo�i�of the p highest quality, Tigard staff Trre su alo o para con Copper 0.50 ppm exceeded 1.3 ppm plumbing In 2002, Tigard's demand ranged from 6.1 million gallons per day in winter homes tested alguien que to entienda Bien. have levels AL systems members are routinely monitor- months and up to 12.3 million gallons of water during the summer. In order to greater than ing the water throughout the accommodate surges in water demand, Tigard is able to supplement the water (Translation: This report contains 1.30 ppm supply with water pumped from city-owned, operated and maintained ground water distribution system and at our important information about your AL is Corrosion of wells. drinking water. Translate it, or exceeded if 19 of the household sources. This report outlines the Recognizing a need for ownership in a water supply capable of meeting speak with someone who more than 14703%) and understands it.) Lead 17.0 ppb 10%of the samples Zero ppb commercial analysis of Tigard's drinking current and future water demands, Tigard is researching the feasibility and homes tested collected affordability of becoming a partner with the Joint Water Commission. have levels exceeded building water quality for the past year greater than the AL plumbing 15.0 ppb systems and compares that data to the Testing the Waters standards set by the United Drinking water sources (both tap and bottled)include rivers, lakes, streams, States Environmental Protection ponds, reservoirs, springs and wells. Water travels over the surface of the land and/ Agency(EPA). The City of or through the ground, dissolving naturally occurring minerals which, in some cases, includes radioactive materials and other substances resulting from the presence of Tigard is happy to report that the animals or human activity. Contaminants that might be expected in untreated City of Tigard PRSRT-STD quality of our water continues to water include microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria; inorganic U.S. POSTAGE PAID contaminants such as salts and metals; pesticides and herbicides; organic chemicals 13125 SW Hall Blvd. PORTLAND, OR meet and/or surpass all Federal from industrial or petroleum use; and radioactive contaminants. Tigard, OR 97223 PERMIT NO. 2528 and State drinking water stan- Because of water's natural cycle, drinking water, including bottled water, may dards. We encourage you to reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. However, the presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that the water review the information provided. poses a health risk. To ensure that tap water is safe to drink, the Environmental If you have any questions or Protection Agency(EPA) prescribes regulations limiting the amount of certain ****** ECRWSS contaminants in water provided by public water systems. The EPA establishes test concerns please contact the City methods and monitoring requirements for contaminants and requires public water Postal Customer of Tigard's Water Quality systems to give public notice in the event of a violation. Program Coordinator at 503-718- More information about contaminants and potential health effects are available from the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 or on their website at 2604. www.epa.gov/ow. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Water YouI OURITY i RESUITS: Important Definitions Drink... WMaximum Contaminant Level Goal(MCLG).The level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or ex- In addition to the 150 Maximum Maximum pected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. different contaminants tested for Amount Contaminant Contaminant Level Contaminant Level Typical Sources Maximum Contaminant Level(MCL): The highest level of a by our wholesale uaterproviders, Detected ' contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLS are set as close to ' the City of Tigard monitors the = (MCL) Goal (MCLG) , the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology. waterualit through uater Total Coliform November samples Coliform bacteria may be q y rowg Naturally present in Action Level(AL): The concentration of a contaminant which if � had detected 0.02% present in no more than Zero bacteria detected � � samples collected throughout the environment exceeded, triggers treatment, or other requirements that a water system coliform bacteria re of monthly samples water distribution system. The must follow. adjacent table outlines the Turbidity (Range) Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs):Turbidity is a measure of contaminants found to be present Unfiltered 0.24 - 2.20 NTUs 5.00 NTU Not Applicable Soil runoff how clear the water looks because it can interfere with disinfection and in Tigards utater supply. ; provide a medium for microbial growth. ; Filtered 0.03 -0.07 NTUs 0.5 NTU 0.3 NTU Parts per million(ppm); parts per billion(ppb):These units If you have any questionsGiardia 1 sample of 126 Treatment Technique ; describe the levels of detected contaminants. One part per million is and/or concerns regarding this liters of water had required: Disinfection to Zero cysts Animal wastes ' equal to one minute in two years. One part per billion is equal to one ' report, contact the City of Tigard 12 cysts inactivate 99.9% of cysts ; minute in 2,000 years. ; Water Quality Program Coordi- Cryptosporidium** 1 sample of 126 Picocurries per Liter (pCi/1):A standard measurement of beta nator at 503-718-2604 or check liters of water had Not Applicable Not Applicable Animal wastes particles in water. the city's website at 3 oocysts 00 www.ci.tigard.or.us/uetter. Barium* 0.012 ppm 2.00 ppm 2.00 ppm Erosion of natural deposits Important Health Fluoride* 0.120 ppm 4.00 ppm 4.00 ppm Erosion of natural deposits in groundwater Unregulated Contaminants ' Information ' Nitrate (Range) CRYPTOSPORIDIUM is a microorganism(protozoan) naturally ; It is important to note that Erosion of natural deposits; present in surface water supplies throughout the world. Surface water some people may be more vulner- Unfiltered 0.03 -0.60 ppm 10.0 ppm 10.0 ppm animal wastes; farnis; septic I supplies are particularly vulnerable if they receive runoff or pollution systems ' from human or animal wastes. Since wildlife inhabits both the Trask- ' able to contaminants in drinking Filtered ND - 1.00 ppm water than the general population. ' Tualatin River Watershed and Bull Run Watershed, the managing agen- ' Specifically, immuno-compromised Sodium** Added to water during cies regularly monitor for Cryptosporidium and have done so for more ; persons such as cancer patients 1.10 - 12.0 ppm Not Applicable Not Applicable treatment and erosion of than ten years. undergoing chemotherapy, persons natural deposits Occasionally, low levels of Cryptosporidium are found to be ; who have undergone organ * ' resent. New national standards have been established to further reduce ' transplants, persons with HIV/AIDS Gross Alpha 1.71 pCi/1 15.0 pCi/1 0.00 pCi/1 Erosion of natural deposits ' p ' p p I the risks of illness from Cryptosporidium. Symptoms of infection include or other immune system disorders, Gross Beta* 12.2 pCi/l 50.0 pCi/1 0.00 pCi/1 in groundwater aquifers nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Most healthy individuals are or some elderly and infants, can be ' able to overcome the disease within a few weeks. However, immuno- ' particularly at risk from infections. Total Haloacetic Acids 0.0226 - 0.049 ppm 0.0030 avg. m 60.0 ppb 0.00 ppb compromised people have more difficulty and are at greater risk of These persons should seek advice g• pp Byproducts of drinking developing severe, life threatening illnesses. Immuno-compromised about drinking water from theirwater chlorination Total Trihalomethanes 0.0182 - 0.363 ppm � individuals are encouraged to consult their doctor regarding appropriate � health care providers. The Envi- 0.0265 avg. ppm 80.0 ppb 0.00 ppb precautions to avoid infection. Cryptosporidium must be ingested for it to ; ronmental Protection Agency and cause disease, and may be spread through means other than drinking the Centers for Disease Control and Disinfectant Residual water. Prevention provide guidelines on Unfiltered Chloramines ND- 1.9 ppm Water additive used to RADON is a naturally occurring, radioactive as that you cannot ' the appropriate means to lessen the 4.00 ppm 4.00 ppm � Y g, g y � control microbes see, taste, or smell. Radon is found all over the United States. Compared risk of infection by Filtered Chlorine .19 - 1.02 ppm � � Cryptosporidium and other micro- to radon entering the home through soil, radon from tap water will bial contaminants. For more Oregon Department of Human Services-Drinking Water Program allows monitoring for some contaminants less than once per typically be a small source of radon in indoor air. Radon is a known information call the Safe Drinking year because the concentrations of these contaminants do not change frequently. Some of the data, though representative, is more ; human carcinogen. Breathing air containing radon can lead to lung ; Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 or than one year old. cancer. Drinking water containing radon may also cause increased risk of visit the EPA's web site atI stomach cancer. For more information about radon call the EPA's Radon #* These are unregulated contaminants. Unreguatled contaminant monitoring helps the EPA to determine where certain www.epa.gov/ow. contaminants occure and wheatber it needs to regualte those contaminants. Hotline (800-SOS-RADON). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -