05/02/2012 - Summary City of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee [TTAC] Summary
Wednesday,May 02, 2012, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM
Tigard Library, 2nd Floor Conf. Room - 13500 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard, Oregon
Steven Bass (Chair); Karen Hughart (Vice Chair);Don Schmidt;Evelyn Murphy;Jennifer Stanfield;Mike
Stevenson;Don Schmidt; Shane Brown, alternate;Mark Bogert, alternate.
Christopher Warren; Basil Christopher;Dennis Mitchell.
Art Crino, citizen;Aaron Boyce, citizen.
Judith Gray, Sr. Transportation Planner;Michael McCarthy, Sr. Project Engineer; Shelley LaBarre, Sr.
Administrative Specialist; Sam Tilley,Planning Project Assistant.
1. Call to Order—Chair Steve Bass called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
2. Roll Call—Shelley LaBarre called roll. A quorum was present.
3. Consider summary of April 4th meeting—
The meeting summary was reviewed. Chairman Bass motioned for approval,Jennifer Stanfield
seconded. The summary was approved.
4. Visitor Comments.
Citizen Art Crino requested information about Wal-Mart. Staff will follow up with Mr. Crino on an
individual basis, due to a full meeting agenda. Citizen Aaron Boyce attended to learn more about
TTAC and current transportation planning in Tigard and to clarify information which he will
communicate back to his community.
5. City Budget process update.
Staff reviewed the general facts about the budget and suggested that those interested in commenting
on the budget attend the public hearings and sign up to comment on the record. The City manager's
budget update is included in the TTAC May packet. Capital projects impacts were briefly covered.
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6. Upcoming joint workshop with City Council.
The annual joint meeting between TTAC and the council is scheduled for July 17'h, 2012. TTAC
members who attended last year's session gave a brief recap of the process. Staff asked TTAC to
begin to think about what information should be included in an annual summary for council.
Contents for the summary will be further discussed at the June TTAC meeting.
7. SW Corridor Plan/HCT Land Use Plan
Staff reviewed how the SW Corridor Plan is related to the HCT plan. TTAC formed the core of the
Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) that worked on the HCT land use plan. The final report is now
completed,in draft form. The report will be on the agenda for the May 15,2012,joint meeting
between the Planning Commission and City Council.TTAC members are invited and encouraged to
The public involvement structure for the Southwest Corridor Plan is evolving. Staff expressed the
challenges of defining public involvement on this complex planning endeavor partly because
Tigard's CAC already completed its work on the Land Use Plan. Other cities are still working on
theirs and having current CACs to work with. For Tigard, the Connections Team will serve as a
public engagement forum to have input into this regional process. TTAC (several members) are
invited to be active on Connections Team. The goal is to remain flexible and encourage broad and
meaningful involvement in the regional plan. Future events will be scheduled when more is known
about the regional schedule.
8. Work session on potential Transit Service Improvements
Last year TriMet staff visited TTAC. There was conversation about areas that need better transit. At
the joint meeting with Council in June 2011,it was determined that it would be appropriate for
TTAC to identify needed transit improvements for Tigard, and share those with TriMet.
Given the on-going SW Corridor Plan,it is possible that this information could be used to develop
and evaluate transit options.
Staff directed a workshop-style brainstorming session to capture ideas,values and priorities
regarding transit needs and improvements in Tigard. Three teams discussed and captured their input
on maps of current Tigard's transportation system. Citizen guests participated, along with staff and
TTAC members. Staff posed the following questions:
• What are the areas that should have a new transit link (blue).
• What are the areas that should have a possible HCT route (orange).
• Are there areas not identified on the map that should be considered for potential transit
connections? (purple).
• Where should park&ride lots be located?
• Participants were also invited to make other comments or notes on the maps.
Input will be consolidated then brought back to TTAC for further discussion. Staff will forward the
input to SW Corridor Plan. Timing may be constrained by the regional planning schedule.
9. Project Updates/Announcements
MSTIP Update and Upcoming road/closure projects—Mike McCarthy gave a briefing on
MSTIP projects and upcoming road closure and slurry projects.
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10. Adjourn—
Jennifer Stanfield motioned to adjourn. Don Schmidt seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned
at 8:09 p.m..
Shelley LaBarre,TTAC Secretary
ATTEST: Steven Bass, Chairman
The next TTAC meeting will be held on Wednesday,June 06, 2012 at the Tigard Library 2nd Floor
Conference Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.from 6.30pm - 8.30pm.
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