09/01/2010 - Minutes City of Tigard. v Transportation Advisory Cotntnittee [TTAC] MINUTES Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 6:30 PM— 8:30 PM Tigard Library,Parking Lot near Wall Street- 13500 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard, Oregon and Field Tout as Outlined in Item #2 MEMBERS PRESENT (8): Christopher Warren;Basil Christopher; Dennis Mitchell; Maureen Wolf; Steven Bass; Karen Hughart (alternate);Mike Stevenson; and Jennifer Stanfield MEMBERS ABSENT (5): Anthony Rivano; Cam Gilmour Jeremy Vermilyea;Don Fox OTHERS PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT (2): Michael McCarthy, Sr. Project Engineer, and Duane Roberts, Project Planner 1. Action Item: Pedestrian/Bicycle Subcommittee Appointments The meeting started at 6:33 PM. Mike McCarthy presented the list of recommended members and alternates of the Pedestrian/Cyclist Subcommittee: Recommended Pedestrian and Bicyclist Subcommittee Members (in alphabetical order): Steve Boughton John Buczek Anne Hasson JillJensen Zach Ruby Kristen Tabor Stevie Viaene Heidi Weber-Wight I:\T�spomuon Advisory Committee\2010090110\DRAFF Minutes 09-01-10.d= Page I of 2 Recommended Alternates: Erik Reynolds David Baumgarten Christopher Warren moved for approval of the list. Dennis Mitchell seconded. The list was approved unanimously. 2. Field Tour Staff led the group in a tour of construction sites and trail projects around Tigard. Stop 1: Fanno Creek Trail at Library/Dee Ann Count Stop 2: Burnham Street Stop 3: Rail to Trail along Tigard Street (The Park Opposite Katherine Street) Stop 4: Fanno Creek Trail at North Dakota Street / Washington Square Loop Trail Stop 5: Pacific Highway (99W)/Hall-Greenburg/Main Intersection Improvements 3. Adjourn Tour ended and meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM. �Lch�a y�LUZ,4� Twila Willson, TTAC Secretary ATTEST: Christopher Warren,Vice-Chairman The next TTAC meeting will be held on Wednesdajr, October 6, 2010 from 6.-30pm —8:30pm, Tigard Library, 2"d Floor Conference Room. 1ATra is omuon Advisory Committee\2010\090110\D1?-APf Minutes 09-01-10.docx Page 2 of 2