03/03/2010 - Minutes City of Tigard
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Transportation Advisory Committee [TTAq MINUTES
Wednesday,March 3,2010, 6:30 PM— 8:30 PM
Tigard Library, 2"d Floor Conf. Room- 13500 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard, Oregon
Anthony Rivano (arrived at 6:35 pm);Basil Christopher; Cam Gilmour, Christopher Warren,Vice Chair;
Jennifer Stanfield;Jeremy Vermilyea, Chair;Joe Schweitz
Dennis Mitchell
Gretchen Buehner, Council Liaison; Carolyn Barkley
Carissa Collins, Sr. Management Analyst Doreen Laughlin, Sr. Administrative Specialist Judith Gray, Sr.
Transportation Planner; Michael McCarthy, Sr. Project Engineer;Twila Willson, Sr.Administrative Specialist
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 by Chair Jeremy Vermilyea. Twila Willson was introduced as the
Committee's Recording Secretary for the next four-month cycle.
2. Committee Business
a. Roll Call-Twila Willson called the roll.
b. Minutes —Jeremy Vermilyea presented the minutes from the February 3, 2010 meeting, asked if there
were any additions, deletions, changes, or items for discussion. Hearing none, the minutes were approved
as submitted by unanimous vote.
c. Visitor Comments —No comments from the visitor.
3. TTAC Membership
• Committee Vacancies
Judith Gray informed the Committee that the by-laws indicate eleven appointed members are needed to
complete the Advisory Committee,which means there are three vacancies. [Ail Chum, Rivano arrived]
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A formal announcement will be placed in Cityscape,but Committee members were also asked to invite
interested citizens to apply to serve on the Committee. Applications for possible TTAC appointments
can be located by going through the City's webpage under Volunteer Opportunities.
• Member Terms for Committee Rotation
The terms of appointment were reviewed describing the need for staggered terms to create rotation of
the committee members according to the by-laws. Judith Gray distributed a form for members to
complete with their term preferences. Gretchen Buchner pointed out that Council would prefer that
the Committee make term decisions,however, Council has the final say in term appointments. There
was some discussion regarding options for making term selections and it was suggested that staff could
request that some members serve a longer term if not enough members initially request longer terms.
4. Update on CIP
Catissa Collins explained there were still revisions needed before publishing the Financial Forecast. Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) has been entered into the budget. New to the budget this year will be breaking
staff costs into a category. The Financial Forecast will be completed by next Friday and presented after that.
The CIP is updated annually and the City has new software that will allow even more frequent updates.
5. Bicycle/Pedestrian Subcommittee
Mike McCarthy distributed the new Bike Maps to the committee. The TTAC members were very impressed
with the final results. The map is made from a non-paper product made from a limestone material (calcium
carbonate) and is waterproof, tear-resistant (baby proof, drool proof) and acid-free. The map features routes
that are color coded indicating various levels for ease of biking and also highlights areas of interest. The map
was created by city staff members Andrea Consalus, Helen Marvin, and Mike McCarthy. Maps were less
expensive than originally anticipated, so the excess money will be used toward signage of paths and helping low
income bikers.
Mike McCarthy distributed a draft of policies and procedures for the Pedestrian/Bicyclist Subcommittee. The
purpose of the subcommittee is to:
• Advise staff and TTAC on issues affecting pedestrians &bicyclists
• Enhance and promote the community of Tigard by supporting walking& cycling
The subcommittee will act in more of an advisory role. Staff will be able to bounce ideas off them. It is
suggested that nine members would be a good amount for this committee.
Discussion by committee members about draft policies for the subcommittee highlighted the following points:
• Recommended the subcommittee include a combination of bicyclists and pedestrians in order to
provide a balanced view and not be dominated by one side or another
• Accomplish balanced view through education and by management of the subcommittee by staff and
the TTAC representative
• Concentrate on filling in noticeable gaps (especially near schools) even though it may take years to
• Include business representation, PTAs, and law enforcement officer support on the subcommittee
• Research available funds through the State, etc.
• Recommend one and two year terms so there would be a staggered term membership
• Subcommittee Chair would be a TTAC representative (Basil Christopher will be the Chair) who would
keep the interests of TTAC in the forefront. Representative would regularly update TTAC on
subcommittee progress and recommendations
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• Members would have one vote
• Meetings would be every other month initially,with additional meetings as needed
• TTAC would want regular updates from the subcommittee
• Bike Path Map Committee should continue to work with the Bike Pedestrian Subcommittee and help
set priorities with trails/paths along with other projects
Questions arose about by-laws for the subcommittee and how formal the structure needed to be. It was
suggested there be a six-month trial period before deciding on setting the subcommittee's by-laws. In the
meantime, staff would check whether the subcommittee was covered under the same by-laws as the TTAC.
Pedestrians and cyclists might be able to come to a consensus of opinion when meeting as one group and
develop more proactive approaches to solving needs.The subcommittee could begin by validating concerns
using the bike map as a starting point to fill in what is needed. Subcommittee members will have variety in
their vision and input that is beneficial for staff and in their approach to needs for CIP projects.
Mike McCarthy closed with his request for TTAC to review and make recommendations to the draft of the
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Subcommittee policies and protocol.
6. Upcoming TTAC Participation/Representation
a. Tigard Greenway Trails Master Plan
Judith Gray mentioned the importance of TTAC representation in identifying, ranking and prioritizing
completion of the greenway trails. Practical, solid recommendations are needed before going to the
grant process.
Six citizen meetings, one field trip, and two optional open houses are planned. Duane Roberts will be
making the recommendation. Basil Christopher will be serving on the Technical Advisory Committee,
but not as a TTAC representative.
b. High Capacity Transit (HCT) Corridor Land Use Plan
First step is identifying locations with land uses that would support this type of transit. An advisory
committee will operate as a liaison to this committee,but the formation of this committee is several
months out. Jennifer Stanfield and Christopher Warren expressed an interest in serving on this
7. Other Staff Updates
Judith Gray informed the Committee that the draft Transportation System Plan (TSP) update was going to the
Planning Commission. Presentations will be made to Planning Commission (March 15) and Council (Match 30).
These will be followed by a series of work sessions with Planning Commission, followed by a public hearing and
recommendation to Council.A parallel series of discussions is an option to inform TTAC, however a 30-minute
presentation would not make it very meaningful. TTAC is also able to attend the March 15 Planning
Commission and March 30 Council presentations as well as the work sessions (the meetings build upon each
Carissa Collins reported the CIP/Budget public meetings start in the PW Auditorium on Mondays in April.
Mike McCarthy briefly reviewed construction projects:
Pacific Highway (the preferred terminology,not Highway 99W) bids for the county project have a March 24
deadline. Tigard will pay the county,who manages the project. Work will be at night and start in May. The goal
is completion this December, although weather conditions and anticipated construction issues make it likely the
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project would not be completed until next May. Utilities will be relocated as part of the project,which will
involve multiple utility companies. There is also a strong possibility of short term (a few days) closure of Main
Street, diverting traffic along Scoffins. This is a $10million total project.
The Hall Blvd. crosswalk/bridge project is completed with the grand opening on March 23.
Street Maintenance fees are reviewed every 5 years. Business fees are being reviewed now to ensure accuracy.
Projects for slurry seals and pavement overlays are selected for this summer. Pavement prices are very good
this year so many projects could be completed.
Look for flashing yellow arrows to be increasing in Tigard. Those improvement projects are underway.
Main Street design project—The consultant contract is being finalized, then design will begin. This will include
the three options (as-is, bike lanes, or people space) we talked about at a previous meeting. Technical analysis,
parking, and traffic analysis will be part of the early phase of conceptual design. CCAC and TTAC will be
involved in the process.
Burnham Street improvements are ahead of schedule. Next May is the scheduled completion date,but the
contractor is pushing to complete well before then and will likely succeed.
ODOT called the City of Tigard about an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) for a reconfiguration project to
improve the intersection of Pacific Highway with Gaarde Street and McDonald Street. Some group members
mentioned reasons why that intersection would be a good candidate for improvement.
8. Preview of April Meeting: TTAC Charges and Duties
• Review of the TTAC charges and duties in the bylaws
• Review Council's intent with TTAC and outline steps needed to accomplish recommendations to
Council.Any proposed changes would be recommendations to Council.
• TTAC is jointly staffed by three departments -- Finance,Public Works and Community Development.
How to ensure that appropriate involvement is accomplished?
9. Adjourn
Jeremy Vermilyea adjourned the meeting at 8:18 pm.
Twila Willson,TTAC Recording Secretary
ST: J emy Vermilyea, hairman
The next TTAC meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 7, at the Tigard Library 2'd Floor
Conference Room, 13500 SWHaM Blvd. from 6.•30pm—8:30pm.
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