11/04/2009 - Minutes City of Tigard N, Transportation Advisory Committee [TAC] MINUTES Wednesday,November 4, 2009, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM Public Works Auditorium, 8777 SW Burnham Street,Tigard, Oregon 97223 Members Present Gretchen Buehner x Anthony Rivano x Basil Christopher x Cam Gilmour Christopher Warren x Dennis Mitchell x Jennifer Stanfield x Jeremy Vermilyea x Joe Schweitz x Staff present Ron Bunch x Susan Hartnett x Gus Duenas x Toby LaFrance x Michael McCarthy Dennis Koellermeier Carissa Collins x Doreen Laughlin x Welcome and Introductions Susan Hartnett,Assistant Community Development Director, facilitated this meeting. She asked everyone to introduce themselves—which they did. She facilitated a quick ice-breaker by asking everyone to answer two questions: Approximately where they live; and what was the strangest mode of transportation they've ever used. Review of Committee Purpose and Operations Hartnett spoke a bit on the committee resolutions, touching on the by-laws, and went over the guidelines for participation. It was agreed that the committee would hold off on electing a chair and vice-chair until January. It was clarified that this is a committee—not a commission [even though the word"commission"had intermittently, and inadvertently,been used in the bylaws.] Hartnett stressed the importance to Council that this committee needed to span the three functional areas represented by the Community Development, Finance and Public Works departments as they relate to transportation issues and needs. Ron Bunch, Community Development Director, spoke about the importance of the City reaching out to the community regarding various subjects by means of utilizing community committees, task forces, and commissions. They discussed the TAC sub-committees and their interaction with the TAC. Page 1 of 3 Committee Meeting Time and Place/Committee Materials There was some discussion about changing the committee meeting night to the 2nd Wednesday instead of the first due to the lack of meeting space on that particular night and the open availability of the library's 2nd floor conference room on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Councilor Buehner noted that she wouldn't be available on the 2nd Wednesday due to another commitment on that particular night. Someone suggested meeting on a regular basis in the community room at Fire Station #50. The City will look into booking that facility and keeping the meeting night on the 15`Wednesday. Hartnett noted the members had been provided with 3-ring binders. She added that the City will email the Agenda and materials a week in advance of future meetings but there's no need for members to print them out, unless they want to. Three-hole punched materials will be provided at each meeting for insertion into their binders to help keep their material organized. The committee members would also be provided with tab/dividers with dates [or the months of the year]. In addition, some blank tabs will be provided for their convenience - so they can organize their binders in any manner they'd like. Committee Leadership There was discussion about the need and desire to have a committee chair. Hartnett noted this would be revisited in January after some time has passed and the committee members have a chance to get to know each other and have a better sense of the responsibility involved. Member Input There was a suggestion that the Planning Commission, City Council, and the TAC have a joint meeting. Councilor Buehner suggested a February workshop specifically on the Transportation System Plan (TSP) and policy decisions relating to transportation—and its relation to land use planning. Two separate issues— possibly both on the same night. The members want to know what the "total picture"is with regard to the Downtown Circulation Plan. It was suggested that Sean Farrelly, Downtown Redevelopment Manager,give a big picture overview of this at a future meeting. There was a suggestion that a list of common transportation& City acronyms, and their meanings, be provided to the committee. Members Interests and Areas of Focus They went around the table [round robin style] and members spoke about their interests, areas of focus that were important to them, and their past experience with committees, task forces, etc. -particularly with regard to transportation. Update on Street Maintenance Fee (SMF) Toby La France,Director of Finance, spoke about the Street Maintenance Fee and summarized what had gone on over the course of the last year with regard to the SMF. He went over the "SMF Scorecard" (green box) which had been provided in the materials that had been distributed. There were some questions regarding the process of collecting the SMF. He spoke about how the fee would be indexed and phased in. He also spoke about the extensive outreach that had taken place informing citizens about changes in these fees. Page 2 of 3 Major Transportation Project Overviews Gus Duenas,Development Engineer, talked about the Transportation System Plan. He gave a history of the TSP and its adoption. He said it's in the process of an update, and by March of next year there will be a draft.. At that time it will go through the Council process. He then gave a brief project overview. [The "Project List" had been provided in the materials.] He spoke about the System Development Charge (SDC). In order to end the meeting in a timely manner,Harnett suggested this discussion continue at the next meeting. The members all agreed. Wrap up and Next Meeting At the next meeting there will be an overview of Transportation Funding Sources and the relationship to the City Budget. There will also be major transportation project overviews and updates. In January the subject will be the financial forecast,update on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) process as well as looking into committee leadership. Thanks were extended to all the members for their willing participation on the committee. Hartnett will look into a Tuesday night with Council in February or March for the joint meeting. The next TAC meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 2, at Fire Station #SO (on Walnut) in Tigard,from 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Adjournment Hartnett adjourned the meeting at 8:30pm. Page 3 of 3