11/06/2013 - Summary City of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee [TTAC] Meeting Summary
Wednesday, November 6,2013, 6:30 PM— 8:30 PNI
Tigard Library,2"d Floor Conf Room- 13500 S\X'Hall Blvd,Tigard, Oregon
MEMBERS PRESENT (7): Steven Bass (Chair), Karen Hughart (Vice Chair), Mark
Bogert,Evelyn Murphy,Jennifer Stanfield, Mike Stevenson,Don Schmidt
MEMBERS ABSENT (1): Dennis Mitchell
City Councilor Marc Woodard, liaison to the TTAC, Elise Shearer, CCAC
representative; Kevin Watkins, Tigard resident; Wade Scarborough, Kittelson and
Associates; Wayne Bauer, WH Pacific; Patrick Oakes, Washington County Land
Use and Transportation
Kim McMillan, Engineering Manager; Mike McCarthy, Streets and
Transportation Sr Project Engineer; Carissa Collins, Sr Management Analyst;
Toby LaFrance, Finance and Information Services Director; Chris Wiley, Sr
Administrative Specialist
1. Call to Order 6:36 pm— Chair Step-en Bass
Roll Call— Chris
Approval of Sept 4 Meeting Summary—Approved
Visitor Comment—None
City of Tigan d 113125 S lY/Hall Blvd, Tigan d OR 97223 1503-6394171 1 www.4eard=or. ov Pale 1 of 2
I/TranjporlationAdvisog Covwiitlee/2013/11—Nov/1106 13 Meeting Summa
2. Walnut Street Improvements (See Attachments 1 through 5) — Kim McMillan
A. Kim invited Patrick Oakes from Washington County Land Use and Transportation,
Wayne Bauer from WH Pacific, and Wade Scarborough from Kittleson and
Associates to participate in the review of the plan proposals with the committee
members. This 7.3 million dollar project is funded with MSTIP funds and funds
from the City. (Attachments 1, 2)
B. Wade said approximately 50 people attended the public meeting regarding the
project. Most inquiries were detail specific to individual property needs and desires
for access to sanitary sewer, etc. Chair Steve Bass commented on the sidewalks and
walkability in the school area, noting there was a long sidewalk with no intersection
for crossing the street. Wade responded that one possibility might be to install a
flashing pedestrian crossing sign or there are other options that could be considered
for traffic calming in other areas. Kittleson will take a look at it.
C. A great deal of discussion was specific to the intersection alternatives presented for
the intersection at 135th and Walnut. (Attachments 3, 4, 5, 6) Kittleson reported
there was no preferred option among the three alternatives for the intersection.
From staff perspective, a signal costs less money and moves traffic a little more
efficiently during the peak times; roundabouts move traffic more efficiently the rest
of the day. Either option will handle traffic capacity through 2035 anticipated
growth. A roundabout won't allow for a gap in the traffic like a signal will.
Roundabouts have less delay than signals. Wade said safety in a roundabout is
minimally better than an intersection. At the end of the discussion, Chair Bass asked
the members for a vote on which alternative they felt was the better option. It was
unanimous for all TTAC members present for a roundabout configuration versus an
intersection signal.
3. CIP Project Descriptions —Mike McCarthy (Attachments 7, 8, 9)
A. Finance Director Toby LaFrance explained that TTAC's task is to choose which projects
they believe most represent the community's interests without regard for funding sources.
This is the priority stage, not the budgeting stage. That step takes place later on in the
B. Staff presented the list of proposed and a scoring sheet for the members to fill out and asked
members to help them with the following tasks:
City of Tigard 113125 SIHall Blvd, Tigard OR 97223 1503-6394171 1 avxx.tigard-or.vnov I Pagel of 2
I/TraiuportationAdvisog Committee/2013/11—Nov/1106 13 Meeting Summary
1. Committee members should choose three to five top projects they'd like to see done
and three to five projects they're placing at the bottom of the priority list.
2. Staff asked TTAC members to please put their explanatory= notes about why they
chose those particular projects as their top five or bottom five. Rate each selection on a
scale from 0 (no desire to have the project) to 5 (Extremely Important), individually, not
in relationship to each other. In other words, there could conceivably be three projects
that are rated a 5. The ratings guidelines are as follows:
5 —Extremely important
4 —Very important
3 — Important
2—Somewhat important
1 —Neutral
0 —Do not want it
3. Committee members make their choices and return the scoring sheet to staff by
Monday, November 25.
4. Staff will come back to the December TTAC meeting to present the aggregated
scoring so the TTAC members can review the rankings.
5. Can the TTAC chair or another designee from the committee attending the quarterly
Budget Meeting on Tuesday,January 21 when the listing is presented to the Budget
C. At the conclusion of the presentation, the committee agreed:
1. The committee wants the rating form emailed.
2. They acknowledged it needs to be returned the by Monday, November 25.
3. Steve Bass will be going to the quarterly budget committee meeting on January 21 at
6:30 pm
City of Tigard 113125 SIYI Hall Blvd,Tigan d OR 97223 1503-6394171 1 avwly.tigard-oov I Page 1 of 2
I/Transportation Advisory Committee/2013/11—Nov/1106 13,Weeting Summag
4. Comments/recap from joint meeting with council- Steve/All
A. Mike McCarthy passed out copies of the paving report and associated maps.
(Attachments 10, 11) He will be going before Council on November 19 to discuss
street maintenance fees and other aspects of the paving program.
B. Steven reported the September 17 joint TTAC/Council meeting went well.
5. Adjournment
Steven adjourned the meeting at 8:37 pm.
APPROVED CL"Chris"Wiley,TTAC A1Qti Secretary
ATTEST: Steven Bass, Chairman
Recording Secretary's Note:To requests copies of the attachments to these minutes,please email:
The next TTAC meeting will be held on Wednesday,December 4, at the Tigard Library
2nd Floor Conference Room, 13500 SWC Hall Blvd.from 6.30pm- 8.30pm.
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I/TransportationAdvisog Committee/2013/11—Nov/1106 13 Meeting Summary