09/04/2013 - Summary City of Tigard
Transportation Advisory Committee [TTAC] Meeting Summary
Wednesday,September 4,2013, 6:30 PM—8:30 PM
Tigard Library,2"Floor Conf. Room- 13500 SW Hall Blvd,Tigard,Oregon
MEMBERS PRESENT (4): Steven Bass (Chair), Karen Hughart (Vice Chair),
Mark Bogert,Dennis Mitchell
MEMBERS ABSENT (5): Mike Stevenson,Don Schmidt,George Hetu,
Evelyn Murphy, and Jennifer Stanfield
City Councilor Marc Woodard, liaison to the TTAC and Elise Shearer, CCAC
Mike McCarthy, Streets and Transportation Sr Project Engineer; Carissa Collins, Sr
Management Analyst;Toby LaFrance, Finance and Information Services Director;
Chris Wiley,Sr Administrative Specialist
1. Call to Order 6:34 pm—Chair Steven Bass
Roll Call—Chris
Approval of August 7 Meeting Summary—as there was no quorum of members at
this meeting who had participated in the August meeting the minutes could not be
approved. Chris will ask for an electronic vote from the August toll.
Visitor Comment—None.
2. Project Prioritization/CIP (see Attachment 1 to these minutes)
A. Toby met with Council on August 20 and they asked for some changes to the CIP
process. Council members said the first time they see the CIP is when the
prioritization is already accomplished and it is introduced in the budget. Council
members would like to see the CIP recommendations earlier in the process. Toby
City of Tigard13125STVHa11Blvd, TigardOR97223 503.6394171 1 zuw.deard-or. ow Pale1of3
I/TraniponationAdvi og Committee/2013/09-Sep/09 04 13 Meeting Sunsmary
explained that for committees; the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB)
looks at CIP projects related to parks,TTAC looks at CIP projects related to
transportation, etc. During the month of September, staff is taking input from
citizens. Staff also makes recommendations. Input from all sources carries equal
weight. During the month of October, staff swill take a look at the data and develop a
manageable list so projects can start being prioritized. Toward the end of October,
the beginning of November, staff will send the CIP list to Council for their first look.
Council will ensure the priorities they've heard from the community are included.
Council will be asking staff and committees when they look at their ratings, their
rationales for why they put one project ahead of another. Once the CIP priorities are
established, they will be worked into the budget. Councilor Woodard said it is the
ultimate responsibility of the Council to ensure priorities are up to date with real
world needs and the current economy.
B. Toby said generally for TTAC, CIP prioritization is a two-step process. Mike
McCarthy brings a list of projects to be considered for prioritization. The second step
is for the TTAC members to review the data and return their priorities list to Mike.
The TTAC should then identify their top five selections and include a written
justification for their choices. The target is to have the TTAC data in by mid-
December so staff can keep the process moving forward. Mike McCarthy said
perhaps the rating sheet can be redesigned to include a column for the rationale.
C. After the CIP priority list is completed, staff will explain to TTAC what is funded and
what resources may be available to fund other projects or how projects might be
rolled together so more can be accomplished with the same dollars.
D. Councilor Woodard thanked the committee members for the great job they do
supporting the city council.
3. Joint Council/TTAC meeting in September
The committee members worked on their outline for the joint meeting coming up on September
17 and discussed which committee members would address each of the specific outline
topics. Although a few members were unable to attend, they left messages to let the
committee know their areas of interest. A draft will be sent out to all the TTAC members
for their review and finalization.
4. Other Updates —Mike McCarthy updated the TTAC members on the following projects:
A. Walmart is doing roadwork around the 72nd/Hunziker intersection.
B. The 92nd Avenue sidewalk to Cook Park construction started last week. It's planned
to be completed in October.
City of Tigard 113125 5171 Hall Blvd, Tigard OR 97223 1503-6394171 1 wvw.de ag rd-or.g o Page 2 of 3
I/Traniportation.4dvirog Committee/2013/09-SepI09 04 13 Afeetiq Sumiiiay
C. The 99/Gaarde/McDonald intersection is up to 60% design. Right-of-way costs are
coming in higher than expected.
D. At Walnut Street, staff will be looking at two concepts: (1) Walnut/135th intersection
for a signal or a roundabout and all the attendant considerations and (2) a segment in
front of Fowler School; considering a 3-lane section all the way through or narrow
down to a 2-lane section in places (delete center turn lane),or will the street have too
much traffic to delete the center turn lane?
E. Staff is putting together the list of streets to pave next summer. TTAC members can
let Mike know if they have any recommendations.
F. Elise Shearer asked if the city could patch the crosswalk that crosses Tigard Street by
Sherrie's Jewelry Box. Mike said they w-ill try to get some temporary patching in to
hold things over until the big job next year.
G. Fanno Creek Trail connection work is going on now at the Grant Street end. There
will also be bike access.
H. Work continues on the SW Corridor plan.
5. Adjourrunent
Steven adjourned the meeting at 8:14 pm.
Meeting Secretary
ATTEST: Steven Bass,Chairman
The October 2013 TTAC meeting was cancelled.
The next 7TAC meeting will be held on Wednesday,November 6, at the Tigard Library
2"dFloor Conference Room, 13500 SW HallBlvd.from 6.30pm- 8.30pm.
City of Tigard 113125 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard OR 97223 1503-639-4171 vwmn<tigard-or.& I Page 3 of3
I/Trace,portationAdivosy Committee/2013/09-Sep/09 04 13 Meeting Summary